I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 215: Chapter 216

"What's the current situation of Mineko Yuki?"

In Chiyoda District, Tokyo, in a meeting room of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department headquarters building, the director of the Metropolitan Police Department, with frosty temples and meticulously groomed silver hair, sat at the head seat and asked the secretary.

"Beep beep——"

A few soft bangs came at an inappropriate time, and the chief police officer frowned and looked over.

In addition to the participating police officers, in the corner of the conference room, there were several high-tech security robots.

These police robots have a black and white appearance and look like large vacuum cleaners at first glance. They are more than 1.5 meters tall and equipped with 3D cameras and software recognition systems that can identify whether the faces within the field of vision are registered police officers.

Once an unfamiliar face is found, it can be quickly identified within one second and a signal is sent through the siren.

After being invaded by the transcendent "Itachi" organized by Akatsuki and ransacking all the paper documents in the archives of the fifth section of the Public Security Bureau, the Metropolitan Police Department decided to strengthen its defense after learning from the painful experience.

Under the suggestion of the expert group, the Metropolitan Police Department began to use electronic technology to resist the infiltration of extraordinary people.

Because Itachi has the extraordinary ability to control the minds of mortals, there is no countermeasure for a while, and he can only strengthen the electronic monitoring equipment of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry. In key departments such as the fifth section of public security and the fourth section of search, there are several times as many cameras on the surface as before, let alone hidden cameras that are unknown.

In addition, these police robots imported from Silicon Valley in the United States, which cost a lot of money, are also one of the achievements of the reform.

The police robot is also equipped with cameras, sensors, thermal imaging and odor detectors, all of which are designed in an automatic mode, patrolling and alerting 24 hours a day, and sending the monitored data to the monitoring center in real time.

Although I still don't understand the mechanism of the supernatural being's mind control, even if it can affect humans, electronic cameras and robots, the superhuman can't control it.

Extraordinary people are not hackers.

If another superhuman invaded the Metropolitan Police Department, even if the police were under control, the police robot would immediately issue an alarm.

Because of this, the digitization and electronic office process of the fourth search department and the fifth police department has been accelerated by 20 years.

For example, the meeting convened by the police chief realized the paperless office, and all the police officers were not in front of the previous paper documents, but tablet computers.

For a long time, the Japanese government has been slow to respond and update slowly in terms of network and electronic processes, which is extremely disproportionate to the size of its third largest economy in the world.

Many government units are still using 3.5-inch floppy disks and fax machines, causing many jokes.

Two floppy disks containing the personal information of 38 people who applied for public housing in Meguro Ward were lost by the Metropolitan Police Department two years ago, which became a hot topic on Japanese social media that day.

Netizens couldn't believe that floppy disks were still used to store information in the Reiwa era!

Netizens originally thought that this matter was a fantasy, but they didn't expect that another big melon would be revealed the next year.

The government of Atake Town, Yamaguchi Prefecture planned to distribute 100,000 yen per household as a subsidy to 463 households living in difficulties. As a result, all the money went directly to an unemployed vagrant named Sho Taguchi, who immediately squandered it through online gambling.

The reason was that the office used floppy disks to exchange data with the bank, and there was an error in preparing the form, which caused the bank to mistakenly think that the first account was a collection account, and sent all the money to it.

This floppy disk, which is so beloved by the Japanese government, has a capacity of only 1.4M, and the developer is Sony CE.

It was popular in the 1980s and 1990s, but it was gradually eliminated after entering the 21st century, and Sony also stopped selling it in 2011.

But even Sony itself could not have imagined that ten years later, the Japanese government would still be reluctant to part with it.

In fact, the Japanese government once promoted electronic and information-based office work, but because members of Congress are generally too old, stubborn and conservative, and refused to cooperate, they had to give up halfway.

However, because the top-secret files of the fifth section of the Public Security Bureau were looted, the Metropolitan Police Department has begun to digitize all the files and enter them into the computer in order to avoid leaking the secrets, and the office has been paperless and electronic as much as possible.

The expert group believes that although extraordinary people have incredible spells such as mental manipulation (Sharingan), teleportation (transmission, shadow clone), and space folding (psychic scrolls), it does not mean that they are superior to modern human society in all aspects. superior.

The mysterious side has advantages over humans in certain fields, but its understanding of modern technology is definitely inferior to humans.

