I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 177 Chapter 179 Codename 'Wolverine'

The underground research base of Yokosuka Port resounded with piercing sirens.

"Activate the emergency plan, escort the scientists to the ground, and the others and I go to the combat command room!" Admiral William remained calm in the face of danger, commanding with determination.

A team of elite guards quickly transferred the professors outside the glass curtain wall to the emergency passage.

This group of professors, many of whom have won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, their brains are the most valuable asset of the Yokosuka Port Secret Research Institute.

In the Yokosuka Port Research Base, except for the Buddha Zen Stone Bowl, Doctor Satomi, and a few experimental subjects, their importance even exceeds that of the Beta-level Type A held in the base.

Naturally, there is absolutely no room for loss.

"Officer Mori, follow up."

General William glanced at a few Japanese squatting in the corner with their heads in their hands, lifted their hooked noses and sneered arrogantly, then left a word, and strode forward with long strides.

Mr. Mori stood up a little awkwardly. Although he was beautiful, he was still an islander at heart, and his fear of earthquakes was deeply rooted in his bones. When the ground shakes, I instinctively hide.

Every country has different national conditions.

If it was gunshots just now, then those who squatted down with their heads in their hands should be those American professors.

"Wolverine started the riot?"

On the screen in the combat command room, there was a lizard-shaped monster covered in bone armor and with white bone spurs on its back, rampaging in the aisle.


The research base has cost a lot of money. The engineering structure of the structure is very stable. Not only the earthquake resistance has reached the top level, but the metal gate wall made of alloy is also extremely strong. Even military grenades cannot blow through it.

But all of this is like a bean curd project, the lizard monster easily broke through the sealed passage and rushed into another space.

"Report, Area A was breached by 'Wolverine', and the alert level has been raised to level two!"

The radio in the combat command room played a prompt that made everyone's expressions change.

"How could it be 'Wolverine'?! Its importance, even if all the other Type A's in the base are combined, can't compare. How did it get out of the detention room and run out?"

General William frowned, his face was worried, and he cursed at the staff in white coats.

"No, the sedatives and anesthetics injected into 'Wolverine' are strictly in accordance with the prescribed doses, which will definitely keep it in a continuous coma state." The staff quickly explained.

"Is it because of drug resistance?"

The unique danger code-named "Wolverine" surpassed all the monsters in the base, so the scientists have been continuously injecting it with psychotropic drugs to keep it in a lethargic state for many years.

Even if it is eating, the base directly pours it into the stomach of 'Wolverine' through a feeding tube.

It is also because 'Wolverine' is a supernatural monster with a special organizational structure that can withstand this kind of toss.

"Impossible, especially since the spinal fluid of 'Wolverine' was collected in the morning, and the dosage is twice as much as usual! Even if drug resistance develops, it is impossible to wake up at night."

What the hell is going on?

How could there be a sudden change?

General William's eyes flashed a bit dark, and he seemed to think of something, and asked quickly:

"How about the type A detained on the upper floor, did a riot happen?"

"No, not really."

The staff member looked at the tablet in his hand, swiped it a few times, then hesitated and said:

"However, these types A all showed animal-like stress reactions, alertness, panic, panic...all trembling, as if they were afraid of something."

"It's also good news."

Although it is not known what mutation happened that caused the 'Wolverine' to wake up and break free from the shackles for the time being, but no matter what, it could not escape this finely crafted metal cage.

"Report! 'Wolverine' is moving towards Zone D!"

"Has the partition door been lowered?" General William asked in a deep voice.

"By the time the first alarm sounded, the partition doors in all areas had been lowered."

General William nodded slightly, feeling a little relieved.

He stared intently at the monster on the screen.

Although the code name is "Wolverine", the bone armor, spines and bony horns protruding from the monster's head look like a mutated dinosaur formed by mixing Stegosaurus and Ankylosaurus.


The white bone spurs on the surface of 'Wolverine' were still growing, rubbing against the wall in the long and narrow passageway, sparks burst out, leaving behind scratches.

"Here we come, 'Wolverine' has come to the isolation gate in Area D."

The cameras all over the base sent all the whereabouts of the 'Wolverine' to the screen in the combat command room, and some officers looked a little ugly.

"What are you afraid of! The partition door made of special alloy has a thickness of 2000mm, even the AGM-114R2 Hellfire missile cannot penetrate it." General William said in a deep voice.

Between the words, 'Wolverine' had already rushed to the isolation door, raised its front paws, Bai Sensen's bone claws shot out, and scratched fiercely at the isolation door.


Sparks splattered, but only a few shallow scratches were left on the isolation door.


The bony spur-covered lizard monster roared a few times unwillingly, and began to retreat more than ten meters away, looking directly at the isolation door that reflected the cold metal light.

"Crackling" The crisp sound of joint growth came from the body of 'Wolverine', and a bunch of jagged bones grew out of its body, ignoring the biological rules.

The most conspicuous thing is that from the shoulder blades on both sides of 'Wolverine', there are huge bone spurs that are as long as one meter and as thick as an arm!

From the perspective of the surveillance camera on the ceiling, looking down from above, it looks like a triceratops.

"Transformed, this is its strongest attack form recorded in the file! It once used this move to smash two armored vehicles of the Self-Defense Force into scraps of iron."

The people in front of the screen couldn't help but hold their breath.

'Wolverine' rushed towards the partition door with great momentum.


The ceiling vibrated, and the dust fell wheezingly. General William and other people in the war room felt their feet trembling. Section Chief Sen almost instinctively crouched in the corner with his head in his arms.

The metal partition door was sunken into a nearly half-meter pit, but it still remained motionless.

"Didn't break through! Didn't break through!"

"God bless."

The officers and staff in the war room cheered excitedly.


But everything was not over yet, the lizard monster covered with bone spurs lowered its head, its thick white spine pierced through the flesh and stretched out.

"This kind of attack has never been seen before!"

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