I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 197 Chapter 199 Capture the heart!

Whoa, what is this?

Hero Tosu lay on the ground, feeling the sticky and warm touch of his chest.

this is my blood...

Why, why did it become like this?

Obviously, it was because that little bastard beat Hua Ling and clamored to kill her in the first place, so I had no choice but to kill him, didn't I.

Obviously I just want to protect something more important than life.

Kidnapping, torture, and burying alive, these people have done such excessive atrocities, they are not satisfied, and even blamed my family.

Hua Ling, and the child's mother, there is no correct answer that our family can save our lives.

Brother Ku, Matori-gumi, you guys...

As long as you guys are still here, there will be no peace!

"Be quick with your hands and feet, don't delay any longer, maybe the call to the police has already reached the police station!"

Brother Ku looked at the Yakuzas who took out the rope and the hoods were approaching the Tosu mother and daughter, and shouted a little annoyed.

"Send this pair of stinky women and the corpse of Tosu to the factory in the group. After this vote is completed, we will all go to Kyushu Island to hide for a few months to avoid the limelight."

The massacre of a family of three, coupled with the use of firearms, is also a major case for the Shizuoka Prefectural Police Headquarters, and it may even alert the Metropolitan Police Department, and it is also a big trouble for the Matori team.

The mother and daughter Tosu were lucky, they had to go through a hellish torture before they died, but now, in order to save time, they don't have time to let the Yakuza under him come and have fun.

But this time, Brother Ku finally found out the real culprit who killed the young master, and personally avenged him. In this way, the position of team leader...

"Ah, ah, ah..."

The Yakuzas had surrounded the Tosu mother and daughter, and at the very moment, the Kamen Rider who had fallen on the ground suddenly stood up straight.

The bullet hole in the chest is still bleeding out!

"Brother Ku, it's haunted!"

The Yakuza were in an uproar, and some even wanted to turn around and run away.

"As long as you Matori-gumi are still around, this nightmare will never end!"

The Kamen Rider roared and complained.

Kamen Rider's suit swelled unnaturally a few times, and with a few "puffs", dozens of black tentacles pierced the leather cover, completely penetrating the four Yakuza like thorns!

【Earth Resentment Art LV1】【Earth Resentment Art LV2】!


"It hurts!"

Chest, thighs, shoulders, eyebrows...

Even the strongest skull in the human body looks like it's made of tofu, pierced by black tentacles.

Some Yakuza were killed on the spot, and some were picked up in the air, screaming, and still breathing for a while.

"Damn it! Tosu! You monster, go to hell!"

Brother Ku was frightened and angry, and he pulled out the Black Star pistol from his arms with his backhand.

Before he had time to aim, a black tentacle swung out like a whip, chopping Brother Ku's wrist off!

Holding the gun in his severed hand, he fell to the ground.


Brother Ku is indeed a seasoned killer. Although his forehead was sweating from the pain, he still wanted to fly down and snatch the pistol on the ground with his only remaining hand.

"Swish", a few black tentacles shot out from under the Kamen Rider's suit, bound Brother Ku's limbs, and lifted them into the air.

Those black tentacles that pierced Yakuza's little brother retracted into the body, blood flew out from the wound, plop, plop several times, the body fell heavily on the ground.

Blood stained the dilapidated Kamen Rider suit crimson.

The mother and daughter Tosu were also spattered with blood, and they all looked astonished and bewildered.

The blood hole in Kamen Rider's chest was still bleeding, and his body couldn't help but shake a few times before barely standing still tremblingly.

My heart was pierced by a bullet!

Tosu is well aware of this fact. Human beings can live for a few minutes after their hearts are pierced, but they are only dying.

But after spying on the alien evil god full of black tentacles in a coma, it was like a booster injected into his body, allowing Hero Tosu to regain consciousness, and subdued Yakuza and Kuge in one fell swoop.

But this is just a flashback.

With his heart pierced, he will follow in the footsteps of these scum within a few minutes.

Can't die!

At least not yet!

After the eruption, the surging black tentacles in the body became more manic, and a kind of evil and forbidden knowledge flowed into Tosu Hero's mind, letting him know the only way to live.

But, after doing this, can I still be considered a human being?

Hero Tosu hesitated.

But his heart, which had stopped beating in his chest, told him that time was running out.

After climbing out of the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara, he was already a monster. Now, is there still a choice?

Manipulating the black tentacles to move Brother Ku to the front, Hero Tosu asked coldly:

"What happens if a person has no heart?"

Although the severe pain and blood loss from the severed left wrist made Brother Ku's lips turn pale, but his eyes were on the lying corpse with fear on his face.

The indecisive, timid and timid office worker Tosu Hero, now seems to be a different person, exuding a terrifying aura from hell, even an executioner like him is terrified.

"Tosu, think about your family. There is still room for maneuver, but if you kill me, you will really die with the Matori group. There are still in our group..."

A strong murderous intent burst out from the eyes of Tosu Hero!

Now that things are still talking about endless death, isn't it the trash like you Matori that drove me to a dead end?

"What happens if a person has no heart?"

Hero Tosu asked again with a blank face, without waiting for Brother Ku's answer at all, but looked down at his chest, asking and answering himself.

"If a person has no heart, he will die!"

Hero Tosu raised his left wrist and scratched at his chest, the flesh was torn open, and a heart that had stopped beating and had blood holes was pulled out.

He lowered his head for a glance, then threw it on the ground like a shoe.

Then Hero Tosu looked at Brother Ku coldly, and the black tentacles pulled him up into the air.

"Forgive me!"

Brother Ku also sensed the imminent disaster at this time, and hurriedly begged for mercy.

Hero Tosu raised his left wrist, black tentacles protruded from the fracture, he inserted his hand into Brother Ku's chest, pulled it outward, and literally dug out Brother Ku's heart!

Black tentacles also ejected from the bloody hole in Hero Tosu's chest, wrapped around his beating heart, and placed it in his chest cavity.

I can survive!

Feeling that his chest was still heaving, Hero Tosu was overjoyed.

"Hua Ling, the child's mother, you are all right..."

Hero Tosu seemed to have remembered something, and turned to look at the Tosu mother and daughter.

But I saw them shivering and huddled together, with horror and fear on their faces, as if they saw some monster.

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