I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 207 Chapter 209

Since ancient times, locust plagues have been natural disasters comparable to floods and droughts.

The land is high and low, rain and swamps are sloping, floods and droughts are disasters, and there are still many places that are spared, but the locusts in extreme drought, thousands of miles of grass and trees are dried up, or the cattle, horses, and flags are dried up. Especially more serious than flood and drought disasters.

It's just normal locusts that are no bigger than a finger, but after the climate, no grass will grow wherever they pass, let alone these giant locusts that are bigger than a fist and even the size of an arm.


The locusts turned into dark clouds from the distant sky, and they rushed down towards Yucheng Fengzi and others overwhelmingly.

The sharp mouthparts of locusts can easily cut leaves, omnivorous locusts can even eat each other after sweeping everything, and these ferocious locusts are obviously not just vegetarians.

"it hurts!"

"Help! Don't bite me!"

"Master Ziraiya, help!"

Hundreds of gray and black locusts swarmed up, and everyone made a horrible cry as if they had been bitten by a wasp.

Frightened and desperate screams, curses, cries for help and crying, the scene suddenly became extremely chaotic.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts my mother to death!"

Yuki Mineko tore a locust from her arm and threw it hard on the ground, splashing green and viscous juice all over the ground.

"Hey, why is there no blood?"

When she looked at her arm, she was obviously in excruciating pain, as if a piece of flesh had been bitten off, and she shed tears, but there was no wound or bleeding.

But before he had time to think about it, there were several stabbing pains all over his body!

Yucheng Fengzi hurriedly slapped the locusts on his body, while tearing off the locusts clinging to his back and neck, smashing them into a pulp, while running and fleeing.

And the fat aunt rolled over dead on the ground, trying to crush the locusts biting her to death.

After the other people were attacked by the locusts, they simply gave up on themselves and curled up on the ground with their heads in their hands, exposing their backs and letting the locusts bite them.

If there were only a dozen or a few dozen, they might be able to handle it, but the locusts covered the sky and the sun, and the number was shockingly large, and there was nowhere to escape.


Fengzi Yucheng had only escaped a few steps before she was hit by several locusts, her eyes went black, and she fell to the ground. More than a dozen giant locusts rained down on her, covering her and turning into a huge wriggling Locust sphere!

"It hurts! Am I going to die here?"

Since junior high school, I have been conscientiously attending extra-curricular cram schools, put in countless efforts to get admitted to a prestigious university, and finally passed the national first-class civil servant examination. As long as I pass the study period in the police university, I will officially enter the job. The police department is just starting, and there is still a bright future waiting for me in the future.

More importantly, after entering the Metropolitan Police Department, she was one step closer to the person she aspired to!

"I haven't seen Mr. Uchiha yet, how can I die in this bird place!"

Thinking of this, Yuki Mineko's desire to survive suddenly erupted like a volcano, not only that, but her body was indeed like a volcano, bursting out with large sparks.


As soon as the burden on the whole body was lightened, the smell of burnt protein lingered at the tip of the nose, and Mineko Yuki barely opened her eyes to see that the locusts that had covered Mineko Yuuki's body had been burnt into charcoal and fell to the ground.

"What's with the flame? Am I a mutant?"

Yuki Mineko stretched out her hand, and a bunch of flames rose directly from her palm, her face was full of disbelief.

While she was puzzled, another swarm of black locusts rushed towards her.


Yuki Mineko keenly grasped the perception of the flames erupting before, put her hands together in the Kamehae Qigong's opening gesture, and another ball of fire erupted from the palms, and the locusts fell down one after another with the flames.

She couldn't help being ecstatic in her heart, as if she had found a chance of survival.

But the locusts that Yucheng Fengzi burned to death were just a drop in the bucket, and soon a large black cloud gathered, and it was about to cover her head and face.

Yuki Mineko wanted to repeat the same trick, but a strong sense of dizziness hit her heart, as if her body had been hollowed out, she staggered and fell to the ground.

Looking at the swarming locusts, Mineko Yuki couldn't help but see despair.

"It seems that the judgment of this immortal is not wrong, you are indeed one of the best in this group of people!"

