I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 209 Chapter 211 Miss Kiritani, you don't want to become a toad either

"I wondered how the journey was unimpeded. It turns out that these pythons were all controlled by you, Dashewan."

Ji Lai also turned his head, seeing these boa constrictors that suddenly emerged from the soil, he suddenly realized.

At some point, Orochimaru appeared above the head of a khaki giant python. Although he was standing quite high, his hoarse voice was still drifting down with the wind, clearly audible:

"Mt. Miaomu is the old nest of toads after all, so there are only ones this big. The biggest one here is less than half the size of ten thousand snakes."

Orochimaru seems very dissatisfied with these boa constrictors.

Are you kidding me, there is unconcealable fear and horror on Mineko Yuki's pretty face.

The upper half of these boa constrictors is more than ten meters long, and the total length may be forty to fifty meters. It is more terrifying than the plague of wild pythons. Even African elephants can swallow them alive.

How long would that monster called 'Thousand Snakes' be? !

"Hiss, let's go!"

With a command from Orochimaru, all the boa constrictors surrounded by Jiraiya and others shook their heads and tails, as if they were about to pounce downward and bite.

The shadow hanging from the python's head covered them all.

Except Jiraiya's expression remained unchanged, everyone's faces were so shocked that their expressions were dull.

Only then can they truly understand how vivid the metaphor of stepping on ants in the courtyard is.

Seeing these boa constrictors whose heads are bigger than dump trucks and whose snake bodies are like overpasses, not to mention being bitten by one bite, even if they are rubbed by the rolling snake body, they will either die or be injured!

"whispering sound."

Ji Lai also glanced at Mineko Yuki and the others behind him, seemed to have some scruples, gave up the plan to avoid dodge, and after a few quick palm movements, he finally made a seal.

"Earth Dungeon, Huangquan Swamp!"

From in front of Jiraiya, the soil began to sink, and a vast gray swamp began to appear, and giant pythons were trapped in it.

In the huge swamp with the size of tens of acres of land, only Jiraiya's foot, which is ten meters in diameter, still maintains its original appearance.

Looking down from a height, it looks like a green island in a gray ocean.

Yucheng Fengzi was stunned for a moment, looking around, all he could see was a piece of mud and dust, and the green land that was originally full of vitality turned into a swamp in an instant!

Even the terrain has undergone earth-shaking changes.

This magical power to change the world, is this a fairy? !


Those giant boa constrictors with astonishing weight, most of their heavy bodies were immediately swallowed up by the swamp, and the remaining part was still slowly sinking downwards. After struggling hard, large swaths of mud and sand were thrown around, causing a torrential downpour 'Mud' rain.

But this was just a dying struggle, and soon the whole body of the boa constrictor sank into the swamp, leaving only the snake's head sticking out.

"Oshemaru, the little snakes you caught temporarily are nothing more than that." Jiraiya couldn't help laughing as he looked at the giant pythons stuck in the quagmire and couldn't move.

"It's better to summon your ace Ten Thousand Snakes, maybe it can break free from this fairy's Huangquanma."

Orochimaru's face was still pale and gloomy, an inexplicable look flashed in the snake's pupils, and he stomped his feet without saying a word.

The big khaki snake under its feet opened its mouth wide, and a large amount of venom spewed out from its two fangs!

"Tudun, Tuliubi!"

Jiraiya slapped the ground with one hand, and a thick earth wall immediately appeared in front of him.


A large amount of venom sprayed on the soil flow wall, and white smoke burst out immediately, eroding the surface of the soil flow wall into pits and pits, showing extremely strong corrosion.

But Tuliubi remained motionless.

"Small tricks, that's all. No, it should be tricks."

The earth flow wall turned into rubble and fell to the ground with a bang, Zilai also stood behind, grinning.

"Jiraiya, Sarutobi-sensei taught us not to be careless under any circumstances. However, you still don't seem to remember it..."

Orochimaru shot out his smooth and slender tongue, licked his lips, and mocked.

"Oshemaru, what are you talking about?" Jiraiya frowned.

"Master Ziraiya, help!"

"Snake, what a big snake!"

A sudden cry for help suddenly reached Jiraiya's ears, his expression moved, and he looked sideways from the corner of his eye.

