I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 200 Chapter 202 Investigation team and arson (4K)

"The deceased, Nobuyuki Nishimura, was a member of the designated violent gang, the Asagi Team. The cause of death was an oblique laceration on the right chest, which reached deep into the chest cavity, and he died of respiratory failure due to massive lung hemorrhage."


At four o'clock in the middle of the night, in a conference room in the Shizuoka Prefectural Police Headquarters building, Uchiha Xianmen quietly listened to the forensic report.

"The deceased, Niaoshan Cave, was a cadre of the designated violence group Matori Group. A huge wound with a length of 23 cm was found in the left sixth intercostal space under the left chest, reaching as deep as the chest cavity. There were multiple torn skin flaps at the edge of the wound. There was a heart defect in the chest cavity. ..."

"Wait, that means this cadre named 'Ku Ge' also had his heart pulled out and died?" Uchiha Xianmen interrupted the forensic doctor's report and asked thoughtfully.

"That's right."

"Of the eight charred corpses found at the headquarters of the Matori Group, two corpses also had their hearts dug out. Such a brutal technique is not 'Kamen Rider' at all."

After the Kamen Rider was shot and fell into the water, and his whereabouts were unknown, the director of the Jiaoban immediately reported it layer by layer, which immediately alerted the head of the Shizuoka Police Headquarters.

Although the director of Koban knows nothing about supernatural existence, he, the most senior bureaucrat in the Shizuoka prefectural police system, has a clear mind.

Especially since April, extraordinary incidents have occurred frequently, and Tokyo is also feeling overwhelmed. It seems to be inoculated, and the level of secrecy has been slightly lowered. Although it is still strictly confidential to the middle and low-level police officers, it is no longer a secret among the high-level police forces of local governments.

But even so, the local police headquarters does not have a department to deal with supernatural existence.

It can only be reported to the Metropolitan Police Department.

When it comes to extraordinary people, the Metropolitan Police Department also showed unprecedented efficiency. In less than two hours, the Metropolitan Police Department's investigation team had already arrived in Shizuoka City by helicopter.

The senior bureaucrats of the Shizuoka Police Headquarters looked curiously at the legendary No. 4 Investigation Section to deal with supernatural events. It seemed that the investigators of the No. 4 Investigation Section would come up with futuristic high-tech instruments or show Super powers or something.

For example, Police Uchiha, who is the leader of the investigation team, has a tall and straight figure, and is as handsome as a jade. He landed in a helicopter and looked like the hero in a blockbuster movie.

Unfortunately, no matter how the Shizuoka prefectural police looked at it, the staff of the investigation team did not show any magic.

The investigation methods are similar to their daily investigation methods, nothing more than forensic body identification, on-site investigation, surveillance network video screening and the like.

But the investigation team is worthy of being an elite from Tokyo, and soon they have clues, and basically locked the true identity of the Kamen Rider.

"Kamen Rider is the missing Tosu hero!"

Through the cameras along the way, the departure place of Kamen Rider's car was quickly found out.

The turmoil that occurred at the Tosu House in Aoi Ward was, of course, incorporated into the incidents that occurred at the Matori Group Headquarters.

Kamen Rider's true identity is so obvious that no evidence is even needed.

The history of Hero Tosu, and all the information from his birth to the present, are placed on the desks of all the police officers in the conference room.

Everyone was concentrating on flipping through the above documents.

"Hero Tosu, an ordinary person, actually tortured and killed twelve people! Destroying the headquarters of the Matori Group and setting it on fire, it must be considered black." A local police officer sighed.

"A man protecting his wife, and a father protecting his daughter, can it be called blackening?"

Uchiha Xianmen looked at the information in his hand with a glance, and said without raising his head.

"In the final analysis, we, the police, have not fulfilled our responsibility to protect the public."

The faces of the Shizuoka prefectural police officers who were present all looked a bit unsightly, but Uchiha Senmon is an "imperial envoy" from Tokyo, and he has full authority to handle the matter. Tokyo also requested the full cooperation of the Shizuoka prefectural police headquarters, and they can only pretend did not hear.

Although it is said that due to the rush of investigation time, why Hero Tosu had a grudge with the Mator group has not yet been investigated.

But there is no need to think about which is right and which is wrong between an honest office worker with a clean record and a vicious gang.

Not to mention the crime tools found at Tosu's house, it also proves that the Matori group has bad intentions for Tosu mother and daughter.

"I just don't know what incredible encounter Hero Tosu had during the day he disappeared, and he became a superhuman!" Uchiha Xianmen thought.

Uchiha Xianmen picked up the freshly released autopsy report and flipped through it.

