I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 229 Chapter 230

"Landshark? It's almost like breaking into the set of Tara Reid and Electrat."

Grace, who has a glamorous appearance, is actually a fan of bad B-level movies in the United States. Tara Reid's Sharknado series and the deadly double-headed shark series created by Electrat have rented every single piece in the video market. Watched the DVD.

Compared with the exaggerated and funny special effects shark monsters on the screen, the land shark that broke into the police station is obviously more real and terrifying!

Under the belly of the land shark, there are four thick black limbs with thick arms, supporting a huge body and rampaging in the police station.

"It's a shark!!"

"Great white shark!"

"My mother, run away!"

The police officers who used to kill the land-based fish with their batons before saw such a huge monster, their faces turned pale, and they were so frightened that they cried for their father and mother.

The landshark with weirdly writhing limbs chased a policeman and cornered him.

The police officer, who had nowhere to escape, could only jump over the wall in a hurry, with red eyes, he picked up his baton and slammed it on Lu Xingsha's snout viciously.

"Go to hell, you monster!"

The Lorentz jug in the shark's snout is an electromagnetic induction organ and one of the most vulnerable places on the shark's body. The land shark, which was in pain, suddenly became furious and bit the policeman's thigh.


The police officer screamed, blood profusely pouring from his thigh.


Grace gave an order, and the muzzles of several pistols burst into flames at the same time.

"Bang bang bang—!"

Even shark skin, which is famous for its rough and tough skin, cannot resist human heat weapons.

The bullets that came out of the chamber easily blasted bloody potholes on Lu Xingsha's body. Lu Xingsha shook his head and struggled a few times, and his body collapsed with a loud splash, splashing a lot of water.

Those four black limbs still wanted to struggle to the death, trying to support the great white shark, but it was useless, and finally exploded, turning into a large pool of sewage mixed with ink stains and pouring down.

"Are you OK?"

Several officers from the local police station rushed over, wading through the black water splashing their trousers, and helped up the man who had been bitten by the land shark.

"It hurts. Quick, take me to the hospital!"

Grace glanced at the few people indifferently, and looked around.

She picked up a dead mackerel casually from the ground, and the four black strange legs growing from under the belly disappeared.

Sure enough, she was not mistaken before, after each land fish died, its limbs would turn into ink-like liquid and flow to the ground.

"Don't kill these strange fish now!" Grace's heart skipped a beat, feeling something was wrong, and hurriedly gave orders.

"Catch these fish!"

The people in Section 5 and the police station were in a hurry.

Although it is called a land fish, it still retains the ability to swim, and it can move more flexibly inside the police station full of stagnant water.

The policemen managed to catch a few of them, and a man in a black suit held the fish with both hands, and carefully held it in front of Grace.

The slender black strange feet under the belly of the fish were still grabbing the palm of the black suit, but they were powerless to break free.

Grace stared intently at the strange feet under Lu Xingyu's belly. It looked weird, but it didn't have any offensive power.

At first glance, these black strange feet look like the limbs of parasites, but upon closer inspection, they look a bit like...

"The feet of these strange fish seem to be the brushstrokes drawn with thick ink in ink paintings!!"

Unknowingly, Namiyu Sakaki moved to Grace's side, looking at the strange land-moving fish curiously and excitedly.


Grace frowned, and almost forgot that the relatives in the country that Uchiha was guarding were also here.

"Could it be that my brother-in-law is dealing with these things? On the surface, he is a criminal policeman, but in fact he deals with all kinds of demons and ghosts? Like onmyojis, superheroes and the like!"

The mutation of nuclear radiation doesn't look like it, but it looks like something like a ghost.

Namiru Sakaki had a flash of inspiration, recalling Grace's words full of deep meaning before, she blurted out subconsciously.

The relatives in the country that Uchiha is watching are not too stupid, and they have already been involved in supernatural incidents. If they haven't figured this out, they are really hopeless.

Grace was a little upset, because after knowing the truth, the distance between Sakaki Nami-ryu and Uchiha police will undoubtedly be shortened.

"Yes, it must be so!"

Although Grace didn't respond positively, Nami Ryu Sakaki's expression became more and more excited and excited, and she became more certain of her guess.

Unexpectedly, there is such a secret hidden behind the world!

For many years, my brother-in-law must have been under heavy pressure in the dark, taking great risks, silently protecting the world, and walking with a heavy burden.

