I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 234 Chapter 235

"Excuse me, where did the Moribe family who lived here before move now?"

Just the day before, that is, on May 3, Hero Tosu came out of the Shinkansen Osaka Station exit, took the Midosuji Line subway line, and came to the Tennoji area.

Hero Tosu held a slip of paper with the address in his hand, and inquired as he walked, and soon found the destination.

Moribe’s house is a well-regulated one-household building with two upper and lower floors plus an attic. There is also a small yard and parking lot outside. Hero Tosu looked at the one-family building that was somewhat similar to his own, and couldn’t help but feel full of it. Sentimental and gracious.

Even the taste in choosing a house is similar, Moribe-kun is really like him!

Seeing things and thinking about love, although it has only been less than half a day since I left Shizuoka City, at the thought of going anonymous in the future and never seeing Tosu mother and daughter again, Tosu Hero's eyes felt hot, and he almost shed tears.

"Shoubu-kun passed away in Aokigahara in the 31st year of Heisei, which is the first year of Reiwa, and four years have passed."

Hero Tosu wiped his wet eyes, touched the two letters on his chest that got heavier the closer he got to the Moribe's house, and thought.

"Shoubu-kun's daughter, Shoubu Mamiya, was only a third-year junior high school student. She should be going to college like Hua Ling now. I don't know that she got the news of Shoubu-kun's death and saw the letter that Shoubu-kun left for her. After that, how will she treat her...father."

Although it is just a glimpse of the leopard from the death letter of Mr. Moribe, but also as a father, Hero Tosu can feel the love of Mr. Moribe. The bond between father and daughter must be very deep.

Moribe-kun came to Aokigahara to pass away alone, without notifying anyone beforehand, maybe Moribe-kun’s wife and daughter don’t know he’s dead until today, but they’re missing, or they couldn’t bear the burden of work and life. Stress and ran outside to wander.

When I came to the door this time, I played the role of a messenger who sued for death.

Hero Tosu stepped forward with emotion, only to find that the house number in Yihu Jianqian did not say 'Shoubu', but 'Hayu' instead.

Surprised, Hero Tosu looked around and wandered around for a while, confirming that the address was correct before stepping forward to ring the doorbell.

After pressing it for a long time, a beautiful woman who is over forty years old and still charming comes out from the entrance.

"Little brother, if it's a sale, forget it." The woman yawned.

The woman has a protruding figure and a beautiful face. It can be seen that when she was young, she was full of charm, but she was already old, and the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes could not be concealed even with light makeup.

Hero Tosu blushed, and for a moment he didn't know where to put his eyes.

Because the gorgeous woman's dress is very cool, she only wears a bathrobe over her underwear, and her mouth is full of alcohol, as if she just woke up from a hangover.

"Shoubu used to live here, right? Did the original Moribe family move away?" Hero Tosu stood outside the house with a cautious face.

"What's your relationship with Shoubu?" The beautiful woman frowned and asked.

She knows Mori-kun?

Hero Tosu looked happy, and blurted out: "I, I am Moribe-kun's high school classmate. I happened to be passing through Osaka during Golden Week, and I heard that Moribe-kun lived here, so I came to see him to catch up with him."

"Are you kidding me, little brother, you are only in your early twenties, how could you be a high school classmate of Shoubu?"

Hero Tosu was startled, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch his face, the hand was smooth, and then suddenly realized.

He peeled off the face of a young Yakuza in the Matori group through the technique of erasing face, and now his appearance is no longer that of the thin and honest middle-aged man before.

"Cough, slip of the tongue, I'm actually the son of Mr. Moribe's high school classmate..."

"Hmph! The guard has already moved away, and now this is Hanyu's house, and I don't know where they moved to." The woman showed a strange look, her eyes flickered a few times, and she said very rudely.


Hero Tosu tried to explain, but the beautiful woman closed the door involuntarily.

Unwilling, Hero Tosu could only leave disgruntled step by step, but he did not intend to give up, and was going to ask the neighbors in the neighborhood.

A black Subaru drove into the parking lot originally built by the Moribe family.

A man of thirty-five or sixteen got out of the car. He wore a pink shirt and a white suit. He was very stylishly dressed and could be called handsome, but his frivolous temperament exuded from the inside out.

