I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 210 Chapter 212

"Ah, what, spiritual power?"

"I see!"

These people suddenly realized that they gathered around Jiraiya, chatting in one go.

The few men who were involved in Mt. Miaomu were not too old, and they had been exposed to different world animations and magic movies on weekdays, so they naturally accepted the concept of spiritual power.

It's like supernatural energy like the 'qi' in Dragon Ball and the 'magic power' in Harry Potter.

Spiritual power, extraordinary power!

The real supernatural power!

They witnessed the battle between Toad Immortal Jiraiya and Orochimaru with their own eyes, turning their hands into clouds and rain, changing the terrain and setting off a storm with their hands, and they couldn't help being shocked. There are really immortals in this world!

Who didn't dream of possessing superpowers and saving the world alone when they were young.

Now that the dream has come into reality, they not only traveled to Mt. Miaomu, but also saw Ms. Kiritani, who was just like them and an ordinary person before, burst into flames, and they couldn't help but feel hot.

Since Miss Tong Gu, a delicate and big girl, can possess extraordinary power, there is no reason why big men like them can't do it!

"After the Age of Gods, the aura of this world has declined to the limit, and mortals will naturally degenerate to the point where they will not be able to awaken their spiritual energy for a lifetime."

Jiraiya's acting skills came online in an instant, he closed his eyes slightly, as if he was recalling something, and said in a deep voice.

"The moment your souls entered Mt. Miaomu, because of the stimulation of the abundant aura of the world, you have already awakened your spiritual power."

"is that so?"

"No wonder I felt energetic before, and I didn't feel tired after walking for so long!"

After hearing Jiraiya's words, some people closed their eyes and seemed to want to feel the so-called aura of heaven and earth, but they only felt that the air of Mt. Myogi was extraordinarily fresh and sweet, and they could not feel anything else.

Some people held the wrist of the other hand with their hands, holding their breath and looking serious, as if they wanted to force out the spiritual power in their bodies.

Jiraiya looked at the various reactions of these people, and an unknown strangeness flashed in his eyes.

The so-called heaven and earth spiritual energy and spiritual power, this set of rhetoric has also been used by the Metropolitan Police Department. Although it is to fool them, the main body has already made the settings before, and there is generally no contradiction before and after.

Of course, the "spiritual power" in these human bodies, that is, Chakra, was endowed when they pulled into the copy of Mount Miaomu. However, without the knowledge of key points such as escapism and yin gestures, these chakras can only increase physical strength, and it is impossible to release ninjutsu at all.

However, this woman named Tong Gu gave Zilaiye a little surprise.

You are the one with the best quality among this group of people. This sentence is just a joke on his whim, but he didn't expect that Tong Gu's talent in escapism is surprisingly good.

The obsession to survive at the critical moment of life and death forced Huo Dun out.

The yellow-haired young man grunted, grasped one of his hands firmly, and used his whole body energy, trying to release superpowers such as flames or flashes from his hand, but it was in vain.

"Master Jiraiya, how can we let out flames like you... no, Miss Kiritani?" the yellow-haired youth asked unwillingly.

"Hmph, your spiritual power is too insignificant, so you can't feel anything. Besides, I can tell at a glance that you are not of the fire attribute, so don't waste your efforts." Zilai also glanced at him contemptuously , looking impatient.

"If it's Ms. Tong Gu who has the same attributes as this immortal, I can still give some pointers, but you stinky men can forget it."

Really lecherous fairy!

Ms. Kiritani's nickname was indeed correct.

"Master Ziraiya! Immortal Ziraiya! You have great supernatural powers and boundless mana, can you..."

Some people cursed secretly in their hearts, but on the surface they were respectful and respectful, afraid that Zilai would also see the clues, and wanted to seize this opportunity tightly, showing flattery and flattery non-stop.

Others have the same idea, as long as they learn a few tricks from Jiraiya, they will not be able to make a fortune after returning to Tokyo.

"It's so noisy, you stinky men don't push yourself!"

Zilai couldn't stand their noisy, turned his face away, and scolded unceremoniously.

Seeing that Jiraiya got angry, everyone quickly shut their mouths, for fear of running into Jiraiya's bad luck.

