I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 208 Chapter 210 Orochimaru's Invitation

"It's been a long time since I came here."

Jiraiya's long hair was tied to the cold man hanging in mid-air. The long black hair hanging on his shoulders reflected his pale skin even more, he said coldly.

"Yeah, it's been more than 50 years since we last met, and your eyes are still as fierce as ever."


Orochimaru? !

The conversation between the lecherous Immortal Jiraiya and this strange man named Orochimaru made Yuki Mineko look delicate, and a strong sense of sight came to mind.

Jiraiya, Orochimaru...

A light flashed in Yuki Mineko's mind. She finally remembered that in the folktale "Er Lei Ye Heroes" that her grandmother told her when she was a child, the big villain is a villain who can drive poisonous snakes, and he is called Dashewan!

Because Jiraiya's etymology JiRalYa and JiRaiYa are slightly different, I didn't remember it for a while, but the name Orochimaru suddenly turned on the switch in Mineko Yuuki's memory.

There won't be another one, Princess Tsunade who can manipulate slugs will appear?

Yuki Mineko couldn't help but look at Orochimaru with curiosity and scrutiny, and began to profile this mysterious man.

The visual height is in the early 170s, and the weight is less than 60 kilograms. Just looking at the appearance, he is the same age as the lewd fairy.

The aura of the whole person is cold and evil, his cheeks are thin, his complexion is sickly pale, his eyes have purple eye shadows that extend to the nose, his pupils are pale gold, and they have vertical pupils like snakes...

Orochimaru felt something, his neck twisted 120 degrees strangely, his cold eyes met Mineko Yuki's!

"Hiss! Hiss!"

In an instant, Orochimaru's body began to swell, distorted and deformed, and snake scales grew on his face, turning into a white giant snake that was bigger than the giant python he met before. swallowed them all!


Jiraiya let out a low cry, and slapped Yuki Mineko on the shoulder with a slap.

Yuki Mineko fell to the ground dripping with sweat, her teeth were chattering, and her face was full of dullness left after the extreme horror.

very scary! very scary!

This person named Orochimaru is not human at all, but some kind of monster in human skin!

"Oshemaru, you really don't know how to pity and cherish jade. You actually used illusions on such a powerless beauty." Jiraiya frowned, raised his head and said to Orochimaru.

"Hiss, I just frightened her a little, a little bit with a murderous look. If I really use the technique of Naraku, this woman is already an idiot."

Orochimaru put away his creepy gaze, licked the corner of his mouth with his slender tongue, and said disapprovingly.

"Jiraiya, I thought you could find me in a hidden state, but I've made some progress. Now it seems that you are still as obsessed with women as before, hiss—"

Orochimaru's neck twisted like a twist, turning half a circle, looking at the strange and huge plants in Mt. Myogi.

"You can find me, I'm afraid it's because this is your home stadium, Mount Miaomu. After so many years, Zilaiya, you still haven't made any progress!"

"Oshemaru, why did you become a woman? You are so rambling. Although your tongue is indeed very long, you can't talk endlessly like a gossip."

Jiraiya picked his ear with the little finger of his right hand and laughed.

"Why did you come to Mount Miaomu? Don't tell me that you are here to reminisce about the past."

"Jiraiya, I'm here to persuade you to join Akatsuki."

Orochimaru bluntly said: "You should also know that the passage between the heaven and the human world has gradually been opened. The world is undergoing major changes unseen in a thousand years. Jiraiya, people with your strength should join hands with me , to change this stagnant world!"

"Akatsuki, I didn't expect you to join this dangerous organization, Orochimaru. Recently, Akatsuki has been in the limelight. You have caused a lot of disturbance in this world, and even the land of the Temple of Fire was seriously injured by you."

Jiraiya looked thoughtfully at the black-bottomed red cloud suit on Dashemaru.

"What is the world of heaven and earth? Our world and this world are always the same, so only the extremely stubborn old antiques will use the abandoned title of heaven and earth."

"There is nothing wrong with this kind of statement. Compared with those mortals in the human world who have forgotten the supernatural mystery, there is nothing wrong with those of us who have a long lifespan and great powers, saying that we are immortals, holy Buddhas." Da Shewan's tone was like a god. Same high above.

