I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 199 Chapter 201 The golden cicada escapes its shell, and the storm rises in Osaka (4k)

"Go to Osaka!"

"Shoubu-kun's heart will definitely be passed on to his daughter."

Hero Tosu took out two letters wrapped in waterproof plastic film from under the tattered Kamen Rider suit, and said solemnly.

He raised his head to shine a light on the fluorescent lamp on the ceiling, and inspected it carefully for a while, but luckily it was not damaged.

It's just that the plastic film is full of blood, but I don't know if it's from Tosu Hero, or from the Yakuza from the Matori group.

After eradicating the vital forces of the Matori group, especially the group leader who lost his son, the safety of his wife and daughter has been guaranteed. Tosu Hero's biggest obsession now is to fulfill Moribe-kun's last wish.

Tosu also thought about whether to surrender to the police, but finally gave up the idea.

Although all the people who were killed were scum like Yakuza, but after killing so many people, they would probably be sentenced to death if they fell into the hands of the police.

As soon as the news comes out, titles like "Reiwa's Most Fierce Murderer" will also be awarded to Hero Tosu.

At that time, her daughter Tosu Hanarai will bear the stigma of being a murderer's daughter, and she will be looked down upon in college and work in the future.

And the Tosu family, maybe because of this, they were excluded from the community and had to move out.

If that's the case, you might as well pretend you're missing.

But now, Hero Tosu glanced out of the window, and the policemen from several neighborhoods had already rushed downstairs, and several police cars blocked the intersection.

The top priority is to escape from the police encirclement.

kill out?

This is definitely not possible, not to mention that the police will definitely be equipped with guns, it is too dangerous to break through with so many guns, and Tosu Hero can't pass the test in his heart.

The education he has received since he was a child has been telling Hero Tosu that if he is an enemy of the police, he is really a thug and anti-social! !

Although Tosu Hero's mentality has undergone a drastic change, he is no longer timid and fearful, the people who killed the Matori group are not only protecting their families, but also doing justice for the sky!

It can't even be called blackening.

If you kill the police, it will really be beyond redemption, and you will become an evil party.

"That's the only way to go."

Hero Tosu turned his head to look at the still fresh corpse of the young man on the ground, with a struggle on his face, but he quickly laughed at himself.

"In order for me to survive, I have already snatched Brother Ku's heart and killed so many people. Now, what kind of gentleman are I still pretending to be?"

Hero Tosu stretched out his hand, ejected several black tentacles, and pulled out the heart from the corpse.

The black tentacles were wrapped around the heart and placed on Tosu Hero's left wrist. The warm and soft touch gave Tosu Hero the illusion that his heart was still beating.

Then Hero Tosu looked at the face of the corpse again, and stared blankly for a long time. He raised his hand tremblingly, and a few black tentacles wrapped around the face of the corpse, piercing through the mouth, nose and other places. Creeping under the skin.

Hero Tosu closed his eyes, and with a flick of his heart, his face was peeled off intact.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ons

Hero Tosu secretly opened one eye, looking at the bloody face, the tears flowed down again uncontrollably.

"sorry Sorry……"

After walking out of the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara, all kinds of taboo and evil knowledge appeared in his mind from time to time.

This was also one of the reasons why he wanted to leave his family. Once this kind of profane and evil power got out of control or was swallowed up by it, it might involve both Pocket Flower and the child's mother.

"I will not kill again."

Hero Tosu silently swears in his heart.

In the dark, but the heart toward the light.

Only in this way can Hero Tosu feel that he is still a human being, and will not be tempted by power and degenerate into a monster from body to soul.


"Listen, people inside, this place has been surrounded by the police from our headquarters in Shizuoka Prefecture!"

"Please put down your weapons and come out honestly. We, the police, promise that we will never hurt you!"

Outside the headquarters of the Matori Group, behind a police car, a police officer shouted into it with a megaphone.

And behind him, there are more than a dozen policemen who are on the verge of an enemy, and everyone has already pulled out their guns and opened the safety.

The intersection was also blocked by seven or eight police cars, the cordon was pulled, and there were more patrolling police blocking the road, making it impossible to fly.

"When will the gun countermeasures team from the headquarters arrive?"

The director of Jiaoban put down the loudspeaker and asked the little policeman beside him.