"The lecherous fairy!"

An impatient voice suddenly came over, and everyone's heart trembled, and they only dared to slander, who is so bold, dare to speak out.

"Help, look at my hand, what's going on!?"

Yuki Mineko changed from her previous shyness, and rushed over frivolously, stretching her left hand down in front of Jiraiya.

"Miss Tonggu, how can you call me a lecherous fairy, it's really rude."

Jilai also muttered a few words, then his eyes fell on the back of Yuki Mineko's hand, and he couldn't help frowning.

Others also gathered around curiously, sticking their heads out to watch.

A layer of translucent webs grew between Yucheng Fengzi's five fingers, and there were a few yellow bumps on the back of his hand, which were the size of finger belly, and there was a tendency to spread to his arms!

"Lecherous fairy, look at how my hands have become like toads! What should I do, what should I do?"

For women who love beauty, appearance is more important than life.

Yucheng Fengzi was so anxious that she even forgot the pretense of being a weak woman before, and hurriedly spit out the word lecherous fairy.

"Excellent talent is a double-edged sword. I didn't expect it to be eroded so quickly!"

Jiraiya grabbed Mineko Yuuki's wrist involuntarily.

"Be patient!"

On Jiraiya's other hand, he stretched out his index finger, and the fingertips exuded spiritual light.

"Chi Chi—!"

Like the sound of burning skin, Mineko Yuki felt the scorching heat coming from the fingertips Jiraiya touched on the back of her hand.

She gasped in pain, and subconsciously wanted to retract her arm, but when she thought that this was treating herself, she gritted her teeth and endured it.

"Okay. This fingerprint will disappear in a few days."

Yuki Mineko hastily withdrew her arm, put it in front of her eyes and observed it carefully, and saw that the skin on the back of her hand was smooth and flat, returning to its original appearance.

It's just a finger-like black mark.

"Hey, yes, I'm sorry, Ziraiya-sama! I was so rude just now, please forgive my offense."

Yuki Mineko breathed a sigh of relief, and she belatedly remembered that she had called out the lecherous fairy, and she was terrified, and Tuxiazao apologized to Zirai.

"I'm not such a small-minded fairy, so I'll forgive your slip of the tongue."

Jiraiya looked at Mineko Yuuki who was kneeling on the ground with her forehead pressed against the mud, and said openly.

It would be great if Jiraiya-sama is generous enough to share some with us.

The man with glasses couldn't help thinking.

For a moment, he really hated his parents for not turning him into a charming beauty, so he couldn't help asking:

"Master Jiraiya, what is going on here? Ms. Kiritani's hand..."

"Compared to explaining, it's more intuitive for you to see it with your own eyes. You should be able to understand it when you arrive at Hamayou Waterfall." Zilai also said.

"Enough rest, let's go! You don't want to become toads either."

What does Jiraiya-sama mean by this sentence?

Could it be that, like Ms. Kiritani, our bodies will gradually turn into toads?

Because of such worries, all parts of his body began to itch inexplicably.

With Jiraiya's palms together, Huangquan Swamp began to solidify, the soil layer was thick, and he could walk freely.

"This is the last stretch of the road."

Jiraiya took the lead and walked in front. Although the people behind were a little preoccupied by Jiraiya's last words, they could only keep up.

After walking out of the swamp, the natural scenery along the way is still lush and green, with huge plants everywhere.

"Miss Tong Gu, how are you feeling now?"

While walking, Jilai also asked unintentionally.

"Master Jiraiya, I feel much better already." Yuki Mineko replied.

"This immortal is not asking about your physical condition, but about your spiritual power."

"After getting help from Master Jiraiya, the heat flow in my body... the spiritual power can already be controlled." Although Yuki Mineko wanted to hide his clumsiness, but when he thought of the many times that the lecherous fairy had helped him before, he couldn't help it. Realizing it was an opportunity and finally telling the truth.

"Is that so? Let this immortal take a look."

Hearing this, Jiraiya stopped in his tracks and looked at Mineko Yuuki with great interest.

"You don't have to worry, if there is any abnormality, this immortal will take action."

"Yes, Master Ziraiya!"

Yucheng Fengzi held her breath, took a deep breath, then stretched out a hand, with five fingers spread out, a ball of flames danced in the palm.