Hero Tosu had an itchy nose and almost sneezed.

Because the man was wearing a strong and fragrant men's perfume.

The frivolous middle-aged man didn't pay attention to the Tosu hero by the roadside, he approached the entrance swaggeringly, held the handle and pushed it, but the door remained motionless.

"Lizi, open the door! What is it locked in broad daylight?" The frivolous middle-aged man patted the door and shouted.

Immediately, the door was opened, and the frivolous middle-aged man walked in cursing.

Reiko? !

Isn't this mentioned in the letter of death, the name of the woman who was disloyal to Lord Shoubu and betrayed him?

Hero Tosu became alert all of a sudden, and then looked at the house name of Yihu Jianqian, and it was indeed Hanyu.

The hostesses of the Moribe family and the Hanyu family who moved in later were both named Reiko. The possibility of such a coincidence happening is extremely slim, and it is more likely that the beautiful woman is lying.

In all likelihood, the woman who opened the door just now is the wife of Lord Shoubu.

As for why she changed her surname, it goes without saying that she must have remarried.

hateful! Not only did Reiko betray and deceive Moribe-kun several times, and the child was not his, she also brought her adulterer into the property that Moribe-kun bought with a mortgage that took 30 years, and even changed her name!

It's too much, it's like a dove occupying a magpie's nest!

The eyes of Hero Tosu gleamed with anger, and his fists were clenched tightly, filled with righteous indignation.

Calm down, just calm down.

Maybe it's my wishful thinking, or maybe.

Hero Tosu took a few deep breaths to subdue his anger from his chest. He raised his head slightly and looked at the wall of the guard house. Seeing no one around, he jumped over the wall and jumped into the yard.

After gaining extraordinary power and reborn, he is no longer a weak and weak office worker, this kind of wall is like walking on the ground for him.

After sneaking in, Tosu Hero tiptoed towards the main building.


Before they got close, they heard the sound of ping-ping-pong-pong smashing things in the house, as well as fierce arguments between men and women.

"You pay my daughter!"

"Bitch! I beat you to death!"



Hero Tosu carefully hid outside the aisle window, and took a sneak peek inside.

In the mess of broken dishes and overturned tables and chairs in the living room, the gorgeous woman named Lizi was glaring fiercely at the middle-aged and young man.

"Hayu, you give back my daughter! If it wasn't for you, how could Mamiya run away from home for a year, and her whereabouts are still unknown until now!"

Hanyu resisted Reiko's attack and said impatiently:

"I just said a few words to Zhen Gong, and she ran away from home. How can you blame me for being so willful!"

"Just said a few words? Do you think I don't know? You actually made a move on Zhengong, with evil intentions!"

Lizi was out of breath, gritted her teeth and said: "She is your own daughter, Zhengong, how could you do such a behavior that is not as good as a beast."

"I just drank some wine and didn't mean that at all."

Hanyu disapproved, curled his lips, and muttered in a low voice: "Besides, am I really Mamiya's biological father? I'm not that idiot of Shoubu. I was kept in the dark by you and happily pretended to be this cheap old man. Li I was not the only concubine you had at the time, who knows who Moribe Mamiya is."

"It's yours! Although I had a few other boyfriends at the time, I only let you and Moribe... it must be yours!" Reiko blushed, rushed in front of Hanyu angrily, and fought with him stand up,

Hanyu was entangled into a mess, his hair oiled with hair oil was torn apart, and there were a few red marks on his face where he was scratched by his nails.

"Enough, you bitch, it hurts!"

With a "snap", Lizi fell to the ground with disheveled hair, her right cheek was swollen, and there was a trace of blood spilling from the corner of her mouth. She opened her eyes wide in disbelief:

"Hayu, you bastard, you actually hit me! Whose house do you think you live in? Believe it or not, I'll kick you out right now."

The middle-aged man Hanyu looked at his slap, and he didn't have any regrets, but he still put on a smiley face, bowed down and said flatteringly:

"Lizi, it's all my fault. I've been betting against horses recently, and I'm a little angry. I'll make it up to you. Please forgive me."

