I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 228 Chapter 229

Under the bellies of the walking monsters that appeared inside the Kohama City Police Station, there are four abnormally long pointed feet that resemble insect limbs!

Mackerel, plaice, snapper, yellowtail...

These are common fish species in Wakasa Bay.

Japan is an island country surrounded by the sea. It relies on the mountains to eat the mountains and the sea to eat the sea. Sea fish occupies an important position in the national menu. Generally speaking, fish is nothing terrible to the Japanese.

But the premise is that these fish appear in the tank of the fish market or supermarket, instead of growing legs to crawl around on the ground.

"Fish, are you walking?"

"This, what the hell is it?!"

This creepy scene plunged the police station into panic.

It was Sakaki Nami-ryu who was the first to discover the appearance of a walking strange fish at the Obama City Police Station.

After sending Naruto Uchiha to visit the Mermaid Festival, Nami Ryu Sakaki has been running around the Obama City Police Station. The front desk of the police station was pestered so tirelessly by her that she couldn't even maintain the superficial politeness, so she rolled her eyes and told her that this was the rule, and if she disagreed, she could file a complaint.

Namiryu Sakaki also wanted to break into the police station and confront the leader of the police station face to face, but was stopped by the police without accident.

The police officer warned her that if she continued to stalk her like this, she would be detained on the grounds of obstructing official duties.

Nami Ryu Sakaki could only calm down for the time being, reluctantly, and sit on a row of chairs in the lobby of the police station.

"Damn! This group of bullying salary thieves are servile to foreign women, and they are cold-hearted to their own taxpayers!"

Although it was approaching noon, Sakaki Namiliu had no appetite, and she was full of anger because of her anger.

But it's hard to say how much of this nameless evil fire is due to the Xiaohama City Police Station where the best friend is detained, or the arrogant blonde woman.

"Do you really want to call brother-in-law for help?"

After all, Suzuki Maika was involved in the dispute because she invited her to participate in the Mermaid Festival, and Sakaki Nami Liu felt very sorry. But when she picked up the phone and was about to dial the number, she remembered what Grace said, "Your understanding of the Uchiha police is pitifully shallow", so she couldn't help but hesitate.

What did the foreign woman mean by these words?

Judging by her tone and expression, it's not entirely a bluff...

Just when Sakaki Nami was pondering the meaning of it, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a small group of black shadows rushing in from the gate of the police station. The movement was extremely fast and the trajectory flashed by strangely, and it got into the row of chairs. Down.


Nami Ryu Sakaki was a little amused that this dilapidated police station was still haunted by rats.

Something is wrong, is this how mice run?

Nami-ryu Sakaki, who was born and raised in the rural areas of Shizuoka Prefecture, has seen mice scurrying around, but unlike the black shadow just now, it vaguely presents an S-line serpentine route.

Namiyu Sakaki bent down curiously, and looked under the row of chairs.

But nothing was found.

That thing didn't know where it went.

Sakaki Nami didn't care too much, she thought about it for a while, and decided to call Uchiha Senmen.

"Beep beep..."

Nami Liu Sakaki walked to the gate of the police station with her mobile phone and looked at the street outside the police station.

It may be that on the other side of the city, the traveling team carrying mikoshi attracted most tourists, and there are not many pedestrians near the police station now.

The Obama City Police Station is not too far from Wakasa Bay, and you can even feel the fishy smell of the sea breeze blowing on your face.

"Beep beep..."

A blind tone came from the microphone, but no one answered again!

I called my brother-in-law these days, but I couldn't get through. What kind of work is my brother-in-law doing? How can you be so busy?

Sakaki Namiru put down the phone with a complex expression, and the knuckles of the fingers holding the phone turned white due to excessive force.

Now that I think about it carefully, my impression of my brother-in-law is still in the previous vision. After my brother-in-law arrived in Tokyo and after my sister passed away, what happened to him and who he met, Sakaki Nami Liu really didn't know anything.

But, I won't just admit defeat like this!

Sakaki Namiru bit her lower lip, upset, and the nameless evil fire accumulated in her chest became more and more intense.


At this moment, another small black figure sprang out from the corner of the police station hall, and slipped towards Sakaki Nami-ryu's feet impartially.

"Damn Rat, Sienna!"

