I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 227 228 Octopus! fish! fish!

"As long as you act a little harder and scare them, the Metropolitan Police Department will definitely treat your sister respectfully and treat you like a guest." Uchiha Ming laughed.

Naruto Uchiha's impression of the Metropolitan Police Department and related agencies is that they are bullying and afraid of tough, but they are very knowledgeable about current affairs.

It was easy for Naruto Uchiha to rob Suzuki Maika from the police station directly, but Suzuki Maika is a social person after all, with her own social life, work and life, and she can’t run around like a fugitive after being robbed Run away, hide from the Metropolitan Police Department for the rest of your life.

So it's not a big problem to change the way of thinking.

"Pip, puff, puff—"

I have to say that after becoming a palm-sized Q-version octopus girl, Suzuki Junhui looks quite cute now.

Uchiha Naruto couldn't help stretching out his fingers to tease it, and used his index finger and thumb to grab Suzuki Junhui's cheek.

"Ah, blah blah!"

After all, she has already died once. Although she was incarnated due to the coincidence of the intersection of Yin and Yang and became a chakra life body, Suzuki Junhui's soul is somewhat incomplete, and she often shows childlike naivety and pure animal nature.

Although Suzuki Junhui retained part of his memory and wisdom during his lifetime, his thinking ability and language ability are far from being restored.

Being bullied by Uchiha Naruto in this way, the octopus girl Suzuki Junhui could only bite Uchiha Naruto's fingers to vent her anger except for her groaning from embarrassment.

"It's itchy, do you want to help me trim my nails?" Uchiha Naruto laughed.


Suzuki Junhui, whose face was flushed by Naruto Uchiha, finally couldn't bear it anymore, puffed up his cheeks, and spit out a bunch of black ink at Naruto Uchiha.

"Miss Suzuki, you are really naughty."

The three-god jade in Uchiha Naruto's eyes turned.

Even if Suzuki Junhui was caught off guard at such a close range, under the insight of Sharingan, it was only a slow motion that was slowed down by more than ten times. When he tilted his head, he avoided Suzuki Junhui's spit ink.

"Should I say that she is really an octopus girl, who will spit ink when threatened. By the way, since you can spit ink, can you change color?"

Like octopus metamorphosis.

Octopuses are the masters of camouflage in nature. In addition to the well-known two killers, ink-spitting and color-changing, octopuses can also mimic colorful and highly poisonous stonefish and sea snakes to scare away predators.


On the palm of Uchiha Naruto, Suzuki Junhui raised his head proudly, showing an air of disdain.

But Suzuki Junhui's mind is only at the child level, and he can't hide his thoughts at all. Its octopus tentacles are wriggling happily, and his face is full of gloating that he is ready to watch a good show.

"Oh, Miss Suzuki, do you think such a prank can succeed?"

Naruto Uchiha chuckled a few times, and grabbed the back of his head without looking back.


Suzuki Junhui's eyes widened, and the eyes flickered with guilt.

Naruto Uchiha stretched out his clenched fist in a funny way, and slowly opened it.

In the palm, is a flying fish made of ink.

The flying fish turned into ink is lifelike, with a touch of ink painting style, dashing left and right between fingers, but can't escape Uchiha Naruto's Wuzhishan.

"The ink spit out can change into sea creatures... This ability is..."

Naruto Uchiha murmured.

I remembered that when I was fighting with Suzuki Junhui who was running away in a tailed beast suit, it also spit out big balls of ink from its mouth. Once it was immersed in the sea, it turned into one ink shark after another to assist in the attack.

"It's like Sai's super beast fake painting!"

The ninjutsu of Super Beast Pseudo-painting is like Ma Liang's magic pen, which can make the painting on the scroll into reality after injecting chakra.

Super beast fake paintings are both offensive and defensive, superb. When attacking, you can draw lions and unicorns, and you can draw a large number of mice and snakes when you investigate and search. Saii has become a rare flying ninja in the ninja world by drawing giant birds.

"However, Saii uses super beast fake paintings and needs to draw sketches. Suzuki Junhui only needs to spit out ink, which is too skinny."

However, lakes, rivers and seas are also favorable terrains for super beast fake paintings to display their abilities. Saii once poured all the ink into the river in a fit of anger, and directly poured chakra into the water, omitting the steps of painting, and created a large number of ink ninjas in one go. beast.

