I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 204 Chapter 206 I'm a toad! ? The hero of Mt. Miaogi has come!

"I am really scared……"

Yuki Mineko's long black hair was tied into a high ponytail, and the rustic black sportswear could not conceal the turbulent waves on her chest. She knelt down and hugged her knees, trembling.

While squatting down, Mineko Yuki stroked her hands quickly over her body.

The mobile phone is gone, the keys are gone, and only clothes and shoes are left on the whole body.

My old lady was just jogging in Yoyogi Park, why did she come to this place all of a sudden?

Also, the clover is too big, it's definitely not Tokyo, and it's hard to say if it's the Earth.

"This gentleman..." Mineko Yuki raised her head with tears in her eyes, and looked at the white-haired man in a panic, her eyes pleading.

"This beautiful little girl, it's really troublesome to explain one by one. I'll talk about it when you all wake up."

"Okay, okay."

Yuki Mineko wiped the tears from her eyes with her side palm, and secretly looked at the white-haired man wearing a red plug-in with professional eyes.

Visually, the height is about 190cm, the weight is above 80kg, and the age should be over 50 years old.

Under his eyes, there is a red mark extending to his cheeks. His long gray hair hangs around his waist, and he looks like a kabuki actor or a warrior.

His eyebrows and eyes look quite heroic, with a romantic, suave and unrestrained temperament, but it's a pity that his bulbous nose is too conspicuous, and there are some small bumps on it.

The appearance that could have been more than 80 points suddenly fell below the passing line.

In less than ten minutes, the remaining six people woke up one after another.

As soon as everyone opened their eyes, they fell into confusion and couldn't recover for a long time.

Because the environment they live in is too strange, the plants cover the sky and the sun, if it is a virgin forest, it can be understood, when can clover, taro leaves and other herbaceous plants grow taller than people?

Beneath these huge plant leaves, everyone is as small as an insect in a potted plant.

"Where is this place? Kidnapping, it's impossible to kidnap me as a poor ghost."

"A different world! This must be a different world! Summoning array, where is the princess?"

"Baby, where are you? I'm obviously holding the rope."

After a group of people were shocked, they started discussing in a hurry. In the end, everyone looked at the silver-haired man who was dressed in a way that didn't fit the modern style, and looked contented.

"Sir, who are you?" Someone asked cautiously.

"That's a good question!"

The white-haired man seemed to be waiting for someone to ask him a question. He flicked his long gray hair well prepared, jumped a few steps like a kabuki performer, stretched out his left hand and five fingers to face the crowd, and the other hand pointed towards the crowd. Sky, sings:

"I am Taoist Xiansu, the toad elf of Mount Miaomu, known as Immortal Toad! Please give me your advice!"

Everyone was stunned, with awkward yet polite smiles on their faces.

Wouldn't this person feel ashamed?

"Hahaha, what a fairy toad. Look at your big nose, it looks like a toad!"

A fat woman with a round and bulging body, which reminds people of balloons and tanks, laughed loudly while covering her lipstick-painted blood basin, and the powder on her face fell like wall dust.

"Toad? What nonsense are you talking about, this fat woman, I am a hero of Miaomu Mountain!"

Zilai also became angry from embarrassment as if he had been poked at a pain point, and started arguing with that fat woman.

"My fairy's nose is just something wrong with his practice, and it will change back soon. It's different from your fat woman. As long as it returns to its original appearance, a man like me can charm all women!"

"Toad yawns, it's a big breath, you can blow it. If you want to put it this way, I used to be called a big beauty when I lost weight!"

It may be that the tonnage of the fat woman is more than one-tenth, which is even greater than that of the tall Zilai, so she is not at all frightened, and retorts.

"Dead fat woman!"

Seeing Jiraiya and the fat woman arguing non-stop, everyone has black lines, and feels that this man named Jiraiya is very unreliable.

Is the Toad Immortal coming?