Namiyu Sakaki had no fear of the mouse, and viciously raised her foot and stomped it down.


The black shadow was stepped on by Sakaki Nami Ryu, and the center of gravity was pressed on it. Sakaki Nami Ryu also crushed it several times in a venting manner.

Based on her previous experience, this kick was enough to explode the rat's internal organs.

But the touch from the bottom of the feet made Namiyu Sakaki feel that something was wrong. It wasn't the kind of furry that trampled on small rodents, but it was rustling and scratching the feet.

Sakaki Namiyu looked away suspiciously, and immediately let out a scream!


I saw a black fish lying on the ground with a rotten gut, and under the belly of the fish, there were still a few black and slender claws twitching unconsciously!

Even Nami Sakaki, a woman who can stomp on rats without changing her face, couldn't help screaming when she saw this disgusting and horrifying scene.

"Miss Sakaki, what's the matter with you?"

The local police officer who had been following Sakaki Nami-ryu walked over with a frown and looked at her with some dissatisfaction.

"Walking fish! Why do you have such strange fish in Xiaohama City?"

The frightened Nami Ryu took a few steps back, the soles of her shoes were still rubbing against the ground, leaving colorful footprints.

What is this woman raving about?

"Look at this, you guys! This fish has grown legs and is running around on the ground!"

fish? Fish with long legs?

The police officer followed Sakaki Nami's line of sight, and saw a small trampled black fish lying in a large pool of black water on the ground.

The police officer took a closer look, with a strange look on his face, turned his head and said helplessly to Sakaki Nami-ryu:

"Miss Sakaki, although I don't know what you mean, but this is just an ordinary dead fish, where did the feet come from?"


Nami Ryu Sakaki looked over in disbelief, and the strange fish's disgusting long black legs had disappeared!

"What's going on? I'm clearly not mistaken!"

Sakaki Namiru had an incredulous expression on his face, but no matter how he looked at it, the fish on the ground were just ordinary dead fish.

However, Nami Ryu Sakaki also noticed that something was wrong. There was too much black water around the dead fish, and it looked like three to five hundred milliliters of water was dumped on the ground.

Where does the water come from? And it's too dark.

When I raised my feet to look at it, there were not so many water marks, and it was impossible for a small black fish that was two fingers wide and palm long to burst out so much juice.

"Miss Sakaki, are you too tired, why don't you go back and have a rest first." Yamashiro Police Officer wanted to take this opportunity to send Sakaki Nami Liu away.

"No, I can't be wrong!" Sakaki Nami said decisively.

Seeing Nami Ryu Sakaki insisting that he saw a leggy fish in the police station, the Yamashiro police officer suddenly felt dizzy.

What new tricks does this woman who has been stalking in the police station want to do?

He really can't understand if he thinks that he can let the police release people by pretending to be crazy and scaremongering.

"Miss Sakaki, please calm down. Think about it, how can there be fish with long legs in the sea? This is simply a fairy tale." Shancheng police officer laughed.


Sakaki Nami was dumbfounded, she blinked her eyes, and questioned unconvincedly:

"It's hard to say about other places, but you don't know if you are in Wakasa Bay. Before I came to Xiaohama, I checked the Internet and found that there is a nuclear power plant in Wakasa Bay. It used to secretly discharge nuclear waste water. Maybe this long-legged one Fish mutate after being polluted!"

The Shancheng police officer's expression darkened immediately.

The nuclear accident was an untouchable topic in Wakasa Bay.

At the Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant in Wakasa Bay, in March 1981, a worker forgot to close a key valve, causing the pool of radioactive sludge to overflow, and 59 workers handling the leaked radioactive sludge were exposed to radiation.

The 16 tons of radioactive waste in the accident were eventually discharged directly into Wakasa Bay.

It wasn't until a month later, after media reports, that the Japan Atomic Energy Commission publicly acknowledged the accident, but firmly denied that anyone had been exposed to dangerous levels of radiation.

Although forty years have passed, the nuclear accident along the Wakasa Bay is still taboo for the sake of tourism and fishing.

"Miss Sakaki, you know that it's the mermaid festival, and a serial murder case just happened. Our police station really doesn't have the time and energy to continue messing around with you."

Deliberately avoiding this topic, the Shancheng police officer said with a straight face.

