I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 206 Chapter 208

Uchiha Itachi, Dilu, Red Sand Scorpion... So far, Uchiha Ming's vests are all men, and he has never turned into a woman with the transformation technique.

Women's clothing is only once and countless times.

Using ninjutsu to transform into a woman is even more real than dressing up as a woman, it is really impossible to pass the hurdle in my heart.

Especially Tsunade, Hinata Hinata, Azabui, Samui, etc. These big and big beauties are very seductive to look at, but Naruto Uchiha couldn't help shivering .

Moreover, Naruto Uchiha is a gentleman after all, and men and women are different. After transforming into a woman, the rhetoric and actions are very different from those of men, and it is easier to leave flaws.

It is impossible to dress up as a woman, and only by transforming into other men in Naruto can I continue to play tricks.

It is very troublesome to create a character design from scratch. The reason why I chose Hokage’s character to make the vest is because the distinctive character shape and personality have been shaped by the original work.

Moreover, Naruto Uchiha's system is Naruto's ninjutsu system after all. As long as you have the representative ninjutsu of the character, cosplay will be even more powerful.

Uchiha Naruto jumped up from the taro leaves, stepped on the leaves of different plants, and finally landed on the ground.

"It's as if I've really come to Mount Miaomu!"

He stretched out his hand to caress the corpse of the giant python, the cold and rough touch of the scales made Naruto Uchiha feel emotional.

After the dungeon of [Secret Adventure] is realized, it is completely immersive, and it is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake, so Naruto Uchiha can fool those lucky viewers who were randomly pulled into the dungeon by him, this is Mt. Miaogi.

Even Naruto Uchiha, who has the Sangoama Sharingan, can't see through it, let alone the seven ordinary people who don't even have Chakra.

No, now these seven people also have chakra.

Naruto Uchiha's expression changed.

To allow ordinary people to enter the secret dungeon, the first prerequisite is to allow them to become "players", but Naruto Uchiha's system is unique, and there is no function of sharing it with others.

What Naruto Uchiha did was to turn these seven lucky viewers into his apprentices with the help of mentors and apprentices, which is equivalent to the sub-accounts under his main account, and then pulled them into the secret dungeon of Mount Miaomu.

Although it is said that these seven lucky viewers were also randomly assigned a ninjutsu by Naruto Uchiha, resulting in Chakra.

However, the ninjutsu level assigned to them by Naruto Uchiha is only LV1, and he also deliberately blocked the content related to knot seal and escapism. With that little chakra, it is impossible to release ninjutsu.

It would be nice to be able to release a few small fireballs after breaking the sky.

Moreover, these seven lucky viewers are tool people who gather the number of people in the group in the eyes of Naruto Uchiha. When the dungeon is opened, Naruto Uchiha will have their "IP" banned, and the ninjutsu will be recovered, and they will be kicked back to reality. world.

All the experiences of the seven lucky viewers in the secret dungeon are just a dream, and they will get nothing in the end.

Although these people all have chakra and LV1 ninjutsu, their actual combat power is not as good as that of ninja school students.

[Mt. Miaomu (Eastern)] The recommended level is Jonin, and now it has become a group of eight, which is even more difficult.

However, Naruto Uchiha relied on his extraordinary fighting power as a ninja and his familiarity with the dungeon mechanism. Only one person can get through this secret dungeon, so he resolutely opened the team.

"It's no problem for my shadow clone to fight all the way to the boss. There should be at least a 50-50 split against the boss. I'll just hide in the dark and wait for the opportunity. By the way..."

Naruto Uchiha looked around, the emerald green of nature filled his eyes, and there was vitality everywhere.

"Hiss, is this really just a dungeon of the secret realm? It feels like it's real, and I can even feel natural energy." Naruto Uchiha stuck out his tongue like a snake, collecting information from the air.

Naruto Uchiha felt it as soon as he entered the dungeon of the secret realm. Unlike the practice field, the air was even full of natural energy.

Because of the previous practice of becoming a sage, Uchiha Naruto's right face was covered with purple snake scales, and Jiraiya, who was transformed into a shadow clone, was not spared either. Jiraiya's garlic nose with small bumps is the remnant of natural energy.

