I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 226 Chapter 227

"Miss Suzuki, did you buy this single-edged kitchen knife from the convenience store for what purpose?"

In the inquiry room of the Obama City Police Station, Maika Suzuki’s bag was opened by a policewoman. Various small items such as lipstick, vanity mirror, and driver’s license were placed on the table. The most conspicuous thing was an inch-long white Kitchen knife with sheath.

When the kitchen knife was found, Suzuki Maika blinked her eyes, showing a little panic, but calmed down quickly.

She pursed her lips and said with a smile:

"Police officer, buying a kitchen knife is not illegal. When I went back to the hotel last night, a drunk man whistled at me. I felt a little uneasy, so I wanted to buy a knife for self-defense. After all, she is a pretty girl. "

"Really, where did you meet? What does it look like?"

Suzuki Maika opened her mouth and came, saying that she was a foreign tourist she met on a certain section of the beach.

Anyway, there were as many tourists at the Mermaid Festival as Crossing the River, and there was no surveillance at that place, and there was no proof of death, and the Xiaohama City Police Department had no way to prove the falsification.

In the morning, Suzuki Maika, Sakaki Namiryu, and Uchiha Naruto were summoned by the police to the police station as soon as they came out of the fisherman's homestay.

Suzuki Wuxiang's face paled, thinking that Yu Jiazi drowned with her own hands last night, the incident was discovered, and she almost wanted to run away.

But in the end he calmed down and followed the police officers back to the police station, adapting accordingly.

Fortunately, Okubo's diary had already been hidden in Sakaki Nami-ryu's backpack by her, otherwise it would be troublesome if it was found by the police.

The male police officer who was interrogating asked a few more questions on the sidelines, but Maika Suzuki dealt with them seamlessly.

"Officer, why did you summon me here? I must know what I have done. I am at a loss now." Suzuki Maixiang said with a wry smile, with a frail face on her face.

The police officer with the hair parted in the middle looked a little unnatural, and glanced at the policewoman sitting next to Suzuki Maika.

"Yukako, Haga Ryuji, Yamamoto Tokuo, Aki..."

The police officer in the middle part had sharp eyes, and slowly announced a personal name in a heavy voice, and the atmosphere gradually became dignified.

"Back then, you and your sister Suzuki Junhui belonged to the same yacht club. The survivors of the stormy shipwreck all had accidents yesterday, and now only Daiki Shimazaki is left. Miss Suzuki, now you understand why we invited you Come here. After all, human life is at stake, and I hope Ms. Suzuki can understand."

Only one of those enemies died? !

Suzuki Maika was stunned, with an unconcealable astonishment on her face.

"How did they die?"

"Yu Jiazi and Shanyuan died by jumping into the sea at Hailuotan...they may have committed suicide or it may have been an accident, but the other two were undoubtedly murdered and drowned at home."

Suzuki Maika's pupils shrank.

Impossible, Yu Jiazi was obviously drowned by me, and her body was hidden in Haiya Cave!

Even if it is washed out by the sea, how can the dead commit suicide with others?

"Miss Suzuki, do you have any clues? For example, the man who had a good relationship with your sister back then."

"Why do you ask these, what do you mean, even if I know, I won't tell you!"

Suzuki Maika's face seemed to be crying, not crying, half smiling, big tears unconsciously slipped from the corners of her eyes, and she sobbed out of composure:

"Those people, I don't care whether they live or die, it's best to die, it's best to die!"

Originally, Suzuki Maika's plan was to fight Daiki Shimazaki to the death, and find a chance to stab him to death.

Regardless of success or failure, Suzuki Maika will definitely be arrested by the Obama City police. Although she will not be sentenced to death, she will be imprisoned for the rest of her life.

Originally, Suzuki Maika didn't really believe that those sisters in Okubo's diary turned into mermaids, ghosts and other nonsense, but the enemies who killed her sister died one after another overnight, and the method of death was still the same as that of her sister. What is the possibility other than retribution?

Sister, she really has a spirit in the sky, and once again protected her!

As for the remaining Shimazaki, Suzuki Maika believes that her sister will bring disaster to him.

"Oh, sister..."

Suzuki Maika buried her head on the table, her face was covered by her thick black hair, and she burst into tears.

