I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 214 Chapter 215

In a corner of Yoyogi Park, which is heavily guarded.

The specific locations where Yuki Mineko and the other six people fainted were each put up a signboard, and there were seven fixed lines drawn with white lines for traces of the scene.

A few drones were flying in the sky, and hundreds of police officers on the ground were pulling nets to investigate, walking around.

There are also some scientific researchers in white coats, collecting grass blades and soil samples lightly on the grass. There are several air collectors and airborne dust samplers in operation in all directions from east to west, north to south.

There is a great momentum to dig three feet into the ground, go up to the poor and fall to the underworld!

People who don't know the truth, seeing this scene, may mistakenly think that some serious criminal case with heavy casualties happened in Yoyogi Park!

"Matsuura police station, when will the investigation be over?"

The mayor of Shibuya wiped the sweat from his forehead with a tissue handed by his secretary, and asked a middle-aged police officer in a police uniform with thick eyebrows and a square face.

Yoyogi Park, adjacent to the Meiji Jingu Shrine, is one of the most famous attractions in Shibuya.

It was Golden Week, and tourists from other prefectural roads came to Yoyogi Park in an endless stream. To close the huge Yoyogi Park, he, the mayor of Shibuya District, also bears a lot of pressure.

But when the governor of Tokyo called, he could only obey.

"I'm not too sure about this. It depends on the results of the investigation and the order of the Metropolitan Police Department."

Police Matsuura thought about his words and replied, "However, Your Excellency the District Chief, you have to be prepared. This blockade of Yoyogi Park may not end in a day or two."

"That's right."

The mayor of Shibuya Ward nodded, turned around to look at the police officers who were conducting a close search, with a look of curiosity on their faces, and mysteriously approached Police Officer Matsuura.

"Matsuura police officer, I heard that the mass coma incident that happened yesterday was related to superhumans? Can you give me a little insight so that I can know."

Mr. Matsuura, who had slight blue stubble under his mouth, had a delicate expression on his face.

He is the on-site commander of the Minamoto Raimitsu Onimusha Incident in Ota Ward.

After the superhuman battle between the Red Sand Scorpion and Master Lu Lu, the country barely managed to evade it with its full propaganda machine, but this was only limited to the poor people, not including the higher-level citizens.

In the powerful and bureaucratic circles in Tokyo, the existence of monsters and supernatural beings is already semi-public.

While the senior citizens were dumbfounded, they were also instinctively full of curiosity and desire for the mysterious side.

In a country like Japan where class barriers are unbreakable, most of the rich and powerful got everything they have now by virtue of their blood. I was able to succeed because I had a good pregnancy, and my good pregnancy was the protection of gods and Buddhas.

In this way, it is not difficult to understand the prevalence of feudal superstitions such as praying to gods and worshiping Buddha.

Since then, people in the powerful circle have become more superstitious and fanatical.

Although they haven't enjoyed enough of the prosperity and wealth in the world, their desires are hard to fill. They want the mysterious and extraordinary power, the possibility of prolonging life and even immortality!

According to the wind that Matsuura Police Department heard faintly, the Metropolitan Police Department has received a large number of donations in recent days, and it is natural that the dignitaries who want to have a hand are behind it.

Although the mayor of Shibuya Ward is a senior citizen, he is not enough to understand the internal details of the extraordinary incident.

"Your Excellency, District Chief, there is a confidentiality agreement within the Metropolitan Police Department, so I can only say that I have no comment!"

Police Officer Matsuura pondered for a moment, but his words were still watertight.

"Alright alright."

After seeing off the mayor of Shibuya Ward, at the entrance of Yoyogi Park, the Matsuura Police Station ushered in a police car.

Escorted by several police officers, a gentle and bespectacled folklorist came over.

"Your Excellency Commander, I haven't seen you for more than a week."

The folklorist's face was full of red, and he walked with wind, as if he had rejuvenated his career in the second spring.

"Professor Changshan, I have resigned from the post of interim commander, and now I am an investigator. You can call me Matsuura." Matsuura Police Officer said.

Police Matsuura beckoned, called a police officer, and took out two sketches of characters from his hand.

One is a wild and unrestrained white-haired man dressed like a Kabuki actor, and the other is a black-haired man with a feminine and evil face in a red cloud robe with a black background.

It's Jiraiya and Orochimaru!