Mineko Yuki frowned. She seemed to have heard of this name before. She read in a drawing in a certain textbook when she was a child. The owner is a ninja who can summon frogs. His name is Jiraiya?

Secretly keeping the information in her heart, Mineko Yuki said timidly:

"Well, can you stop arguing?"

"For the sake of this cute little girl, I won't care about it like a fat woman."

Jilai also saw Yuki Mineko with a delicate face, so he immediately changed his face and waved his hand gracefully.

"Your Excellency Jiraiya, where is this place? Why did we come here for no reason?" Someone asked while the iron was hot.

"This is Mt. Miaomu on the inner side of the world!"

Jilai also stroked his chin a few times with his hands, and said in a flat voice:

"You people in this world must have never heard of it, so just think of it as a different world. Ordinary people like you who don't know whether it's lucky or unlucky, sometimes bump up from below by mistake."

"However, this kind of thing is extremely rare. It may not have happened once in a hundred years. Over the past ten years or so, with the loosening of the seal, there will be gaps connecting the two worlds from time to time, and more mortals will accidentally come to the inner world. But like today, the seven strangers who broke in at once have never heard of it."

After hearing Jiraiya's words, everyone frowned, half-believing.

"What crazy words are you talking about. I took my baby for a walk in Yoyogi Park before, and the sky was bright and bright in broad daylight. I didn't run around at all. How could I come to Mt. Miaogi?"

The fat woman had a look of disbelief.

"The space gap connecting the two worlds, where it will appear in the watch world, and how big it is, are all random. You are all in the place called Yoyogi Park, and you just happened to be sucked up by the gap."


The fat woman became more and more excited, and raised a hand like a pig's trotter, spit flying all over the place:

"My baby's rope is tightly tied to my wrist. If I am sucked into a different world, where will my baby go? And my Chanel bag is gone. Did you hide it?"

The fat woman clamored to the others:

"Everyone look at you, is there nothing left?"

"My phone and wallet are gone!"

"Me too, and my mechanical watch."

Someone belatedly took out his pocket and screamed.

Immediately, their gazes at Jiraiya also started to look wrong.

Jilai also stretched out his little finger to pick out his ears, blew on the little finger, and said dismissively:

"This immortal has no need to answer the questions of fat women and smelly men, believe it or not."

"Everyone, don't be fooled by this man's words. He may have come to this place just like us. He just woke up first and stole our belongings, so he made up such a story. Lame lies to fool us."

Seeing that Zilai also had a 'guilty conscience' look, the fat woman became more courageous and shouted aggressively.

"Sister, please don't say that. I, I believe Mr. Jiraiya is not such a person."

Yuki Mineko suppressed her sobbing, and gently persuaded the fat woman.

Not everyone was incited by the fat woman's words, a young man with black-rimmed glasses said:

"Everyone has fallen here now, and they are grasshoppers on the same rope. It's not good to doubt others for no reason."

The fat woman muttered a few times, but did not continue to make trouble for no reason.

"Mr. Jiraiya, can you say more?" Yuki Mineko bowed to Jiraiya and said.

"Since it's a pretty little girl who asks the question, then the immortal will show mercy."

Jilai also restrained his original frivolous expression, and his expression became serious.

"You didn't enter Mount Miaomu with your body, but your soul was involved. Naturally, you will not bring those things outside your body."

"You said we are souls now, but our clothes..."

Jiraiya showed an intriguing smile on his face, but he didn't say much.

The man with glasses saw Zilai also showing this expression, and immediately made up his mind a lot.

The female ghosts in folklore don't come out naked to make troubles, maybe there is some unknown secret in it.

"Soul? Isn't that a ghost? This person is talking nonsense again. Look at me, I can run and jump, and my feet can't fly off the ground. How could it be a ghost?"

The fat woman said disapprovingly, and jumped a few times on the spot, shaking the mountain suddenly, and the huge plants around were trembling.

"Listen to me, this guy is just talking nonsense. Don't take him seriously just because he's wearing this ancient costume. Maybe he's just a kabuki actor, or maybe he just escaped from a mental hospital."