It's just that the sequela of the main body's sage transformation is snake transformation, while the sequela of the shadow clone's sage transformation is toad transformation. Uchiha Naruto doesn't understand why this is the case.

"Hisss, Immortal Fukasaku's stick must explode!"


Mineko Yuki and her companions who strayed into Mt. Myogi followed behind Jiraiya at a distance of two or three meters.

Zilai also walks like flying, and they have to speed up their pace to keep up.

The scenery along the way opened everyone's eyes, as if Alice roamed Wonderland, or Gulliver entered the kingdom of adults, the dream was unrealistic.


"And the fresh air, Yoyogi Park is far from comparable."

A group of people walked behind Jiraiya for more than half an hour. Everyone was full of energy. Even the heaviest fat woman was only sweaty on her forehead and slightly tired.

Along the way, maybe it was because there were lustful immortals clearing the way ahead, and there were no weirdly big toads and pythons attacking them like before.

"It's been five kilometers, why are you still full of energy? I feel like there is endless energy in my body." Yuki Mineko still remembers that she is a shy and delicate girl now, deliberately lagging behind.

She has good physical strength after exercising all the year round, but now she feels lighter than before, and she even has the energy to silently calculate the walking distance and direction.

"what is that?"

Yucheng Fengzi followed the prestige and saw a tall and simple stone statue under the cover of moss and vines.

The strange thing is that it turned out to be a stone statue with a frog head and a human body.

Is the trace left by man-made!

"It's nothing to look at, it's just an unlucky guy like you."

Ji Lai glanced at him, and continued walking straight forward. The others didn't dare to ask any more questions, and hurriedly followed for fear of being left behind.

"We are all on the same boat now. Let me introduce myself so that we can take care of each other." The man in glasses wiped his sweat and said.

He is a young man in his thirties, dressed in casual clothes, with black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and his eyes reveal a bit of shrewdness.

"I'm from Ogawara, and I'm a pharmaceutical salesperson in a pharmaceutical company. Because I didn't like my job, I came to Yoyogi Park to relax. I didn't expect to end up in a different world for no reason."

"My name is Taguchi Nakunori, and I don't have any occupation, I just do odd jobs in convenience stores or play pachinko."

The young man with yellow hair smiled, with a cynical attitude, reached out and patted the shoulder of his girlfriend beside him.

"It's my girlfriend's lucky draw, and we were also dating in Yoyogi Park."

"Who is your girlfriend, we have already broken up!"

The woman named Haocai was obviously bitter about the yellow-haired young man's proposal to break up before, and raised her eyebrows.

The yellow-haired youth didn't care either.

"I, I'm Asuka Kiritani, and I'm currently a student at Tokyo Women's University of Arts, please give me your advice." Mineko Yuki lowered her head and said shyly.

Hmph, in such an inexplicable place, it's too careless to report your real name and resume to a group of strangers you meet for the first time.

Yuki Mineko casually reported a pseudonym, and made up her identity by the way.

"Hi everybody, I'm……"

Others also briefly introduced themselves, and then they heard the fat woman sigh and say:

"I'm also in Yoyogi Park, and I'm taking my baby for a walk in the dog-walking area. Who knows that I came here all of a sudden, and my baby must be in a hurry now, alas."

"Miss Hamada, your dog is a golden retriever, right?" Ogawara asked.

"How do you know?"

"Miss Hamada, when you were in Yoyogi Park, you walked in front of me with a dog. And I was impressed by you too."

After all, with such a figure, it is unforgettable. Walking in front is like a mountain of meat. If it weren't for the lively and active dog, he almost broke off the leash several times, and he couldn't see what kind of dog it was.

"Well, when Lucky Cai and I were lying on the lawn, a big golden retriever flew over our heads."

"It seems that we not only drifted to another world in Yoyogi Park, but also not far away. We were all in the same place in Yoyogi Park at the time."

Yuki Mineko nodded slightly.

She didn't have any impression of the other people, but she still remembered that when she was jogging, a fat woman with a golden retriever dog appeared in front of her, that is, Ms. Hamada.

