I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 224 Chapter 225 Three kills in one night!

"Shimazaki, you drank too much. Tomorrow is the mermaid festival. If you are too drunk to get up, uncle will look bad."

In a seaside bar on the beach in Obama City, three young men are drinking wine.

Two of them just tasted it, but Daiki Shimazaki poured beer into his mouth one cup after another, as if to suppress his inner fear.

"I know it in my heart, didn't you see that what I drank was just beer? It won't affect the dispatch of the police tomorrow." Daiki Shimazaki didn't listen to the persuasion, he was already drunk and his eyes were hazy.

The other two looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

"It's just that I met Suzuki's sister. Is it necessary to be so frightened? I didn't really meet Suzuki." A man wearing glasses and a mustache said disapprovingly.

"Fanghe, you really don't feel backache while standing and talking!"

Daiki Shimazaki knocked the beer glass on the table heavily, making a muffled bang.

"Suzuki's younger sister looks so much like her. At first glance... I really thought it was Suzuki's ghost crawling out of Wakasa Bay."

You are too timid.

A trace of disdain flashed in Fanga Ryuji's eyes, but he wisely didn't say it.

After all, Daiki Shimazaki has a director father who is the most energetic member of the yacht club.

Abandoning Suzuki Junhui in the storm five years ago, the six members of the yacht club are already grasshoppers on a rope. The common secret makes the relationship between them very close. Even after graduation, they often keep in touch.

Ryuji Fanga and another member of the yacht club, Yamamoto, accidentally met Daiki Shimazaki who was drinking to soothe his worries at the seaside bar, and learned from him that Suzuki's sister had returned to Kohama City.

"Don't worry Shimazaki too much. Suzuki's sister came back at this time, it must be because of the Mermaid Festival." Fangga Ryuji said.

"I hope so, but I'm afraid she's secretly investigating what happened back then..." Daiki Shimazaki said, frowning.

"It's been so many years, sister Suzuki is dead, what can I find out?" Ryuji Yoshiga said with a smile: "If you are worried, Shimazaki, I will secretly follow her tomorrow to see what she wants to do. "

Daiki Shimazaki's eyes lit up immediately.

"That's a good idea."

"It's just that tomorrow is the Mermaid Festival, which is the day with the most tourists in a year. I may not be able to get away from the souvenir shop where I work, and if I ask for leave, I will definitely lose this month's bonus." Takaji Yoshiga said in an embarrassing way .

"How much is the part-time bonus, I will pay you twice. Tomorrow you will ask for leave to follow Suzuki's sister. If you have any expenses in the middle, just ask me to reimburse you. I will not treat you badly." Dagui Shimazaki said richly .

Fangga Ryuji agreed with a flattering look on his face.

When Ryuji Yoshiga was in college, he followed behind the ass of Daiki Shimazaki, who had a lot of money, and picked up a lot of leftovers.

Every year at the Mermaid Festival, just for that meager salary, he would be as busy as a dog in the gift shop. It's better to take advantage of the so-called stalking, be lazy and earn some extra money.

Suzuki's younger sister, like Suzuki, is a beauty.

Fangga Takaji couldn't help but fantasize.

"Shimazaki, where's Yukako? Why didn't you see her with you?" Tokuo Yamamoto who spoke was slightly fat, with a few pockmarks on his face, and he had a simple and honest temperament.

"I looked at Yu Jiazi's Facebook. She seems to be very unhappy recently. Do you have any conflicts?"

"Don't talk about that stinky woman, clinging to me all day and saying that I want to get married, it's really annoying!"

Shimazaki Daiki said very bitterly through the alcohol:

"For a woman of this level, it's okay to just play around, how can she be worthy of me. If she hadn't been threatening her with a common secret, I would have dumped her long ago!"

Tokuo Yamamoto's face turned red, but Daiki Shimazaki didn't notice, hiccupped and said with a smile:

"Hi, I remembered. You Jiazi should be at Conch Beach by now. We made an appointment to meet there. But I drank too much, so I'm too lazy to go."

Tokuo Yamamoto was anxious when he heard it: "How can you leave Yu Jiazi alone in such a remote place as Hailuo Beach? What if you catch a cold from the sea breeze?"