Seeing that Suzuki Maika was so excited, the questioning could only be temporarily suspended. The male police officer with the split head in the middle was a little at a loss and asked the female police officer to comfort her, while he went outside to light a cigarette.

"Senior, is that the case?"

"Otherwise, what else can I do? The surveillance at the gate of the hotel captured that Suzuki Maixiang went back before ten o'clock in the evening, and Yu Jiazi and Yamamoto died at ten o'clock in the evening. She has an alibi." Zhong split her head. The police officer exhaled a large cloud of smoke from his mouth, rolled his eyes and said.

"As for the other two people, it is unlikely that Suzuki did it. In terms of distance, time, and criminal methods, it is impossible for a single woman to do it."

This mermaid trial serial murder case reveals a strange and absurd atmosphere everywhere. It is associated with the well-known legend of the Eight Hundred Bhikkhuni in Wakasa Bay, and the details are even more chilling.

"Anyway, this case is not under our control now. I want to see what the foreign woman from the Metropolitan Police Department is capable of!"

The police officer with a split head pressed the cigarette butt firmly into the mouth of the cigarette, thinking of the blue eyes and flaming red lips of the blond foreign girl, he couldn't help but feel his heart burn.

That foreign woman looks really good!

At the same time, Nami Sakaki glared at Grace in the duty room of the Obama City Police Station.

"You are Uchiha's son? You really look like your father!"

Grace brushed the blond hair around her ears, looked at Ming Uchiha enthusiastically and curiously, and said, "I'm your father's colleague in the Metropolitan Police Department, and I'm also his junior when he was in college."

"Father is grateful for your care." Naruto Uchiha made a diplomatic speech in a non-salty and non-indifferent manner.

"Where, it's because I was taken care of by the Uchiha police. When I was in college, or now." Grace's blue eyes sparkled, as if recalling something.

"Since he is Uchiha Naruto's child, he is not considered an outsider."

Grace glanced at Nami Ryu Sakaki, and said calmly: "Also, relatives in the country that Uchiha is guarding, all of you..."

"What kind of relative in the country? I'm brother-in-law's sister-in-law, Ah Ming's aunt!"

Namiru Sakaki yelled loudly, with dissatisfaction in her tone.

"Compared to me, you, a foreign woman, are an outsider. Besides, my brother-in-law is obviously a police officer of the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department. How can he have foreign colleagues?"

"Oh, then do you know what police officer Uchiha is doing?" Grace asked with interest.

"Brother-in-law, he is in the criminal department to search Section 4, what else can he do, isn't it just fighting crime?" Sakaki Namiliu replied as a matter of course.

"Oh I got it."

Grace raised her chin slightly arrogantly, with a sense of superiority in her eyes, and the contempt in her tone was beyond words.

"Hey, what do you mean?"

Nami Ryu Sakaki stared back aggressively, like a Shiba Inu grinning at a big golden retriever.

"Originally met the child of Uchiha Police, I should talk to you more, I want to know more about Uchiha Police. But now I have a business, I can't get away, I can only next time It's gone." Grace looked at Naruto Uchiha with a look of regret on her face.

Naruto Uchiha's face was subtle, and before he could speak, Nami Ryu Sakaki said angrily:

"Ah Ming wouldn't talk about your brother-in-law with a foreign woman of unknown origin like you! Ah Ming, are you right?"

Naruto Uchiha just felt inexplicable why the two women had such a strong smell of gunpowder.


An unprecedented enemy!

Sakaki Namiru looked at Grace with vigilant and hostile eyes.

A woman's sixth sense keenly told Sakaki Nami Liu that this foreign woman is also... coveting her brother-in-law's skin like those wild women, it's so superficial!

Moreover, this cunning foreign woman, who is so friendly and kind to Mingzi, also wants to open a gap from her brother-in-law's child and sneak in, so despicable and insidious.

Uchiha's brother-in-law is married to the daughter of the Sakaki family, so he must take good care of his brother-in-law for his sister, and prevent those wild women from succeeding.


Nami Ryu Sakaki's gaze shifted from Grace's foreign-style golden curly hair to her snow-white skin, pretty face, and tall and slender figure, and she couldn't help but feel discouraged.

Compared to this beautiful foreign woman who looked like a Hollywood actress, I was like an ugly duckling.

