I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 222 Chapter 223 The Mermaid's Revenge


Suzuki Maika frowned, as if recalling something, a trace of haze appeared on her face.

"Uncle? Isn't he a man of twenty-seven or eighteen years old?"

"No, not that young, the uncle must be over fifty years old." The waiter said confidently and gave an address.

"Student Uchiha, please take this drunk back to the room alone. I have something to deal with."

A bit of doubt flashed in Suzuki Maika's eyes, but she still decided to meet the inexplicable visitor. After she and Uchiha Naruto parted, she walked out of the fisherman's hotel and came to a sea house restaurant not far away.

Inside, there was a middle-aged man who was over fifty, with a beard and a haggard look, waiting for her.

"You are Suzuki Junhui's younger sister, Maixiang. I heard that someone saw you back in Xiaohama City today. Sorry, I called you here."

"Sir, don't you know what's the relationship with Okubo?" Maika Suzuki asked straight to the point.

"I am Ryoya's father." The middle-aged man said.

Suzuki Maika's expression turned cold, and she made a gesture to get up and leave.

"Then I have nothing to talk to you about."

"Ryoya passed away half a year ago." The middle-aged fisherman closed his eyes and said with a painful expression on his face.

Suzuki Maika was stunned.

"Ryoya, he committed suicide."

How dare he commit suicide?

Although Suzuki Maika didn't like the six people who belonged to the same yacht club as her sister but survived the storm that year, the lives of these six people were still based on her sister's precious sacrifice.

One of them, Okubo, actually chose to kill himself, so what's the point of his sister's sacrifice.

Since Okubo was going to commit suicide, it would be better to die in the shipwreck and give up a space in the life raft. In this way, my sister would not have to sacrifice herself and drown in Wakasa Bay, and even the bones have not been salvaged.

"Why, why did you commit suicide?" Suzuki Maika asked dryly.


The middle-aged fisherman suddenly bent down, put his hands on the corner of the table, put his head on the table, and confessed to Suzuki Maixiang.

"What are you doing, Okubo committed suicide, why are you apologizing to me?" Suzuki Maixiang was in an extremely complicated mood.

Suzuki Maika hated those six people so much that she didn't hesitate to leave her hometown, but she didn't hate them so much that she wanted them to die. My sister sacrificed herself to fulfill them. To some extent, the six of them should live well to be worthy of my sister's sacrifice.

"I really can't say it."

The middle-aged fisherman muttered a few times, and finally took out a notebook and put it on the table.

"I recently cleaned Liangya's room, and found it by accident. It was the diary written by Liangya after the accident five years ago and before Liangya committed suicide. I have already read it..."

Suzuki Maika had a premonition of something, and her face turned pale.

In the shipwreck five years ago, seven people from the University Yachting Club, where sister Junhui Suzuki belonged, took a yacht to an uninhabited island in Wakasa Bay.

On the way home, there was a sudden storm, which capsized the yacht. The survivors drifted on the life raft for several hours before being rescued.

And that small life raft can only carry six people at most.

Suzuki Junhui was the only victim in that shipwreck.

According to the unified caliber of the survivors at the time, Suzuki Junhui, as the initiator of this club activity, felt guilty, voluntarily gave up his seat, and gave up the chance of survival to the other six people.

Although Suzuki Maika has doubts in her heart, it is not impossible for her kind and responsible sister to make such a righteous self-sacrifice.

Suzuki Maika, who is weak and weak, is also unable to investigate, and finally can only accept the official investigation results.

In order to avoid getting emotional, I left the sad city of Obama, and stayed in Tokyo for five years without knowing my hometown.

Could it be that there was something hidden about my sister's sacrifice back then?

With trembling hands, Suzuki Maika opened the diary, her expression became distorted the more she looked at it, and the knuckles holding the pages of the book turned white due to excessive force.

"According to what Okubo said, it wasn't my sister who initiated the club activities on the uninhabited island back then." Maika Suzuki was expressionless, with an inexplicable murderous intent in her tone.

"Besides, the seat on the life raft was not offered by my sister. She was abandoned by everyone and stayed where she was waiting to die?" Suzuki Maika's eyes welled up with tears.

"I'm sorry, Liangya is actually a good boy. For so many years, he has always felt guilty, and finally chose the road of no return."

