I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 198 Chapter 200

"Those villains who broke into the house were all killed by me. It's okay, you don't have to be afraid."

Hero Tosu took a few steps forward, and extended his hand to the Tosu mother and daughter.

Linghua and the child's mother did not smile in surprise, and threw themselves into the arms of Tosu Hero, but trembled even more.

Hero Tosu looked down, and the palm that took out Brother Ku's heart was still full of blood.

In addition, the suit under the Kamen Rider helmet was riddled with holes, black tentacles twisted and wriggled on the surface, and the heart was still beating in the wound on the chest!

This is a monster!

Hero Tosu felt as if he had just woken up from a dream, and couldn't help but backed up a few steps, almost falling to the ground.

What did I do just now? Not only did I kill several people in front of Linghua and the child's mother, but I also brutally dug out Brother Ku's heart and took it for myself!

This demonic act was not something that the gentle and kind husband and father in their impression could do.


Under the helmet of Kamen Rider, Hero Tosu was already in tears.

After the body turned into this ghostly state, killing so many people in the Matori group, with blood on their hands, and fantasizing that everything never happened, and returning to the warm and happy days before, is it possible?

From the moment the young master of the Matori Group died, his family was doomed to be torn apart.

Matori group!

Why did you push me to this point!

Hero Tosu's eyes were full of killing intent.

"Wooooow, it hurts...help me..."

A bald Yakuza with black tattoos on the back of his head was lucky enough not to be killed on the spot, and fell to the ground moaning in pain.

But his lower abdomen and right chest cavity were also penetrated by black tentacles, if left alone, he would die soon.

But Hero Tosu showed no sympathy at all.

This bald-headed Yakuza was also one of the people who kidnapped Tosu Hero, not to mention that they invaded their home tonight and attacked Linghua and the child's mother.

He walked over, and the black tentacles ejected from his left wrist pulled the bald-headed Yakuza and lifted him up.

A strong man weighing more than 150 kilograms is like a broken toy in the hands of Hero Tosu.

Hero Tosu gritted his teeth, and walked out without looking back.

He can no longer stay in this house!

Not only because the Tosu hero has been completely reduced to a murderer, but also because of the weird and terrifying tentacles in his body.

When he was in a coma, he caught a glimpse of that terrifying and indescribably strange star, which made him still terrified until now.

In the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara, he was targeted by some terrible demon or evil god. Although he is still safe and sound, who knows when he will lose control or explode?

If they continue to stay with their mother and daughter, they may be implicated like this time.

Before leaving, he must eliminate all hidden dangers.

Matori group!

It should be enough to wipe out all the people in the Matori group, right?

Hero Tosu couldn't help but think of the Shimabara Rebellion that he learned in his history textbook thirty years ago.

It was launched by the persecuted Catholics and peasants. After suppressing the Shimabara Rebellion, the bloodless and tearless third-generation general Tokugawa Iemitsu killed tens of thousands of rebels, regardless of gender, old and young, women and children. Exhausted.

The solution has been written in history textbooks.

The wisdom of the ancestors pointed out the direction for the hero Tosu.


Seeing that the Kamen Rider was about to walk out of the gate, Tosu Hanarai suddenly broke free from the fear, chased after him and shouted.

Hero Tosu's body trembled, he raised his head, and tried his best to hold back the tears that were about to fall.

His body continued to move forward without hesitation.

"Dad! Dad, don't go! No matter what happens, we should spend it together as a family!"

"I'm not your father."

Now that he has decided to leave Linghua and the child's mother, he should not break the relationship, but break it completely.

Hero Tosu rolled his eyes and said in a hoarse voice:

"I, I'm just a passing Kamen Rider!"

After saying this, Hero Tosu jumped up with the bald Yakuza in his hand, jumped onto the edge of the wall two meters high, and then leaped with all his strength to the balcony of the neighbor's house.

After one last glance back, the Kamen Rider jumped down and disappeared from Tosu Hanarei's sight.

"The body is very light, and the strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. Is it because of the new heart?"

No, not only that.

Hero Tosu can clearly feel that the black tentacles in his body are stronger than before, connecting the muscles and blood vessels in his body, and can burst out with unimaginable strength and speed in an instant!

Has the evil power of the evil god penetrated deeper into his body?

It doesn't matter, as long as you can send the scum of the Matori group to hell, let this remnant body of yours be buried with it!

Hero Tosu took the bald-headed Yakuza to the alley behind the neighbor's house, where a Honda car and a van were parked.

It was the car that the Matori group had parked here in advance.

The ejected black tentacles shattered the windows of the Honda car. Hero Tosu threw the bald Yakuza into the car and started the car engine with the key found on him.

"Where is the headquarters of the Matori-gumi?"

"...Forgive me, take me...to the hospital..." Bald-headed Yakuza begged weakly.

"Let me ask you, where is the headquarters of the Matori-gumi?"

Hero Tosu asked coldly, the black tentacles ejected from his left wrist tightly strangled the bald-headed Yakuza's neck, tightened bit by bit, and were still drilling into his nostrils, cochlea and other holes.


The bald-headed Yakuza finally couldn't take it anymore and reported an address.

Hero Tosu had a cold look in his eyes, and then drove away.


In the night, in a three-story building in Suruga District, Shizuoka City, the door of the headquarters of the Asatori Group was open, and there was a bald head lying on the ground at the door, with a large pool of blood flowing out from under his body.

"Bang bang bang!"

A flash of fire flashed through the windows on the third floor, but the gunfire stopped abruptly, followed by a sharp scream that pierced the night sky.

"This is the leader of the Matori group, even with a gun, it's nothing more than that."

In the team leader's office, Hero Tosu, wearing a Kamen Rider helmet, slowly retracted a few black tentacles into his body.

Hero Tosu pulled an office chair and sat on it unceremoniously.

After breaking into the headquarters of the Matori Group, he turned into a rakshasa evil spirit and started killing without mercy.

Even the violent group was slaughtered by him without any resistance in front of his black tentacles that could penetrate gold and stone after he upgraded.

That is, the team leader with the gun caused him some trouble.

"Brother Ku, the team leader, and so many people are killed, and the rest of the captured fish are nothing to worry about. The Matori team can be said to be wiped out. Next..."

Hero Tosu could faintly hear the sound of police sirens coming from a distance. Hero Tosu was a little confused. After eliminating the biggest hidden danger of the Matori group, where should he go?

Turn yourself in to the police? Or return to the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara and choose your own burial place?

"Before that, I'm going to Osaka."

"Give this letter to Moribe-kun's daughter!"

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