A group of people chatted briefly for a few moments, without saying anything more, and continued to follow Zilai.

I don't know how long I walked, but the whole journey was uneventful, but except for Yuki Mineko, the others began to feel overwhelmed, panting from exhaustion, but Zilai didn't have the slightest intention to take care of them to stop and rest.

"Miss Kiritani, can you please talk to Jiraiya-sama to rest for a while."

Ogawara walked a few steps quickly, and begged Mineko Yuuki.

When the others heard this, they also looked at her eagerly.

It is obvious to all that Master Jiraiya looks at the youthful and beautiful Mineko Yuki differently.

Although Yuki Mineko's current physical strength is still full, but seeing that other people are about to fall behind, she nodded her head.

Think of it as serving taxpayers.

"Master Jiraiya, can you give me a rest... My legs are numb from walking." Yuki Mineko asked in a delicate voice.

"Miss Asuka, can't walk anymore? I can carry you on my back. My back is very broad." Zilai also said enthusiastically with a smile.

Yuki Mineko subconsciously pulled the zipper of the sportswear to the highest point, but the bulge became more conspicuous. She embraced her hands and forced a smile:

"Thank you Ziraiya-sama for your kindness. But you see there are so many people here, everyone is very tired, can you let us take a break, please, Ziraiya-sama!"

"Hmph, since it's Miss Asuka's request, I'll let you guys rest a bit." Jiraiya gave the others a few sideways glances, with a disgusted expression on his face.

There happened to be a raised ten-meter-high hill nearby, and everyone hid in the shade below to rest.

"Master Ziraiya, where are you going?"

They had just sat down when they saw Jilai also got up and walked to another place, Daheyuan was afraid of being thrown down, so he asked quickly.

"Go and relieve yourself, don't you stinky men also want to follow?" Zilai also said angrily.

"Take advantage of this time to recover your strength."

"We are about to arrive at the Toad Oil Waterfall. The rest of the journey will not be as easy as before. You must be mentally prepared."

Jiraiya's back disappeared behind a giant plantain.

"I feel a little hungry. I wonder if there is anything to eat in Miaomu Mountain?"

The fat woman rubbed her stomach.

There are many huge plants nearby with dew condensed on the leaves, which is refreshing and delicious, but unfortunately, there is no such thing as fruit that can satisfy the hunger.

"There are worms, do you want to eat, aunt? It looks very juicy, and it will definitely burst."

The yellow-haired young man tore off a huge blade of grass with a playful smile, and saw a fat, white larva the size of a baguette lying on it.

"Ouch... you bastard!"

In addition to the abnormally large plants in Mount Miaomu, these insects are also magnified dozens of times, which is simply a nightmare for people who are afraid of insects.

"Master Jiraiya said that all of us drifting to Mt. Myogi are souls, and our bodies are still unconscious in this world."

Ogawarato, the man with glasses, frowned, looked around and couldn't see Jiraiya, so he said in a low voice.

"But we still feel hungry now, and we are sweaty and panting when we walk. It feels the same as before."

"But Gongkouxian... Master Jiraiya, there is no reason to deceive us. He can completely leave us alone, and Master Jiraiya wants to harm us, so he doesn't have to beat around the bush like this." Yucheng Fengzi said.

Yuki Mineko's impression of Jiraiya is not bad. Although at first glance he is just an erotic uncle with a yellow accent, he is just talking and not doing anything.

If Immortal Gongkou really wanted to do something, with the hand he showed to strangle the giant python earlier, my wife would have to be put on by him.

"That was not what I meant……"

"What's that? Thunderstorm?" The fat woman suddenly called out.

Yucheng Fengzi looked in her direction, and saw that at the end of the sky, dense dark clouds suddenly gathered from all directions, covering the sky and the sun, forming a dense blackness.

The dark cloud is getting closer and closer, and it keeps making a strong "buzzing" sound!

"Locusts! How could it be so big!"

Each locust is about the size of an arm, its limbs are covered with thorns, and its sharp mouthparts crackle, making it look hideous and terrifying.

The immeasurably huge locusts covered the sky like a natural disaster, rushing towards them, drowning everyone in an instant.

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