I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 231 Chapter 232 The Elixir of Life

With a flash of cold light, the hand knife wrapped in a faint blue halo cleanly cut off the tentacles of the octopus.


Grace fell to the ground with a thud. Although the fall was not heavy, she lost a lot of blood because her abdomen was pierced by the tentacles of the octopus, and her eyes were full of stars.

"Your Excellency is..."

But even though her eyes were black, Grace raised her head with difficulty and looked at the uninvited guest.

This is a young man wearing a black vest over white long sleeves, with gray and white silver hair tied into a ponytail behind his head.

The visitor stretched out his fingers to support the disc glasses on the bridge of his nose, and showed a very kind and kind smile, which looked like a doctor or a staff member of a charity organization.

Fortunately, fortunately, the transcendent who appeared this time was not wearing the red-bottomed red cloud robe of the Xiao organization.

For the Akatsuki members who appeared one after another, the Metropolitan Police Department is already a little PTSD.

Grace's hanging heart was relieved, and a strong pain suddenly hit her.

Grace looked down at the slightly twitching octopus tentacles that were still stuck in her lower abdomen, her throat sweetened, and bright red blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

"Miss, you are seriously injured, it's better not to act rashly."

That's right!

Such a penetrating injury may have strangled the intestines, so it must be sent to the emergency room immediately, otherwise it will definitely be life-threatening!

However, due to the severe pain, Grace's lips were pale and her face was covered with beads of sweat. She didn't even have the strength to pick up her mobile phone to contact the nearby emergency team.

"Your injury can't wait any longer. Before the doctor comes, I will take care of you first."

The young man with glasses squatted down, adjusted Grace's side-lying posture, pushed his palm on the cross-section of the octopus tentacles, and the octopus tentacles fell out from behind Grace.

The wounds on the organs were faintly visible, and blood flowed profusely immediately.

There was a trace of seriousness on the friendly face of the young man, he raised his right hand, with a faint blue light surging in the palm, and pressed it on Grace's abdomen.


In just an instant, Grace's horrific bleeding stopped.

Not only that, the wound is still healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Grace opened her blue eyes wide, full of disbelief.

"Thanks, I feel better...be careful!"

Grace, who was lying on the ground with a weak face, thanked her, and suddenly her face was startled, and she saw a few octopus tentacles stabbing towards the back of the young man with glasses.

She immediately opened her mouth to remind.


The young man with glasses didn't change his face, turned around abruptly, and swung his right hand sharply forward.

After a few "plops", several sections of octopus tentacles were cut off by him with his bare hands, and they bounced on the ground.

The healing hand that was still saving lives and healing the wounded turned into the sharpest scalpel in an instant.

"Miss, Ni's injury has almost been treated."

Grace struggled to support her body and got up from the ground, touching her healed lower abdomen with a complex look on her face.

Even if such an injury is sent to the hospital immediately, it will take more than ten hours for the professional medical team to rescue it.

Even if the rescue is successful, the recovery period alone will require lying in bed for more than half a year. He never expected that he would be healed to a great extent in just a snap of his fingers, and even regain some mobility.

What's more, the inscrutable supernatural healing ability displayed by the young man with glasses is almost in the same vein as Doctor Ghost and Doctor Satomi.

But even higher than Ghost Doctor!

"Thank you so much for your life-saving grace!" Grace bowed her head humbly and said respectfully.

"It's nothing, it's just a matter of little effort. After all, I know a thing or two about medical skills, so I don't want to die." The white-haired young man with glasses smiled, and his eyes shone with kindness.

"Your Mightiness……"

"You don't have to be so polite, one person at a time. I am a pharmacist, you can call me a pharmacist." The pharmacist said humbly.


The furious roar sounded like a thunderclap, and the octopus tentacles of 'Suzuki Junhui', whose upper body was covered with a dark red tailed beast suit, whipped randomly, and the turbulent wind blew away the smoke completely.

Its eyes full of violence and animalism stared firmly at the medicine master's pocket.

"Mr. Pharmacist, the current situation is very dangerous. We can't explain it clearly in a few words. Let's retreat first." Grace was already terrified of "Suzuki Junhui".

Although I don't know the depth of this extraordinary man named Pharmacist who suddenly appeared in front of him, but his superb medical supernatural ability must be an assistant of the daddy family, maybe he is not good at fighting.

