I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 202 Chapter 204 Immortal Transformation (4K)

"Clap clack."

Crack the eggs on the corner of the table, then beat them into the bowl with one hand, sprinkle a little bit of sweetness for seasoning, then stir well, and a stack of dipping sauce is ready.

The hot pot was gurgling and boiling, steaming steam mixed with the aroma of the meat, and the tender pink Frost Beef changed color after a few tumblings in the milky white soup.

A pair of chopsticks fished out a few pieces of beef from the hot pot, dipped them in the egg liquid a few times, and put them in his mouth.


Sakaki Namiru narrowed her eyes, and a happy smile that was unique to meat lovers appeared on her face.

"Although it's not a sukiyaki pot, taking the beef down and rinsing it like this has a different flavor compared to stewed beef."

She stretched out her chopsticks again to pick up the sliced ​​beef, but Naruto Uchiha unceremoniously opened it with the chopsticks.

"Separate raw and cooked chopsticks, Aunt Namiliu."

"Mingzai, don't be so strict like brother-in-law, and you should call me sister Namiliu." Sakaki Namiliu said unconsciously.

Naruto Uchiha glanced at Namiru Sakaki with disgust on his face, and then picked up half a plate of beef with his chopsticks.

"Wow wow!"

Nami Ryu Sakaki's eyes lit up, obviously shocked by Naruto Uchiha's extravagant atmosphere.

Beef is not cheap. For a shabby family like Chibi Maruko’s family, they always put some pork in sukiyaki to make up for it.

Nami Ryu Sakaki picked up another bowl, blew on it, took a sip, sipped a few times and said:

"This soup is so fresh and thick! It's stronger than the soup of tonkotsu ramen."


Naruto Uchiha raised his eyebrows, and a bit of contentment flashed in his eyes.

His soup is boiled with old hen, ham, and big bones. If you add sea cucumber, shark fin, abalone, etc., you can make a pot of Buddha jumping over the wall.

The difference between Japanese-style beef pot sukiyaki and Chinese-style hot pot lies in the soup.

The method of sukiyaki is to moisten the pan with a little butter first, put the beef and green onions to fry until fragrant, add mirin soy sauce to taste, and finally add a little water and vegetables, mainly rely on the water from the vegetables to cook the ingredients together cooked.

The beef slices were boiled in the pot for a few times before they were cooked. Naruto Uchiha and Nami Ryu Sakaki dropped their chopsticks one after another. The amount of beef was sufficient and there was no need to fight for it. The two ate the meat with great enjoyment.

Namiyu Sakaki fished out a poached egg from the hot pot, took a bite, and commented:

"Stir the raw egg and dip it in the beef. It's even more delicious. Mingzi, do you want to try it too?"

Sakaki Nami triumphantly showed her prepared raw egg dipping sauce to Uchiha Naruto.


Naruto Uchiha glanced sideways, disapproving all over his face.

Using raw egg liquid to match beef is also a major feature of sukiyaki.

Well, it should be regarded as a Japanese characteristic. The Japanese are also famous for eating raw egg bibimbap.

A bowl of steaming white rice, topped with a raw egg and stirred with a little soy sauce, is a simple meal.

Although these raw eggs are sterile eggs, Naruto Uchiha has always felt that the safety is very suspicious, and he can't accept the sticky taste and fishy smell of raw eggs. He has always been grateful and insensitive to this.

"Mingzai, you are still the same as before. You don't eat raw eggs, natto, and miso. Can you be considered Japanese?"

Sakaki Nami said with regret in her tone, as if Naruto Uchiha didn't know how to appreciate good things.

Naruto Uchiha curled his lips in disdain.

"Aunt Namiliu, eat more, eat more."

The implication of Naruto Uchiha's words is that so much beef can't stop your mouth?

Shut up you!

"It's a pity that there is such good beef, but there is no wine! If I had known earlier, I would have brought a dozen beers here." Sakaki Nami said with a regretful face.

After that, all the other meat and vegetables were removed. The hot hot pot made Sakaki Nami sweat profusely, and finally she hugged her stomach and hummed like an elder.

Although Nami Ryu Sakaki is a physical education teacher and has a larger appetite than ordinary girls, she can't compare with Naruto Uchiha at all.

Uchiha Naruto tidied up the dishes.

"Mingzi, when did the family start raising dogs?"

Namiyu Sakaki, who was full and had nothing to do, began to toss the puppy Tsunayoshi who was gnawing bones under the table.

Gang Ji hugged the big meaty bone and licked it with great joy. The meat and cartilage on the bone were all eaten up, but he was reluctant to let go.