"Oh. Orochimaru, you have changed a lot. In my impression, you are not such an arrogant lunatic." Zilai sneered disdainfully.

"Xiao has been doing all kinds of mischief in all walks of life. Your purpose is to reunite the two worlds that have been separated, and return the world to the age of gods where humans and gods live together and gods walk freely on the earth, right? ?”

"Is there anything wrong with Akatsuki's philosophy?" Orochimaru asked back.

"As far as you know, you still can't do this kind of thing. If you have this kind of power, you can go to war with the whole world, so why hide like this." Zilai also frowned.

"Hiss, we naturally have our plans." Orochimaru said vaguely.

"So, you know that frequent interference in the present world is also part of the plan?" Jiraiya asked, rubbing his chin.

"You guys seem to be looking for something in this world?"

"Jiraiya, you know, more than I imagined."

Orochimaru, who was bound tightly by the gray-white hair, was a little surprised and said sinisterly.

"If you want to know more, you must join us. Jiraiya, how are you thinking?"

Jilai also stretched out a hand and shook it.

"I'm the Toad Immortal of Miaomu Mountain. I'm a handsome guy who everyone loves. How can I join an evil organization like Xiao and join you?"

"What a pity, Ziraiya. I want to fight side by side with you again."

Jiraiya had a nostalgic look on his face, as if he remembered something, but his face quickly turned cold.

"What are you still talking about now? After Dashewan you killed the teacher, we have already cut off our ties! This immortal didn't kill you now because of our years of fellowship."

"Mt. Miaomu doesn't welcome you, Orochimaru, get out of here."

"Before you leave, Jiraiya, shouldn't you give me some souvenirs from Mt. Myogi?"

"what do you want?"

Orochimaru stared at the chick cruelly with the poisonous snake, glanced at the crowd behind Jiraiya, and licked his lips.

Everyone felt chills down their backs, as if something slippery and cold had penetrated their necklines and wriggled on their backs. They all lowered their heads and dared not speak.

"Those people behind you, the secular atmosphere that cannot be concealed in their souls, are all foreigners who drifted up from the human world, right? Give them to me, and I will leave Mount Miaomu immediately."

Yuki Mineko has been pricking up her ears, eavesdropping on the conversation between the Lecherous Immortal and Orochimaru. Although the content is so bizarre that she is in a fog, she still memorizes it by rote.

At this moment, when he heard that Orochimaru, who had a terrifying face, asked the lecherous fairy for their group, he suddenly felt chills all over his body.

"Master Ziraiya!"

Mineko Yuki grabbed Jiraiya's cuff with a bloodless face, her eyes were covered with mist, I felt pity for it.

"Jiraiya, I know you like women. I'm not that incomprehensible. Among these seven people, you keep the women, and let me take the remaining four big men." Orochimaru laughed. .

The man with glasses Dahe Yuanren, the young man with yellow hair and several other men trembled with fear when they heard this, and they were sweating coldly in broad daylight, their hands and feet were cold.

Another world actually engages in differential treatment between men and women!

Will Mount Miaomu still be able to recover? How can we men live to satisfy you? Tears flowed down unsatisfactorily. Even the other world is full of oppression for men. When will men stand up?

The faces of the men turned pale with fright, and they almost hugged Jiraiya's thigh for help.

"Oshemaru, what do you want these foreigners for? If my guess is correct, you want to use them as anchor points to lock the coordinates of the present world, right." Jiraiya said.

"That's right, sacrifice one person at a time, in this case, I will have four chances to come to the human world." Orochimaru didn't hide his bad intentions, said.

After hearing these words, the big men were even more frightened and shivered like quails, not daring to breathe.

"Since this is the case, do you think I will hand them over to you? Orochimaru!"

"In other words, the negotiation failed?"

A bit of disappointment appeared on Dashewan's face.

"Then I can only do it myself!"

"I knew that you wouldn't just go back home like this!"

Jiraiya's expression froze, his long hair like a lion's mane surged up, and the bristles stirred like steel thorns, smashing the big snake pill in an instant.

