I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 203 Chapter 205 You are the best in this group of people!

Immortalization, that is, fairy art.

What ninjutsu uses is the chakra produced by the "spiritual energy" and "physical energy" in one's own body, which belongs to the energy in the body.

And Xianshu is to use the "natural energy" outside the body, and the three kinds of energy are mixed to create a stronger Xianshu Chakra!

"Although ninjutsu can be practiced in the practice field, immortal jutsu is completely useless." Naruto Uchiha paced back and forth in the room, thoughtfully.

"Is it because there is no natural energy in the practice field?"

Natural energy exists between the earth and the atmosphere, and the simulated scene of the practice field is not real after all.

After leaving the practice field, Naruto Uchiha began to vaguely sense something in the air.

Fortunately, there is also natural energy on the earth, otherwise the immortalization would be completely useless.

But with this little natural energy, let alone transforming into a fairy, even trying to enter the fairy mode would be half the effort.

The immortalization of LV1 is barely enough for beginners.

"Because in this bustling steel forest in Tokyo, there must be less natural energy. Perhaps in the deep mountains and old forests, it is easier to sense natural energy."

The concept of natural energy feels a bit like the aura of heaven and earth that often appears in Xiuxian novels.

The immortal cultivators in the novel hide in the mountains and forests, avoiding the world. The reason is that there is a lack of aura in the world of mortals, and living in the city for a long time is full of disadvantages and no benefits.

"If you want to talk about the beautiful natural environment and lush vegetation in Tokyo, it must be Ueno Park and Yoyogi Park."

Although Ueno Park has the largest area, it is closer to Yoyogi Park in Shibuya District in Taito District.

Yoyogi Park, adjacent to NHK TV station and Meiji Jingu Shrine, covers an area of ​​54 hectares, with more than 10,000 trees planted in it, and a green area of ​​320,000 square meters. It is also a large park second to none in Tokyo.

"Let's go to Yoyogi Park and practice immortality."

After making the preparations, Naruto Uchiha set off immediately and took the tram to Shibuya District.

At the entrance of Yoyogi Park, you can see many citizens and tourists traveling during the Golden Week.

Taking advantage of the bright afternoon sun, families and couples come here in twos and threes to take a walk, play sports, or spread a tablecloth on the lawn to start a picnic, enjoying the gifts from nature.

Before the 1920s, the Harajuku area was originally a royal territory, and the establishment of the Meiji Shrine attracted a large number of worshipers. Yoyogi Park was also a training ground for the army. After the war, the U.S. military also set up management facilities to monitor the Meiji Jingu Shrine. In the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, it was also used as an Olympic athletes' village.

In the old days, the swallow before Wang Xietang flew into the homes of ordinary people. Time has passed, and Yoyogi Park, the former royal garden, is now open to the public.

Naruto Uchiha glanced lightly at the crowd at the entrance, and then walked towards the depths of the park.

Although there are many tourists around Yoyogi Park, after walking for more than ten minutes, it began to be quiet.

Naruto Uchiha started to leave the path in the park, and walked towards the inaccessible woods, the more bushes he went in, the more bushes grew, and the branches of the trees protruded, making it difficult for tourists to walk.

Naruto Uchiha looked carefully for a few times, there were no cameras nearby, and no one was paying attention to him, so he simply bumped into the tree trunk blocking the road!

The whole person passed through the trunk, his body seemed to be integrated into the trunk, and the next second he walked out from behind the trunk.

In this way, relying on Mudun all the way without hindrance, Uchiha Naruto came to the deepest part of Yoyogi Park.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

Naruto Uchiha was quite satisfied with the environment here, so he summoned a shadow clone with his hands.

The shadow clone came under a zelkova tree, sat on the ground with his back against the tree trunk, put his hands on his knees and began to practice immortality.

Uchiha Naruto's main body is guarding against someone approaching nearby, and at the same time curiously looking at the shadow clone who is practicing immortality.

After entering Yoyogi Park, Naruto Uchiha could clearly feel that the natural energy in the atmosphere was more active and full than before. In this case, it may be possible to introduce natural energy into the body.

Senjutsu Chakra can greatly enhance Ninjutsu, Illusion, and Taijutsu. The effect is extremely eye-catching, but it is also dangerous.