"Why, it's still a little male dog. Hasn't it been neutered yet?"

Sakaki Nami Liu carelessly pulled up one of Tsunayoshi's hind legs, glanced at it, and said with a smile.


Tsunayoshi obviously didn't expect that he would be attacked by the female devil head, and quickly broke free from Sakaki Nami-ryu's clutches, and hid under Uchiha Naruto's feet trembling with his tail between his legs.

"Ha, this dog is really funny."

Naruto Uchiha looked at a black thread.

When I was young, in my hometown in Shizuoka Prefecture, Auntie Namiliu was a king of children, and now she has evolved into a female man.

Auntie Namiliu looks so similar to her mother. Could it be that her mother also has this kind of personality?

Uchiha Naruto couldn't help shivering.

He looked down at Gang Ji who was sobbing at his feet with an aggrieved face, and put the few pieces of raw beef left on the plate into Gang Ji's food bowl.

"Woof!" Gangji wagged his tail and lowered his head, devouring it hungrily.

"Mingzi, this puppy eats really well, and the beef is returned."

Nami Sakaki turned on the TV in a familiar manner, walked around the living room to digest food, and suddenly asked curiously:

"There is still such a good beef. This meal will cost a lot of money. You are a student, where did you get so much money?"

"I earned it from a part-time job." Naruto Uchiha said without blinking his eyes.

"What kind of part-time hourly salary is enough for you to spend so much?" Sakaki Nami asked suspiciously.

At this moment, the TV suddenly broadcast a piece of news.

A documentary recently launched by the BBC caused a major earthquake in Japanese entertainment, exposing the scandal of Kitagawa, the founder of the well-known Japanese male idol agency Johnny's, who violated and abused his affiliated male artists.

"Naruzai, you're not going to be an idol trainee or a part-time job like a cowherd, are you?" Sakaki Nami said half-jokingly.

The genes of the Uchiha family are very good. All the men in the Uchiha family are handsome guys. When the sister was still there, she complained about her brother-in-law.

Mingzai was in the village when he was a child. When he showed his appearance, he was very popular with girls of the same age. Later, when he returned to Tokyo, there were girls with tears in his eyes, and promised to be Mingzai's bride when they grew up.

Nami Ryu Sakaki carefully looked at Naruto Uchiha.

The current Ming Tsai is tall and slender, with a skin as white as jade, with a healthy rosy glow.

With a dignified and beautiful appearance, there is a bit of indifference between the brows that rejects people thousands of miles away, a proper ascetic boy!

If I didn't already have my own heart, I would be very moved when I saw a beautiful boy of this level.

"Aunt Namiliu!"

Naruto Uchiha didn't emphasize his tone in a good mood, and said:

"What's the purpose of your visit? If you're just here to eat and drink, since you're already full, you might as well go back home."

"Mingzai, your monthly test results have improved by several places, right?" Sakaki Namiliu asked.


Nami-ryu Sakaki is now an intern physical education teacher at Jinguji High School. It is easy to find out about Naruto Uchiha's results in the test.

Naruto Uchiha was under the high-intensity schedule of doing things in April, and his performance did not retreat but improved, all because of the shadow clone technique.

"As a reward for your progress in grades, sister, let me invite you to travel to Obama City in Wakasa Bay, Fukui Prefecture, how about it?" Nami Liu took out three tickets.

"It's a three-day, two-night tour package from May 3rd to May 5th, and isn't May 5th Boys' Day? The carp streamers in Kohama City are also very famous. Mingzi, you should Isn't there Boys' Day?"

May 5th is the last day of Golden Week, and it is also the Boys' Day, which is a legal holiday in Japan, and also the Dragon Boat Festival. On this day, families with boys will hang carp banners at the door of their homes, which is derived from the legend of carp leaping over the Dragon Gate, hoping that their boys can swim upstream like carp and soar into the sky.

Therefore, it is also known as the Carp Festival.

Wakasa Bay?

Wakasa Bay is located in the northwest of the Sea of ​​Japan, facing the mainland across the sea.

Upon hearing the place name, Uchiha Ming frowned, his expression slightly unnatural.

"I'm already fifteen years old, how can I celebrate Boys' Day?"

"It's not that big. And you didn't go out during the Golden Week. It's not bad to take advantage of this opportunity to travel. It's boring to stay at home all the time. My sister is worried that you will get sick at home..."

"You're not my mother, why are you so wordy." Naruto Uchiha's mouth twitched.

I can be your mother...