The middle-aged fisherman choked up.

"Ryoya, he kept apologizing to Suzuki in his diary. He also wanted to apologize to Suzuki's only relative, Miss Suzuki. But before it was too late, he..."

"This is also Ryoya's last wish. I, the father, can only apologize for him. Miss Suzuki, can you forgive Ryoya?" The middle-aged fisherman raised his head and looked at Maika Suzuki expectantly.

"Why do you have to forgive, Okubo committed suicide, will my sister come back?! My sister is still alone, staying at the bottom of the cold Wakasa Bay!"

Suzuki Maika gritted her teeth and said, feeling agitated.

"And did Okubo really commit suicide because of guilt? He had a guilty conscience, fearing that his sister would become a mermaid, and he was too mentally tortured, so he died."

Okubo Ryoya's diary left a lot of crazy words, such as Suzuki Maika has become a mermaid in Wakasa Bay and killed several people.

None of the six people in the club can escape! He is next!

Of course, Suzuki Maika would not believe the nonsense that her sister became a mermaid.

It is also obvious that Okubo Liang had a mental problem five years ago, and then he became more and more crazy, and even his diary was incoherent, so he committed suicide to seek relief.

"Miss Suzuki, how can you be so cruel. Liangya is already dead, can't you forgive him?"

"No forgiveness, absolutely no forgiveness! Not only the dead Okubo, but also the others!"

Suzuki Maika had a ferocious expression, grabbed the diary and hugged it tightly in her arms, and rushed out the door.

After rushing out of the House of the Sea, Suzuki Maika wandered aimlessly on the beach of Obama City.

Because tomorrow is the Mermaid Festival, there are many tourists in Xiaohama City, and as the evening approaches, there are many people even on the beach.

Maixiang Suzuki, who was full of worries, felt more and more depressed when she saw these tourists laughing and playing.

She avoided the coastal tourist areas with a lot of traffic, and came to a section of the beach with complex terrain and relatively remote, known only to locals, and wanted to be alone.

"elder sister……"

Suzuki Maika's tears welled up in her eyes and flowed to the corner of her mouth, which became even saltier when blown by the sea breeze.

Their parents, both fishermen, died in a shipwreck before they entered high school, and they have always been sisters.

Unexpectedly, when she revisited her old place after five years, she unexpectedly learned the truth about her sister's death, which made Suzuki Maixiang feel like a knife was twisted, and she burst into tears.

Wiping her tears, Suzuki Maika began to think about what to do.

Call the police?

However, just relying on this diary with strange contents and confusing word order, it cannot be called evidence at all.

Even if this is used as a breakthrough and the other five people are allowed to confess, the maximum sentence in Japan will be three to five years, and there may even be a suspended sentence, without even going to jail.

In this case, how can I be worthy of my sister's spirit in heaven!

Suzuki Maika frowned, trying hard to remember.

She still knows a little about the members of the yacht club where her sister works. After all, in a small city like Xiaohama City with a population of tens of thousands, it is not a problem to get acquainted with people of the same generation who are not much different in age.

Among the couples I met today, Shimazaki is the president of the yacht club, and his father is also the chief of the local police station in Obama City.

No, you can't call the police!

That might be a self-inflicted trap, and they might even destroy the diary.

When Suzuki Maika was in a state of confusion, she saw a woman with short hair standing on the beach not far away.

It's Yukako!

She was also one of six survivors that year.

You Jiazi was standing on the beach, as if waiting for someone, but she looked a little impatient.

Because of the angle, before Yu Jiazi could find Suzuki Maika, Suzuki Maika quickly lowered her head and hid.

Looking at Yu Jiazi, Suzuki Maika's eyes were bloodshot, and a strong hatred burst out from the bottom of her heart.

Ever since I was a child, people have always said that I and my sister look alike, especially the thick and beautiful seaweed-like long hair, which is the proof that the two sisters are connected by blood.

No wonder the woman and Shimazaki were so frightened that their legs became weak when they saw themselves today, as if they had seen a ghost in daylight.

At first I thought it was because of the guilt of what happened five years ago, but now it seems that there is a ghost in my heart!

Right here, while there is no one around, give her to...

