I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 216 Chapter 217 The Evil Spirit of Wakasa Bay

After the meeting, the chief police officer walked out of the gate first, followed closely by the secretary.

"Director, the chairman of Sumitomo Corporation, called again, hoping to have dinner with you."

The secretary flicked the tablet computer in his hand, reporting respectfully.

"And the ex-Treasurer..."


The police chief frowned, feeling a little unhappy.

These chaebol helmsmen and former ministers were really well informed. It took less than half a day for the Yoyogi Police Station to report, and they rushed forward one by one like leeches smelling blood.

They had seen the report on the Mt. Miaomu incident even earlier than the police officers from the No. 4 Search Division who attended the meeting.

After the 19th year of Pingcheng, it has been fifteen years since the first discovery of supernatural existence, and the secrecy work within the Metropolitan Police Department has always been the top priority. Until April, except for the few big chaebols who controlled the lifeline of the country's economy, even small and medium-sized consortiums and senior officials with lower administrative levels were kept in the dark.

However, after the superhuman war that took place in Ota District, it was inevitable that news leaked out. For the internal stability of the ruling class, some of the secrets were disclosed to these inferior citizens.

After waking up like a dream, after being shocked, they all showed their magical powers, lest they would be left behind.

During this period of time, the chief police officer has been receiving various calls one after another, the content of which is the same, it is nothing more than all kinds of insinuating information, hoping to profit from it.

No, it's a chestnut out of the fire!

These profit-hungry insects have no idea that the current situation is full of undercurrents and crises.

Each of them is dreaming of ascending to the sky in one step, commanding the wind and rain after gaining extraordinary power, and even dreaming of immortality!

"Please, please check the schedule and arrange it. These two days will be dealt with."

Although the police chief was extremely busy during this time, many of the high-ranking chaebol officials who came to invite them were not easy to offend, so they could only cheer up and socialize.

"There is one more important thing, General William is urging again, and invites you to rush to Yokosuka Port for a meeting as soon as possible."

Damn it!

The police chief looked at the Silicon Valley police robot in the United States that slid past him, with a haze on his face.

What the Metropolitan Police Department has to resist is not only the infiltration of extraordinary people, the temptation of chaebols, but also the threat of the United States!

Since April, the situation has changed, and supernatural incidents have occurred frequently and their intensity has risen unprecedentedly. There have been voices within the government, advocating the merger of the fifth section of public security and the fourth section of search and investigation, expanding the scale, and establishing a new department to deal with supernatural incidents.

The good name is to avoid multiple sects and unite to overcome difficulties.

And it was General William who pushed this matter behind the scenes.

General William's move can be described as poisonous and ruthless.

The fifth section of the Public Security Bureau and the fourth section of the criminal investigation department were originally the products of the struggle and compromise between the local faction and the pro-American faction.

Given the increasingly severe situation now, the organization of the original two classrooms dealing with extraordinary events is indeed a bit out of date, and the manpower is also stretched.

However, with Mi Fang's strong position, they will inevitably occupy absolute dominance in the new department after the merger, and their local interference in extraordinary events will be further reduced.

It is said to be a merger, but in fact it is an annexation at all!

"Reply to General William, I'm dealing with the Mt. Miaomu incident, and I don't have time to clone myself. Please wait a day or two."

Under the hint above, the police chief could only bite the bullet and use procrastination tactics to deal with it.

After the director of the Metropolitan Police Department said this, he looked a little tired all of a sudden.

Really exhausted.

These complicated political struggles and fictitious feuds with the plutocrats are more difficult than dealing with supernatural events.

There was one more thing that worried the Superintendent of Police.

The Mt. Myogi incident this time was reported by the chief of the Yoyogi Police Station, but if Yuki Mineko hadn’t spit flames in the police station at the end, God knows how long it would take to attract the attention of the Metropolitan Police Department.

It is precisely because of the vigilance of this incident that in the meeting just now, the Metropolitan Police Department has decided to lower the secrecy level of the extraordinary incident to the director level of the twenty-three districts of Tokyo.

The scope of secrecy spreads further!

How long the extraordinary incident can be kept hidden from all the citizens, even the police chief has no idea.

It can only be said that it can be fooled for a day, just a day.

"Section Chief Mori, why didn't you attend this meeting? There is also the latest movement of Section 5, which is a little unclear." The director of the Metropolitan Police Department asked suddenly.

"Section Chief Mori is currently in Wakasa Bay, conducting a secret experimental mission. I have reported to you before the fifth class. It may be that the director has been overworked and forgot for a while." The secretary said cautiously.

"It seems to be the case."

The police chief raised his hand, rubbed the center of his eyebrows, and sighed.

Originally, Section 5 of Public Security was under the dual leadership of the Metropolitan Police Department and Mi Fang, but now the leadership has been completely taken away by Mi Fang.

After the father decided to end the game, the fifth class no longer recognized the godfather of the Metropolitan Police Department.

With the support of Mi Guo's own father, the fifth class is now completely acting on its own, and it is already a shame for the Metropolitan Police Department to inform the Metropolitan Police Department of its actions.

"Wakasa Bay, that place, I remember..."

After all, the police chief is old, so he can't remember it for a while.

"The evil spirit of type B-07 is wandering in the waters of Wakasa Bay." The secretary reported the accurate information immediately.

"The American guy...uh, it's the fifth class and what kind of idea is it..."


at the same time.

Somewhere on the bottom of Wakasa Bay, there are colorful corals everywhere at a glance, and there are beautiful fish swimming among the corals, and the sea water is clear and transparent.

Naruto Uchiha was naked from the upper body, only wearing a pair of black swimming trunks, walking on the seabed with his feet on the fine silver-white sand.

Although it was at a depth of more than ten meters, Naruto Uchiha was leisurely in the garden, like a walk, with no discomfort on his face.

He raised his head and looked up from the bottom of the sea. The sunlight penetrated the sea surface, forming twisting and shimmering shadows in the sea, and there were groups of silvery white fish swimming past his head. The scales reflected the sunlight, silver and silver stars , It is really beautiful, a fantastic underwater world.

Naruto Uchiha stopped in his tracks, closed his eyes, and remained motionless.

After a few minutes, some small fish and shrimps seemed to be attracted by something, and moved closer, looking at this unexpected visitor curiously.

Uchiha Naruto's skin began to appear blue-purple scales, which spread to all parts of his body at a speed visible to the naked eye. He suddenly opened his eyes, and the black eyeballs had turned into vertical pupils like snakes!

The body also became slender and strong, exceeding two meters.

With a swing of his feet, he dived tens of meters in the sea like a torpedo.

Calvin, think about it

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