The others looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering if they should believe Jiraiya's words.

After all, their five senses are the same as before, and it is too absurd to suddenly say that they have come to a different world, but still have souls without bodies.

"Then what should we do?"

"With so many of us missing together, the Metropolitan Police Department will not sit idly by! We must trust the Metropolitan Police Department and wait for the police to rescue us!"

The fat woman raised her arms and shouted loudly. Several people couldn't help but nodded after hearing her words.

This female citizen is also too unreliable.

Yuki Mineko rolled her eyes.

I can't even protect myself now, how can I save you.

So many people disappeared strangely together in Yoyogi Park at the same time, and they came to this mysterious place like a huge plant kingdom, which is obviously beyond the scope of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Yuki Mineko has been secretly peeking at Jiraiya's expression, his words and deeds are not at all guilty of nervousness, but from the inside out, he reveals that he is calm and unhurried.

Unless Jiraiya's psychological quality and acting skills have reached the full level, it is impossible to be as calm as he is now.

It seems that the breakthrough point of this incident obviously lies in Jiraiya.

Also, this man is not a reluctance, and Jiraiya has a much more affectionate attitude towards him, but this is not surprising, Yuki Mineko is used to in daily life, men look at him differently because of his beauty.

At this point, the old lady can only sacrifice her appearance, hoping to get more information.

Yuki Mineko squeezed her eyes, and her eyes were suddenly covered with a layer of mist, her face was sad, she looked sad and moving, her lips were pursed, and when she was about to say something to Zilai, she heard:


I saw a yellow-skinned toad that was a circle larger than a millstone coming over the mountain, and the back of the big toad was covered with black bumps the size of a fist.

Everyone was dumbfounded, this toad is too big, it is simply a monster!

As soon as the big toad sticks out its tongue, it sticks to the fat woman, and its tongue tightens, trying to pull her over.

But the fat woman is as tall as a mountain.

Helpless, the big toad could only pounce on it, trying to swallow the fat woman into its belly.

"Ahhhh! Help me, don't eat me!"

The fat woman was thrown to the ground unexpectedly by the big toad, with a terrified look on her face, and a scream like a pig being killed.

The big toad opened its mouth and swallowed the fat woman's right body, and the fat woman was unwilling to be swallowed, struggling with both hands, slapping and knocking desperately, tearing and rolling on the ground with the big toad.

"Quick, let's go together and rescue her!"

Yuki Mineko's expression changed, and she quickly greeted her.

Although the size of this toad is frighteningly large, there are so many people here, and everyone can handle it together.

But others hesitated to step forward.

The fat woman's body is too fat and huge for the toad to swallow.

Not only that, the fat woman also relied on her tonnage advantage to pull her blunt body out of the toad's mouth, showing a tendency to defeat the enemy in the battle!


The big toad seemed to have sensed something, or was tired of the tug-of-war, suddenly abandoned its prey and jumped into the grass.

"The toad spirit is nothing more than that, she was beaten away by me."

Although the fat woman who escaped from the tiger's mouth was covered in mud and embarrassed, she still stood up and said triumphantly.

Based on the tonnage of the fat woman, she is also the most powerful character among the seven.

The people who died together couldn't help showing admiration.

But their faces soon stiffened and froze.

The grass formed by the huge plants rustled for a while, and the head of a boa constrictor, which was bigger than the dining table, poked out and stared at them coldly and indifferently in the air five meters above the ground.


Everyone stared wide-eyed in horror, and stood there numbly, not daring to move.

Although the toad had already run far away, this terrifying giant python had no intention of bypassing the human beings at all. It swung its head back, and its neck was bowed to bite downwards.

Yuki Mineko gritted her teeth, and quickly ran to Jiraiya's side, holding Jiraiya's sleeve robe tightly with both hands.

"Jiujiu, help, help..."

"The art of messing with the lion's hair!"

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