It's really unwise to go head-to-head with a monster like Suzuki Junhui and use your own weaknesses to attack the other's strengths.

"No, I'm here for Sister Suzuki, I can't just leave like this."

The pharmacist pushed the disc glasses and said.

Grace was taken aback. This extraordinary person knew about Sister Suzuki and came prepared.

"Then please be careful, especially the black light cannon that Suzuki Junhui emitted from his mouth."

"Black light cannon, oh, you're talking about this thing, right?"

Grace's heart tightened, and she quickly turned her head to look, only to see 'Suzuki Junhui' with her hands on the ground, two arms like animal claws, the sharp claws were embedded in the floor, and several octopus tentacles tightly wrapped Suzuki Maixiang on her side .

'Suzuki Junhui' opened a mouth full of fangs to them, and black energy condensed in the mouth.

A moment later, a black flash erupted from his mouth.

Grace was terrified, full of fear for the black flash that could easily blast through several walls, and hurriedly threw herself on the ground.


After the violent explosion subsided, Grace dared to raise her head and take a look, only to see Pharmacist outstretched a hand and spread his five fingers in front of him.

The palm of Pharmacist's pocket showed a rock-like blue-gray color, and a few wisps of gunpowder smoke rose from the palm of his hand. The traces of the explosion on the floor took him as the dividing line, which was clearly separated and only existed in front of him.

Earth escape, the art of earth spear!

Grace was dumbfounded.

That Mr. Pharmacist, who looked a bit weak, actually relied on his flesh and blood to block the black flash of "Suzuki Junhui" with his bare hands, which could explode even the bunker!

This kind of physical strength, I simply don't know what material it is forged from, is it a body of steel?

"The shock made my hands a little numb. This power is really extraordinary."

The pharmacist shook his arm and smiled wryly.

Even so, his tone was full of ease.

"This attack method is to compress the chakra in the mouth, and then spew it out in one breath. Is it because Suzuki Maixiang was shot and fell down, which stimulated Suzuki Junhui, so that it awakened this instinct without a teacher? ?”

The disc glasses worn by the pharmacist reflected a calm and calm light.

"Although it looks a bit like Tailed Beast Jade, but it doesn't understand the shape change of Yin Yang Chakra. In addition, the quality and quantity of Chakra are very different from Tailed Beast Jade, so its power is naturally the same as the Xixi version."

If it's a real tailed beast jade, even if it's just shot out by a guarding crane, it's enough to blow up a mountain. With LV3 Earth Dungeon alone, Medicine Master will kill himself if he picks it up!


'Suzuki Junhui' opened his mouth, and another black flash blasted over.

This time, Yao Shidou waved his fist and bounced the black flash.

The black flash easily blasted through the outer wall of the Obama City Police Station, and even blasted a car on the street.

"Although the power is mediocre, the speed of firing is commendable. It's more like a false flash than a tailed beast jade. Well, let's call this move a false flash." Pharmacist squeezed his fists and thought to himself road.

Mr. Pharmacist, it's so powerful!

Standing behind Pharmacist Dou, Grace spontaneously felt a strong sense of security.

Originally thought that he was only an auxiliary superman who specialized in healing, but he didn't expect that his combat power was also extraordinary. In this way, there might be room for maneuver.

"Miss Suzuki, Mr. Yakushi's medical skills are so superb, even if I can heal such a serious wound, Miss Suzuki Maika will definitely be able to heal!"

Grace yelled at 'Suzuki Junhui': "Please think about your sister, sober up! The longer it takes, the more dangerous Miss Suzuki Maika will be."

But 'Suzuki Junhui' completely lost his mind, remained indifferent, and uttered a low and terrifying roar like a ferocious beast at Yaoshidou!


"Mr. Pharmacist, Ms. Suzuki ran away because her sister was accidentally injured by a bullet. If her sister can be rescued, she may regain her sanity. It's just that Ms. Suzuki hugged her tightly so she couldn't get close, and time In the long run, I'm afraid there will be no way to recover."

Grace spoke incessantly, and quickly told the pharmacist the ins and outs.

Pharmacist Dou smiled kindly and said, "I know."