The uncle's hoarse voice with a touch of magnetism, like the sound of nature, rang in Yuki Mineko's ears.

Yuki Mineko only felt her waist tighten, and then the whole person flew backwards.

"Master Ziraiya!"

Looking down at a bunch of long gray hair tied around her waist, Mineko Yuki expressed the joy of the rest of her life:

"Master Jiraiya, and others, please save them!"

"It's really troublesome, drink, mess with the lion's hair technique!"

Jiraiya's hair was as fluffy as a lion's. When he closed his palms, several strands of knotted and hardened hair stretched out, sweeping the locusts off the other people's bodies to the ground, entangled them and pulled them to his side.

"You useless guys, I've only been away for a while, and you're about to be eaten up by mere bugs."

"Immortal, Immortal, help me! Insects, locusts, so scary!"

The fat woman was so frightened that she burst into tears and rushed over to hug Jiraiya's leg.

Ji Lai also avoided it with a look of disgust.

Apart from Mineko Yuki, the fat woman was in the best condition, probably because of her rough skin and thick flesh, her armor weakened her damage a lot, and she yelled in anger.

Among the few remaining people, all of them were bitten by locusts and became unconscious, crying like ghosts and howling like wolves.

"Master Jiraiya, be careful! It's not over yet, those locusts are coming again!"


Countless locusts gathered together and turned into a sunless curtain. The color became darker and darker, and black torrents emerged from it, rushing towards Zilai!

"Fire escape, great flame bomb!"

Jiraiya quickly made seals with his hands, and opened his mouth to spit out a huge pillar of flames tens of hundreds of meters long, splitting the locust swarm covering the sky and the sun in two!

With the rotation of Jiraiya's neck, flames swept across the air, the sky was on fire, and the scorched black corpses of countless locusts mixed with fine powder fell down.

In the blink of an eye, most of the locusts were wiped out!

After falling on the ground, the locust coke was still burning, as if it had been doused with a combustion aid, and it would never stop until it was burned to ashes.

The Great Flame Bullet is so domineering. It refines chakra into special oil and holds it in the mouth. After it is sprayed out, it is ignited with a fire escape. It is not only more powerful than ordinary fire escape, but also increases its adhesion, just like aluminum Thermal agent incendiary bombs cannot be extinguished with water.

Looking at the past, the plant kingdom, which was originally lush and green, has now been covered with a thick layer of gray snow.

Like a natural disaster, the migratory locusts, which cannot be stopped by manpower, were easily removed by the lecherous fairy.

With such earth-shattering power, no wonder he dared to call himself an immortal!

"Master Jiraiya, you are really amazing!"

A complicated look flashed in Mineko Yuuki's eyes, she covered her mouth and looked at Jiraiya with adoration.

This time it wasn't entirely a joke, but rather sincere.

"Hey, where! This is just a little magic of this immortal, such a trivial skill, it's nothing!"

Ji Lai also scratched the back of his head, and said with a smile on his face, obviously, the admiration and praise of beautiful women really benefited him.


Yuki Mineko wanted to say something, but suddenly her face turned pale, and she almost fell to the ground.

As if she remembered something, she anxiously stretched out her hand and touched the vital areas such as her face and chest, holding her face with a surprised expression.

I was obviously bitten on the face by locusts several times, and every time I was in excruciating pain, I thought I was going to be disfigured, but it turned out not to be disfigured.

A handsome face is an indispensable trump card in one's life plan.

After carefully checking the whole body for a while, there was no wound, and even the clothes were not damaged. What is going on?

"Oh, it hurts..."


Yuki Mineko carefully looked at the other screaming and moaning people. They were not broken, but their figures obviously became illusory, translucent like ghosts in legends.

"Master Jiraiya, what's going on with their bodies...?" Yuki Mineko asked.

"My sage said before that you were dragged into Mount Miaomu by your souls. Since you are not flesh, you will not bleed and get hurt. But..." Jiraiya's tone was unusually serious.

"If you really die here, you will lose your soul at least, or your soul will be scattered! In the worst case, your body in this world will die because of it."