I saw a giant python that was about to be swallowed by the swamp, its upper and lower jaws were separated as much as possible, and another white-scaled python that was a few circles smaller came out wet all over.

The white python spit out its core, put its head on the green field, and began to attack those ordinary people.

"The art of messing with the lion's hair..."

The long gray hair behind Jiraiya began to show his teeth and claws, and was about to stretch out.

"Don't even think about it! Wind escape, the art of wind cutting!"

Orochimaru let out a roar, and with the five fingers of his right hand together, he moved downwards, and a sharp wind blade shot out along with the chaotic wind.


With a crisp sound of the silk brocade being torn, Ziraiya's long hair was cut off by the wind blade.

Taking advantage of this gap, the white python had already swam up to Yucheng Fengzi's body, and swallowed her whole with one mouthful.

After swallowing one person alive, she was still not satisfied, and with a twist of the snake's neck, the other young woman named Haocai on the banana tree was also suffocated.

"Hiss hiss!"

The white giant python is a little smaller than the earliest pythons that hunted big toads, but its size is scary enough.

The few remaining people were frightened out of their wits and wanted to flee, but they were trapped on the green island in the swamp, with no way to heaven or earth.

After eating Mineko Yuuki and Lucky Cai, the white python set its sights on the most fat and alluring fat woman this time. The snake kiss fell from the sky and swallowed the fat woman's upper body, her legs were still kicking and jumping .

Although the size of the third prey was larger than the sum of the first two, it was just a piece of cake for the boa constrictor, and it was still a pill to swallow.

"Oshemaru, you mangy snake, you actually ate Miss Kiritani!"

Jiraiya had been entangled by Orochimaru since just now and couldn't spare to save people, his face immediately changed when he saw this scene, and he cursed.

"There are so many stinky men here, but you still swallowed all the women, Orochimaru, are you deliberately against this Immortal?"

After hearing this, the man with glasses, the young man with yellow hair, and a few other men trembled in broad daylight, their hands and feet were cold, and their tears couldn't stop streaming down...


Orochimaru squeezed out from his nose, with disdainful disdain on his face.

Half of the strangers who crossed from the human world to Mount Miaomu have been captured, and the purpose has been achieved, so they can retreat.

The white boa constrictor seemed to be aware of Orochimaru's intentions, and instead of continuing to attack the remaining four men, it turned around, and the snake body was swimming in the swamp, ready to escape.

"At least, at least spit out Kiritani-san!"

Jiraiya roared in grief and anger, and clasped his hands together, but Orochimaru's attack clung to him like a tarsal maggot, interrupting his spellcasting.

When the two were entangled, the white giant python had already escaped tens of meters, and it was about to escape.

"Let me out! Smelly python!"

After Yucheng Fengzi was swallowed into the snake's belly along the esophagus, she felt that the strong stomach wall was constantly squeezing her in all directions, opened her mouth to yell and curse a few times, and accidentally swallowed a mouthful of bitter and smelly gastric juice.


I almost spit out my intestines.

He couldn't even open his mouth to call for help. Could it be that he was really going to die here? !

You bastard, no!

I haven't met Mr. Uchiha yet, let him see that the little girl who was rescued back then has grown into a slim beauty, and has not been praised by him, how could she just die here without a sound!

Thinking of this, Yucheng Fengzi's expression was like a ghost, biting the python's stomach wall.

"I don't want to turn into the feces of a python! Even if I bite through your stomach, I will return to Tokyo alive and go to the Metropolitan Police Department to search Section 4!"

Yuki Mineko bit her stomach wall, suddenly felt hot and dry inside her body, and the strange feeling before came to her heart again.


The belly of the white boa constrictor that was escaping on the swamp suddenly exploded from the inside out, and its intestines were pierced by the blast, and several humans flowed out from the gap in the belly.

"Cough cough cough!"

Mineko Yuki was soaked in blood all over her body, coughing profusely with her eyes closed, and a few wisps of black smoke came out from her throat.

Before she had time to savor the joy of escaping from the dead, Yuki Mineko was shocked to find that her body was sinking, and she quickly grabbed the boa corpse floating in the mire like driftwood.

But this is just delaying the death, because the body of the white python is also gradually sinking.