The flames were beating, rising higher and higher, and finally even more than ten centimeters long.

The others looked at the flame in Mineko Yuki's hands, and couldn't help showing envy and jealousy.

Why can't they awaken their extraordinary power? Is there really such a big gap in talent between Miss Kiritani?

Yuki Mineko's face was neither blushing nor her heart was beating, obviously she still had some strength left.

"That's right, Ms. Tong Gu is really different from those rotten woods. She can stimulate her spiritual power in such a short period of time, which can be regarded as a piece of rough jade." Ji Lai also touched his chin, showing appreciation color.

"Where, Ziraiya-sama! It's far inferior to your divine power to burn up the locust plague in one go!" Yuki Mineko was full of admiration.

"Hahaha! Of course!"

"Master Jiraiya, can you give me some pointers! Please!" Yuuki Mineko blinked, stepped forward to grab Jiraiya's arm, and said coquettishly.

"This is a bit..." Ji Lai also looked embarrassed.


Mineko Yuki gritted her teeth secretly, and her body became tighter and tighter intentionally or unintentionally.

With the warm and soft jade in his arms, Jiraiya showed a sensual expression on his face, and his tone began to loosen.

"Hey hey, then..."

Just as he was about to say something, the grass began to rustle, and a huge unicorn that shone with metallic luster blocked their way.

Jiraiya's eyes flashed when he saw this beetle that was about the size of a calf.

I came to the pillow when I wanted to doze off. This unicorn fairy is really suitable as a target.

"Okay, Miss Tonggu, I will teach you a trick. Look carefully and pay attention to my fingerprints."

Jilai also reluctantly pulled his arm out of Yuki Mineko's embrace, and separated his hands, making a few seals with slow but quick movements.


"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

A huge fireball with a diameter of more than five meters jetted out from Jiraiya's mouth, engulfing the Great Unicorn.

The surging heat wave made everyone take a few steps back.

"This is the basic of fire spells, the fireball technique, and the method of making seals. This immortal has slowed down as much as possible." Jilai also turned around and said with a smile, sparks still lingering in his mouth.

"Miss Tong Gu, you temporarily accumulate spiritual power from your mouth to your chest, and then suddenly spit it all out. How about it, it's very simple."

What does it mean to be very simple?

Others heard that Jilai would also teach Ms. Kiritani spells, so they tried their best to open their eyes wide, wanting to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

But Jiraiya-sama's movements are dazzling, even though he tries his best to catch them, he can barely see one or two gestures.

Can I do it again? It's best to teach us in slow motion hand in hand!

"Yes! I see!"

Yuki Mineko's eyes glowed. She had noticed before that the lecherous fairy would raise his hand before casting a spell. It seemed to be moving vaguely.

It's just that the speed is lightning and flint, and it is completed in an instant, beyond the reach of eyesight.

But this time, the movement slowed down considerably. Although others only saw part of it, Mineko Yuki captured all the handprints.

Yuki Mineko acted like a cat or a tiger, moving her hands quickly and smoothly. She opened her mouth for the last time and spat out a fist-sized ball of fire from her ruddy lips.

The fire ball was only a few tens of centimeters away from the lips before it went out.

"Cough cough cough!"

Yuki Mineko couldn't help coughing, feeling that her throat was about to burn, but she still raised her head and looked at the lustful fairy expectantly.

Being able to use it for the first time, my wife is really a genius!

"It's okay, Miss Kiritani."

Unexpectedly, Zilai also showed a bit of disappointment in his eyes, said in a neutral tone, then turned around and continued to walk forward.

Yuki Mineko immediately stayed where she was, she was full of joy and thought that she could get the exaggeration of the lustful fairy, but she didn't expect it to be such a flat reaction. Could it be that it is really that bad?

"Here we are, Toad Oil Falls."

After walking a few kilometers forward, Jilai finally stopped and led them to a valley.

"There are so many stone toad statues, how many are there?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

"These toad statues are all your predecessors, strangers who accidentally broke into Miaomu Mountain, failed practitioners, and..." Zilai also sighed quietly.

"You don't look like you've turned into toads, so you'll end up like this again."

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