Can an extraordinary person use a computer or a mobile phone?

Do you know what digitization and electronicization are?

Transcendents are very mysterious and ancient, but to some extent they are also old-fashioned and ignorant, at the scientific level.

The magician in the dark castle, the practitioner in the deep mountains and old forests, and the solitary ascetic monk. In the stories, the superhuman is often an image of withdrawing behavior and avoiding the world.

It is no wonder that the expert group has such a stereotype.

The Metropolitan Police Department also felt that it was quite reasonable. The red sand scorpion claimed to be an old monster in the Heian era, and it had been isolated from the world for thousands of years. Under such circumstances, how much does it know about modern technology?

Like a wizard in Harry Potter.

In order to prevent paper documents from being leaked to extraordinary people, the Metropolitan Police Department made up its mind to carry out electronic reforms, and now it has achieved initial results, and is already ahead of other government agencies.

"Mineko Yuki only had a slight burn on her mouth, and she can't speak yet, but she's fine." The secretary looked at the tablet in his hand and replied respectfully.

"That's good."

After Yoyogi Police Chief reported it, he confirmed that Mineko Yuki possessed extraordinary powers. This matter has been heard to the heavens, and I don’t know how many big shots are concerned about it.

Under the modern network and household registration management, ordinary people have no secrets at all. Yuki Fengzi's entire resume and information from childhood to adulthood have been checked out.

For the Metropolitan Police Department, the appearance of Mineko Yuki was a pleasant surprise.

Yuki Fengzi is an intern at the Police Academy of the Metropolitan Police Department. She is considered to be one of her own at first, but she has good roots and a clean resume.

The Metropolitan Police Department has also dispatched a commissioner to inquire with Mineko Yuuki's teachers and classmates. Her reputation is quite good, and her internship results in the police academy are also quite good.

Compared with doctors and office workers, trainee police officers have extraordinary powers and are more stable and controllable.

The data analysis class is tailoring a mental model for Mineko Yuki based on all the information to assess her risk and psychological condition.

If everything goes well, Mineko Yuki will definitely be reused by the Metropolitan Police Department.

Not only Mineko Yuuki, but also those superhumans from the mysterious world, and the mortal Dr. Satomi and Hero Tosu who later gained supernatural powers were also mentally modeled.

"I didn't expect Yuki Mineko and Uchiha Police to have a relationship."

The obese section chief Akagi struggled to slide the tablet, used paper documents all the year round, and was not used to it for a while.

"When Yuki Mineko was in elementary school, there was an indiscriminate attack with a knife on the street. Yuki Mineko's parents died because of this, and she was rescued by the Uchiha police."

Section Chief Akagi looked at the information on the tablet, with an approving smile on Fatty's face.

"During the interview, Mineko Yuki said that the reason why she applied for the police position was to help other people like the police officer who saved her. Very nice child."

"Uchiha police officer, he is now handling the case of Hero Tosu in Shizuoka Prefecture?"

Uchiha Xianmen persuaded General William to leave the Buddha's stone bowl and Dr. Satomi in Japan, which made the police chief impressed by him and could not help nodding slightly.

"Haven't you found Hero Tosu?"

"Director, please give Police Uchiha some time, and Police Uchiha will definitely give us a satisfactory answer." Section Chief Akagi stood up and bowed.

"Then I'll wait and see."

The Police Superintendent ordered the secretary to control the tablet and send the files to the tablet of the police officers on the scene.

"Everyone can take a look at a few documents, which are all the details before and after the Mount Miaomu incident, as well as the analysis given by Professor Changshan, an authority in the field of folklore."

The police chief is over sixty years old, and he only knows a little about the operation of the tablet computer, but he has a secretary as an administrative staff to operate instead, as long as he gives orders.

But the police officers who participated in the meeting could only rely on themselves. A few elderly bureaucrats of the Metropolitan Police Department showed embarrassment, and they didn't know much about the operation of tablet computers. Swipe your finger across the screen.

Either the page was lost, or the reading speed couldn't keep up, so he simply made a few gestures on the screen, pretending to be reading.

"Oshemaru, Toad Immortal Ziraiya, it's really incredible!"

""Er Lei Ye Heroes", are they really the prototype of the characters in the novel two centuries ago?"

