I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 184 Chapter 186

Hero Tosu, 47 years old, is an office worker.

Although he was given a great name by his parents, Hero Tosu has been just an ordinary mortal all his life.

He grew up mediocrely, got admitted to an mediocre university without any mediocrity, entered an mediocre club after graduation, and worked as an mediocre job as a salesperson.

However, even such an ordinary Tosu hero has two, no, three things that he can be proud of.

The first two are that Hero Tosu married an amazing wife, raised his eyebrows, was happy, and gave birth to a daughter that made him proud.

The last thing is a bit trivial.

Hero Tosu's spare time interests are reading and writing mystery novels, and he has uploaded more than 50 works on the novel website.

Although the reader feedback of these mystery novels is mediocre, it is also his little pride.

"Why, have I fallen to this point?"

Hero Tosu lay in the pit with blank eyes, and his body became heavier and heavier as the soil fell.

"Who told me to kill someone? I'm still the young master of the gang. Is this considered retribution? As long as I can protect Hua Ling and the child's mother, I'm willing to die here."

Before dying, Hero Tosu couldn't help recalling the afternoon when he met his daughter three days ago.

Tosu Hero's daughter, Tosu Hanazero, has been a little rebellious since she entered high school. After entering university this year, she simply moved out of the house and lived outside.

Fortunately, the university of Tosu Hanarai is also in Shizuoka Prefecture, not far from home, and we can see each other several times a month.

And three days ago, just before the traditional Japanese Golden Week holiday, Hero Tosu asked his daughter to meet at a family restaurant, hoping to let his daughter go home and spend the Golden Week with the family of three.

But when he saw his daughter for the first time, Hero Tosu's anger welled up in his heart.

Because Tosu Hana Zero's pink and tender face was bruised and swollen, only after being repeatedly questioned by Tosu Hero did she realize that she was beaten by her daughter's boyfriend.

After her daughter went to college, she actually got a boyfriend?

Well, Hero Tosu is not a stubborn old man. He has already made a plan in his heart that his daughter will marry sooner or later, but he will never agree to this marriage unless the person who spends money is a civil servant.

It is simply unreasonable!

His daughter, whom he regarded as a treasure, was beaten by a wild man, even if the other party was a civil servant, he would not forgive him.

"Aren't you living together?"

When Hero Tosu asked this sentence, his daughter's face was a little flustered, but no matter how he asked afterward, Hanazero Tosu refused to answer, and just agreed to go home to spend the Golden Week.

After Tosu Hana Zero packed up and saluted and left the rental room, Tosu Hero secretly took out the spare key, opened her daughter's rental room, and slipped in for inspection.

I want to see if there are signs of cohabitation in my daughter's rental house.

Hero Tosu absolutely cannot tolerate his daughter being with such a violent man!

As a result, as soon as he entered the rental room, there was a strange noise outside the door. It seemed to be a man's voice. Hero Tosu was so frightened that he quickly hid in the cupboard and peeped out through the gap.

The one who walked in was a frivolous yellow-haired gangster with patterned arms. As soon as he entered the door, he opened the refrigerator with ease, picked up a beer and drank it.

The yellow-haired gangster drank wine, called and bragged to his cronies, the newly acquired woman was very cute, and sure enough, he had to use his fists to make the woman obedient.

This little bastard turned out to be her daughter's boyfriend?

Hero Tosu, who was hiding in the cupboard, trembled with anger.

"Break up?! I'm going to kill you, your whole family!"

The yellow-haired gangster drank one can after another and got drunk. At this time, he received another call, and the voice of his daughter Hualing could be vaguely heard on the other end of the phone.

"A mere bitch dared to resist me as a man. I am the young master of the Matori group! Those disobedient women before were slaughtered by me, and their bones were buried in Aokigahara."

The furious yellow-haired gangster started to yell like this, beating wantonly in the rental house.

Hero Tosu has lived abiding and guarding for forty-seven years all his life, and he didn't even dare to run a red light, but at a moment, he showed a strong killing intent!

If possible, Hero Tosu really wanted to kill this flamboyant boyfriend.

But the Tosu hero has no power to restrain a chicken, and he has never even killed a chicken or a duck.

But never expected, an accident happened!

Huang Mao, who smashed the rented house upside down after getting drunk, accidentally found Hero Tosu hiding in the cupboard, and the two men chased and fought like this.