Taking a closer look, it looked like a poisonous snake shed its skin and fled. A red cloud robe with a black background riddled with holes was picked up among the long gray and white hair.

Orochimaru didn't know when he had broken free from the shackles of the chaotic lion's hair technique, and appeared in front of Jiraiya like a ghost.

Still holding a sharp long sword in his hand, he stabbed at him.


Jiraiya stretched out his hand to block, and used the metal armor on the back of his right hand to block the thrust of Kusanagi Sword.

Then he flicked his right hand vigorously, forcing Orochimaru back temporarily.

"You all go to the side, don't get in the way here."

Jilai also stretched out two hands, grabbed Mineko Yuuki and another young woman, and threw them flying with skill, and landed firmly on the banana leaves more than ten meters away.

As for the remaining few stinky men, they are just asking for luck.

Orochimaru's figure is ghostly, soft and boneless, and he slashes with his sword.

Jiraiya took off the scroll behind him, pulled it away, and pressed his hand, and in a puff of smoke, he channeled a gray and simple giant sword with a chain on the hilt, and started a hand-to-hand battle with Orochimaru.

Mineko Yuki was lying on the banana leaf, her eyes wide open, staring intently at the battlefield.

"Ping pong pong!"

One could only see the sparks produced by the collision of swords and swords in the air, and blurred afterimages flickering, and the sound of metal and iron colliding could be heard endlessly.

The speed of both of them is so fast that the naked eye can hardly catch it.

Suddenly, a thin figure left the battlefield.

"Jiraiya, you really are still young, and you can keep up with my speed. In the previous competitions, you have always lost to me."

Orochimaru raised the gleaming sword and licked the blade with his slender tongue, without worrying about cutting his tongue.

"Oshewan, two hundred years have passed, why are you still talking about those old things? Now that I have done something, I will not show mercy to you anymore."

Jilai also did not lose the slightest bit in the previous confrontation. The gray giant sword in his hand was full of criss-cross scratches.

"Jiraiya, you still refuse to admit defeat! Even if you have reservations, the gap between us is still huge!"

Orochimaru threw away the Kusanagi sword casually, made seals with both hands, and then puffed up his cheeks and blew hard:

"Feng Dun, a big breakthrough!"

All of a sudden, sand and rocks flew away, and Orochimaru blew out a strong wind from its mouth that could tear houses apart and overturn the earth.

The furious storm seemed to engulf everything in it, cutting it into pieces!

Even tens of meters away, Mineko Yuki felt a strong wind pressure descending, she involuntarily raised her hand to cover her eyes, then squinted her eyes and tried to look forward.

"Fire escape, flame bomb!"

Not to be outdone, Zilai opened his mouth and vomited vigorously, and the fire ball with a diameter of more than ten meters burned blazingly.


There was a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, it was a big explosion!

The strong scorching waves and wind pressure suddenly exploded, turning into a strong shock wave and sweeping in all directions, and the surrounding plants were uprooted.

After a stalemate of just a few breaths, the wind assisted the fire, and the flames sprayed from Jiraiya's mouth suppressed Orochimaru's storm!

The flames were like a swirling sea of ​​burning clouds, rolling backwards and engulfing Orochimaru.

The fire wave not only burned the huge plants to ashes, but also burned a large pit on the ground with a diameter of more than ten meters.

"Did you win?"

Yucheng Fengzi couldn't help but feel elated, since just now she has been worried, if the lecherous fairy is defeated, the fate of these foreigners may be terrible.


As if the earth dragon turned over, the ground suddenly trembled violently, the leaves of the giant plants in Mount Miaomu rustled, and the dew accumulated on the leaves rolled down, causing a heavy rain.

One after another, huge super pythons with different colors drilled out from the soil layer, spitting out words, and staring at the tiny human beings below with huge snake pupils without emotion.

The fifteen to six-meter boa constrictor that was as big as a Titan python looked like an underdeveloped little snake in front of these super giant pythons.

Of these five or six giant pythons, no matter which one it is, it is several times bigger than it!

Looking at these super giant pythons rising from the ground like tall buildings, Mineko Yuki's genes couldn't help recalling the horror of being dominated by giant reptiles in ancient times.

"Earth Dungeon, Huangquan Swamp!"

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