I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 232 Chapter 233

"Mr. Pharmacist is actually looking for the elixir of life! Does the elixir of life really exist?"

Grace could hardly believe her ears, and her thoughts froze for a moment.

"But why did he appear in Wakasa Bay in Fukui Prefecture?"

Although Grace is a foreigner, she studied in Japan at university, and her understanding of East Asian culture is not superficial. Especially after April, all kinds of monsters and gods from myths and legends appeared in full bloom, and the Metropolitan Police Department also specially invited scholars of folklore and history to give extra lessons to foreign staff.

Unlike the Western pursuit of eternal bliss in heaven, or the reincarnation of the Buddha, immortality is the romance of East Asia.

From ancient times to the present, for the word of longevity, emperors, generals and ministers have gone through fire and water to spend a lot of money, and finally proved that they are just flowers in the mirror.

One of the most familiar legends related to immortality in East Asia is that the first emperor sent Xu Fu to lead three thousand virgins to the east to explore the overseas fairy mountain Penglai, in order to ask the immortals to bestow the law of longevity.

Japan is also an East Asian country, and there are many anecdotes about the elixir of life in the folklore of various places.

There is a popular argument in Japan that Japan is actually the Penglai fairy island that the first emperor explored. Xu Fu, who brought three thousand virgins and boys, is the ancestor of the Japanese. There is also a Xu Fu Shrine in Saga City.

Some scholars even wrote "Xu Fu Japan's Founding of the Nation", arguing that Xu Fu was Emperor Jimmu.

But the archaeological community scoffed at this argument, because before Xu Fu's eastward journey, there existed an ancient Paleolithic civilization in Japan called the Jomon period, and the Jomon period lasted until 300 BC, so this is simply a fantasy.

"Mr. Pharmacist, did you come here for the mermaid?"

In a flash of inspiration, Grace remembered the legend of the eight hundred bhikkhunis that was widely spread in Wakasa Bay.

The bhikkhuni who ate the mermaid meat gained thousands of years of longevity, of which two hundred years were dedicated to the emperor. The thousand-year lifespan and unchanging appearance can also be called immortality.

The pharmacist shook the test tube in his hand noncommittally, and then took out a long and thin dropper to suck it in. The dark red blood drop at the mouth of the dropper exuded a charming luster like a ruby.

Looking at Yaoshidou who was studying Suzuki Maika's blood sample, Grace felt more and more doubts, like falling clouds.

"If it's really for the mermaid, what's the use of collecting Suzuki Maika's blood? Is there any relationship between the Suzuki sisters and the mermaid?"

Grace looked at Medicine Master's pocket calmly. This extraordinary person was very different from the previous ones. The extraordinary person was either wearing exotic clothes like a red cloud robe with a black background, or the costumes worn by ancient people in Dahe dramas, which were out of tune with the times.

And Yaoshidou not only wears disc glasses that are obviously after modern times, but also uses the single tube and dropper skillfully, which doesn't look like an old antique isolated from the world.

But Grace didn't dare to guess Yao Shidou's age lightly, although he looked only about twenty years old, who knows if he has the ability to keep his face.

"Mr. Pharmacist, what is the use of collecting sister Suzuki's blood? And you, what did you mean when you said you came here for Sister Suzuki?"

Because Yaoshidou's demeanor is very kind, gentle, and approachable, Grace dared to test it carefully.

"Well, that's a bit of a long story."


At this moment, Suzuki Maika who was lying on the ground let out a groan, moved her eyelids, and slowly opened her eyes.

"elder sister!"

Suzuki Maika first looked around with a confused look on her face, her eyes widened, her face turned pale with shock, and she struggled to stand up, but her feet were still weak and she collapsed on the spot.

"Miss Suzuki Maika, although you have my elixir, you have lost too much blood and cannot move freely for a while, so let's take it easy."

Pharmacist looked down at Maixiang Suzuki, and showed a sympathetic smile like a doctor caring for a patient.

"My neck was obviously shot by a bullet, why is there no pain at all now. You saved me? And you are..."

Suzuki Maika, who calmed down a little, had a look of fear on her face, and touched her neck with lingering fear, and took a look with her hand, there was obviously a large amount of blood left, but now she was safe and sound.

Getting shot in the neck before seemed to be just an illusion.

"You are the mysterious man who appeared in the car accident who opened his chest with bare hands to stop the bleeding?"