The Tosu hero, who was as thin as bean sprouts, was not a match for the young and strong yellow-haired gangster, but during the scuffle, the yellow-haired gangster was so drunk that he slipped on his feet and fell heavily on the ground with the back of his head.

Hero Tosu bravely stepped forward to check, and the yellow-haired gangster fell down and died on the spot.

I turned out to be a murderer! ?

Is this overkill?

Or manslaughter?

Even if the police can't sentence him for a few years, will the gang let him go?

This little yellow-haired gangster claimed to be the young master of the Matori Group, and even killed several people, but he is still at large, which shows that he has a lot of power.

What if Hua Ling and the child's mother are involved?

The Tosu hero made a plan to destroy the body and traces by mistake.

As long as the body is not found, even the violent gang should not know who to seek revenge.

Hero Tosu used his accumulated criminal experience in writing 50 mystery novels, bought tools such as an induction cooker, copper plates, and aluminum foil, and dismantled the yellow-haired gangsters in the bathroom of the rented house.

Although it was only on paper, the process was unexpectedly smooth. The minced meat was washed away through the sewer, and the remaining large bones were packed into a suitcase by him and hidden at home.

Just like this, I hid at home anxiously for a few days, preparing to fight wits and courage with the violent gang, but in the end nothing happened.

Hero Tosu was complacent, thinking that no one knew about it, and when he was looking for a suitable place to bury the remaining bones, he was kidnapped by the Matori group.

Violent gangs are not the police, and they need to talk about a conclusive evidence.

Directly based on the sighting report of Hero Tosu near the rental house, he was identified as the first suspect, and he was tortured and asked about the whereabouts of the young master.

How many times, the Tosu hero wanted to tell the truth, and died in order to be relieved.

One life for another is fine, but thinking that Hua Ling and the child's mother will be involved, Tosu Hero finally forcibly endured the hellish torture.

"It doesn't matter if I die, anyway, I'm already a cripple with broken arms and legs. That's fine, that's fine, as long as I can protect them..."

The pouring soil has buried half of Tosu Hero's face, his left eye staring blankly at the gray sky.

"Next, go to Tosu's wife and daughter, maybe they know something."

When Hero Tosu heard this, the pupil of his left eye shrank, and he couldn't help but lift up, and the soil fell down with a puff.

"Leave my wife and children alone! They really don't know anything!"

"Hehe. Tosu, even if it has nothing to do with you, who knows if your daughter did it? If the young master's disappearance is related to your daughter, even your wife will be buried with him. Don't worry, you won't be alone."

The cigarette butt at the corner of Brother Ku's mouth flickered, he sneered and said:

"Even if you and your daughter didn't do it, we still need a scapegoat. The old man is going crazy, we have to give him an explanation."

So, even if Hero Tosu admits that he did it, Hana Zero and the child's mother will not be able to escape Matorigumi's revenge?

The Tosu hero's bruised and swollen face suddenly became ferocious like a ghost, and he roared heart-piercingly:

"...Ku... If you dare to move one of their fingers, I, Hero Tosu, will not let you go even if I am a ghost!"


Brother Ku flicked the cigarette butt into the pothole nonchalantly, grabbed the shovel in Yakuza's hand, grinned ferociously, and smashed it viciously on the head of Hero Tosu!

"You are the eleventh person I have killed in my life. Those before me were the same as you before they died, shouting that they would never let me go. But..."

Brother Ku laughed so hard that his face was full of madness.

"Thirty years have passed since the first time I killed someone. I eat well and sleep soundly. No one, no, no ghost has ever come to me! No one! Hahahaha!"

Hero Tosu's head was bleeding profusely, and he fell into the pothole recklessly.

"Go on, be quick with your hands and feet."

Brother Ku threw the shovel to Younger Yakuza and walked around the pit.

"Almost forgot about this hand."

With a random kick, he also kicked off his left hand, which was wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger.

The soil was swirling, and soon the Tosu hero was buried alive.

Several people stomped back and forth on it again, compacting the soil and covering it with a layer of fallen leaves.

Brother Ku took two Yakuza younger brothers to clean up the traces nearby, and it took more than ten minutes before he walked away.

I don't know how long it has been.

The dirt moved slightly, and a severed hand with a wedding ring on its ring finger crawled out of the dirt.

The five fingers are still moving flexibly.

On the section of the severed hand, long black tentacles wriggled densely, and the other end sank deeply into the ground.

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