Because violent groups need to be officially registered, the identities of the four corpses in Tosu’s house were quickly identified according to the map, while the eight corpses in the headquarters of the Matori group were all burnt into charred corpses, beyond recognition, and returned in a short time. Unable to determine identity.

"Is there any deep hatred between Hero Tosu and Brother Ku? He actually wants to dig out his heart! Looking at the information of Hero Tosu, he should not be cruel enough to do such a thing in front of his wife and daughter. And in Ma Was it just to vent anger when the group took the intentional arson?" Uchiha Xianmen pondered.

"Has the confession of the Tosu mother and daughter remained unchanged?"

After the tragedy at the Tosu family, the frightened Tosu mother and daughter were sent to the hospital by the police, and they are still under strict protection.

"Well, it's still the same. They all claim to know nothing, and they also deny that Kamen Rider is the hero of Tosu." Some investigators sighed.

"We haven't informed them of the fate of the hero Tosu who was shot and fell into the water."

They are all experienced police officers, so they can naturally see that the Tosu mother and daughter are lying, and they just want to cover the murderous crime of Tosu Hero.

"It's such a pity. Although Hero Tosu killed someone, he is the second case besides Dr. Satomi who has turned from an ordinary person to an extraordinary person with traces. Moreover, Hero Tosu has shown that he is far beyond the limit of the human body. Physical fitness, as well as the means of attack to kill members of the violent group, it can be seen that he should be a superhuman who belongs to the fighting type." The investigator couldn't help but said.

"Hero Tosu also killed Yakuza, who endangered his family. He didn't hurt innocent people, and he didn't show any social harm. He should be contacted and recruited. It's a pity that he was shot and fell into the water and died. "

Now that extraordinary events are emerging one after another, the Metropolitan Police Department has only a few cards in its hand. An extraordinary person like Hero Tosu, who is innocent, has a wife and a daughter, can be said to be the best target to control, and he may be able to find a breakthrough to become an extraordinary person in him.

In the end, he was shot to death by random police officers, which was a waste of money.

"It's still too early to say that Hero Tosu is dead." Uchiha Xianmen said with a mysterious smile.

The officers of the Shizuoka Prefectural Police Headquarters were taken aback.

At that time, many police officers' law enforcement recorders captured the scene of Kamen Rider falling into Abe River after being shot multiple times.

Unless it is really the Kamen Rider in the Tokusho drama, with the aura of the protagonist, the probability of surviving in this situation is extremely slim.

"Don't underestimate extraordinary people, even Type A is unlikely to be shot to death by mere police pistols." Uchiha Xianmen said with dark and deep eyes and a complicated tone.

"Moreover, Tosu Hero's performance was more or less deliberate. I suspect that he escaped by feigning death. Before the body of Tosu Hero was salvaged, it was necessary to assume that Tosu Hero was still alive and hiding in the dark as a basis for investigation." Precondition!"


In the conference room, the investigators and the Shizuoka prefectural police officer nodded their heads clearly.

"Minister Honda, there are some things that need to trouble you and your colleagues in Shizuoka Prefecture."

Uchiha Senmon stood up, bowed to the police chief of Shizuoka Prefecture, and said gently.

Although he was entrusted by the Metropolitan Police Department to be fully responsible for this matter, as the head of the local police headquarters, his rank is two levels higher than that of Uchiha Senmon, so he must treat each other with courtesy.

Otherwise, in this three-acre land in Shizuoka City, the investigation would be difficult.

"Uchiha police officer, please speak up."

"Mother and daughter Tosu who are still in the hospital, please arrange manpower to protect in secret. Our Metropolitan Police Department will soon send a commissioner to replace it. But no matter what happens, unless the Tosu hero actively attacks, Don't even shoot."

Judging from the archives, Tosu's mother and daughter are Tosu Hero's biggest weakness. As long as they just sit back and wait, Tosu Hero will show up sooner or later.

"Hero Tosu may also retaliate against other members of the Matori Group. The remaining members of the Matori Group must be brought to justice as soon as possible to confirm the true identities of the bodies burned in the fire."

The scorched corpses of the Matori Group Headquarters were burnt beyond recognition, which made Uchiha Xianmen somewhat uneasy.

"no problem."

"Also, in order to prevent foreign accidents, please strengthen the control of import and export traffic routes such as subways and trams in Shizuoka City. It is impossible to guarantee that Tosu Hero will leave Shizuoka City temporarily. After the limelight passes, he will wait for an opportunity to sneak into the Aoi District and take the Mother and daughter Tosu picked them up."

With the fetters of Tosu hero and Tosu mother and daughter, he can definitely do this kind of thing.