"Miss Suzuki, can you use me as a prototype to create a person with ink?" Uchiha Naruto gave instructions.

Suzuki Junhui turned his head away, obviously still angry about what happened before.

Naruto Uchiha didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "Miss Suzuki, you don't want your sister Maika Suzuki either..."

In the middle of the conversation, it stopped abruptly on purpose. The deep meaning in it can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.


Suzuki Junhui glared at Naruto Uchiha, if it wasn't really impossible to beat, it would like to use the octopus tentacles to hang this bastard up.

In the end, Suzuki Junhui could only reluctantly start to perform. It opened its mouth and spit out a large ball of ink.

When the black ink fell on the ground, it condensed into a human form.

In the blink of an eye, a black 'Naruto Uchiha' with the same height and figure, with the same hairstyle and clothing as himself, appeared in ink painting style.

Naruto Uchiha looked at the ink man with curiosity.

The technique of super beast fake painting is really amazing.

Although it is different from the shadow clone, the whole body is black, but it is already very similar, even the facial features are lifelike...

Well, although the ink man's facial features belong to Naruto Uchiha, his expression is too silly, his eyes are straight, his teeth are grinning, and his tongue is sticking out exaggeratedly, he looks like a dementia.

"Hey." Suzuki Junhui covered her mouth and snickered, as if she had done some great prank.

Naruto Uchiha was a little funny, shook his head, and flicked his finger on the forehead of the ink man!

The entire body of the ink man burst open, and the ink flowed wantonly on the tiles in the bathroom.


Suzuki Maika was so frightened that she stretched out her hands to cover her forehead, as if she was not at ease, she also put a few octopus tentacles on her forehead.

"Don't worry, I won't bully you like this."

Naruto Uchiha smiled, and made a little draft of the next plan. After a few replays, he felt satisfied, washed his hands, and left.

The ink stains on the bathroom floor, after losing the support of Chakra, instantly faded and became no different from clear water.

After walking out of the Obama City Police Station, Uchiha Naruto wandered around Obama City a few times at will.

"Bang bang bang!"

Fireworks were set off in broad daylight in Obama City, and beams of flames of different colors rushed into the sky, bursting into bright and bright fireworks.

Today's Obama City has a very festive atmosphere, with tourists jostling each other, and shops displaying various signboards and banners related to mermaids.

Because he had already missed the opening ceremony of the Mermaid Festival on Yushen Island since the morning and now, which made him a little regretful.

However, according to the guidance of the Mermaid Festival travel brochure, Naruto Uchiha came to the main street of Mackerel, which was already crowded with people.

The parade shrine of the mermaid mummy invited from the Mermaid Shrine on Mikami Island has arrived here

In various festivals in Japan, a large group of men can often be seen carrying a resplendently decorated thing resembling a large sedan chair, which is the shrine.

Mikoshi is the frame for the gods to go on a tour, consisting of a roof, a body and a stretcher.

Generally speaking, the weight is half a ton, and two or three tons are not uncommon.

To carry such a heavy thing around the market, even if several men carry it together, it is extremely difficult.

Some men who have carried their gods for many years will even rub a few fist-sized sarcoids on the back of their shoulders, just like the Indian god ox zebu.

However, the gods of the Mermaid Festival are obviously just appearances, and they are not that heavy at all.

Because the people carrying the mikoshi are all young girls dressed in cool clothes, with fish-scale makeup painted on their faces, and dresses similar to mermaid princesses hanging down to their heels.

"It's really immoral! How can you let a woman carry the gods?"

There are elderly, middle-aged and elderly tourists from other places, their eyes are shining, and they are also heartbroken.

"Shut up, old man."

The camera in the young man's hand kept clicking, he rolled his eyes and said:

"Young girls don't look up, show me? No, I don't want to look at shirtless men."

The middle-aged and elderly tourists muttered a few words, but they were very sensible and didn't say any more, but seized the time to feast their eyes.

Sure enough, no matter how old a man is, he likes to look at young and beautiful girls.

Naruto Uchiha's eyes lingered on the young girls dressed as mermaids for a while, then looked at Mikoshi.

In the shrine is a child-sized, dry and blackened half-monkey, half-fish mummified corpse.

Naruto Uchiha naturally knew that this was a fabricated fake.