"The gun countermeasure department responded that this matter is out of their control." The little police officer smiled wryly.

The gun countermeasure department is the strongest armed force in the police headquarters of each prefecture in Japan. It mainly deals with violent and terrorist attacks. Of course, it doesn't care about such trivial things as violent group conflicts.

"Damn it, I can't wait to push my eyebrows!"

"However, the police officers from the criminal department of the headquarters are already on their way, and they will arrive in five minutes."

Hearing this, the head of the Jiaoban Police Department breathed a sigh of relief. Compared with the Jiaofan policemen who usually deal with public security issues, the police from the Criminal Department of the headquarters are more effective, and they are experts in dealing with violent groups.

"It's been so old, and the violent gang is still doing the same thing! The old nest of the Matori group has been taken over by someone. Which organization did this? It's so stupid. Even if the fire is successful, it will kill itself !"

The director of Jiaoban wiped the sweat from his forehead and couldn't help cursing a few words.

The director was a little unbelievable when he received a call to the police saying that there was a fire in the headquarters of the Matori Group.

Now is no longer the era when violent gangs do whatever they want. Any violent gang with a little brain knows how to be a man with its tail between its legs. It’s fine to bury a few people secretly on weekdays. This kind of assault on the headquarters of a hostile organization has been going on for decades. Haven't seen it before.

Such a large-scale firefight is bound to attract the iron fist of the police!

As time went by, more information came together with the alarm from the enthusiastic people, which made the director feel overwhelmed.

For example, someone called the police and said that they heard intense gunshots.

Some people swear that Kamen Rider is the one who picks the Matori group.

He also pointed out very intimately that the Kamen Rider is Dragon Knight.

Well, if it is worse to say that it was a violent gang fire and the use of firearms, then the appearance of the Kamen Rider made the director feel like a fantasy.

It's not a feature film!

Besides, when did Kamen Rider's opponents become garbage like gangsters?

The director swallowed, picked up the loudspeaker and prepared to speak to the inside, only to see a raging fire suddenly ignited on the third floor of the headquarters of the Matori Group, and the tongue of flame rushed out of the window and rolled outward.

Soon, the second floor also burst into flames.

The speed at which this fire spread was extraordinary, and it was obviously arson!

Amidst the flames, a masked rider wearing a helmet descended from the stairs on the second floor and walked straight out the door to meet the police.

The masquerading mask, the dilapidated black suit, and the blood-stained windbreaker swayed with the night wind. Under the reflection of the fire, it seemed like a soldier who had just executed justice and returned from the battlefield.

The police officers present looked at each other.

Really Kamen Rider!

Really alone!

The director looked behind the Kamen Rider, the flames had begun to spread towards the first floor, and the heat wave was sweeping in. Now the headquarters of the Matori Group can't hide anyone, but only the Kamen Rider came out.

There is no accomplice, and there is no Yakuza of the Matori-gumi. Is it true that Kamen Rider overthrew the Matori-gumi by himself, and everyone else died in it?

The director's mouth was bitter, even if it was Yakuza's garbage that died, but if such a big case happened in his jurisdiction, he would come out and apologize.

Moreover, it was Kamen Rider's coser who made the move, so news with such a dramatic effect is bound to cause a sensation all over the country.

The people who eat melons all over Japan are very happy, but he, the head of the exchange, has a bad luck.

Up to now, only by making up for his mistakes and arresting this Kamen Rider, can he not be dismissed.

"This mask... this gentleman, you are already surrounded by us! Put your hands up, squat down, don't act rashly!"

The policemen around the head of the post had already raised their guns.

This time, it wasn't just one Koban who sent out the police. All the Koban near the Matori Group came out in full force. The police force was very sufficient. Surrounded by dozens of policemen, no one thought that Kamen Rider could escape from this place. The sky and the earth.

But the Kamen Rider turned a blind eye to the police's warning, and there were more than a dozen black muzzles, but slowly approached them.

"Stop, don't come here again!"

"Hold your head, hold your head! Squat down!"

The gun-wielding police officers even acted more nervous than the Kamen Riders, shouting one after another.

Under the uneasy eyes of the police officers, Kamen Rider finally crouched down.


