I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 223 Chapter 224 Judgment will come quickly!

"No, Suzuki! It's not that I left you alone... Yes, it's Shimazaki!"

Seeing a mermaid who looks very similar to Suzuki Junhui with her own eyes, floating on the surface of the sea from Wakasa Bay, the suspicious Yu Jiazi was frightened out of her wits, paralyzed on the beach, and suspicious liquid flowed out from her crotch.


"That's right! It's Shimazaki! At that time on the uninhabited island, you rejected Shimazaki's confession, and he held a grudge against it. That's why he pushed you out of the lifeboat seat. I was just afraid of Shimazaki's power, so I didn't object. "

You Jiazi said in a panic, leaving all her responsibilities behind.

"Suzuki, if you want disaster, go to Shimazaki. I'm innocent!"

"If you want to live, must my sister die? None of the six of you is innocent!"

The voice of the mermaid started to go out of tune because of anger, and Yu Jiazi's sluggish and frightened expression changed, and she realized that something was wrong.

It was only then that Yu Jiazi noticed that although the mermaid had blue eyes and scaly lines on its cheeks and arms, its lower body was not a fish tail, but a pair of slender human legs.

"You're not Suzuki, you're Suzuki's sister? No...don't!"

The mermaid suddenly rushed over and wrestled with You Jiazi.

Because You Jiazi was overly frightened before, she could only display a small half of her strength, and she soon fell into a disadvantage in the fight.

The mermaid grabbed Yu Jiazi's short hair and dragged her abruptly to the beach, where the high tide had covered their calves, and then pressed her head and face down into the sea.

"No, Gollum—"

The sea water poured in from the mouth and nose, Yu Jiazi struggled violently, but the mermaid pressed her back with a cold face, submerging her head and face in the sea.

The originally pretty face was ferocious and frightening, and the cold light shone in the eyes, which was very frightening.

After a few minutes, Yu Jiazi finally remained motionless.

Only then did Suzuki Maika let go of her hands, and Yu Jiazi's pale face floated out of the sea.


Suzuki Maika's complexion turned pale, she stared blankly at the hands that had just drowned a living person, buried her face in her palms and sobbed silently.

"elder sister……"

But after crying for a long time, Suzuki Maika raised her head, and a small crystal object fell into the sea between her fingers and disappeared.

Suzuki Maika's eyes now, one is blue, the other is the same black as ordinary people.

"Mermaid colored contact lenses..."

Suzuki Maika quickly bent down and groped a few times in the sea water, but it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. The small contact lens was washed up by the waves.

The scale-like lines on her hands gradually began to fade under the washing of sea water.

The tourist gift shop in Obama City sells waterproof stickers for mermaid scale tattoos and blue mermaid color contacts. Suzuki Maika bought these from the shop after returning home, disguised as mermaid ghosts.

Yu Jiazi, who was guilty of a crime, was cheated by her, and she told her everything about the past like beans in a bamboo tube. Suzuki Maika murdered her and drowned her in Wakasa Bay.

"Daiki Shimazaki!"

Suzuki Maika said word by word, with murderous intent appearing in her eyes.

Even if, as Yu Jiazi said, Daiki Shimazaki was the culprit who forced her sister to death, but she couldn't forgive the others who watched her sister die in the storm and pretended that nothing happened afterwards Member of yacht club.

These people are also accomplices, and they deserve death!

Counting Okubo who committed suicide, and Yu Jiazi who was killed by her, there are four remaining enemies.

But Suzuki Maika didn't know the whereabouts of the other people, and Suzuki Maika was alone, unable to seek revenge from everyone.

After all, Suzuki Maika is just an ordinary health care doctor, not a criminal with high IQ. She can achieve perfect crimes, play with the police in her hands, and finally escape the law with ease.

But Suzuki Maika has already decided to take revenge on her sister's enemies.

Even if they die together, they will not hesitate.

The one who bears the brunt is Shimazaki Daiki, who is Suzuki Maika's most hated murderer.

But the top priority is to hide Yu Jiazi's body.

Tomorrow is the annual mermaid festival in Xiaohama City. According to the usual practice, the Xiaohama City Police Department needs to arrange police forces to maintain the order of the festival. The disappearance of You Jiazi may not attract the attention of the police station, and there is still a period of time before the police station notices it.

In the Mermaid Festival tomorrow, Daiki Shimazaki will also be killed!

Suzuki Maika dived into the sea, dragged Yu Jiazi's body, and swam along the coastline to a certain place in memory.