The murderous look in Suzuki Maika's eyes became more and more intense, and suddenly there was a flash of calm again.

Wait, what Okubo Ryoya said in his diary must be true?

If it's really just the nonsense that he imagined, isn't it killing innocent people indiscriminately?

Thinking of Yu Jiazi's terrified reaction to her before, Suzuki Maika had an idea and came up with an idea to test it out.

She tiptoed back quietly.

The sun was slanting to the west, and the sea and sky were the same color, dyed yellow by the setting sun, the light was dimmed, and the coldness of night appeared in the air.

"Why hasn't Shimazaki arrived yet?"

You Jiazi raised her kick impatiently, kicking a ball of gravel away, thinking absently.

After meeting Suzuki's younger sister at the mackerel specialty store, both she and Shimazaki were shocked, and couldn't help but think back to what happened five years ago.

It's not that they are afraid of what happened back then, but that Suzuki Junhui, who is afraid of sinking into Wakasa Bay, has really turned into a mermaid to seek revenge from them.

The younger generation who were born and raised in Xiaohama City are not as superstitious about the mermaid theory as the older generation, but Yu Jiazi firmly believes in it.

After all, the parties in their yacht club all knew that terrible things happened in the sea area where the yacht sank, and accidents happened one after another to those who salvaged it.

All of a sudden, the theory of the mermaid causing trouble was rampant.

At that time, there was also a group of men in black with unfathomable backgrounds who forced the survivors of the yacht club to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Until now, that sea area has been blocked.

After the shipwreck that year, Yu Jiazi, who was suspicious, ran to the backcountry where chickens did not lay eggs and birds did not shit, and hid in the inland area of ​​Iwate Prefecture for several years.

But the curse of the mermaid did not come to anyone in the yacht club in the end.

Only then did You Jiazi take the courage to return to Xiaohama City.

It didn't take long for Okubo to drown in the bathtub at home in a strange way, and today she met Suzuki's sister who had been away from Obama City for many years. The premonition of impending disaster enveloped her heart.

Otherwise, let's leave Xiaohama City as soon as possible and go back to the inland counties and cities where we can't see the sea?

"Shimazaki is too slow, if you don't come again, I will go back."

Because there are too many tourists from outside, Yu Jiazi and Shimazaki agreed to come to this beach that only locals know to discuss countermeasures.

It's just that I didn't expect Shimazaki, a big man, to be such a mother-in-law!

The evening chill gradually spread, and when the sea breeze blew, You Jiazi couldn't help shivering, hugging her shoulders.

Looking at the quiet and open Wakasa Bay, where you never know what lurks under the sea, Yu Jiazi couldn't help shivering. How could she agree to Shimazaki and come to such a place so close to the sea to discuss with her?

"You Jiazi."

Suddenly, a woman's call floated over.

You Jiazi's heart jumped wildly!

"who is it!?"

You Jiazi, who was still in shock, hurriedly followed the prestige, and what came into his eyes was the boundless, mysterious and deep sea in the gradually darkening night.

The tide is slowly surging, and the waves are beating on the beach, rustling.

There was no one, only the sound of the waves, as if the call heard before was just an illusion.

"Who is pretending to be a ghost!?"

The pale-faced You Jiazi kept turning her head towards the sea, looking around, as if searching for something.

"You Jiazi."

Another call came from the sea, and You Jiazi's scalp felt numb.

This time, she finally noticed that the voice seemed familiar...

It seems to be... bell...

Yu Jiazi's neck was stuck like a gear that had never been lubricated, and she turned her face away stiffly.

On the surface of Wakasa Bay, a group of black hair as thick as seaweed emerged, followed by a face with fish scales emerging from the surface of the sea!

It turned out to be a mermaid!

The wet black hair was messily scattered on the face, and there were a few blue scales dotted on the cheeks. Even so, the outline of Suzuki Junhui could be clearly seen.

The mermaid's eyes were blue, reflecting faint blue light, and she stretched out her blue-scaled arms to You Jiazi, calling out incessantly:

"You Jiazi."

"You Jiazi."

You Jiazi was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground, and there was a foul smell in the air.

The mermaid got closer and closer, her face was pale, and she asked faintly:

"Yu Jiazi, why did you abandon me?"

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