I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 181 Chapter 183 Cthulhu?

It is really which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted.

Section Chief Akagi scolded himself secretly.

Although Xianmen is usually polite and refined, but as long as he mentions about Meiqin, it is like a different person, with a murderous look on his hair.

Although it has been a full ten years since Mikoto was killed, the fire of Uchiha Xianmen's revenge is still raging, and he even regards himself as a torch, and wants to burn it together with the world.

"Although we came to the scene of the big bang, looking at the devastation, I'm afraid there won't be any clue left." Section Chief Akagi quickly changed the subject.

He took out a few photos from the special enlarged and widened police uniform lining.

It was captured on the driving recorder at that time, and the technical department has tried its best to restore it.

In the photo, in addition to the face of the transcendent 'Itachi', which all police officers from the Fourth Division of the Metropolitan Police Department are familiar with, the earth grudge monster that appeared at the scene was also photographed.

Countless slippery and wriggling black tentacles are intertwined and huddled together to form a huge monster.

The dense black tentacles looked like monsters from another planet. It was so disgusting that several female colleagues vomited out on the spot.

Even the seasoned investigators in the fourth section of the search felt their scalps tingling and their bodies covered in goosebumps when they saw this scene.

Not just physical nausea, but deep fear.

With the equipment on them, even a grenade is no more than a tickle.

Only the SAT, the Self-Defense Forces, and even the US Army can dispatch this monster!

"This monster has never appeared in other records. Its body shape, size, and indescribable posture covered with countless black tentacles are also unique among monsters. On the contrary, it is more like Cthulhu style Monster." Uchiha Xianmen said.

The Earth Resentment Monster that appeared in the dash cam really shocked the Metropolitan Police Department. The indescribable shape formed by the countless tentacles and the strong vitality of immortality are very similar to the popular overcoming monsters in recent years. A monster in Sulu mythology.

If the monsters of the Cthulhu series really descended near Tokyo, the consequences would be unimaginable.

However, the medical team and psychological experts of the Metropolitan Police Department conducted a comprehensive physical examination and psychological diagnosis and treatment on the personnel of the ambulance.

Aside from normal frightened excesses, there are no signs of distortion contamination or psychosis.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm.

"The elusive Transcendents are enough to cause headaches for the higher-ups. If there is another Cthulhu, then Tokyo, no, the island country will almost be finished."

Section Chief Akagi smiled wryly, took out his ID, found the person in charge who was investigating on the spot, chatted for a few words, and walked back resentfully.

"Sure enough, during the big explosion and fire, there was no trace at all, and even the death toll is unclear. Of course, the camera data stored at the gas station did not survive. Now the Metropolitan Police Department is looking for clues and confirming the death based on the cameras at both ends of the national highway. The number of victims." Said Chief Akagi.

Uchiha Xianmen also looked a little sad.

He had seen too much, and he was involved in a case where no bones remained in extraordinary events like this.

Although in Japan, the number of people who die or disappear due to extraordinary events every year is only about four digits, which is a small enough probability to be ignored for a population of 140 million. But for the parties involved, it was a near-death situation.

"The whereabouts of the extraordinary 'Itachi' must not be counted on."

After the Extraordinary War in Ota District, through the few words of Master Jilu and the Red Sand Scorpion, the Metropolitan Police Department speculated that the principle of the Transcendent’s teleportation may be because of its projection from another world. After the purpose is completed, the projection is released or Returning to the upper realm, then the Metropolitan Police Department is naturally helpless.

Coupled with spending a lot of manpower and material resources to find them everywhere, the Metropolitan Police Department has half-abandoned searching for traces of supernatural beings at the social level.

"The only clue now is the mysterious container truck at that time. According to the telephone records of the emergency center, the staff at the gas station found the container truck overturned and thought it was a report of a car accident." Section Chief Akagi touched his feet. With a jaw full of three layers of flesh, he mused.

At this moment, Section Chief Akagi's phone rang suddenly, he turned around with difficulty, and took out his phone from behind his waist.

"What... oh, Hyoudou...damn, how could this be... ok, I see..."

The phone call lasted more than ten minutes, during which Section Chief Akagi's face was dark and uncertain, and when he hung up the phone at the end, his whole face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

"The situation is more serious than imagined!"

Uchiha Xianmen looked awe-inspiring, and from the intermittent content on the phone, he realized the seriousness of the situation.

"The Department of Technology has found the company it is affiliated with based on the license plate of the container truck. The owner of the car has been killed at home, and the whereabouts of two container trucks from the company under his name are unknown. The other container truck has also been found. It is in Yamanashi Prefecture near Aokigahara. The national highway has been abandoned." Section Chief Akagi said with a sigh.

That is, is the thread broken?

Uchiha Xianmen frowned.

"Based on the travel records of another container truck and the camera backtracking along the way, the technical department found that after the two container trucks were stolen, they stayed in the suburbs at the junction of Banqiao District and North District for a long time."

"What are you doing where?" Uchiha Xianmen asked.

"There is an underground shelter built before the war, but it has been contracted by a private company. There are traces of extensive destruction at the entrance of the shelter. The investigator has already stepped forward and found something very interesting inside." Chief Akagi's eyes were covered by fat cheeks so that only a slit could be exposed, full of complex colors.

"For example, a large number of monsters have lived for a long time, and the underground shelter has turned into a monster's lair!"

"It turned out to be like this."

Uchiha Xianmen's tone could not conceal the shock.

Under the suppression of the Fourth Division of Search and the Fifth Division of Public Security, it is not surprising that there are a few fish that slipped through the net in Tokyo, but it is extremely abnormal for a large number of monsters to hide in Tokyo, an international metropolis.

Type A can't teleport like a transcendent person, and will leave traces when he walks through.

"Could it be that someone..." Uchiha Xianmen had a flash of inspiration, and murmured in disbelief.

"We can't say for sure yet, but the behind-the-scenes boss of that private company has also been investigated! It's President Hyoudou of the Black Emperor Society."

President Hyoudou of the Black Emperor Society?

Uchiha Xianmen has an impression that when he tracked down a monster trafficking case on the dark web, he traced it to President Houto.

But Chairman Hyoudou is a genuine superior citizen, and even the Prime Minister has to give a little face, and in the end he was only punished with three drinks.

Could it be that this old thing has a wicked heart?

"Even if it's President Houdou, we should inform our superiors and ask President Houdou to cooperate with the investigation."

Uchiha Xianmen knows very well that the top dignitaries like Chairman Hyoudou are simply not something that a police officer like him and Section Chief Akagi can arrest. He must have bureaucrats above the ministerial level of the Metropolitan Police Department to come forward. .

"It's no longer necessary. Chairman Hyoudou is dead. The Chiba Police Headquarters have discovered his remains." Section Chief Akagi said.

how come?

"The situation is extremely urgent now, and the police chief has issued a decision to call an emergency meeting. Let's return to this hall as soon as possible."

"Yes, Headmaster!"

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