If the natural energy is absorbed too much and becomes unbalanced with the body energy and spiritual energy, people will turn into animals such as toads and snakes, and finally turn into stones and return to nature.

The celestial beings of Mt. Miaomu have succeeded in inheriting and cultivating the four generations of Hokage, Jiraiya, and the prince, but there are hundreds of toad statues in Mt. Miaomu.

It is enough to prove the danger of immortalization.

Since it was so dangerous, it was natural for the shadow clone to go first.

I am preparing a double... No, I am preparing a shadow clone to do this for me!

The shadow clone sat under the tree with his eyes closed, motionless, and almost half an hour passed like this. When Naruto Uchiha was hesitating that it was really so difficult to transform into a sage, the shadow clone suddenly began to change.

The black hair of the shadow clone began to grow longer, and the skin became whiter and more delicate. What's more, fine purple scales appeared on the skin, covering half of the cheeks.

"Let's stop here!"

Naruto Uchiha was taken aback, and ejected a small stone from his hand, disturbing the shadow clone from the state of cultivation.

"Hiss, what's the matter, my immortalization? I feel natural energy flowing through my limbs, Sbarasi! Hiss hiss."

When the shadow clone spoke, it stuck out its tongue like a snake spitting out a letter.

"Yeah, Sparashi, if you practice sage again, maybe you will start to feel that frogs and mice are also Sparashi." Uchiha clicked his lips, looked at the shadow clone's tongue and shook his head.

Immortalization at LV1 is so dangerous. If it is upgraded to LV2 or LV3, it will be fine. I am afraid that it will become a purple-scaled poisonous snake at the moment of absorbing natural energy.

"Forget it, you come back first."

After the shadow clone was lifted, Uchiha Naruto experienced the feeling of the previous shadow clone cultivation, how the natural energy entered the body from the body surface, and began to blend with Chakra in the body.

It turns out that this is the magic chakra.

When Naruto Uchiha was sharing the experience of cultivating the shadow clone, he suddenly felt his tongue became knotted, and his right cheek began to itch.

Naruto Uchiha said inwardly that he was not good, and when he touched his face with his right hand, there was a rustling sound, and he felt something like scales.

"Hiss, it's over, my face!"

Naruto Uchiha pulled out a kunai, looked through the reflection on the blade, and saw that the beautiful face with delicate features was the same as the shadow clone, with dense purple scales growing.

He opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, which was so long that he could even lick the bridge of his nose.

"Ah, I thought that only the fatigue and experience of the shadow clone would be fed back to the main body. I never expected that the natural energy would also return to the main body." Naruto Uchiha wanted to cry without tears.

Although in school life on weekdays, Naruto Uchiha is an image of a beautiful iceberg boy who rejects people thousands of miles away, but he is very satisfied with Uchiha's appearance.

After being transformed by natural energy, not to mention the serpentine parts of the body such as the growth of scales on the face and the elongated tongue, the temperament of the whole person begins to be feminine and charming.

Evil and cold, it is obvious that he is a big villain like Orochimaru when he appears on the stage.

Next, Naruto Uchiha tried various methods, but failed to restore himself to his original appearance.

Now, it's really a steal. If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't practice immortality. Uchiha regretted it.

"Hiss, calm down, the more anxious the situation is, the more calm you need to be. What did the prince do when he first started practicing immortal mode?"

Naruto Uchiha calmed down the noise and boredom in his heart, and began to analyze the predicament he was facing now.

"When the natural energy imbalance in the Prince's body began to turn into a toad, it was the Immortal Fukasaku who knocked out the natural energy with a stick."

Naruto Uchiha was a little confused.

When you are haunted by debuffs such as Charm, Hypnosis, and Shock, you can use it for yourself, and it is a classic routine to relieve it with severe pain.

"However, I also tried to inflict pain on myself, but I couldn't knock out the natural energy."

Naruto Uchiha frowned and muttered to himself, suddenly he had a flash of inspiration:

"Could it be that the black stick of Immortal Fukasaku has other secrets?"

The more Naruto Uchiha thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, and he also vaguely remembered that there seemed to be props such as Fukasaku Senjin's stick in the game.

He anxiously opened the item store, browsed through it several times at a glance, and found no such item for sale.

"Did I remember it wrong? No, I'm sure there is such a prop as 'Fukasaku Senjin's stick'." Uchiha Naruto began to rack his brains, trying to recall the events of his previous life.

