I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 201 Chapter 203 Create Blood Succession Boundary (4k)

"Kakuto's Earth Resentment Technique and Orochimaru's Art of Erasing Face are very compatible. Orochimaru is also immortal, so it may be the most suitable team with Kakudu in Akatsuki's organization besides Hidan people."

Naruto Uchiha took his gaze away from Hero Tosu, and smiled lightly.

The irascible elder brother Kakuto, who is addicted to money, becomes murderous when he gets angry, and even kills the partners assigned by the Xiao organization. In the end, he can only form a team with Fei Duan, who has obtained the power of the evil god and can live forever.

But even if it is Kakuto, it is impossible to kill Orochimaru.

Through the spiritual connection established by the system, Naruto Uchiha knows every move of Hero Tosu like the back of his hand. Including the scene where the Tosu hero killed the Tosu family and the Matori group, Naruto Uchiha watched on the spot personally.

Of course, he has no interest in the personal privacy of the middle-aged uncle. Whenever Hero Tosu consumes chakra and uses the technique of earth resentment, Naruto Uchiha will temporarily turn his attention to it.

After Tosu Hero took away the headquarters of the Matori Group, when he was struggling with how to get out, Naruto Uchiha thoughtfully shared the technique of erasing facial expressions.

Anyway, the technique of erasing face is useless to him who has the transformation technique.

Not to mention peeling off other people's skin and sticking it on your own, it's somewhat shocking.

Well, maybe for the Naruto world ninjas who have three bodies per capita, the disguise of the face-removing technique is more difficult to see through than the transformation technique, but in this parallel world where there are no ninjas, no one can use the abnormality of chakra. Let's take a look at the transfiguration technique.

"I didn't expect Orochimaru's ninjutsu to work so well with Earth Resentment. Do you want to consider giving Orochimaru's ninjutsu to Tosu Hero?"

Orochimaru Ninjutsu and Earth Resentment Jutsu, because they involve body modification and painting style are really scary and disgusting, Naruto Uchiha is not very interested in this.

Although several techniques have the ability to prolong life, Kakuzu is 91 years old and can still fight for the Akatsuki organization on the front line. for the future.

Anyway, Naruto Uchiha doesn't practice these techniques, so it would be good to find a trumpet to practice on his own.

It is also interesting to combine the representative ninjutsu of different ninjas in Naruto on one person and see the wonderful chemical reaction.

"Let's forget it for the time being. Hero Tosu has jumped out of the police's siege now. The situation is not that critical. Even if I, the 'evil god', grant him new power, he will not use it." Naruto Uchiha blinked his eyes think.

Whether it's the horrible and disgusting black tentacles of the technique of earth grievances, the technique of stealing the heart of a living person to continue life, or the technique of peeling off the face of a person, they are all extremely evil, which put a lot of psychological pressure on Tosu Hero, making him In great pain, she shed tears and bid farewell to her family.

Orochimaru ninjutsu also reveals an evil spirit, and it may be the last straw that overwhelms Tosu Hero.

At that time, the hero Tosu may degenerate and become black, or he may perish in silence.

Hero Tosu can be regarded as a talent, he can raise the technique of Earth Resentment to LV2 so quickly, if he dies, Naruto Uchiha may not be able to find such a useful chess piece.

Naruto Uchiha naturally also understood the purpose of Hero Tosu's trip to Osaka, but he had no intention of interfering.

Naruto Tsukimi, who was also bestowed ninjutsu by Naruto Uchiha, and Dr. Naruto Uchiha also adopted the training method of stocking, and occasionally observed one or two from the perspective of God, and watched the changes.

"LV2's Earth Resentment Technique can already use the heart to create a clone, and it also has an extra life. However, a clone made of an ordinary person's heart will naturally not have chakra attributes." Naruto Uchiha pondered.

Hero Tosu put on the suit of Kamen Rider with the clone of Earth Resentment, and came to escape the shell of a golden cicada, which can be regarded as a clever use of this secret ninjutsu.

Unfortunately it was not enough.

In addition to a few more lives, the technique of Earth Resentment and Yu also has a huge advantage, that is, by capturing the hearts of ninjas with different attributes, you can simultaneously have the five major chasms of fire escape, water escape, earth escape, thunder escape, and wind escape. Carat nature changes!

Generally, only when you reach the Jōnin level can you master the changes in the nature of more than two attributes.

It takes talent even more to have the five major chakras. In the ninja world, there are three generations of Hokage, Orochimaru, Kakashi and others who have all five types of changes.