After finishing speaking, Hanyu patted his cheek lightly with his hand, but Reiko refused to let go, and rushed up to scratch him.

"You pay my daughter!"

"You pay my daughter!"

"I know where Mamiya Moribe is now!"

Taking advantage of the moment when Reiko was stunned after hearing the news, Hanyu pushed Reiko away, and slowly straightened up the suit on his body, touching the hot scratches on his face, his heart was full of depression.

What a shrew!

When Lizi was young, she was not only a beauty, but also obedient to herself, and even went to sea to make money to promote her reputation.

Unexpectedly, now that he is old, his temper is becoming more and more irritable, and he quarrels with himself all day long because of Shoubu Mamiya's little hoof.

If it wasn't for this property, how could I live with this kind of woman.

"You said you know where Zhengong is now?" Lizi asked impatiently, worried about her daughter.

"Look at this photo, is it Mamiya Moribe?"

Hanyu took out his phone from his pocket and opened a picture.

In the magnificent and luxuriously decorated night venue, a beautiful woman with a cold appearance and a mole at the corner of her mouth is indifferently holding up a bottle of champagne.

"It's really the real palace! Although I haven't seen you for a year, as a mother, even if it turns to ashes, I still recognize it." Lizi took the phone, looked at it over and over again, and couldn't help but burst into tears. .

"Where did you find Mamiya?"

"In Feitian Xindi in Xicheng District."

Hanyu smiled, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth.

Lizi's face paled suddenly.

Tobita Shindi is a famous red light district in Osaka and even in Japan, and has even become a famous brand in Osaka.

There are hundreds of various bubble houses, custom shops, and accompanying wine clubs in Feitian Xindi, attracting tourists from all over the country and even the world, and creating considerable tourism income for Osaka Prefecture.

When Lizi was young, she also made extra money in Feitian Xindi.

As someone who has been there, she is naturally aware of the tricks in it. No matter how sorry she is to Shoubu, she is also a mother, the biological mother of Shoubu Mamiya, and naturally she does not want Shoubu Mamiya to repeat the same mistakes and go astray.

"Mamiya Moribe, she's currently serving as a hostess in Touda's exclusive club."

Hanyu pretended to sigh a few times, and said happily:

"You know, I used to be the top cowherd. I have a lot of contacts in this industry and a lot of experience. I accidentally saw this candid photo on an old friend's tweet. Isn't this Mamiya Moribe? ?”

Reiko's expression was extremely ugly, and she didn't care about fighting with Hanyu now, she hurriedly said:

"I'm going to fetch the Shoubu Mamiya back now!"

"Oh, that club is open at night, and it's a membership system. As far as I know, the people who come and go are all famous people, how can you get in." Hanyu sneered.

"So what, as a mother, I can't just watch my daughter fall into the fire pit." Lizi's eyes turned red and she sobbed.

"However, don't worry, I know that club. It's a very high-end and formal store. It's much better than yours back then, and it's still the top brand in the club now!"

Hanyu's expression was still a little unfinished, and at this moment, a baby's cry suddenly sounded in the bedroom next door.

"Tsk, why are you crying again? Don't you care about it as a mother?" Hanyu smacked his lips and spread his hands, his face full of disgust.

"You don't care if you eat nothing, why should I care!" Lizi said angrily.

"Please, go and appease that little ancestor first. I will find a way about Shoubu Mamiya."

Under Hanyu's begging for forgiveness, Reiko finally walked out reluctantly.

"Hey, what a hassle."

On the other hand, Hanyu shook his head, took out his mobile phone, looked at the lively beauty on the screen, and couldn't help but stiffen slightly.

Moribe Mamiya's appearance is really better than blue, compared to the old and yellow Reiko, she is much better!

It's a pity that he is no longer the top cowboy of the year, and now he has no connections or money to join this top club.

Hanyu felt his neck tighten suddenly, as if something smooth and slender had strangled his neck!

"Woo woo woo..."

A strong sense of suffocation hit the brain, and in just a dozen seconds, Hanyu foamed at the mouth, tilted his head, and fell into a coma.

A few squirming black tentacles were put away, and a hand with stitch marks picked up his mobile phone from the ground.

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