The legend of Yabaichuni, which originated in Wakasa Bay, is well-known in Japan. This legendary mermaid mummy also attracted many tourists, who were amazed and took pictures repeatedly.

But their faces were only filled with excitement and curiosity, without the slightest awe of monsters or gods.

Obviously, the vast majority of people do not believe that this is a real mermaid mummy, and they only come to watch this so-called mermaid mummy out of curiosity.

After all, it is the 21st century where technology is prosperous and prosperous, and the new era of Reiwa, how many people will believe these absurd legends about strange powers and chaos.

The pilgrimage team carrying the mikoshi gradually drifted away, Naruto Uchiha also slowly withdrew his gaze.

Now that I have seen the young lady and the dummy mermaid specimen, this mermaid festival is worthwhile, and the next step is to get down to business.


The monitoring room in the Obama City Police Station.

"Boom boom boom."

The blond and blue-eyed pretty woman tapped the table with her right hand in boredom, and looked at Daiki Shimazaki on the screen with her cheek resting on her cheek.

Daiki Shimazaki is now detained in the detention room of the police station.

In addition to the surveillance cameras, outside the iron fence in the detention room, there are several police officers from the Fifth Section of the Public Security Bureau staring at Shimazaki Daiki's every move with piercing eyes.

This is not only strict protection, but also to sit on the sidelines.

Waiting for "Suzuki Junhui" who no longer knew whether it was an evil spirit or some other monster came to the door.

The day before, the annihilation of the research ship and missile boat that was conducting a secret experimental mission has already attracted the attention of the Mi side.

For the well-established Seventh Fleet, a Pegasus-class missile boat with a displacement of 200 tons is just a drop in the bucket, but it was inexplicably sunk in Wakasa Bay, which made people who knew the inside story feel bad.

Emergency rescue ships and warships were dispatched to the sea area where the incident occurred, but no survivors were found.

The underwater camera at the bottom of Wakasa Bay found that the sunken ship was already "empty", and Suzuki Junhui's evil spirit was nowhere to be found.

Things have developed to this point, and everyone knows that there must be something wrong with the secret experiment.

Several persons in charge of the experimental project resolutely threw the blame to the missing, Section Chief Mori of Section 5, who had apparently died in the line of duty, temporarily ignoring responsibility.

But the most urgent thing is to find out what happened.

At this moment, Kohama City sent information that the survivors of the shipwreck drowned one after another overnight.

The fifth class had already investigated and filed the truth about what happened in the storm that year, but it didn't care about fairness and justice and turned a blind eye.

After a brief understanding of the information, relying on the keen sense of smell that has been dealing with supernatural things for many years in Lesson 5, he naturally smelled the unusual smell behind it.

It's the revenge of 'Suzuki Junhui'!

But the evil spirit of Suzuki Junhui came to Xiaohama City to avenge and kill people, and it has already broken the three iron rules of evil spirits!

Evil spirits have homing properties and can only move within a certain range; evil spirits have no emotion and reason, treat enemies and relatives equally, and will not cause trouble out of hatred.

Taking the sixteen type B cases so far as a reference, it is absolutely impossible for Suzuki Junhui to appear in Xiaohama City, and he specifically targeted the enemies who abandoned her in the storm back then.

"Could it be that our experiment in Lesson 5 opened Pandora's Box..."

Grace sorted out her thoughts, her eyes filled with worry.

If the evil spirit really gave birth to feelings, the younger sister of Suzuki Junhui was detained just in case, and there would be cards to play at that time.

"Investigator, it's noon. This is a bento ordered by our director from the best restaurant in the area."

A local police officer with a parted hair, holding a beautifully decorated bento lacquerware in his hand, said flatteringly.

"I don't know if it suits your taste. If you don't like it, we can also prepare western food for you."

"Whatever, that's it."

Grace opened the bento indifferently and ate a few mouthfuls, then asked suddenly:

"Has the woman left yet?"

"Yes, she didn't even eat lunch, and she's acting like a stalker. Shall we get that woman out of here?"

"never mind."

Don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face. For the sake of Uchiha's police, it is not good to leave her alone.

Grace sighed, picked up a box of bento and went outside.

"Fish! Fish! Fish!"

"Lots of fish!"

"What monster!"

At this moment, a burst of exclamation came.

Grace's expression changed, she took out her gun and rushed out.

I saw countless strange fish with slender and strange feet crawling around in the corridor of the police station!

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