"However, Hero Tosu has only been a superhuman for a day, so naturally he has no way to get in touch with monsters and other superhumans, let alone capture their hearts."

The lower limit of the esoteric ninjutsu is also very high. If you gather all five types of chakra properties, you can touch the threshold of jonin, depending on whether Tosu Hero can grasp it.

"However, now I have also collected the five nature changes of fire escape, water escape, earth escape, thunder escape, and wind escape!"

Naruto Uchiha is staying in the practice field at this moment, which is located in the simulated scene of Konoha Village. The houses and buildings around him are crumbling, and the ground is scattered with various potholes left after practice.

He closed his eyes, and a red lotus burning several meters high appeared from his left hand, which is the fire escape that Naruto Uchiha is best at.

On the other hand, blue electric light was intertwined, dazzling and dazzling, making a crackling sound.

Naruto Uchiha took a deep breath, with a serious face, the Sharingan in his eyes suddenly opened, and then the two hands wrapped around the flame and the thunder light were about to be brought together.


"Bang bang bang!"

Fire and lightning are like sworn enemies. The two violent chakras show no sign of blending at all. Instead, they are fighting like fire and water. No matter how hard the two hands are, they can't really get together.

A large burst of flames and flashing blue lightning splashed out from Naruto Uchiha's hands, and falling nearby would either collapse the walls or simply set the entire house on fire.


Naruto Uchiha still refused to give up, the two Chakra attributes of Fire Dun and Thunder Dun collided violently between the palms, burning Uchiha Naruto's hands until a layer of skin peeled off.


After an earth-shattering explosion, a large fireball with a diameter of tens of feet rose into the air, and the shock wave of burning flames spread in all directions, directly razing the blocks of Muye Village to the ground.

"The practice of fusing two kinds of chakra properties and artificially creating blood succession boundaries has failed again!"

Naruto Uchiha, who was sitting on the bed in his own room, suddenly opened his eyes, his face was slightly pale, and he thought about it with lingering fear.

"Fortunately, it's in the practice field, and it doesn't matter if you fail. If it were in reality, not only would Yayoi town be bombed to the sky, even I would be seriously injured and even my life would be in danger."

Naruto Uchiha wiped off his cold sweat and started to have a headache. He didn't expect that it would be so difficult and dangerous to fuse two chakras of different natures!

When chasing and killing Jiaoxing earlier, Thunder Dune burst out from it.

In this way, Naruto Uchiha has gathered the five chakra properties of fire escape, water escape, earth escape, thunder escape, and wind escape.

But in addition to the five basic chakra attribute changes in the ninja world, there is also a blood succession limit!

The boundaries of bloodstains are divided into two types. In addition to the sharingans of the Uchiha clan, the white eyes of the Hyuga clan, and the bone veins of the Taketori clan, which are genetically different from ordinary people's body organs, there are also ice escape, boiling escape, and explosion. Escape and other evasion techniques are formed by the fusion of different chakra properties!

Uchiha Naruto now masters the Blood Succession Boundary Escape technique, which can only be used by the Wooden Escape that exploded from monsters, and the Magnetic Escape that can only be used by indirectly controlling the three generations of Kazekage puppets.

Naruto Uchiha has also been greedy for other powerful blood succession boundaries for a long time.

After collecting all five types of Chakra property changes, Naruto Uchiha also began to try to integrate different property changes to create new escape techniques.

In this way, Naruto Uchiha doesn't need to hunt monsters to explode skills from them.

Since ninjas can create blood succession boundaries by fusing chakra attributes, it shows that this path is feasible.

"Although it was just a whim, I didn't expect it to be so difficult! No wonder there are so few blood-following ninjas in Naruto, all of them are hidden as strategic resources."

Uchiha let out a sigh, and there seemed to be pain in the palm of his hand.

Uchiha Naruto's five attribute evasion techniques can also be mastered by system empowerment, but the practice of fusing different Chakra attributes can only be explored by oneself.

It may take thousands of failures and many years to succeed in creating the blood succession boundary by practicing alone.

"Integrating the changes of different chakra attributes to unlock new escapism techniques is temporarily unworkable. Compared with working hard to cultivate, it is faster to kill monsters and explode skills."

After experiencing a miserable failure, Naruto Uchiha could only shelve his training plan.

It is indeed unrealistic to want to reach the sky in one step. If Blood Successor Limitation can be cultivated so easily, then the streets of Ninja World should be full of Blood Successor Ninjas.


