I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 180 Chapter 182 The Avenger

the next day.

The sky is clear, the weather is clear, the wind is breezy, and it is during the Golden Week in May. This national highway from Tokyo to Saitama Prefecture should have been full of traffic, but it is blocked by traffic jams near the suburbs of Saitama Prefecture.

Even if some drivers were unwilling to run so far for nothing, they could only obediently turn around and return the same way when they saw the armed self-defense forces in front of the checkpoint.

Passing through the checkpoints set up on the national highway, Uchiha Senmon drove to the hills not far from the urban area of ​​Saitama Prefecture.

On Google Maps, there used to be a gas station here, but now there are no ruins left.

"This time, an explosion from a gas pipeline can't be used perfunctorily. An explosion at a gas station? But an explosion at a gas station won't change the terrain and cut off the top of the mountain."

Uchiha Sento got out of the car, looked at the scene like the center of a nuclear explosion, couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

At the scene of the explosion, there were also a group of personnel in white protective clothing, searching for something with various instruments in their hands.

"While you were driving, the Metropolitan Police Department had already issued a notice that a tank truck full of chemical liquids rushed into the gas station and a chain explosion occurred."

A fat police officer with more than one-tenth of the tonnage got down from the back seat of the police car.

It's hard to imagine that a person with such a weight is actually the head of the fourth search class.

"Chairman, the center of the explosion is not far from Saitama Prefecture. Tens of thousands of people saw the fireball mushroom cloud and were awakened by the explosion. Is this reason really convincing?"

"Could citizens be able to tell the difference between a chemical tanker explosion and a missile explosion, or the difference between a superhuman war?"

Section Chief Akagi took out his phone and checked the time.

"The Great War that took place in the Ota district of Tokyo, the country can press down, let alone the big explosion in the suburbs of Saitama Prefecture. Unless the extraordinary people razed the Imperial Palace to the ground, those big figures will continue to whitewash the peace."

Uchiha Xianmen's expression darkened. In the Metropolitan Police Department, he belongs to the open school, that is, he advocates disclosing the fact of extraordinary existence to the public.

However, the actions of the Metropolitan Police Department disappointed Uchiha Xianmen. No matter how many people died, no matter how much movement the superhuman made, the Metropolitan Police Department was determined to conceal the truth.

Especially in downtown Tokyo, after the earth-shattering battle between Master Ji Lu and Scorpion organized by Akatsuki, the state machinery operating at full capacity was able to forcefully erase all video data on the Internet in the Reiwa era of advanced information.

Even in the foreign media, which has always boasted of freedom of public opinion and freedom of the press, there is no search for a single word.

The resistance faced by the open faction is greater than Uchiha Xianmen imagined.

"Tsk tsk tsk, although I've seen the satellite map, it's still more interesting to be there in person."

Section Chief Akagi looked around, took out his mobile phone and took a few pictures, and said in admiration.

"I originally thought Master Lu and the Red Sand Scorpion were brave enough, but I didn't expect Itachi to be stronger than them! Looking at the tragedy, in terms of destructive power alone, this time is the most powerful."

The earth-shattering explosion that happened not long after the early morning naturally shook the Tokyo area immediately, and the Metropolitan Police Department was in a panic.

The ambulance staff who were rescued by Uchiha Minaru immediately called the police after returning to the urban area. Through their confessions, the Metropolitan Police Department also knew who the Transcendent who appeared at the explosion site was and the enemies he dealt with.

"This extraordinary person named Itachi must be the so-called shadow-level powerhouse in Master Lu's mouth. He already has the ability to control the mind and teleport, and with this missile-level big explosion, the big men on it may be It's going to be hard to sleep or eat."

Section Chief Akagi laughed heartlessly a few times, as if he had nothing to do with him.

"However, I personally think that 'Itachi' has no malice towards the Metropolitan Police Department, no, at least it has no malice towards human beings. Like this time he rescued people, and he is still saving people in the abandoned city, which can prove that he is not a vicious person." Uchi Bo Xianmen pondered for a moment and said.

Because it was in front of the trusted Section Chief Akagi, Uchiha Xianmen didn't have too many scruples and spoke his mind.

"Xianmen, you don't understand the logic of the big people above. It doesn't matter whether you are malicious or not, what matters is whether you have this ability." Chief Chicheng said meaningfully.

"What if it is an ordinary civilian, even an invincible person with no father, no mother, no children and no daughters? But a superhuman with great power is different. Who cares about the person holding the nuclear bomb launch button Is it good or evil? Having subversive power that is out of control is intolerable to any government."

Uchiha Xianmen sighed, it's not that he doesn't understand these principles.

It's just that there are too many selfish desires and evil thoughts mixed in among the top levels of the Japanese government, causing many of its policies to run counter to the interests of the public.

"Xianmen, has anyone ever told you that you have some kindness for a woman? You have always been like this when you were in college."

Section Chief Akagi kindly called Uchiha Senmon's name and persuaded him.

"If you want to be the head of the fourth investigation section, this is not good."

"Master, what does this mean?"

Uchiha Xianmen heard the words, raised his glasses, and his tone was very serious.

"I have already applied to the Chief Police Officer for sick leave, and I have recommended you to be the next head of the Fourth Search Section!" The big news that Section Chief Akagi shattered made Uchiha Xianmen a little unprepared.

"Chairman, are you going to retire from illness? Could it be that your old injury has flared up again?" Uchiha Xianmen hurriedly asked.

"It's about the same. Back then, I entered the finals of the National Police Kendo Competition just like you, but the side effects of continuing to take drugs after the injury made me obese and become what I am now."

Chief Akagi pinched his belly and laughed at himself.

"Especially since April, extraordinary incidents have occurred frequently, the workload has doubled, and the body has become more and more strenuous. If this continues, I may die young."

Section Chief Akagi patted Uchiha Senmon on the shoulder, and smiled heartily.

"Don't show such an expression, it's a good thing. Although I can't go abroad because of the non-disclosure agreement, I can also go to Okinawa to enjoy the scenery of the southern country and recuperate my body. With the merits you have accumulated before, and you persuaded General William to get the police chief There should be no problem with his appreciation and recommendation."

"Xianmen. The burden of searching the fourth class will be handed over to you!"

"I will work hard!" Uchiha Senmon closed his eyes and nodded heavily.

"Speaking of which, Xianmen, you don't have to go to the front line when you become a class leader. In this way, you also have time to spend with your family." Akagi asked as if thinking of something.

"Your and Mikoto's children should be in high school, right? Which school do you study in?"

"It should be the first year of high school, but I can't remember which school I studied in." Uchiha Xianmen was startled when he heard this, and then lowered his head to wipe his glasses to hide his embarrassment.

"You don't look like a father like this. Before you devoted yourself to work, I really wanted to talk about you. Meiqin also doesn't want to see your relationship with your children being so cold."

"It's for Mikoto that I have to work harder. Only in the fourth search section of the Metropolitan Police Department can I catch that monster's tell."

Uchiha Xianmen's voice turned cold, and in the dark eyes, there was a raging anger that was unique to the avengers and determined to burn the world to the ground.

Section Chief Akagi had a complicated expression on his face, as if he still felt a little guilty, he bit his lower lip and said nothing.

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