As expected of a fisherman's daughter born and raised in a seaside town, Suzuki Maika has excellent water skills, and soon swam to a cliff by the sea. Under the cliff, there is a cave more than one meter above the sea.

First hide Yu Jiazi's body here.

In this secret cave, even if the tide is high, it will not be submerged by the waves, and as long as it is not a storm, the corpse will not be washed out.

Suzuki Maika didn't expect the corpse to be hidden here and would never be discovered. She only needed a buffer period of one or two days, during which time she would at least kill Daiki Shimazaki!

Then there are several other members of the yacht club.

Before being arrested by the police, how many people can be dragged to hell, just a few!

Suzuki Maika's face was covered with dark clouds, and she was planning her own revenge plan, and she jumped into the sea with a lot of thoughts, and she didn't notice that Yu Jiazi's right little finger moved slightly.

After Suzuki Maika left the cave by the sea, a gray toad suddenly appeared on the undulating sea, jumped up and jumped into the cave.

Naruto Uchiha walked out from the mouth of Toad, and glanced at the short-haired woman lying on the ground with interest.

"I didn't expect Mr. Suzuki to be so ruthless. It's just the first time to kill someone, so I still don't have enough experience."

Naruto Uchiha chuckled, took a toad-shaped gourd from his waist, opened the cork, and poured it on the ground.

A cloud of faint blue light fell on the floor of the cave.

Among the blue light balls, octopus tentacles covered with suction cups stretched out one by one, and 'Suzuki Junhui', whose upper body was human and lower body were octopus tentacles, appeared in the cave from reality.

The expression of 'Suzuki Junhui' was muddled, and three illusory black jade jade appeared in his eyes.

Before, Naruto Uchiha wanted to try to concoct Jinchuriki by himself, and injected "Suzuki Junhui" into Section Chief Mori's body, but he lost control as expected.

Helpless, Naruto Uchiha could only destroy Section Chief Mori after the "Tail Beast Transformation", and seal "Kime Suzuki" again.

Naruto Uchiha's Sangouyu Sharingan must not be able to control the existence of tailed beasts, but it is more than enough for "Suzuki Junhui" to fight evening tailed beasts.

Naruto Uchiha blinked and lifted the illusion.


'Suzuki Junhui' grinned at Naruto Uchiha, wanting to pounce on him and bite him, but he didn't dare, so he could only make a low threatening sound from his throat, full of bluff.

"Hmph, it really is a beast. But even a beast, as long as there is still fear, it will succumb to absolute violence!"

Naruto Uchiha had discovered a long time ago that the Phantom Tail Beast, which was born after the fusion of monsters and evil spirits, was not as emotionless and fearless as the evil spirits.

The Xixi Tail Beast is a chakra life form, which has the characteristics of biological activity and a certain IQ.

It's just that just after 'Suzuki Junhui' was fleshed out, the animal nature overwhelmingly dominated the body, violently wanting to destroy everything, but after being beaten several times by Uchiha Naruto, the biological instinct returned to the high ground.

That is fear!

Moreover, Naruto Uchiha also used Sharingan to imprint fear deeply in the soul of 'Suzuki Junhui'.

Because of fear, the animal nature in the pupils of 'Suzuki Junhui' has been reduced a lot.

"Miss Jun Hui, let's just call you that, how much do you remember about your life?" Uchiha Ming asked.


'Suzuki Junhui' tilted his head, a little confused.

"Do you still have any impression of the short-haired woman lying over there?" Uchiha Ming smiled and raised his chin at Yu Jiazi.

'Suzuki Junhui' looked at Naruto Uchiha's movements, and after seeing Yu Jiazi's face clearly, he was confused at first, and then there was a killing intent, showing his fangs, and was about to pounce on him.

But Naruto Uchiha swept his eyes and fixed it with Sharingan.

'Suzuki Junhui' was so stiff that she couldn't even move a single octopus tentacles.

"This reaction, it seems that you still have some memories of your life, which is really good."

This is the first time I have seen Naruto Uchiha, a special product like "Suzuki Junhui" that is neither a monster nor an evil spirit, and it is very valuable to observe.

"Suzuki Junhui" is a kind of Yuyue tail beast that barely reaches the threshold of Jonin. To Naruto Uchiha, he is not even worthless. He doesn't want to become a chakra creature of this level. Into a negligible amount.

If you really want to become Jinchuriki, it's not Kyuubi, at least you have to be Shuzuru.

But this does not prevent Naruto Uchiha from collecting experimental data to prepare for the future. Although he can't use it himself, it can also be used by other apprentices.

"Miss Junhui, you don't want your sister Suzuki Maika to become a murderer, do you?" Uchiha laughed.