"That's right! In addition to the props purchased from the store, there are also special props dropped from the game dungeon! The magic stick is a special prop."

Naruto Uchiha turned on the system, looked at [Secret Adventure] at the bottom of the system function, and fell silent.

Every time Naruto Uchiha's ninja level increases, the system also unlocks new functions. When he is promoted to Chunin, he unlocks the item store, and especially for Jonin, he unlocks the master-apprentice assistance.

After Naruto Uchiha was officially promoted to Jonin, the new function [Exploration of Secret Realm] appeared.

As the name suggests, it is the next copy, planning and designing various special copies in the game based on the location of Hokage. Unlike the practice field, since it is a dungeon, there will naturally be classic elements such as bosses, explosive equipment, and clearance evaluations.

Some dungeons even have plot easter eggs.

Although after the time travel, the game system has changed a lot, but the functions are very similar to those in the previous life.

"Let me see which secret realm will drop Fukasaku Senjin's stick."

Naruto Uchiha opened the copy under the secret exploration:

[Crisis and Opportunity, the Unity of Heaven and Earth: Forest of Death]

Recommended level: Ninja.

Recommended number of people: three people.


[The Birth of Two Sharingan Heroes: Kanna Biqiao]

Recommended level: Chunin.

Recommended number of people: four people.



The dungeon names of various secret adventures appeared on the light screen, and Naruto Uchiha's gaze finally stayed on one of them.

[Kingdom of Toad, Holy Land of Immortality: Mt. Miaomu (Eastern)]

Recommended level: Jonin.

Recommended number of people: two people.

"That's right, it's this one. There is a chance of dropping the special item 'Fukasaku Immortal's Stick' in the dungeon here and Mount Miaomu. Well, I still remember that there is also a 'toad oil' that must drop in this dungeon."

The special props in the game are just a bonus to the attributes of the game characters, but it will be different after time travel. These props are exactly the same as the original ones in Naruto.

Toad oil must also have the effect of assisting practice and gathering natural energy, but Uchiha Naruto now has lingering fears about the sage's heart and is not greedy for toad oil.

He is only determined to get the 'Shenzuo Immortal's stick'.

"However, this stick is not so easy to get. Damn it, the drop of the copy of the secret realm has a burst rate."

The level of the secret dungeon is divided into junior ninja, middle ninja, upper ninja, and shadow level.

The dungeon is not unlimited swiping, it needs to consume the challenge book, and the consumption of different secret realm dungeons is different, the dungeon of the lower ninja level will consume one, and the middle ninja level will consume two.

There are only four dungeons of the ninja-level secret realm.

Ten challenge books were presented at one go when unlocking the secret adventure, and another one was given every natural day after that.

That is to say, Naruto Uchiha only has 12 challenge books in his hand, and only three chances. Naruto Uchiha is not sure that he will burst out the "Fukasaku Immortal's Stick".

However, Naruto Uchiha has another brilliant idea.

"Is the recommended number two?"

For the sake of sociality, the operator of the chicken thief stipulates that the minimum number of people in the dungeon of the secret realm is two people. As the number of team members increases, the difficulty of the dungeon also increases, and the explosion rate of the boss naturally also increases.

[Mt. Miaomu] In this secret dungeon, you can form a team with up to eight people.

In this case, pick seven lucky viewers.

Right inside this Yoyogi Park!

A shiny black crow flitted across the sky of Yoyogi Park, and the Sangouyushulunyan in its eyes stared down indifferently.

As the crow's eyes fell on a corner of Yoyogi Park, the couple who were outing together, the female college student enjoying the forest bath, and several people around them all fell to the ground in an instant and passed out.

The person next to him was startled and called the police to call an ambulance.


"Woo... where is this place?"

Seven men and women were lying on the ground in a haphazard manner. A young and beautiful female college student moaned. She opened her eyes, and her pretty face was suddenly full of surprise.

It was as if she had been shrunk dozens of times and placed in a bonsai. Looking around, there were unnaturally large plants. For example, the clover next to her was even taller than her!

"Yes, you are one of the best in this group of people!"

A tall man with long white hair hanging down his waist and wearing a forehead protector with the word "oil" on his forehead looked at her with admiration.

The white-haired man is quite extraordinary, but the bulbous nose is too conspicuous.

It looks like this:


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