Maybe Hero Tosu is hiding somewhere in the Aoi District right now, waiting for an opportunity.

"Don't worry, I will definitely deploy police force on every main exit road in Shizuoka City, and set up a net to ensure that the Tosu hero cannot escape."

Although I felt that the Uchiha police were so cautious, it was a bit of a fuss, but the police chief agreed.

"In that case, I'm relieved."


It was seven o'clock in the morning, and the Shinkansen in Shizuoka City had already started operating.

"Give me a ticket to Osaka."

A young man in a black suit took out a 10,000 yen bill and came to the ticket gate.


The conductor took the money with a grin, and immediately handed over the ticket and change.

Hero Tosu came to the platform and waited for the train to enter the station.

There was a patrolling policeman near the platform, holding a police walkie-talkie in his hand, patrolling back and forth among the crowd.

The patrol police took a look at Hero Tosu, took a look, and saw his strong figure and youthful appearance, then looked down at the full-body photo of the thin middle-aged man on the electronic screen, and then looked away.

Hero Tosu mingled into the train in such a grandiose manner.

The Shinkansen to Osaka has started. Shizuoka Prefecture is only 300 kilometers away from Osaka Prefecture, and it only takes two hours to get there at the speed of the Shinkansen.

Hero Tosu took out a black gentleman's hat from his backpack and put it on his face, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Because of the cover of the hat, no one noticed that the meridians and blood vessels were squirming like living things under the face of Hero Tosu.

Even if the Tosu mother and daughter were in person, they would definitely not be able to recognize this healthy young man, who looked less than thirty years old, as Tosu Hero.

Hero Tosu adjusted his height and shape through the black tentacles connected to the limbs.

Not only that, but he also newly awakened a kind of sorcery, that is, he can peel off other people's face and put it on his own face to change his face.

The art of erasing face!

This sorcery is very compatible with his black tentacles. Through the grafting of the black tentacles, the human leather mask is tightly attached to the face. Unless it is touched by hands, it is impossible to be seen through anyway.

However, the abnormal touch of the human skin mask on the face, as well as the moral condemnation of blaspheming the dead, made Hero Tosu feel uncomfortable.

"When I get to Osaka, I see Moribe-kun's daughter and give her the letter. I won't have to show up with this face anymore." Hero Tosu had mixed feelings in his heart.

The fact that Kamen Rider was shot and buried in Abegawa was just a cover-up. He didn't think he could hide from the police for long. Now Kamen Rider's true identity must have been exposed.

If he continues to show up with his original face, he will probably be chased and intercepted by the police before he arrives in Osaka.

But now it has changed to a face that is said to be a member of a violent gang, but he set fire to destroy the body and wipe out the traces. It will take a while for the police to be alert.

With this time difference, he should be able to complete his mission in Osaka.

After all, the address of Shoubu's family is written clearly, and half a day is enough for me.

As long as there are no accidents.

The Tosu hero just fell asleep all the way, and the white horse passed through the gap. Soon the Shinkansen will stop at Osaka Station.

At this moment, a commotion suddenly broke out in the front carriage, and the fire and smoke filled the carriage, and the passengers fled in a hurry. After the train made an emergency stop, some people jumped out of the window and escaped.

Hero Tosu opened his eyes, only to see a man with a knife arsoning the fire, pouring gasoline-like liquid contained in a plastic bottle, making the fire more intense.

"Another scumbag taking revenge on society!"

Hero Tosu saw a mother holding a child fleeing in the carriage and fell to the ground. He couldn't help but look cold, and then strode towards the man with the knife.

When the man with the knife saw someone not only escaping, but walking towards him, he was taken aback for a moment, and then slashed at him with a strange cry.

"Oh oh oh oh—!"

Hero Tosu resisted the urge to stick out his black tentacles to pierce the man with the knife, his body swiftly passed by, and punched him heavily in the lower abdomen.

The man with the knife rolled his eyes and passed out on the spot in the burning carriage.

Hero Tosu didn't bother to talk to him, and walked straight out of the car. As soon as he went out, the flash light of his mobile phone flashed a few times.

It is human nature to watch the excitement. Even if such a vicious incident happened, some people fled to a certain distance and felt safe and took out their mobile phones to record the scene.

"Shocked! This happened to the Shinkansen at Osaka Station!"

"An invincible man?"

"This Onisan is really handsome. He knocked down this thug with just one punch."

"This figure is also great, the bulging muscles must be working out!"

Hero Tosu couldn't help being dumbfounded when he saw the camera of his phone pointed at him outside, and the nympho young girl kept asking him, wanting his contact information.


Hero Tosu said inwardly that he was not good, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet, push the crowd away, and escaped.

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