The best profiling expert of the Metropolitan Police Department, based on the dictation of several people including the fat woman and the man with glasses, drew a sketch that was so lifelike that it was almost 90% similar.

"Professor Chang Shan, I wonder if you have any clues about the origin of the extraordinary person that appeared this time?"

"Of course!" Professor Changshan was very confident.

"I already gave a report at the Metropolitan Police Department just now. But Matsuura Police is not here, so I'll repeat it again."

Professor Chang Shan obviously did enough homework, he said in a eloquent voice:

"The toad Immortal Jiraiya who appeared in Mt. Miaomu, and Orochimaru who controls the giant python, undoubtedly have a great relationship with the folk tale of "Er Lei Ye Heroes" in our country!"

"Er Lei Ye Hero Tan" is a novel written by Mei Tuyuan Xiaoyan from 1839, and a total of 44 novels were published until 1866, but because of the author's death, the work was not completed in the end.

"In the novel, Erlei is the son of the rich family of Higo, a ninja who can summon toads, and Erlei's favorite princess Tsunade can drive slugs. The villain of the story is Orochimaru who can manipulate poisonous snakes." Professor Changshan He went on and on: "Snakes eat toads, toads eat slugs, slugs eat snakes, and the three interact with each other."

"But this is too unbelievable. How could these two superhumans be so similar to Erlei and Orochimaru? Even their names and abilities are exactly the same as those in the novel." Police Officer Matsuura asked, frowning.

"It's obvious that Jiraiya, who claims to be the Immortal Toad, is the prototype of Er Leiye."

"But "Er Lei Ye Heroes" is a work nearly two hundred years ago!"

"Matsuura Police Officer, your thinking is still full of limitations and you haven't opened it up. From the conversation between Toad Immortal Jiraiya and Orochimaru, it is obvious that Jiraiya is over two hundred years old."

The Metropolitan Police Department also sent psychologists and interrogation experts, and recorded the conversations that several people heard in Mount Miaomu. Through repeated comparison and review, the difference is generally the same.

"Is it possible that Mitogaki Smiley, like these seven people, once strayed into Mt. Myogi, got acquainted with Jiraiya and Orochimaru, and then wrote down their stories and created "Er Lei Ye Heroes"? "Professor Changshan is persuasive and persuasive.

"So, there might be another Princess Tsunade who can control slugs?" Police Officer Matsuura had a strange expression on his face.

"Nine out of ten!"

In his professional field, Professor Hase has shown strong confidence and calmness, and his words are so convincing that people can't help but admire him.

"The Onimusha of Minamoto Raimitsu, the Fire Rat Fur and the Buddha Stone Bowl in "The Tale of Bamboo Crawl", and Jiraiya and Orochimaru in "Erlei Heroes"...Since ancient times, our world has been in harmony with the extraordinary. The supernatural beings are closely related, and the secrets of the superhumans are hidden in the history and myths that have been handed down to this day!"

In the expert group of the Metropolitan Police Department, folklorists, historians and the like were originally bench figures who had almost no say.

However, as the situation changed, the monsters, gods and Buddhas in folklore appeared on the stage after you sing, and Professor Changshan, as the leading folklore scholar in the entire island country, became popular again.

Grant after grant came one after another, both official and plutocratic.

The good days are back!

Professor Changshan, who is proud of his spring breeze, suddenly looks younger by ten years.

"Myths and legends are not created out of nothing, the key to analyze the extraordinary world is hidden in it!"

Because of the related interests, Professor Changshan began to boast.

It's not a big bragging, he himself is so sure.

"But you can't just make a judgment like this. The current evidence is not sufficient. There are so many good guys from the Metropolitan Police Department who searched the mountains and seas here, and they haven't found a passage to Mt. Miaomu..."

Police Officer Matsuura turned his head, looked at the lush and green Yoyogi Park full of infinite vitality, and took a deep breath.

The air is fresh, with the unique earthy fragrance of the forest.

Although Yoyogi Park has a large area, it is just a potted plant in a house in Tokyo, one of the largest metropolises in the world.

Since it was opened to the public after the 1950s, millions of people have entered and exited Yoyogi Park. If there is a door leading to the mysterious world, it should have been discovered long ago.

Hearing the doubts of the Matsuura police station, Professor Changshan shook his head and recited an article:

"The people of Wuling in the Jin Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty fished for a living..."

The famous story of Peach Blossom Spring through the ages is included even in Japanese texts.