Originally, Japanese men were inferior to foreigners, let alone blonde girls who were rarely seen among foreigners. Could my brother-in-law be unable to resist the temptation of the blonde heaven and betray the black-haired and black-eyed Yamato nation?

Childhood sweetheart lost to the Heavenly Descending Department?

No, you can't boost up other people's aspirations and destroy your own prestige!

The brother-in-law and elder sister were admitted to Tokyo's fancy world from the countryside of Shizuoka County. As a childhood sweetheart, the elder sister repulsed those classmates, seniors, and young ladies from the university of the heavenly department, and finally blossomed and bore fruit.

I have to follow my sister as an example.

"The relatives in the country that Uchiha is guarding, you can leave. You can take that child to visit the mermaid festival." Grace said with a mysterious tone on her face.

"This may be the last mermaid festival in Xiaohama City, maybe. Cherish it."

"What do you mean by that?" Namie Sakaki asked in bewilderment.

Grace waved her hand, turned around and left gracefully.

Sakaki Nami Liu hurriedly chased after her, followed her, and asked again and again: "And my friend, when will you release her? Maixiang can't kill someone."

"According to Japanese law, the police station has the right to detain the suspect for 48 hours, so unfortunately, your friend cannot be released yet."

Grace said indifferently.

"48 hours? Are you kidding me! We booked tickets for tomorrow, and we will return to Tokyo on the last day of Golden Week. Maika still has to work at school, how can you be locked up for 48 hours by you for no apparent reason?" Nami Ryuichi Hearing this, he immediately became anxious, and said very dissatisfied.

"Don't push yourself too hard. I only let you go because of the face of the Uchiha police. Otherwise, you will also be detained in the police station now."


Nami Ryu Sakaki wanted to follow Grace into the work area, but was stopped by a man in a black suit who looked like a bodyguard.

"I won't just let it go! I'll call my brother-in-law!"

Unwillingly blocked by the black suit, Sakaki Namiyu shouted at Grace's back.

Grace's footsteps finally stopped, she turned her head, looked at Sakaki Namiru coldly, and said expressionlessly:

"Even if Police Uchiha is present, with his professional judgment, he will do the same thing as me."

"Stop talking nonsense, brother-in-law won't be as unreasonable as you, wronged and innocent."

"Your understanding of the Uchiha police is really pitifully superficial. That's right, what can a relative like you know?"

Compassion and pity appeared on Grace's frosty face, and the trace of hostility that had been faintly dissipated had completely dissipated.

After she left these few words, she walked into a conference room inside the police station without looking back.

Seeing Aunt Sakaki Namiliu, who was always full of energy and vigor, showing a rare state of despair, Uchiha was also a little worried.

However, Sakaki Namiru muttered a few words, such as "I will not admit defeat", "My childhood sweetheart will win", "The foreign woman lied", etc., to cheer myself up and cheer up again.

Sakaki Nami Liu told Uchiha Naruto not to worry, and went to the mermaid festival by herself, while she had to stay at the police station and wait.

It seems that Suzuki Maika was invited by Sakaki Nami-ryu to participate in the mermaid festival, but she was involved in this innocent disaster, which made her feel very sorry and stubborn to stay here.

Helpless, Naruto Uchiha could only leave alone. Before walking out of the Obama City Police Station, Naruto Uchiha borrowed the police station's bathroom.

In the empty bathroom, Naruto Uchiha opened his palm, the faint blue light cluster jumped a few times, and a palm-sized mini Suzuki Junhui appeared on the palm.

The evening tail beast is also a chakra creature, which can change its size to a certain extent.

Naruto Uchiha is not interested in the monster girl whose lower body is an octopus tentacles, so she made it smaller, and it is more cute like a pet.

"Whoa whoa—"

Suzuki Junhui turned around anxiously, entangled Uchiha Naruto's fingers with small octopus tentacles, and opened his mouth to bite Uchiha Naruto's index finger, which made Uchiha itchy.

"Okay, I know, isn't it just to release your sister as soon as possible?"

Uchiha Naruto's contract to subdue Suzuki Junhui is to help her avenge and preserve Suzuki Maixiang.

That's why he used the dead soul technique to manipulate Yu Jiazi's body to throw himself into the sea, to give Suzuki Mai Xiang a backstop, and to create an alibi by the way.

"It's not the first time I've dealt with these official organizations. As long as they are a little bit tougher, they will become more honest."

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