"Lecherous fairy, help me!"

"What lecherous fairy, you should call me Master Zilaiya or Toad Fairy."

With a chuckle, a bunch of long gray hair like a white dragon pulled Yuki Mineko and the other two women out of the swamp.

Then they were thrown onto the green field.

"Oshemaru, I didn't expect it. Your wishful thinking still came to nothing in the end. This time, I won't give you another chance." Zilai also said triumphantly.

"This woman looks delicious."

Orochimaru looked at Yuki Mineko with his cold eyes, with a bit of greed.

Jiraiya turned sideways slightly, blocking Orochimaru's sight, and protecting everyone including Mineko Yuuki behind him.


Dashewan's neck turned unnaturally, looking around, the other boa constrictors had already been swallowed by Huangquanquan.

Even the khaki boa constrictor under his feet had only a few scales exposed on the top of its head, and it was about to be submerged by the swamp.

"Jiraiya, your shit luck is still as good as ever. This time it will end here, but this is just the beginning. Even without these few foreigners as sacrifices, I can find a way to go down to the realm." Da Shemaru raised his hands Together, a strange handprint is formed.

"Wait, Orochimaru! Your Akatsuki organization has come to this world so frequently, have you already mastered a passage to reality?"

Seeing that Orochimaru was about to leave, Jilai also hurriedly asked, wanting to take the opportunity to obtain information.

"Jiraiya, if you want to know, come to the human world. I will wait for you in the human world. Next time, I will definitely kill you!"

Orochimaru's figure, like a wisp of cooking smoke rising into the sky, disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.


Ji Lai also stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to hold back something, but in the end he withdrew his hand resentfully, with a complicated look on his face.

After several minutes, someone tremblingly asked:

"Master Jiraiya, that snake-like weirdo won't go and come back, will he?"

"Although with Orochimaru's cunning, it's not impossible to do this kind of thing. But in Mount Miaomu, he can no longer feel his breath, and he has really left."

Ji Lai also glanced at him, replied lightly, and finally looked at Mineko Yuuki, his eyes changed from the frivolity before, and showed a little more appreciation.

"Miss Tonggu, you did a great job. I really did see the right person."

"Master Jiraiya, you are really overrated." Yuki Mineko said with trepidation.

Yuki Mineko is now like a beggar cat, even her hair is covered in mud, not as cute as before.

She shook the mud off her body and felt itching on the back of her left hand and cheek, but she didn't mind it.

The fat woman and another young woman woke up one after another.

"It's less than half an hour away from Hamoyou Waterfall, and this is the last stretch." Zilai also sat on the ground, resting his cheeks, and said.

"Let's go after a short rest. You don't want to delay for too long and turn into toads."

These people looked at each other without saying a word, and sat down quietly to recover their strength.

"Master Jiraiya, the belly of the boa constrictor suddenly exploded earlier, is it related to Miss Kiritani?" Finally, the man with glasses couldn't bear his curiosity and asked.

Several other people, especially men, also pricked up their ears one by one.

After the giant white python devoured the three women before, its stomach suddenly burst into flames and exploded. The other four surviving men had a panoramic view of this scene.

Afterwards, Master Jiraiya only praised Ms. Kiritani again, obviously the explosion had something to do with Ms. Kiritani.

"Oh, that's the spiritual power that burned after the explosion."

"Spiritual power? Do we have it too?" Someone asked impatiently.

"You guys, hehe, you've been awakened from the moment you entered Miaomu Mountain, but it's pitifully rare. Miss Tonggu's ability to function in such a short period of time is considered unique! Of course, it's far inferior to this immortal .”


Ms. Tong Gu lowered her head in embarrassment, as if she wanted to bury her head on her chest, and because her face was covered with mud now, no one could see the corners of her upturned mouth.

She is indeed a genius!

But her expression began to be a little subtle.

It's so itchy, why is it getting more and more itchy.

Yuki Mineko couldn't bear it any longer, she grabbed the back of her hand with her right hand and peeled off a piece of hardened mud.

She stretched her five fingers, feeling something was wrong, looked down casually, and suddenly her pupils shrank.

I saw a few yellow-brown bumps on the back of her left hand, and toad-like webs grew between her fingers!

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