Upon hearing Suzuki Maika, the expression of 'Suzuki Junhui' became even more shaken, and she held her head and whimpered.

There is a show!

"Your sister, Suzuki Maixiang, wants to avenge you and kill all the people who left you back then. It's just that she is a weak woman, it is impossible to do it, and she will be arrested by the police soon. Let's go." Uchiha Naruto let out a devilish whisper and continued to stimulate.

By the way, through Sharingan, the picture I saw before was transmitted to 'Suzuki Junhui' through the illusion.

"Japan hasn't abolished the death penalty yet. If Suzuki Maika is caught by the police, it will end badly." Naruto Uchiha said murderously.

In fact, he is bullying the current 'Suzuki Junhui' who is not intelligent enough. Killing one or two people in Japan will not be sentenced to death at all, and even those who have been sentenced to death will stay in prison for more than ten or twenty years. .

When 'Suzuki Junhui' heard Uchiha Naruto's words, he looked at Yu Jiazi lying on the ground with murderous intent, but now it has been controlled by Sharingan, and he can't even move the tip of his tentacles.


'Suzuki Junhui' looked at Naruto Uchiha, who had always only had a look of fear, and finally showed weakness and pleading.

Seeing that the fire was finally here, Naruto Uchiha struck while the iron was hot.

"Miss Junhui, as long as you are willing to submit obediently, become my psychic beast, and cooperate with me in the experiment of Jinzhuli, I will give you a chance to avenge yourself. In this case, Miss Wuxiang doesn't have to kill people by herself. He's become a murderer. How about it, isn't this a good condition?"

Although Uchiha Naruto could forcibly turn 'Suzuki Junhui' into his own psychic beast, but it didn't last long because of the violence.

Although 'Suzuki Junhui' can't do anything to Uchiha Naruto, but if it is sealed into other people's bodies, it will still go berserk due to anger, just like Section Chief Mori, out of control. go down.

Maybe Suzuki Maika will be an exception, and may even become the so-called perfect Jinchuriki.

Although it would be quite interesting to let Suzuki Maika use extraordinary power to stage a mermaid revenge story.

But rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests, and Uchiha Naruto doesn't want to turn Suzuki Maika into a superhuman.

Not just to avoid being noticed, after all, Maika Suzuki has a good relationship with her aunt, Nami-ryu Sakaki, and they are still roommates.

Becoming Jinchuriki is still risky, and Uchiha Naruto cannot guarantee whether Suzuki Maika will go berserk.

"How are you thinking?"

After a few minutes, Naruto Uchiha said calmly.

Sharingan's red light flashed, releasing the restraint on 'Suzuki Junhui'.

'Suzuki Junhui' hesitated for a moment, then raised an octopus tentacles to Uchiha Naruto.

"Is it a high-five swear? I didn't expect you to remember this."

Naruto Uchiha stretched out his right hand, and slapped the octopus tentacles of 'Suzuki Junhui'.

"Then, the contract is established!"

At the same time, Yu Jiazi, who had been lying unconscious on the cave floor, coughed out a mouthful of seawater, and then woke up groggy.

"I didn't die?"

You Jiazi was still in shock.

That little bitch Suzuki Maika dared to pretend to be a mermaid, and almost drowned me. I will definitely not let it go!

This is attempted murder!

Moreover, Suzuki Maika learned the truth about the yacht shipwreck that year from some unknown source, and if word spread, the remaining five of them would all be notorious and would not be able to survive in Xiaohama City.

You have to contact Shimazaki as soon as possible. His father is the chief of the Obama City Police Station. There must be a way to punish that little bitch.

You Jiazi woke up from the surprise of the rest of his life after the catastrophe, his face was full of resentment, his hands were ready to fumble in his trouser pockets, and he was about to pull out his mobile phone to call the police.

However, what I got was really cold and sticky.

An octopus tentacle took the first step and took out the phone from Yu Jiazi's pocket. Yu Jiazi looked at the octopus tentacles in disbelief, and gradually raised his head, showing extreme despair and fear:

"Suzuki... Junhui?"

"Don't mess it up too much, it will come in handy later."

Naruto Uchiha picked up Yu Jiazi's mobile phone, the quality of the mobile phone is good, and it can be turned on normally after being soaked in the sea.

There is no password to open the screen on the phone, so Naruto Uchiha opened Line very lightly.

There is a group of survivors in Line, but now there are only five people left, and Okubo who committed suicide has been removed from the group chat.

Naruto Uchiha thought for a while, with a weird smile on his face, and sent a group message to all members:

"The judgment of the mermaid will come soon!"

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