The brother-in-law usually sees the beginning and sees the end, and refuses to answer his phone, it must be because of the need to perform a secret mission.

What is this woman thinking? Why did he suddenly become elated?

Grace frowned, but didn't pay much attention to it. Anyway, she would be asked to sign a strict confidentiality clause afterwards.

Now, let's deal with the few live land fish on hand.

However, there is always an ominous premonition that lingers in my heart. Is it because I am suspicious?

At this moment, the Bluetooth in Grace's ear flickered a few times, and her expression changed.

"Everyone, follow me to the gate of the police station first!"

When they arrived at the police gate, everyone was dumbfounded.

More land fish army than before has been assembled, crawled out of the sea in groups, and marched towards the police station.

Compared with the batch of land fish that broke into the police station before, they are nothing compared to the one in front of them!

This kind of commotion has already caused the exclamation of passers-by. First they fled, and after opening a safe distance, some people climbed to the second and third floors, took out their mobile phones and took pictures happily.

"Fans, take a look at what I photographed at the Mermaid Festival in Obama City?"

"It's not Miss Mermaid! It's something even rarer than mermaids."

Lu Xingyu's army had no interest in ordinary people, but rushed straight to the police station.

Although the fighting power of ordinary land fish is equal to nothing, the number of them is still a bit frightening, and in the army of land fish, there are several sharks, wolf fish or sunfish that are several meters long.

Like a tank in a land fish.

What a hassle!

Although it is not a big threat, letting so many land fish into the police station will only make the situation more chaotic, so it is better to intercept them outside the police station.

"Guys, it's time to act."

Grace flicked her blond hair, pressed the earphone, and said.

Suddenly, a group of armed squads wearing tactical helmets rushed out of several residential shops near the Xiaohama City Police Station, holding heavy weapons such as submachine guns in their hands.

"Papa papa!"

The land fish was harvested piece by piece by the metal storm like straw, turning into a pool of rotten meat.

Not only that, but there are also a few people who are holding the Ground Self-Defense Force Chemical Defense Force, a portable flame emitter imitating the M2 series flamethrower made in the United States.


From the barrel of the flame emitter, a 20 to 30-meter-high flame column spewed out, sweeping through the army of land fish, burning each land fish into coke.

In the air, the pungent smell of gasoline burning is mixed with the aroma of grilled fish.

In just half a minute, the army of Lu Xingyu, which looked like a huge force, was wiped out by the armed squad.

Grace is quite satisfied with the power of the flamethrower.

Compared with conventional weapons, flamethrowers have a short range, poor safety, and no way to penetrate weapon armor, but they are very lethal to flesh and blood.

During World War II, during the Battle of Iwo Jima, for the enemy who built complex underground tunnels and bunker fortifications and hid them like mice, the rice army used flamethrowers to roast them and sent them to the west.

This armed team was originally arranged by Grace in the dark to deal with Suzuki Junhui in the worst possible situation.

Unexpectedly, it came in handy in advance.

But did the bad premonition before come true on these land fishes?

wrong! It always feels like another layer of fog hangs over my head.

At this time, Grace saw a land fish whose head was hit by a bullet. After dragging its four strange feet and crawling a few times, it burst into ink and flowed all over the ground.

Looking at the dead fish poured into the ink, Grace finally realized.

"This is not only diverting the tiger away from the mountain, but also using these land fish to die, creating a terrain advantage that is beneficial to us!"

Grace hurried back with her people, and the inside of the Xiaohama City Police Station was almost a swamp of black water, and the accumulated water had already covered her ankles.


Outside the detention room of the Xiaohama City Police Station, two operatives from Section 5 guarded the door, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Is there anything unusual?" Grace asked anxiously.

"No. According to your request, don't leave when there is any disturbance outside."

A man in a black suit replied, "This is the police station. I don't know if it's a water leak or something. The sewage has been continuously pouring into the detention room."

Grace looked down, and sure enough, the black water with ink stains flowed inward along the crack in the door of the detention room.

With a stern expression on her face, she pushed the door open and entered cautiously.

The floor of the detention room was covered with water.

Regardless of the soaked shoes and trousers, Grace wades into the depths of the detention room.

Daiki Shimazaki is the only person under house arrest in the detention room, and there are a few staff from Section 5 who Grace put in to monitor him.