These words are not just to scare them, the secret dungeon also has a punishment mechanism, if the level cannot be cleared, the challenge fails, and the player will enter the weak mode.

"Ah! Then what should I do!? Immortal, please help me, I'm not married yet, I don't want to die yet."

When the fat aunt heard this, she burst into tears and snot immediately: "If I die here, what will happen to my baby?"

"Master Jiraiya, is there any way to heal it? Look at the other people, they are also in a very bad state, and I'm afraid they can't follow you on the road."

"It's just a bunch of stinky men, just leave them here." Zilai said disapprovingly.

"No, don't leave us behind."

"Help... I beg the immortal to be merciful..."

"...Miss Kiritani..."

When some other wounded heard Zilai say the same, their faces turned pale with fright.

Jiraiya-sama is too unfeeling towards men!

Yuki Mineko looked at the pleading wounded, gritted her teeth, pulled down the zipper on the collar, exposing the curve of her chest, pursed her lips and said:

"Master Ziraiya, can you please think of a way?"

"Easy to say, easy to say, a piece of cake!"

Jilai also squinted down several times, suddenly became easy to talk.

He stretched out one hand and groped from his bosom for a while, took out a small gourd, and threw it at Yucheng Fengzi casually.

Yuki Mineko hurriedly reached out to pick it up.

"The inside of the gourd is the special elixir of Miaomu Mountain refined by this immortal. Soak it in water, give each of them a sip, and breathe slowly, and they will almost recover."

When everyone heard Zilai said the same thing, they all looked at Mineko Yuuki eagerly.

Yucheng Fengzi opened the gourd, and a pitch-black round pill rolled out of it, her heart trembled.

"Okay, I'm ready."

Mineko Yuki plucked a leaf and poured the dew on the leaf into the gourd.

The black pill melted when it met water, and there was a faint scent emanating from it.

Yuki Mineko swallowed involuntarily.

"Miss Tong Gu, you should also take a sip. Your spiritual power is almost exhausted, and now you can't use the previous trick anymore." Zilai also said meaningfully.

Are you talking about the flames you sprayed before?

Yuki Mineko was wondering why she had inexplicably possessed extraordinary abilities, but she also knew that now was not the time to ask rashly.

"Then I won't be polite, thank you Ziraiya-sama."

Yucheng Fengzi picked up the gourd, took a sip, the taste was sweet, and the coldness flowed into the limbs along the esophagus.

The next moment, Yuki Mineko found that most of her physical strength had recovered, and there was also an inexplicable energy surging in her body, which was very similar to the feeling of releasing flames before.

"Miss Kiritani!"

What kind of fine liquid is this, is it really the legendary elixir?

Yuki Mineko was immersed in this wonderful feeling when she saw the other wounded looking at her eagerly.

"Excuse me."

Yuki Mineko quickly gave everyone, including the fat woman, a drink.

I don't know what kind of panacea was given by the lecherous fairy. Everyone's body has solidified a bit, and it is no longer as translucent as before.

After swallowing, everyone felt radiant and full of energy, and they were no longer as anxious as before.

After experiencing the terrible locust plague attack, everyone has a better understanding of the dangers of Mount Miaomu, and they also feel a little more in awe of the Toad Immortal who can wipe out the locust plague and bestow the elixir.

They were frightened like frightened birds, and they followed Zilaiye every step of the way.

Even Zilai asked the men to get away with a look of disgust, but they also cheekily followed behind.

The rest of the journey was smooth sailing, so smooth that even Zilai showed doubts on his face.

"We're going to the Toad Oil Waterfall soon, but it's too smooth. Every time I come here, I have to fight three or five times. This time, I didn't even meet a decent monster." Zilai also said with a frown.

"Master Ziraiya, isn't this a good thing?" the man with glasses flattered him.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. The road is so peaceful. Could it be that someone has come here before me..."

"Get out of here, Immortal!"

Ji Laiya's face suddenly changed, his long gray hair pierced straight into the grass, and he flung it back, a black-haired man in a red cloud suit with a black background and a cold snake-like face was dragged out.

"Jiraiya, I haven't seen you for so many years, but you've improved a bit. Hiss--"

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