"Please leave, otherwise we will 'please' you to leave, or let you stay with Miss Suzuki!"

Seeing the unfriendly expression on the policeman's face in Obama City, it seemed that he was about to be violent, Nami Liu Sakaki was also a little scared.

But she gritted her teeth and said stubbornly:

"I'm not talking nonsense! There are strange fish with long legs in the police station. If you want to catch them, catch them! Brother-in-law, he will not let you go."

This woman is really crazy!

The Yamashiro policeman had blue veins on his forehead, and he didn't speak, he was going to call a few policewomen to send Sakaki Nami out.

"Crack, click."

At this moment, the Shancheng police officers suddenly heard a strange rustling noise.

He looked up strangely, his eyes suddenly widened!

I saw a large group of strange fish with slender black feet entering through the gate of the police station!

Flounder, puffer fish, mackerel, grouper, all kinds, big and small, different colors, crawling on the ground in a strange posture.

"What the hell is this!"


The police officers at the gate of the Xiaohama City Police Station were frightened when they saw the densely packed land fish rushing towards them.

"I told you that there are nuclear radiation mutant fish with long legs, you still don't believe it!"

Sakaki Namiliu ran to the inside of the police station at the first moment, saw the Yamashiro policeman still stupidly standing there, and slapped him across the face.


"Run fast!"

The Yamashiro police officer suddenly woke up like a dream, covered his face and ran away behind Sakaki Nami. Behind them was a mighty army of land fish.

"Fish! Fish! Fish! A strange fish with long legs is coming to attack the police station!"

Nami Ryu Sakaki rushed to the aisle, yelling, and saw a door being slammed open, and Grace, the obnoxious foreign blonde woman, rushed out with a pistol.


Although it was said that it was a quasi-rival relationship, Sakaki Nami still reminded her.


Grace snorted coldly and raised her gun.

Sakaki Namiliu was frightened at once. Could this foreign woman want to take the opportunity to physically eliminate her competitors?

With a "bang", a land grouper that rushed in front of Sakaki Namiru was shot and exploded.

"Ah, no!"

The Yamashiro police officer who was following Nami Ryu Sakaki was startled by the sudden gunshots, tripped by the land fish under his feet, slipped and fell to the ground.

Seeing the Lu Xingyu swarming over, the Shancheng police officers couldn't help feeling desperate, and could only close their eyes and wait for death.

But to everyone's surprise, the land fish didn't intend to attack him, but crawled over the face of the mountain police officer and continued to march forward.

"Don't shoot yet!"

Grace, who was keenly aware of this situation, frowned, and immediately stopped the students in black suits from the fifth class who heard the sound and took out their guns to aim.

"Investigator, the situation is complicated now, please let us cover your retreat!"

The black suits in Lesson 5 are loyal, but Grace is quite courageous and stays calm in times of crisis.

"No, didn't you see that none of these strange fish attacked anyone," Grace said.

Having said that, seeing these grotesque land fish running over with trembling legs still gives people goosebumps.

Seeing the land fish rushing over, a black suit at the front couldn't help but kicked up a few land fish.

Although Lu Xingyu had a weird appearance, he was kicked to a bloody mess without any resistance.

The member of the fifth class was overjoyed, and he rushed forward, and opened Wushuang among the land fish with his bare hands.

Seeing this, other Section 5 officers and police officers from the Xiaohama City Police Station also bravely took out their batons and chased them down.

Like whack-a-mole, one stick can knock the land fish's head open, and the flesh and blood will fly!

Seeing that Lu Xingyu had no power to fight back, Grace had a delicate expression.

What the hell is this, monster? But it's too weak.

Grace stared at a horse mackerel that had been knocked to death, and was surprised to find that its strange black feet, after a few twitches, turned into a large jet of ink!

Not only that, but the ink-colored limbs of other land fishes that were killed also turned into ink and flowed all over the place.

But other people seem to have not noticed this abnormality, and they are still killing people.

The accumulated water inside the police station is getting more and more, even gradually covering the ankles.

"Is this a trap?"

"Attention! Listen to my order, all stop!"

Suddenly, there was another burst of exclamation from the front, and a huge three-meter-long great white shark kicked and flicked four strange legs, opened its bloody mouth, and rushed over aggressively!

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