I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 217 Chapter 218

Good practice in the sea!

Naruto Uchiha, covered with blue-purple snake scales, has surprisingly good water quality. He swam hundreds of meters on the bottom of the sea like a dragon entering the sea.

Compared with Yoyogi Park, the natural energy at the bottom of Wakasa Bay is more abundant, and the process of Naruto Uchiha's practice of immortality has also been greatly accelerated.

But relatively, the number of natural energy imbalances is also more, and the speed is faster.

Compared with the panic when he lost control for the first time, Naruto Uchiha is now confident, and he sinks his heart to feel the natural energy wandering in the limbs and bones.

"Gulu Gulu—"

A few air bubbles escaped from Uchiha Naruto's mouth, he stroked the scales on his cheeks with his clawed palms, curiosity flashed in his vertical pupils.

"The natural energy in the sea is the same as the natural energy in the forest on land. I thought that if you practice immortality in the sea, you will be out of balance and you will turn into a toad..."

In the world of Naruto, there are only three holy places with immortal inheritance.

They are Miaomu Mountain, Dilong Cave and Shibone Forest.

After the failure of cultivating immortality, the animals turned into are different.

If you fail to practice in Miaomu Mountain, you will turn into a toad, and finally become a toad stone statue that will stay in the toad oil waterfall forever; Wetbone Forest is not known yet.

Before Naruto Uchiha went into the sea, he was still wondering whether the natural energy in the ocean would be different from that on land.

Then it becomes a snake on land and a toad in the sea.

In this way, you can have two different fairy modes.

It seems too naive now, the change form after becoming a fairy is not related to the environment, but to the individual's physique.

The Uchiha family with Sharingan, after opening the eyes, there will be a change in the form of yin escape. It may be because of this that Uchiha Naruto's immortal form is biased towards the snake form of Dilongdong.

After thinking about it, although toads are amphibians and cannot live without water, there is no type that can live in the sea. Even sea toads are just tadpoles that can live in sea water.

In contrast, there are sea snakes in the snake family.

However, like a sea snake that breathes with its lungs, Naruto Uchiha cannot breathe freely underwater even though he can hold his breath for an extremely long time.

It's almost there, feeling that the oxygen in the lungs has gradually decreased to the critical point.

Naruto Uchiha used the sharp claw on the index finger of his left hand to pierce a little blood on the palm of his right hand.

Next, put your hands together.

"Psychic art!"

A palm-sized gray toad was summoned by Uchiha Minaru.

The gray toad jumped a few times in the sea water and opened its mouth to Naruto Uchiha.

Naruto Uchiha swung his body as soft and boneless as a sea snake and swam forward, and his whole body got into the mouth of the gray toad that barely accommodated a fist.


As soon as he entered, Naruto Uchiha took a long breath.

There is a hole in the belly of the gray toad. Inside is a bedroom of more than ten square meters, which is exactly the same as Uchiha Naruto's own room.

Uchiha Naruto used Fukasaku Senjin's stick to relieve the sequelae of the natural energy imbalance.

The snake scales all over the body fell off again, revealing smooth skin, and the cold vertical pupils, slender tongue and claws also returned to their original appearance.

"It's really dangerous to transform into a fairy. If there are no props that explode from the copy of the Miaomu Mountain Secret Realm, I really dare not try to practice the fairy mode."

Naruto Uchiha pulled a chair over and sat on it, then took a snow-white towel from the hanger on the wall, and wiped his wet hair.

After drying his hair, Uchiha Minaru suddenly raised his elbow and sniffed under his nose.

"No, the salt in the seawater forms salt particles and sticks to the skin, and there is also a fishy smell unique to seawater. Forget it, go take a shower."

Naruto Uchiha opened the door again, took a shower in the bathroom next door, and then returned to the bedroom humming a little song.

"It's really convenient. The 'Toad of the World' can be transformed into various buildings according to my chakra. The different space inside the stomach can also change accordingly."

Naruto Uchiha looked at a white scroll that was as long as an arm on the desk.

Miaomushan Toad's psychic contract!

This is the golden legend that exploded when he opened the treasure chest in the copy of Mt.

Naruto Uchiha unfolded the psychic scrolls on the table, 'Jiraiya', 'Namikaze Minato', 'Uzumaki Naruto'...

On the last column, the name and blood fingerprints of 'Naru Uchiha' suddenly appeared.

Jiraiya can also use some very wonderful ninjutsu related to toads, such as the toad mouth binding technique that summons the stomach wall of Miaomushan Iwasuku toad to devour the enemy, or the toad flat shadow manipulation that hides in the shadow and controls the enemy's actions surgery and so on.

The most intuitive expression is that when Jiraiya is facing a strong enemy, he often summons the toads from Mt. Miaomu as auxiliary combat power.

Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage can even assist Jiraiya to enter Sage Mode.

Through this psychic contract, Naruto Uchiha can psychic the toads of Mt. Miaogi to the real world.

However, with Naruto Uchiha's current LV3 psychic art, at most he can only psychic the three brothers Gama Bunta, Gama Ken, and Gama Hiroshi, and he can't psychic Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage.

However, Naruto Uchiha has rarely met an opponent so far, and he is not lacking in combat power, so he is not in a hurry to channel them out.

On the contrary, Naruto Uchiha is more interested in some auxiliary toads in Mount Miaomu.

For example, a toad who can use the technique of concealing the toad and the technique of seeing the world toad.

Jilai also hid in the stomach of Toad and sneaked into Yuyin Village, and used the technique of Toad to see the world, turned into a hotel, and tricked two ninjas of Yuyin Village into the stomach of Toad.

For Naruto Uchiha, it is very convenient to see the toad in the world, which is equivalent to carrying a small world with him, a different space like the inner world.

You can recharge your batteries at any time.

When necessary, it can also be transformed into a one-stop service for cinemas, restaurants, and love hotels.

Naruto Uchiha stayed comfortably in the belly of Toad, and manipulated it to swim towards the intended destination.

His target this time is the evil spirit code-named Type B-07.

After searching all the confidential archives from the Metropolitan Police Department, Naruto Uchiha has the specific coordinates of all the evil spirits discovered by the Metropolitan Police Department so far.

Sooner or later it will be resolved.

It is precisely because of this that Naruto Uchiha agreed to the invitation of Aunt Nami Liu to participate in the three-day and two-night mermaid festival sightseeing in Obama City, Wakasa Bay.

Seeing the World Toad swam more than ten nautical miles in the sea, and a lonely shipwreck on the bottom of the sea appeared in sight.

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