After seeing Yaoshidou's face clearly, Suzuki Maika exclaimed.

A week ago, the mysterious man with glasses who appeared in the private Jinguji High School, under the eyes of Suzuki Maika, showed the incredible skills of hemostasis with bare hands and open chest with bare hands for cardiac resuscitation.

Since that day, Suzuki Maixiang has been brooding about this, and afterwards she inquired for a while at school based on the appearance and signs of Yao Shidou, and there was no such person at all. After searching everywhere but not finding it, Suzuki Maika could only give up resentfully.

"Miss Suzuki Maika, isn't it the first time you and Mr. Pharmacist have met?" Grace lifted her spirits and said sharply.

"Shh, don't talk yet."

Pharmacist took out from nowhere a jade branch more than ten centimeters long, the top of which branched like a tree branch into multiple branches, crystal clear, radiant, exuding jade-like moisture.

What's this?

Grace stared at Yuzhi intently.

The fineness of this jade has never been seen before. If the jade branch is carved out, it can be said to be a skillful workmanship.

I saw the pharmacist solemnly picked up the dropper, and dripped a drop of Suzuki Wuxiang's blood on the jade branch like red agate.

After the blood dripped on it, it flowed along the jade branch and splashed on the ground without any abnormality.

"No response. Sure enough, it's not the blood of the mermaid..."

The pharmacist pushed the round glasses on the bridge of his nose. Although his voice was flat, he couldn't hide his disappointment.

"Mr. Pharmacist, can you clear up my doubts, I don't know what you are doing now." Grace smiled wryly.

This is my blood?

When I was in a coma, what happened? What was he doing to collect my blood?

Suzuki Maika was also confused, with a look of doubt on her face.

"Well, let me explain a little bit."

The pharmacist swiped his hand back, as if by magic, and stored all the things where he didn't know where.

"Miss Suzuki, when I was in Tokyo, it was your smell that attracted me. More precisely, it was your evil spirit that caught my attention."

Pharmacist's words were not surprising, and the moment he opened his mouth, Grace and Suzuki Maixiang fell into shock.

Mr. Yakushi means that Maika Suzuki is a monster?

Grace looked at Suzuki Maika in amazement, and subconsciously put her hand behind her waist and touched the pistol.

However, all the resumes of Suzuki Maika from birth to adulthood, as well as all the files of medical examinations, have long been dug out by the Metropolitan Police Department. ?

Suzuki Maika also fell into self-doubt.

Originally, she was dismissive of strange things, but when she saw her sister, who was connected by blood, turn into a half-human, half-octopus monster, she couldn't help but feel shaken.

Since my elder sister can turn into a demon-like appearance, maybe her younger sister can do it too?

The monster is actually me? !

"It may be that what I said was ambiguous, Miss Suzuki, you are a descendant of monsters!" Yaoshi looked at the two people with different expressions, and spread his hands with a smile.

"But I don't know that it was dozens of generations ago. You kept mixing with humans. Miss Suzuki, there is only a trace of monster blood in your blood that is so thin that it is almost disappearing. It is almost no different from ordinary people."

"Yes, is it like this?"

Suzuki Maika was shocked and stammered. It's no wonder she has this expression now. Anyone who hears that a monster has emerged from their ancestors must be dumbfounded.

"After the Age of Gods, hybrid descendants of monsters are quite rare. Originally, I just secretly glanced at you curiously, and was about to leave, but there was an accidental car accident, and the injured were on the verge of dying, so I rescued them." Pharmacist Dou said Come.

"After leaving Tokyo, I came to Wakasa Bay in search of the elixir of life. I didn't expect to meet Ms. Suzuki again under such circumstances."

"But what does Miss Suzuki's blood have to do with the elixir of life?"

"After Ms. Suzuki was seriously injured and bled, I smelled the fishy and salty smell of the ocean in her monster blood. Ms. Suzuki's ancestor must be a sea monster! It is Wakasa Bay, which is said to be haunted by mermaids. I was thinking just in case, could Ms. Suzuki be a descendant of a mermaid? Unfortunately..."

Pharmacist let out a long sigh, and his expression became dull.

Well, seeing Mr. Yakushi's disappointment is beyond words, then Maika Suzuki is definitely not a descendant of mermaid.

"If Ms. Suzuki is a descendant of the mermaid, then the blood of the mermaid might be able to activate the jade branches of Penglai, allowing me to find Penglai where the mermaid lives. In this world, the place where the elixir of life is most likely to exist is Penglai."