"Mt. Miaomu, is there a mysterious world independent of reality..."


The participating police officers swiped their screens, whispering and discussing.

"There are six other people who traveled to Mt. Miaomu. Why didn't they gain extraordinary power?" Someone was puzzled.

"In the file, Mineko Yuki said that Immortal Hama said to him, 'You are the best in this group of people', and other people can also testify that Zilai also favored her, saying that she is unique in a hundred. Talent, perhaps giftedness."

The interrogation experts and psychologists of the Metropolitan Police Department are very professional talents with special interrogation skills.

Problems can often hit the nail on the head and hit the nail on the head.

The experts of the Metropolitan Police Department are very persuasive, often inadvertently repeating the questions they have asked before during the interrogation process, and repeatedly comparing the answers of these people.

In this way, we can not only find out whether they are lying, but also deepen the details, and reconnect the content that these people have forgotten and ignored unintentionally.

Even if Mineko Yuki did not show extraordinary abilities, the consistent and impeccable testimony of the six people basically ruled out the possibility of lying in series.

The Metropolitan Police Department obtained a large amount of information about the mysterious world in one go.

The mysterious world hidden behind the historical myth has revealed the tip of the iceberg again!

"Oshemaru, the representative black-bottomed red cloud suit, is also a member of the Akatsuki organization? What is the purpose of this organization?"

The topic of the meeting began to shift to Orochimaru.

Whether it's Orochimaru's appearance and temperament, or how many people he asks for sacrifices as soon as he appears, it can show that he has evil intentions and evil spirits.

Even in the work "Er Lei Ye Hero Tan", Orochimaru also appeared as the villain.

Although I don't understand why the Akatsuki organization frequently came to reality, but through the previous contacts between the Metropolitan Police Department and this organization, it must be very ambitious and harbors evil intentions.

Red sand scorpion, hooligan, itachi, and now there is another Orochimaru.

What a disaster!

One by one is ready to move, plotting wrongdoing, the most important thing is that the Xiao organization still doesn't know what conspiracy, the information asymmetry makes the police chief fearful.

The upper limit of force displayed by the Akatsuki organization has not yet made the Self-Defense Forces feel invincible, but what makes the government most afraid is the teleportation ability of the extraordinary.

As far as their current destructive power is concerned, they can already behead the cabinet in a surprise attack.

It is also because of this that Japan's prime minister's cabinet has now entered a wartime state, rarely appearing in public, and the media has not reported the whereabouts of the prime minister and cabinet ministers in advance.

Even when the cabinet is meeting, it is scattered in various districts of Tokyo and holds computer meetings.

He was afraid of being teleported to the scene by the transcendent organized by Akatsuki and wiped out the cabinet.

But there is only a thousand days to be a thief, not a thousand days to prevent a thief. Now the normal operation of the cabinet has been greatly delayed, and even the Congress is hesitating whether to postpone the launch.

"The situation is quite unfavorable to us. Even if the government organization is not attacked, if the Xiao organization breaks out in a big city, the consequences will be unimaginable. The Xiao organization, which is malicious to human beings, has already appeared four extraordinary people, and standing on our side The only one around is Master Lu."

"Toad Immortal Jilai also fought against Orochimaru for a few ordinary people, and even escorted them back. He shouldn't be the type who treats ordinary people like nothing." A policeman said, looking at the information in the electronic file word by word.

"In "Er Lei Ye Hero Hero Tan" is also a heroic and courageous protagonist, a positive character, and Da Shewan is an enemy. Although Miao Mushan's report pointed out that the two seem to be from the same school, they are not as incompatible as in the novel, but Zirai also He is quite disdainful of the Xiao organization, so he should be able to win over to our side."

"If you can win it, there is indeed a lot to do. It's a pity that the passage to Mount Miaomu can't be found, and the Metropolitan Police Department has no chance to meet this toad fairy..."

The Superintendent of Police looked a little regretful.


The door was knocked open, and a police officer walked in holding a large cardboard box.

"I sent someone to the nearby Kinokuniya Bookstore and bought some "Er Lei Ye Heroes". All the police officers present at the meeting took a copy! Tomorrow, I want to see your notes on reading experience!" Police The video director said seriously.


The police officers grimaced, recalling the horror of being dominated by the Chinese teacher.

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