"Yu Jiazi is not a child, I haven't been there for so long, she might have slipped home long ago." Shimazaki Daiki snorted, and made fun of Yamamoto Tokuo,

"Shanyuan, you care about Yu Jiazi so much, so go and bring her back yourself. I know you have always been interested in her, take this opportunity to behave well, maybe Yu Jiazi will change his mind and like you!"

"I, I am just a childhood friend to You Jiazi..."

Tokuo Yamamoto lowered his head, suppressed the anger in his eyes, and murmured, the nails in his clenched fists made his palms ache.


Daiki Shimazaki snorted a few times in disdain, and wanted to say something weird while drinking, but was interrupted in time by Ryuji Haga with a wink.

"Shimazaki, it's almost over, stop drinking. I'll drive you home, you have to work tomorrow."

Ryuji Haga helped Daiki Shimazaki, who was staggering from drinking, and walked out of the beach bar.

Seeing the backs of the two disappearing at the door, Tokuo Yamamoto punched the bar table with a gloomy face!

Why don't I have a director father! ?

Seeing the woman he loves, but being disgusted by another man in every possible way, and abandoning him like a shoe, Tokuo Yamamoto couldn't help but burn all his internal organs, the pain is beyond words.

But he didn't even dare to speak hard words, so he could only swallow his anger.

By the way, Yu Jiazi is still in Conch Beach!

Tokuo Yamamoto hurried out of the bar, ignoring the increasingly cold sea breeze at night, and hurriedly walked out along the coastline.

After walking for more than ten minutes, not far from Conch Beach, in the darkness, a lonely woman with short hair stepped on the tide and walked over step by step.

Under the bleak moonlight, the short-haired woman's face was extremely pale and abnormal, her hair was wet and mixed with things like mud, sand and seaweed.

"Yu Jiazi!"

Tokuo Yamamoto rushed over, seeing Yu Jiazi's 'out of his mind', his heart ached.

"That bastard Shimazaki, how could you let your pigeons go!"

He completely ignored Yu Jiazi's abnormality, and found that Yu Jiazi was soaked, so he quickly took off his coat.

"Why is my whole body wet? Did I accidentally get wet by the waves? Is it cold? Put on my coat first, don't catch cold."

Tokuo Yamamoto put his coat on Yu Jiazi's body, and asked warmly.

Yu Jiazi didn't respond, she stared straight at Tokuo Yamamoto with her dark eyes.

"Yu Jiazi, you must be very tired after walking for so long, do you want me to carry you home?" Tokuo Yamamoto said cautiously.

However, Yu Jiazi's reaction surprised Tokuo Yamamoto, and Yu Jiazi hugged him!

"You Jiazi, don't do this, don't do this!"

Tokuo Yamamoto's heart fluttered, and he said no, but he didn't mean to refuse.

But Yu Jiazi kept holding Tokuo Yamamoto and refused to let go.

Could it be that Yu Jiazi finally saw the true face of that scumbag Shimazaki, realized that she had lost her way, and finally realized that her childhood sweetheart was her reliance?

"You Jiazi, I know you must have been wronged a lot when you met that scumbag Shimazaki. If you have any distress, just tell me, I will always be your most reliable soul harbor."

Tokuo Yamamoto became more and more excited, he couldn't help stretching out his hand to hug Yu Jiazi, and said affectionately.

"Hey, why is it so cold?"

His fingers touched Yu Jiazi's skin intentionally or unintentionally, and found that her body temperature was abnormally low!

At the same time, Yu Jiazi hugged his hands more and more forcefully, as if trying to strangle Tokuo Yamamoto into her body.

"It hurts. Yu Jiazi, why are you so strong? What's the matter, let's go to the shore first and talk about it. Look, the sea is up to our knees."

You Jiazi didn't say a word, but hugged him firmly.

Tokuo Yamamoto, who felt that his spine was about to be broken, cried out in pain. He finally found out that something was wrong, and tried to struggle a few times, but was horrified to find that Yu Jiazi's strength was so great that even a big man like him couldn't break free.

"You Jiazi, You Jiazi!"

Yu Jiazi, who hugged Tokuo Yamamoto tightly, suddenly stood on tiptoe, and in Tokuo Yamamoto's ear, she uttered an extremely cold voice that seemed intimate:

"Suzuki Junhui, ask me to say hello to you."

Tokuo Yamamoto, who originally still had a bit of charming thoughts, suddenly turned pale and his pupils trembled:

"You, you are not Yu Jiazi! You are..."