"I was lost, and I couldn't find the way. Nanyang Liu Ziji, a noble scholar, heard about it, and went back happily. He didn't succeed. He searched for his illness and ended up. After that, there was no one who cared about him."

After Professor Changshan dropped the book bag, he went on to say:

"Since ancient times, it has never been easy to enter another world. Even if the rich and powerful want to search mountains and seas, they will return empty-handed. The key lies in the word 'fate'."

Matsuura police station couldn't help but turn dark when he heard the words.

In vain, the search for illness ends up...

Isn't it me who is looking around in Yoyogi Park now?

Crow mouth!

"Also, it's not without evidence that the police academy trainee named Yuki Mineko spewed flames from his mouth in full view. The camera of the Yoyogi Police Station also captured this scene."

Police Matsuura couldn't help but choke.

If it weren't for this, the Metropolitan Police Department wouldn't be operating so efficiently.

"The number of transcendents registered in the register has already exceeded the number of palms. Those transcendental beings who appear and disappear, let alone those who have transformed from ordinary people to transcendental, include Dr. Satomi and Hero Tosu, but..."

"Is there really another mysterious world hidden behind the history of mythology?"

Police Officer Matsuura had strong doubts in his heart, but he looked at Professor Changshan with a fanatical and confident face, and did not ask further questions tactfully.

Looking at the face of Professor Changshan, I can't wait for the gods and Buddhas to be born in Tokyo during the day, and ghosts walking around at night at night.

As a result, his right to speak in the expert group will inevitably increase.

Although selfish, there are many reference points in Professor Changshan's words.

"Professor Changshan, our Metropolitan Police Department has searched here for so long, but still found nothing. I wonder if you have any suggestions?"

"Since the seven people who strayed into Mt. Miaogi are predestined people, let's find them again and put them in Yoyogi Park. Can we find the passage to Mt. Miaogi?"

"It's hard to say."

Professor Changshan was noncommittal. In fact, most of the analysis of the mysterious world is just his imagination.

"It's like a fisherman who strays into the Peach Blossom Spring, but he can't find his way into the Peach Blossom Spring afterwards. But compared to those who have no fate, they may have a better chance."

"Professor Changshan, what else do you find?"

"Well, I also have some immature opinions about Toad Senjin Jiraiya's kabuki performance mentioned in the report."

As soon as he said this, Professor Changshan suddenly became excited.

He took Jiraiya's sketch from Police Officer Matsuura, and gestured at Jiraiya's long gray hair.

"Matsuura police officer, look! In the traditional Japanese art of kabuki, there is a famous work "Even the Lion", in which the hairstyle of the white-haired old lion is very similar to Jirai."

In order to prove it, Professor Changshan took out the kabuki stills of "Lianshi" prepared in advance from his briefcase.

The Matsuura Police Officer took it over and looked at it, and there was indeed a bit of a similarity, so he nodded slightly.

""Er Lei Ye Hero Tan" was put on the Kabuki stage by Umi Takemo Ami in 1852, and it lasted for a long time, and later it was adapted into..."

Professor Changshan began to recite long and long words again.

The Matsuura Police Department was a little terrified. I had contacted Professor Changshan several times before, but I had never seen him so talkative.

"Professor Changshan, you are amazingly knowledgeable! Can you briefly summarize your point of view?" Matsuura police inspector praised a few words and interrupted Professor Changshan's speech.

Professor Changshan smacked his mouth, and then said:

"I think Toad Senjin Jiraiya is a kabuki lover. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to dress up like a kabuki actor, and use kabuki-style opening remarks and self-introduction."

A transcendent who claims to be a fairy actually likes old-fashioned kabuki?

Is this possible?

But thinking of Jiraiya's dress and style, it's not impossible.

Some elderly people like kabuki.

"Hmm, um, "Er Lei Ye Heroes"..."

Detective Matsuura chewed the title of the book in his mouth, and couldn't help feeling a strong curiosity in his heart, maybe he could get some clues from it.

"Go to the nearest bookstore and buy me a copy of "Er Lei Ye Heroes"."

The Matsuura police station called a police officer at random and assigned him to buy books.

"Don't waste your money, Police Matsuura."

Professor Changshan looked triumphant, and announced: "Because of my report, the Metropolitan Police Department has placed a big order! "Er Lei Ye Heroes" has become the designated must-read book for the fourth class of search, and it will be available soon. Ben."

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