Although it is said that the injuries in the practice field will not be fed back to the real body, Naruto Uchiha's energy has also been consumed a lot, and his stomach began to growl.

"It's a rare golden week. I spent the past few days pretending to be fools and fooling the police station, or fighting and killing. I have been practicing chakra attribute fusion changes for the past two days. I am really tired. For the rest of the golden week, I You should also take a good rest and eat a big meal."

Naruto Uchiha stretched his waist, and there was a joint-like crisp sound in his sedentary bones.

He walked down the stairs from the room to the first floor, and there was only one person and one dog in the entire Uchiha House.

Uchiha Xianmen is working overtime without accident, even the Golden Week is not immune.

"Woof! Woah! Woah!"

When Uchiha called down the stairs, Shinobu Tsunakichi rushed over impatiently, wagging his tail courteously and barking flatteringly.

Naruto Uchiha casually stroked Tsunayoshi's dog's head a few times.

Gang Ji barked a few times excitedly, his wet dog eyes kept looking towards the kitchen, with a greedy look on his face.

On the stove in the kitchen, a pot of soup was simmering, gurgling and tumbling, and the tangy smell of meat permeated the air.

"Tsunayoshi, why are you so greedy!" Uchiha Ming scolded with a smile.

Tsunayoshi whimpered, and wanted to hug Naruto Uchiha's feet to be pitiful, but he didn't dare, so he could only stick out his tongue and look at Naruto Uchiha, looking very pitiful.

"Okay, okay! Although it is said that you only chased after Aokigahara, I still remember the credit you made before, and now I will reward you for your merits." Uchiha Ming laughed.


When Ninja Inu Tsunakichi heard it, his drooping ears pricked up again, and the dog's face became more wrinkled when he smiled.

Tsunayoshi was originally a very clever puppy, but after becoming Uchiha Naruto's psychic beast, his spirituality became even stronger. But now it is only a little smarter than ordinary dogs, can roughly understand the meaning of Uchiha Naruto, and can't speak like Kakashi's Ninja Dog, so it is not a person who can communicate and chat.

"After the golden week, I should go to give Gangji a dog tag. Do you want to get a vaccine? Extraordinary creatures should not be afraid of this. By the way, Gangji is a little male dog, should you castrate him... ..."

Tsunayoshi still doesn't know that the world is sinister and people's hearts are not old, but he is eagerly rubbing against Uchiha Naruto's feet.

Naruto Uchiha walked to the stove in the kitchen and opened the lid of the pot-bellied casserole, and the aroma immediately wafted into his nostrils.

In the milky white fresh soup, good things such as ham, old hen, and big bones are stewed.

"Okay, let's have hot pot for lunch today."

Naruto Uchiha took a look, sniffed his nose, and showed satisfaction on his face.

Although Japan also has very famous Japanese-style beef hot pot, such as making sukiyaki, Naruto Uchiha is not sensitive to this.

It's a pity that there is no suitable hot pot base in Japan, so Naruto Uchiha can only spend a lot of money to cook the soup base in his own way.

Naruto Uchiha fried two poached eggs in the pot, then poured the soup that had been boiled all morning into the induction cooker, added a few peeled garlic, and dropped the knotted shallots, the hot pot soup base was complete up.

Next, grandly invite the protagonist of the hot pot, ten catties of Frost's Beef.

It's a pity that the store near Naruto Uchiha can't buy 5A-grade Kobe beef, otherwise Naruto Uchiha would not be stingy with money.

There are also various carnivorous vegetables such as mutton, fresh shrimp, mushrooms, Chinese cabbage, konjac, tofu, etc., which are dazzling.

Vegetables in Japan are not cheaper than meat.

The purchase of such a luxurious hot pot is entirely thanks to President Hyoudou's generous sponsorship!

No, no, the money Naruto Uchiha earned from pachinko belonged to him as a matter of course.

Naruto Uchiha sliced ​​the beef and sheep that had been frozen hard in the refrigerator into thin slices, and adjusted the sauce. He picked up a spoon and took a sip of the soup.

So he picked up a big bone full of meat from the hot pot and put it on the plate under the table as a reward for Gangji.

Everything was ready, and when Naruto Uchiha was about to start, the doorbell of Uchiha's house suddenly rang.

Naruto Uchiha climbed the crow through the telegraph pole outside the house, and knew who was coming, so he had no choice but to go to open the door:

"Auntie Namiliu, why are you here when you have time? Xianmen is not at home."

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