I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 192 Chapter 194 The Tosu Family Under Surveillance

Under the hypnosis of Sharingan, the spider monster naturally spit out all the information in detail.

That king general can be said to be a mysterious dragon, whose whereabouts are mysterious. The spider monster has been guarding the enchantment in Mount Fuji all year round, and he doesn't know the whereabouts of the king general.

However, the king made several shots, showing the unfathomable enchantment technique, but it was overwhelmingly powerful.

In addition, the king's mouth was full of lotus flowers, and he promised the monsters a bright future, so he subdued them to serve him.

Naruto Uchiha awakened the white-haired monster again, and controlled it with Sharingan. The confessions of the two monsters were paired, and there was no contradiction.

As for the magic formula prepared by the king who spent a lot of time setting up an enchantment on Mount Fuji and collecting a large number of monsters, Naruto Uchiha also has some clues.

"The art of witchcraft."

This is the name of the technique prepared by the king.

The art of witchcraft is witchcraft that uses curses, subjugation, and Gu insects to harm the enemy.

And Gu, is to put spiders, scorpions, poisonous snakes, centipedes, toads and other poisonous insects in a container, let them kill each other and devour each other, and the last survivor is Gu.

Gu has absorbed the toxicity of all poisonous insects, it is so poisonous that it will kill you if you touch it.

The king captured so many monsters and imprisoned them in the enchantment of Mount Fuji, adding the ominous name of witchcraft, obviously has bad intentions.

"This technique also needs the right time, location, and enough monsters. Gu is formed by poisonous insects devouring each other and merging into one. Why does it feel a bit instant?"

Naruto Uchiha touched his chin, silent.

He raised his head and looked at the dozens of cocoons hanging on the mountain wall.

Naruto Uchiha can kill all the monsters present now and harvest Ninja Jade, but this will definitely scare the snake away and scare away the big monster Wang Jiang.

Another option is to put a long line to catch big fish.

No matter how carefully the king hides behind the scenes, when the full moon comes, it must appear here before it can activate the witchcraft technique.

"Boundary ninjutsu, I am determined to achieve it."

Naruto Uchiha considered it over and over again, and finally decided to be patient for the time being. Anyway, it is only half a month until the full moon, and he has this patience.

"Next, use Sharingan to erase the memories of these two monsters. And cast the seal spell to plant puppets on the monsters."

Naruto Uchiha arranged his back hands in the cave, and he put his hands together to form a seal.

"Wood escape, the technique of wooden avatar."

Naruto Uchiha's body surface split into two gray-green figures, the wooden clone on the left nodded to Naruto Uchiha blankly, his feet turned into tree roots, took root in the ground, and sneaked into the ground.

"Leave a wooden clone in the barrier, and then leave a wooden clone in the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara outside the barrier. The wooden clone is good at dispelling breath, and it is difficult to be detected. And my spiritualization technique can not be far away. Tracking the breath of the soul for thousands of miles, if you do this, you will be safe."

Uchiha Naruto's wooden avatar had been observing outside the barrier before. Although the king's barrier looked impregnable, it would evaporate like a bubble after using Kagutomi's pupil technique.

He can overturn the layout of the king at any time.

Naruto Uchiha was still pondering whether there were any flaws in his plan. At this moment, Hero Tosu's fingertips moved slightly, as if he was about to wake up soon.

"Take him out and just throw him on the side of the road."

Naruto Uchiha glanced at it, said to the wooden clone, and threw the bell over.

The wooden avatar stretched out its arms and turned them into branches, binding the Tosu hero.


When the Tosu hero seemed to wake up from the freezing ground, he was pleasantly surprised to find that he had left the suicide forest of Aokigahara and came to the road outside.

Looking at the asphalt concrete road in front of him, and the cars passing by, these traces of modern human activities, Hero Tosu was in a trance for a while, as if in a dream.

Did you really come out alive?

Hero Tosu felt a strong sense of unreality, as if he was kidnapped by the Matori-gumi before, crawled out of the burial place, met Moribe-kun's bones, etc., all of which were daydreams he imagined.

But the scars left by Brother Ku's torture all over his body, as well as the black tentacles constantly wandering in his body, clearly told him that all of this was true.

"When everything is over, go to a efficacious temple to perform deeds and expel the dirty things on your body."

Hero Tosu pulled away the Kamen Rider sleeve robe on his left hand, looked at the black tentacles that were still wriggling at the break, and couldn't help but smiled wryly.

"Did Shoubu-jun send me out? I was really saved by Shoubu-jun again. I am so grateful, so grateful!"

Hero Tosu prayed devoutly for Moribu-kun in his heart, hoping that he could become a Buddha smoothly and be reborn in bliss.

After praying for a while, Hero Tosu stood by the road and started to stop traffic.

But the most important thing now is to ensure the safety of the family.

Must rush home as soon as possible.

It's just that Hero Tosu is now penniless and doesn't even have a mobile phone, so naturally he can't call the police for help. Fortunately, he still knows this road, as long as he takes a ride to Shizuoka County, he can return home in a few hours.

However, Hero Tosu blocked the roadside for half an hour, and the car didn't stop. Instead, he drove faster, as if deliberately trying to get rid of him.

Hero Tosu noticed what kind of image he was now.

Wearing a Kamen Rider suit and covering his face, how could a driver dare to stop in such a wilderness not far from the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara.

Hero Tosu tried to take off Kamen Rider's helmet, but by looking at the reflection on the helmet, he found that it was not as good as before.

His thin face was grey-headed and blood-stained, and his right ear and forehead had conspicuous scars sutured with black tentacles. He looked like a seriously injured person who had escaped from a murder scene or a hospital.

For the Japanese who are timid and afraid of getting into trouble, they will not help them.

In the end, Hero Tosu had no choice but to take the risk of following a pickup truck, ejected his left hand to grab the board, and dragged him onto the truck at the back, all the way to Shizuoka Prefecture.

After entering the urban area, Hero Tosu rushed home anxiously.

Along the way, many people pointed at him, or covered their mouths and smiled.

Although cosplay is not a surprise in this country, it is too shameful to wear this kind of thing in places other than comic conventions.

Hero Tosu blushed with embarrassment, but thanks to the fact that he was hiding under the helmet, no one noticed.

When he was only one block away from his house, Hero Tosu suddenly turned his body, hid in the alley, and poked his head out cautiously.

I saw a man with a bad look, pretending to be eating in the restaurant, but actually watching the Tosu family outside.

And this person is one of Yakuza who kidnapped Tosu Hero before.

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