After entering the innermost side of the detention center, Grace's pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw a few unidentified black suits laying on the ground, and the iron fence had been torn open, and an extraordinary creature whose upper body was a woman but whose lower body was full of octopus tentacles had appeared at some point.

An octopus tentacles wrapped around Daiki Shimazaki's neck, Daiki Shimazaki's complexion turned red, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

The monster turned his face, and it turned out to be Junhui Suzuki.

Looking directly at Grace, the corners of Suzuki Junhui's mouth curled up, revealing the cunning and pride after the plot succeeded.

Seeing Suzuki Junhui showing such a vivid expression, Grace was also secretly surprised.

After all, evil spirits are bloodless, tearless, and not even biological creatures, and Suzuki Junhui's expression now is no different from that of a living person.

It's just that I don't know, but now I have some emotions and memories from before I was alive.

Grace lowered her head and looked at the large water stains under Suzuki Junhui.

Because the previous victims were all drowned, Grace guessed that Junhui Suzuki might only be able to appear near the water.

After she put Daiki Shimazaki under house arrest in the detention room, she even dismantled the toilet and refused to drink water, so that Daiki Shimazaki could not get close to the water source.

Unexpectedly, Suzuki Junhui could use this method to create a water source and sneak into the police station.

It seems that in the future, Suzuki Junhui should be treated as a normal person to negotiate.

The follow-up armed squads and police officers also arrived one after another. Seeing the extraordinary creature Suzuki Junhui, they all stood up as if they were facing an enemy, their guns raised, and they were ready for battle.


Seeing so many police officers with long guns and short cannons surrounding him, Daiki Shimazaki, who was suspended in the air, couldn't help but have hope in his eyes.

"Don't act rashly!"

Grace shouted sharply, then took a deep breath, took a step forward, and said politely:

"Ms. Suzuki, hello! The Metropolitan Police Department deeply sympathizes with you for the misfortune you suffered five years ago. Whether you want to personally avenge yourself, or openly try and prosecute the punishment, we will definitely satisfy you."


Daiki Shimazaki, whose neck was strangled by the octopus tentacles, widened his eyes, with an expression of disbelief on his face, suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

Grace gave him a cold look.

If he can win Suzuki Junhui, who has become an extraordinary creature, no one will care about a mere Shimazaki Daiki, and it is his honor to be an abandoned son.


Suzuki Junhui was unmoved by Grace's "sincere" words, and there was an obvious sneer and sarcasm on his face.

Grace is not angry but happy.

Junhui Suzuki is in a very good state now.

It's fine to be rational, and it doesn't matter if you have evil desires. As long as it is a communicative existence, the Metropolitan Police Department will try to negotiate.

Except for the red sand scorpion who is so mad that he can't help but kill, the seemingly innocuous Itachi and A Fei in the Akatsuki organization, and the Orochimaru whose depth is unknown for the time being, the Metropolitan Police Department has a plan to win over.

The Metropolitan Police Department does not believe that the Akatsuki organization is monolithic. There must be many contradictions when a superhuman with strong individual strength and distinctive personality gathers together. Although it is not yet known what the real purpose of Akatsuki's organization is, but the Metropolitan Police Department believes that they can try to negotiate, divide and win, and it would be wonderful if they can turn enemies into friends.

"Go and invite Miss Suzuki's sister over here, pay attention, give me respect."

Grace turned her head and whispered to a black suit.

Suzuki Junhui moved his ears, and immediately stared at Grace, with a hint of longing in his sharp eyes.

There is a show!

Grace returned a friendly and warm smile.

Judging from the past files, Suzuki Maixiang is Suzuki Junhui's weakness, and the Metropolitan Police Department has long been ready to play the emotional card. Even if Suzuki Junhui became an extraordinary creature and transcended the world, he still couldn't leave his sister behind.

Of course, the Metropolitan Police Department will not be so stupid as to make threats as soon as they come up, and the first thing to bear the brunt is to buy.

They have prepared a luxurious gift package. As long as Suzuki Maixiang is willing to fetter Suzuki Junhui, a commoner can definitely experience unimaginable happiness in terms of work and material.

Grace is full of confidence, and Suzuki Maika will never be able to resist her offer.

"Director, what are you doing?!"

"Get out! Get out of the way, I want to save my son."

Just as Grace was thinking about it, the crowd broke out.

I saw Director Shimazaki holding Sister Suzuki hostage with a police gun and barging in from the outside!


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