"Then what kind of monster's descendant am I?"

Suzuki Maika's eyes turned around when she heard it, she couldn't help but look at the octopus arms and legs grown by Suzuki Junhui, and the corner of her mouth twitched:

"Is it possible that our sisters are descendants of the big octopus?"

The big octopus is a kind of octopus sea monster that will kidnap girls in Japanese legend.

In the Omishima Strait of the Seto Inland Sea, there is a local legend that the big octopus fell in love with the beauty of a fisher girl and forced the fisher girl to submit, otherwise, waves would be set off and the fishing village would be destroyed.

The witty fisher girl pretended to agree, but disliked the ugly eight legs of the big octopus, and asked her to cut off one foot of the big octopus every day until it became like a human being with only two feet. The obsessed big octopus agrees, and every time an arm is cut off, the power of the monster will be weakened by a point. When there are only two arms left, the fisher girl tries to fight back, and finally she is dragged into the sea by the big octopus and dies together.

The parents of the fisher girl were so sad that they turned into two rocks, Yeyan and Poyan.

"No, although I'm not sure whether your sisters are the descendants of sea monsters, but they should not be big octopus." Pharmacist pushed his glasses and said thoughtfully.

"But your sister grows octopus tentacles, probably for another reason."

Grace's eyes flickered, and she knew it well. It was a little octopus monster that was sent for the fusion experiment with the Wakasa Bay evil spirit.

Suzuki Junhui, now will become the present form, it must be inseparable.

"Your Excellency, Investigator, are you alright?"

"Dancing incense! Wuxiang!"

After the aftermath of the battle in the detention room subsided, the other fifth-class operators who were on standby also rushed over for reinforcements in fear.

Nami Ryu Sakaki ran over from the crowd, and with her support, Maika Suzuki finally stood up.

"Although you don't seem to be in serious trouble now, you still need to pay attention to recuperation and eat more blood-enriching food."

After the pharmacist finished speaking the doctor's orders, he slowly walked towards Suzuki Junhui who was still in a coma.

"Suzuki Junhui, I will take it away first. Although it is not the mermaid I am looking for, I am already planning to go out to sea from Wakasa Bay to find Horai. Unfortunately, I am not good at water escape. It would be much more convenient if Suzuki Junhui is here. gone."

"No, you can't take my sister away!"

Suzuki Maixiang was about to lean over anxiously, her steps staggered, and she almost fell to the ground.

"Miss Suzuki, you don't want your sister to maintain such a state of madness that is no different from a wild beast?" Pharmacist Douwen said with a smile.

"Just as a reward for work, I will treat Suzuki Junhui as much as possible, so that he can regain his sanity."

"But..." Suzuki Maika had tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry, this is not a farewell, there will be a day when we will meet again."


The fifth-class black suit huddled behind the beauty of the United States, a little unwilling to let the extraordinary creature be taken away with a single word.

But Grace, who had seen Medicine Master catch a black flash that was more terrifying than a mortar with his bare hands, was very wise and dared not go forward to intercept it.

Seeing the pharmacist wrapping his hands in seals and making a gesture to teleport away, Grace blurted out on a whim:

"Mr. Pharmacist, is an extraordinary person like you from the heavens also thirsting for the elixir of life?"

"The so-called heaven is just a way of saying that some people think highly of themselves. This world with you is nothing more than an appearance. Even if you get the honorary name of the shadow class, if you don't really become a fairy, a holy Buddha, how can you live forever."

Pharmacist pushed his eyes, and his face showed a look of anticipation and fanaticism:

"Besides, for a pharmacist like me, the elixir of life is the ultimate pursuit, how can I give up lightly."

As soon as the words were finished, the pharmacist squatted down, stretched out his palm and pressed on Suzuki Junhui's body, and together with Suzuki Junhui turned into a few wisps of green smoke and disappeared under the eyes of everyone.

Another teleportation! ! !

Seeing the devastated, pierced walls, and the bombarded Obama City Police Station, Grace had both the joy of surviving after the catastrophe and the depression and irritability of having nothing to gain.

"Ring ring ring—"

"Whose phone rang, didn't they tell you to turn off your phone during the mission?"

Grace said in a sudden displeasure, and decided to give the unlucky guy a good look.

Nami Ryu Sakaki picked up the phone and said in surprise:

"It's my brother-in-law calling!"

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