A big wave hit at the right time and swallowed the two people who were hugging each other tightly like lovers.

"A couple was washed away by the waves!"

"Contact the lifeguard!"

On the coast of this section of the beach, there were still a few tourists. After seeing this scene, they suddenly shouted in panic.


After sending the drunk Shimazaki Daiki back to his home, Fanga Ryuji looked enviously at the entrance of the Shimazaki family's mansion, and then returned to his room.

"Turn on the water first, and get ready to take a good bath."

After Ryuji Haga put water in the bathroom, he walked to the refrigerator, opened it, took out a few ice cubes, and crushed them in his mouth.

"Kazi Kazi."

The bone-chilling coldness deep in the root of the teeth dispelled the little bit of alcohol.

This is the habit of Takaji Yoshiga before taking a bath. Thousands of people drown in the bath at home in Japan every year, and many of them drowned in the bathtub after soaking in a dizzy state.

He was drunk just now, so don't be careless, safety first.


Fangga Takaji seemed to have thought of something funny, and couldn't help laughing.

The appearance of young master Shimazaki's panic and fear is really ridiculous.

Takaji Fanga has always been quite disapproving of Suzuki Junhui becoming a ghost after drowning in Wakasa Bay.

As for the accident that happened during the salvage that year, Fanghe Takaji also thought it was just a coincidence.

As for Okubo who committed suicide, was that really suicide? Maybe it was because the bath was too comfortable, and maybe he drowned in the bathtub!

However, this common secret allowed Fanga Ryuji to reap a lot of benefits from Shimazaki.

So for a long time, Fangga Ryuji voluntarily acted as Shimazaki's henchman.

This time, he offered to follow Suzuki's sister, and he could make a fortune. Fanga Ryuji wondered how much he should make a false report, so as not to arouse Shimazaki's suspicion.

Walking back into the bathroom, seeing that the water in the bathtub was not full, Fangga Takaji took out his mobile phone out of boredom.

He looked through the records on his mobile phone, and in the group formed by members of the yacht club, Yu Jiazi sent a message.

"The judgment of the mermaid will come soon!"

Fang He Takaji's face was slightly cold, his heart skipped a beat, and an unprecedented creepy feeling appeared in his mind!

"Yu Jiazi, what are you talking about?"

Fanghe Ryuji typed out a line of words nimbly with his fingers, and @尤佳子.

But Yu Jiazi didn't reply for a long time.

"Damn, this idiot, come to scare people in the middle of the night! Suzuki really turned into a mermaid, the first one to kill is Shimazaki, and then you stupid woman!"

The water in the bathtub was already full, and the water began to overflow, Ryuji Haga could only walk over, ready to turn off the tap.

Because of the previous message, his expression was ugly, and he was still a little confused.

Among the yacht clubs, You Jiazi is also the one who most taboos about mermaid legends. How could she somehow send such a message cursing everyone?

It's like a death notice!

As soon as this thought appeared, Ryuji Fanga's heart was beating wildly. He quickly shook his head to shake off the ominous premonition, and then stretched out his hand to turn on the faucet.

But what I got was a sticky, slippery and gelatinous object.

Taking a closer look, an octopus tentacles covered with suckers protruded from the bathtub and entangled his wrist!

Next, a head gradually emerged from the full bathtub, with long wet hair as thick as seaweed, and a pretty face that was still fresh in Haga Ryuji's memory.


Suzuki Junhui smiled slightly, and showed a cold and murderous smile at Ryuji Fanga.

Fangga Ryuji felt cold all over his body in an instant, as if falling into an ice cave.

He wanted to run away, but the octopus tentacle tightly entangled Ryuji Haga's arm, pulling him closer to the bathtub.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!! I was just watching, I didn't do anything to harm you! I also want to call the police, but Shimazaki's father is the chief of the police department, what can I do?!"

Fang He Ryuji was so frightened that his soul went out of his body, he collapsed, and begged for mercy in every possible way to Suzuki Junhui, crying:

"Why did you come to me? Shimazaki is the one who killed you. If you want to cause trouble, go to Shimazaki! Let me go, I am willing to worship forever..."

Before he finished speaking, another octopus tentacle shot out, strangled Ryuji Haga's neck, and pulled his head into the bathtub.

Ryuji Fanga kicked his hands and feet wildly, struggling hard, but everything finally fell silent.

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