Although "Suzuki Junhui" lost some of her original rationality after the runaway, she still had the instinct of a beast. After finding that the false flash didn't work, she also changed her tactics.

"Gulu Gulu..."

'Suzuki Junhui' raised his head, with the sound of water rolling in his throat, puffed up his mouth and spat out on the ground, the jet-black ink gushed out like a wave, and swept towards the pharmacist's pocket.

"This is really..."

The wave of ink rolled and surged, turning into a giant black ink like a sperm whale. From both sides of the abdomen protruded a row of huge strange feet that resembled paddles and insect limbs. The huge body almost filled the detention room.


The Ink Sperm Whale opened its mouth and let out a long and thick roar like a whale song, revealing a mouth full of conical teeth, and bit it aggressively!

In the face of such a terrifying sense of oppression, Grace's face, which was originally pale due to blood loss, had no blood at all.

Fear of the giant whipped her soul, urging Grace to flee.

But Grace gritted her teeth, controlled her limp feet, and hid behind the medicine man's pocket without moving.

So far, I can only trust Mr. Pharmacist's judgment!

"The Art of Golden Binding!"

The pharmacist quickly sealed his hands together and let out a soft drink.

The ink sperm whale, which had opened its mouth of the abyss and was about to swallow the pharmacist in one gulp, trembled and froze in place.

Although the Ink Sperm Whale is terrifying in size, it just uses Chakra to transform into an Ink Ninja Beast. The amount of Chakra that makes up its body is far inferior to that of the Pharmacist's Pocket, and it is impossible to escape the fixation of the Golden Binding Technique.


Medicine Master clasped both palms, and the ink whale's body burst apart, the ink splashed all over the sky, and the turbid waves were discharged along the several big holes blasted out by "Suzuki Junhui"'s false flash before.

It wasn't just the ink sperm whale that was hit by the gold binding technique, even 'Suzuki Junhui' was pinned down.

After continuously using virtual flashes and creating giants like the ink sperm whale, even if it is a chakra creature, the chakra of "Suzuki Junhui" is almost consumed.

The dark red tailed animal clothes on the cheeks were also gradually fragmented and peeled off.

This is a battle between chakras!

The remaining chakra of "Suzuki Junhui" couldn't break free from the golden binding technique of the pharmacist's pocket at all.

"Have a nice dream."

Medicine Master ignored the 'Suzuki Junhui' who was glaring at him and kept making a threatening low growl from his throat, raised a hand, green chakra emerged from his palm, and pressed it on its head.

Palm Immortal Art can not only be used to treat injuries, but also can interfere with other people's internal chakra circulation by releasing chakra, causing coma.

Even after the coma, a few octopus tentacles of 'Suzuki Junhui' still entangled Suzuki Maixiang tightly.

Yakushido sighed softly, and could only cut off these octopus tentacles with a Chakra scalpel, and pulled Maixiang Suzuki out.

"Mr. Pharmacist, is sister Suzuki still alive?"

Grace dragged her weak body over and found that Suzuki Maika was already as angry as a hair, her face was as white as paper, and she seemed to have lost more blood than she did.

"It's all right now."

Medicine Master stretched out his hand, wiped Suzuki Maixiang's neck, took out a blood-stained brass bullet, and wiped again, the bullet hole was still healed.

It's amazing!

Grace stroked the smooth and flat belly subconsciously.

No matter how many times I watched it, the amazing healing ability of the superhuman is so amazing. This is also one of the reasons why everyone is crazily chasing extraordinary power.

"I'm going to make arrangements right away to give Sister Suzuki a blood transfusion." Grace took out her phone.

"Need not."

The pharmacist took out a small glass medicine bottle from his pocket, which contained several small black pills.

He took out one and stuffed it into Suzuki Maika's mouth.

Suddenly, Suzuki Maika's dismal complexion turned rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even her eyelids moved slightly.

What kind of medicine is this? Immediately, the effect of the medicine is too strong.

Grace couldn't hide the shock in her eyes.

Pharmacist took out another test tube, and dripped the blood that had stained Suzuki Maika's hand just now.

"Mr. Pharmacist, what are you doing?" Grace couldn't help asking.

"As I said, I am a pharmacist. One of the purposes of my coming to the human world is to find the elixir of life in myths and legends." The pharmacist shook the test tube in his hand.

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