I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 193 Chapter 195 The bones were discovered!

Although he looks like a dog in a suit and tie, he can't hide his hostility. This is exactly the case. Yakuza from the Matori Group only ordered a drink and pasta in the family restaurant. Throughout the day, the waiter didn't dare to talk too much, but was called around to refill the empty cup.

"Aha, how boring."

Yakuza, who was in charge of monitoring Tosu's house, yawned, his nose dripping down.

After burying the Tosu hero alive in the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara, he returned non-stop to Aoi Ward, Shizuoka Prefecture, where he was ordered to monitor the movement of the Tosu family without even having time to take a nap.

"Oh, Brother Ku woke up? Nothing unusual."

Brother Yakuza suddenly received a call and lowered his voice to report.

"Assembly? Okay, I see."

Brother Yakuza picked up the cup and drank the remaining orange soda in one gulp, then took out a few coins from his trouser pocket and threw them on the table.

After he came out of the family restaurant, he turned left and right a few times, and came to a six-seater Honda sedan parked nearby in the underground parking lot of the shopping mall, opened the door, and sat in it.

"Brother Ku."

As soon as he got in the car, Yakuza's younger brother bowed his head respectfully and said hello.

The car windows with the anti-spy film were all closed tightly, but Brother Ku who was sitting in the back seat was smoking a cigarette nonchalantly, making the inside of the car smoky.

"How about it, report the situation."

"Tosu Hero's wife went out at noon, but she just went to a convenience store to buy groceries, and came back soon. My daughter, Tosu Hanazero, has not gone out today."

"In other words, Tosu's wife and daughter didn't realize that he was missing, right?"

Brother Ku nodded, and praised a bald man with black tattoos on the back of his head in the front seat.

"Mizushima, you did a good job."

"Brother Ku, I'm honored. I just used Tosu's mobile phone to send a Line to his wife, saying that I met an old classmate and went to an izakaya for a few drinks, and I might spend the night outside."

The bald Yakuza called Mizushima took out a mobile phone, smiled, but immediately reminded:

"But his wife has already sent several messages asking when he will be back, and even called. I pretended to be an old classmate and fooled him with the fact that Tosu is still hangover, but if Tosu doesn't come home tonight, his wife will definitely You will become suspicious, maybe you will call the police.”

"No problem, everything will be settled tonight."

Brother Ku took a deep puff of the cigarette, and half of the cigarette burned straight away, with a chill in his eyes.

Several days have passed since the young master mysteriously disappeared. The Matori group tried their best to find out the news, but neither the hostile gang nor the Shizuoka Police Headquarters had any clues about the young master. .

The young master seemed to have evaporated from the world.

Although he is the only son of the team leader, but for such a gangster who can't afford to support him, the Matori team has been devastated. At the risk of being arrested, the manpower and funds used are not a star.

In these increasingly distressed times for Yakuza, that's a lot of expense.

In the final analysis, Yaku is out to make money. Before the attributes of criminals, he is a businessman. There is no enthusiasm for things that cannot be turned into money. Arrests and deficits are also enemies.

If the Maqu group continues to toss, it will hurt the muscles and bones, and the damage must be stopped in time.

Anyway, the Tosu hero has been buried in Aokigahara, and if he doesn't do anything, he simply uses the Tosu family as a scapegoat, fools the old man, and forgets about it.

"Mizushima, use Tosu's mobile phone to send a message to her wife, saying that she will be home at ten o'clock in the evening."

"Understood, Brother Ku."

There are several other Yakuzas on the Honda sedan, and they started talking about it.

"In other words, the Tosu family will be attacked at ten o'clock in the evening."

"Tosu Hanazero is the young master's new woman, right? Is it really possible for the young master to be killed by such a delicate woman? If so, I will die laughing." Someone took out Tosu Hanazero photo, teased.

"Maybe on the bed, something was bitten off by this woman, and he was killed."


The Yakuzas spoke yellow accents unscrupulously, and burst out laughing.

Between words, there is not much respect for the so-called young master.

"The young master has been missing for so long, obviously it's more than auspicious. Then it's Kuge's turn to take over, right?" Yakuza, who had been monitoring the Tosu family before, said coldly.

The Yakuzas in the car were suddenly silent.

"Hmph! There is no second day, and I only have the team leader in my mind."

Brother Ku took a deep puff and threw the cigarette butt at the younger brother, causing him to scream repeatedly.

"Don't talk nonsense like this, it's not good for the team leader to misunderstand."

As a torture expert in the group, Brother Ku, who has always been known for his ruthless shots, only flicked a cigarette butt to Yakuza who spoke rashly, and everyone immediately understood what he was thinking.

They were immediately excited, and when Brother Ku became the leader of the Mator group, they would also be able to follow suit.

"I've got the structural diagram of the Tosu family building, and you all keep it firmly in your heart, so you don't lose the chain when you don't act."

Brother Ku is making preparations in an orderly manner.

"We were also very lucky. The neighbor to the left of Tosu's house went on a trip during Golden Week. We picked the lock and sneaked in first. When the time came, we climbed over the wall and entered Tosu's house, and then invaded the house."

"Move quickly, make a quick decision, and don't delay too long!"

Night fell quickly, and the time came to ten o'clock in the evening.

The house of the Tosu family is a well-regulated one-family building. The so-called one-family building is a yard plus a small parking lot that can only accommodate one car, and then a two- or three-story single-family building is a bird. The residence of the hero's family.

The living room of Tosu’s house is separated by curtains, and the light can still be seen faintly, but the people outside are unaware of the sinful scene happening inside.

"Tosu's daughter, have you caught her too? Didn't she make a lot of noise?"

Brother Ku stood in the living room with a few Yakuzas who were covered with black cloths and only showed their mouths, eyes and noses. At their feet, there was a woman who was tied up and covered her head and face.

"Brother Ku, it went well. When we knocked on the door, this woman thought it was her mother."

Down the stairs, two Yakuza dressed in the same clothes carried a bound woman down the stairs who was still struggling.

"Okay, it's faster than expected, and there's still time. Look around their bedrooms and storage rooms to see if you can find anything."

"Brother Ku, look at this!"

Soon, there was a clue, and a Yakuza boy came over with a handbag.

Brother Ku opened it, and there was a pile of broken bones and human skulls inside!

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