I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 183 Chapter 185 Torture Expert

"Hand! Oh, my hand, give it back to me..."

Seeing the severed hands and feet soaked in ice cubes in the iron bucket, the emaciated office worker suddenly became agitated with a sluggish expression.

Struggling with his upper body a few times, he got out of the sack, and saw that his hands were firmly tied behind his back, and his left hand was broken at the wrist!

Although the section had been bandaged, blood still leaked from the gauze.

"Tosu, my previous method was indeed a little rough. I removed one of your hands and one foot. However, it is also because you have been lying."

Brother Ku scratched his head, his tone seemed a little embarrassed, but his eyes were as cold as ever.

"It took only two hours for your hands and feet to be cut off. They are still very fresh, and you may still be able to pick them up in the hospital now."

"Clatter clatter."

The blond bearded man stirred in the ice bucket, and the ice cubes collided with each other to make a crisp sound. He didn't mind picking up his severed hand, fiddled with it a few times, looked at the wedding ring on his ring finger, and said with pretended regret:

"Oh, I was too careless! Tosu, you and your wife have always been in harmony, how can I take off your left hand with the wedding ring on, maybe it would be better to replace it with your right hand?"

Nonchalantly throwing the severed hand in front of the thin office worker, Brother Ku asked expressionlessly:

"Tosu, this is your last chance. How is it? Did you remember anything? Where did you hide him, young master?!"

The thin office worker's eyes were red, and he stared at the wedding ring on the ring finger on his severed hand. Two lines of tears flowed down his lips. His lips moved a few times, and he begged for mercy with a crying voice:

"Mr. Ku... I really don't know where your young master, Hua Ling's boyfriend, went..."

"Shit! Shit! It's been one night, and it's 'don't know' again! Do you think we are all idiots?"

Brother Ku suddenly jumped into a rage, with blue veins on his forehead. He grabbed the thin office worker's hair again, dragged him abruptly to the edge of the pit, and pressed down hard face down.

With a "swipe", Brother Ku pulled out a Mitsubishi saber from the back pocket of his trousers, and laid it across the thin office worker's trachea.

"There is an old saying in foreign countries, that is, you will not shed tears without seeing the coffin! Look at this big pit, if you kill you and bury it in it, even if it is a hundred years later, you will not be discovered by the police."

Brother Ku acted like a seasoned butcher, sharpening his knife and preparing to bleed the livestock.

With a light swipe of the Mitsubishi saber, the cold blade cut through the flesh, and a few drops of bright red blood ooze out of a trace of blood.

"I've spent the whole night on you, and I can't keep pestering you any longer. This is really the last chance. If I say it, I can live, and I can go to the hospital to connect your hands and feet, If you don’t say anything, you will die here now!”

With a murderous look on his face, Brother Ku sternly reprimanded him.

"Say it! Say it!"

"Woo, woo..."

The emaciated office worker had tears running down his face, snot, saliva, tears and blood mixed together, looking funny and pitiful.

"I am, really... I don't know... How could I meet... such unlucky... Help..."

The two Yakuza brothers next to him couldn't bear to look directly at them.

"Brother Ku is really ruthless. Brother Ku is an expert in torture in the group. Even if a cadre of a hostile organization falls into his hands, he will spit out even a few years old in less than an hour. Now they have been tortured. It's been a whole night, and this office worker's rhetoric is still consistent, so he must really not know."

"Originally, how could the young master be killed by this kind of thin and weak social animal uncle. According to the preliminary investigation in the team, this uncle named Tosu has a clean resume, and he is just an ordinary office worker." Little brother Yakuza shook his head and teased.

"It can only be considered bad luck for him. Before the young master disappeared, the last place he might appear was his daughter's rented house."

"The young master has been out of contact for three days, and the team leader is going crazy! Brother Ku is also under a lot of pressure."

The two Yakuza younger brothers whispered under their control.

"You two, shut up!"

Brother Ku squinted his eyes, exuding an astonishing evil spirit, and the two Yakuza younger brothers immediately looked at each other and kept silent.

"Is it really a mistake? Is this Tosu really innocent?"

Although Brother Ku was still asking questions, his heart began to waver.

Under his severe torture, more than one strong man with a hard bone and a hard mouth succumbed.

And this Tosu was tortured all night by him, even one of his hands and feet was removed, and he never changed his words until this point. In all likelihood, he really didn't know the whereabouts of the young master.

"Damn, it seems that you really don't know."

Brother Ku cursed bad luck, and put away the dagger clamped around the thin office worker's neck.

"Mr. Ku, you, finally... are willing to trust me..."

In the swollen eyes of the emaciated office worker, there was a glimmer of hope for the rest of his life.

"Let, let me go... I will never, I won't call the police!"

"How could I let you go! Even if you really don't know, you have wasted so much manpower and material resources in the team, Tosu, you have to pay with death."

This office worker named Tosu is too naive, how can he really let him go now.

Just because of the wound on his body, it would be very troublesome to get to the hospital. The police will definitely be brought up, and he must be killed to silence him.

Brother Ku sneered, and with a fierce look in his eyes, he was about to cut off the thin uncle's trachea.

But he remembered something again, hesitated for a moment, and removed the dagger from his neck.

But he was not willing to end like this, a sadistic grin appeared on the corner of his mouth, he stuck the dagger on the right cheek of the thin office worker, and raised it.

Cut off the thin uncle's right ear alive!


The thin office worker screamed in pain, but the cry stopped abruptly, and was kicked down into the pit by Brother Ku.

"If the throat is cut, the smell of blood is too strong to attract wild animals to dig the pit. It's not good. It's better to bury it alive."

After venting his anger by cutting off the thin office worker's ears, Brother Ku also calmed down a little and lit a cigarette.

"Both of you, bury him. By the way, his hands and feet are also thrown in. It can be regarded as a whole body for Tosu."


One of the Yakuza brothers picked up the iron bucket, and with a clatter, he dumped the ice cubes and the broken foot into the pit.

The other younger brother complained again and again, picked up the shovel, and started filling it with soil.

The emaciated office worker stared dumbfounded at one piece of dirt falling on his body, and the great fear of impending death gripped his heart, making him unable to utter a word.

"Next, go to Tosu's wife and daughter, maybe they know something."

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