Nami Ryu Sakaki almost blurted out, but quickly covered up:

"After all, I am my sister's younger sister, so I can be considered your half mother. Naturally, I should care about my nephew's study and mental health."

"And in those few days in Xiaohama City, not only will the carp festival be celebrated, but there will also be a unique local mermaid festival. You must have heard of the legend of the eight hundred bhikkhuni. The mermaid festival originated from this legend, and I will definitely It's very lively."

Sakaki Nami tried her best to persuade her, but her attitude was overly enthusiastic.

"Three tickets?"

Naruto Uchiha glanced at the ticket in Sakaki Namiryu's hand, and always felt that she invited herself to travel to Wakasa Bay because of ulterior motives.

Celebrate Boys' Day for yourself, this reason is simply untenable.

"Well, these three tickets are actually the first-class lottery tickets I got when shopping in a supermarket." Sakaki Namiyu was a little twitchy.

"Isn't there still one person missing? Your father, brother-in-law, he doesn't know if he is free?"

Naruto Uchiha glanced at Namiru Sakaki in surprise.

"Because I called my brother-in-law too often after I came to Tokyo, and my brother-in-law told me not to disturb him if there is nothing important. So, please." Nami Sakaki looked at Naruto Uchiha eagerly.

Naturally, Naruto Uchiha did not attend the Carp Festival, and was only slightly interested in the Mermaid Festival in Obama City, and he was noncommittal on whether to travel there.

But the place name Wakasa Bay made him pay attention.

Anyway, sooner or later, it is better to solve it together.

"Here is the ticket for tomorrow morning. Xianmen hasn't come back this golden week, he must not be free, so don't get your hopes up." Naruto Uchiha took a look at the travel ticket and said with a frown.

"You have to give it a try. My brother-in-law works so hard, so he should take advantage of the golden week to take a few days off."

Naruto Uchiha was a little embarrassed when he heard this.

The work of Uchiha Xianmen in the fourth section of the search is so busy, it is inseparable from myself.

But before Naruto Uchiha started to do things, Uchiha Xianmen was also very busy. When he thought of this, Naruto Uchiha had no guilt.

"Then I'll call him."

Uchiha Naruto turned on the speakerphone in front of Sakaki Nami-ryu, and after the call was connected, he asked where the Uchiha Senmen was. He was also vague and did not give specific information, only saying that he was not in Tokyo.

As for asking him to go on a trip to Wakasa Bay together, he unexpectedly declined on the grounds of being busy with work.

"Aunt Namiliu, let me tell you everything."

"It's okay, Mingzi, if brother-in-law doesn't go, we will go by ourselves."

Nami Ryu Sakaki, who was a little disheartened, cheered up again, and pumped her fists to cheer herself up.

"As for the remaining one, let my roommate go too."

It's the school doctor with the big black wave.

Uchiha Naruto thought.

"Then at seven o'clock tomorrow morning, we will drive to pick you up at the door, is there any problem?"

Forget it, let's go.

Seeing Naruto Uchiha nodding, Nami Ryu Sakaki got up and was about to leave. Before leaving, she seemed to remember something.

"Mingzai, remember to call me sister Namiliu in front of my roommate. If you call me aunt again, if my roommate hears it, they will definitely make fun of me."

"In exchange, don't call me Mingzi anymore."

Although it didn't matter what I called it in my hometown in Shizuoka when I was young, I felt a little ashamed when I grew up, especially in front of outsiders.

"Just like Xianmen, call me Ah Ming."

"Same as brother-in-law?"

Upon hearing this, Nami Sakaki's wheat-colored cheeks flew two red clouds, and she covered her face and muttered to herself.

Why is Auntie Namiliu so weird?

Naruto Uchiha frowned.

After sending Sakaki Nami Ryu off, Uchiha Naruto returned to his room after cleaning the tableware.

Then open the system panel.

【Uchiha Naruto】


[Main skills: Sharingan LV3 (114/1000), Fire Escape LV3 (102/1000), Three Body LV3 (49/1000), Sealing LV3 (1/1000), Spiritualism LV3 (1/1000) , Taijutsu LV3 (1/1000)]

After upgrading the six skills after the initial and subsequent unlocking of the system to LV3, Naruto Uchiha was finally promoted to Jonin!

Unlike the special ninja who can only partially reach the field of ninja, Naruto Uchiha has reached the level of ninja from the perspectives of ninja, body, and phantom.

After being promoted to Jonin, the amount of chakra has increased even more. Although I don't know how many Kakashi there are now, but it is getting closer and closer to a chakra like Kisame.

Not only that, but the system also unlocks new stuff.

[Immortal Transformation LV1 (1/10)]

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