But in the next second, Kamen Rider's lower limbs erupted with terrifying power, and he kicked two footprints on the concrete floor.

Kamen Rider soared into the sky, and landed on the street lamp seven or eight meters high with a "boom".

The Kamen Rider landed on the streetlight, looked down at them, and then unhurriedly jumped onto a streetlight more than ten meters away.


All the police officers were stunned as if they had been hit by a hold spell, and there was an uproar immediately afterwards.

Jumping seven or eight meters high and ten meters away from the spot is simply not something humans can do.

Could it be that the one who went to the Matori Group to punish rape and eliminate evil was really Kamen Rider? !


The director of Jiaoban was the first to react and shouted sharply.

He doesn't care if it's the real Kamen Rider or not, if he really let people run away like this, he will definitely come out to apologize in the press conference afterwards!

"Let's chase! Don't shoot yet!"

While the director led the police officers in hot pursuit, he also used a communicator to order the patrol police who were blocking the intersection to go around and surround him.

The Kamen Rider stepped on the street lights one by one, sometimes running and jumping from the roof, sometimes falling on the ground and moving, but the speed is not fast, and ordinary people follow when they run fast.

After Kamen Rider ran hundreds of meters, he came to the steel bridge over the Abegawa River in Shizuoka Prefecture.

His movements were extremely swift, he climbed up from the steel guardrail of the bridge, and finally stood on the top of the bridge, silently looking into the distance, completely ignoring the pursuers behind him.

At this time, the director also brought a large number of policemen to the Abe River Bridge.

The bridge was urgently evacuated and vehicles were evacuated, and reinforcements from the criminal department also arrived. Nearly a hundred policemen surrounded the bridge tightly.

"This gentleman... No, it's Kamen Rider! Please don't hold back any more. We, the Shizuoka Police, are very reasonable."

"There must be some misunderstanding here, please cooperate with our police investigation! We will definitely satisfy you Kamen Rider."

"Come down and talk!"

The director of Jiaoban's heart was very hot. He held a megaphone and shouted passionately.

But is this person a real Kamen Rider, but the physical fitness he showed just now is obvious to all, far exceeding the limit of human beings. If he can successfully arrest Kamen Rider, it will definitely be a great achievement!

Some of the policemen behind them took out their guns and started aiming.

"Put the gun down, put the gun down!"

A living Kamen Rider is definitely more valuable than a dead Kamen Rider. Now that the Kamen Rider has been pushed to this desperate situation, what are you doing with a gun?


At this moment, only a gunshot was heard, which reached the ears of all the police officers.

Kamen Rider stood on the steel bridge, raised a pistol high in his left hand, and shot towards the sky.

Then, as if in slow motion, his left hand slowly aimed the gun at the police officers below.

"Bang bang bang!"

This time, the police officers did not hesitate, they instinctively pulled the trigger, and fired indiscriminately.

Although the marksmanship of these cross-country policemen is not very good, but in the hail of bullets, there are always hits.

Kamen Rider was shot several times, slipped and fell from the bridge, causing a large wave of waves in the Abe River.

"Oh, how could this happen!"

The director of Jiaoban rushed over and looked at Abegawa, who was still in waves, with an extremely ugly expression.

He looked sideways, and there was another gun left on the bridge.

The director picked up the gun that Kamen Rider dropped, opened the magazine and saw that there were no bullets in it, that is to say, Kamen Rider just fired a warning shot and did not threaten.

Just why would Kamen Rider do this?

The director was suddenly at a loss.

"Quick! Ready to salvage!"

"Live to see people, die to see corpses!"


After the main force of the police force was transferred away from the mountain, a dark shadow appeared from the roof of the headquarters of the Mato group without anyone noticing.

Hero Tosu's dress is completely different from before. He changed his face and wore a black suit. Not only that, but a black gentleman's hat half-hidden his face on top of his head.

The skin on the lower half of the exposed face was tight and smooth, not at all like a forty-seven-year-old middle-aged man.

The previous Kamen Rider was a clone made by Hero Tosu with a heart.

It's a pity that the clone formed by the split black tentacles cannot be far away from the main body.

This one-handed golden cicada escape can also temporarily divert the attention of the police, so that he can take this opportunity to go to Osaka.

Osaka, here I come!

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