I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 235 Chapter 236 Man's Disneyland

"Shoube Mamiya, actually reduced to working in a nightclub? At her age, she should go to college like Hualing..."

Hero Tosu looked at the photos on his phone with mixed feelings.

A little disappointed and a little sad.

Moribe-kun's beloved daughter should not be like this, she should be a gentle and kind girl like Moribe-kun.

"It's all the fault of the adulterer and whore!"

A flash of anger flashed in Tosu Hero's eyes, he raised a hand, and pressed it on the throat of Hanyu who was lying unconscious on the sofa.

With his current wrist strength, crushing Hanyu's Adam's apple would not be more strenuous than crushing a peanut.

This concubine, Jiu occupied the magpie's nest and occupied the house of Lord Shoubu, and even plotted against Shoubu Zhengong, she is a scumbag who deserves to die.

kill him, kill him...

The bloodshot eyes of Hero Tosu became more and more bloodshot, and the murderous intent became more and more intense. At this moment, the sound of a baby crying came from the bedroom not far away.

"Wow wow wow!"

Hero Tosu's reddened eyes showed clarity, and he withdrew his hand like an electric shock.

What's the matter with me, how could I have murderous intentions so easily, I have clearly sworn that I will never abuse this kind of evil power to take other people's lives.

Or once you try the taste of violence, the thrill of life and death, you will be addicted.

Is he actually a ruthless criminal reserve who regards human life as nothing? No, after killing so many people in the Matori group, I am already a real criminal with blood on my hands.

But even so, he couldn't be fooled by the power of the evil god and act recklessly.

Reluctantly holding back his killing intent, Hero Tosu picked up Hanyu's cell phone and put it in his pocket, then returned the same way, climbed over the wall and out of the courtyard.

After leaving Moribe's house, Tosu Hero took the Midosuji Line subway and headed towards Toda Shinchi in Nishihira District.

Holding the rail on the tram, Hero Tosu was indifferent, with pain and struggle flashing in the depths of his eyes from time to time.

"Excuse me, are you the big brother who was brave in the arson case at Osaka Station this morning?"

On the tram, a few young girls of fifteen or sixteen years old stared at Hero Tosu giggling and whispering for a while, and a girl took a few steps forward with her mobile phone and asked boldly.

Hero Tosu was startled, he laughed dryly and said:

"What arson case, you have identified the wrong person."

"But, the one on this video is obviously you?" The girl flipped over her phone, and the cover of a video on Twitter with more than one million views was the Tosu hero after disguise.

"Haha, this doesn't look like me at all..."

Hero Tosu sweated profusely on his forehead, and he laughed. He didn't want to attract attention, and he was followed by the police.

Although there were still a few stations away from the Zoo Front Station, Hero Tosu took advantage of the time when the tram entered the station and escaped, getting rid of the entanglement of those little girls.

Looks like it has to be a little more low-key.

However, from the face of Yakuza of the Mato group, there is only one face peeled off by the technique of erasing face, and Tosu hero can no longer change the face.

Hero Tosu bought a casual hat and flat glasses from the convenience store on the platform, put on a simple disguise, and boarded the subway again.

The Midosuji Line, which runs through the north and south of Osaka, is the most important subway line in Osaka. On weekdays, the passenger traffic is astonishing. In addition, it is the golden week, so there are more passengers going out, and the entire tram is a bit crowded.

Hero Tosu saw the passengers on the tram getting up and down. A long-haired girl in a tight white dress was squeezed by the people who got off the train, and leaned on a middle-aged man intentionally or unintentionally.

The middle-aged man with semi-bald head and somewhat wretched demeanor twitched his nose fiercely a few times, his face was full of lust, but he took a half step back obediently to keep his distance.

The tram idiot incident many years ago has become a national shame in Japan, and the government has formulated strict laws to combat such behavior. Once ordinary office workers are accused of being idiots, their reputations will be ruined and they will die socially.

"Ah, what are you doing!"

The long-haired girl grabbed the half-bald middle-aged man's hand and yelled.

"There are idiots!"

The half-bald middle-aged man looked confused, and immediately argued:

"Miss, did you make a mistake? I didn't touch a finger of yours at all!"

"That's right, you are the one who is stealing me!" The long-haired girl insisted.

"You fart, I didn't touch you at all!"

Although the half-bald middle-aged man tried his best to explain, but no one believed him. People on the tram looked at him with strange eyes.

"A moron?"

"No wonder people often say that out of ten bald heads, nine have color. It's really shameless!"

"It's a disgrace to Japan, arrest him and send him to the police station!"

The half-bald middle-aged man blushed. With his other finger, he pointed at the silver watch on the girl's wrist and said urgently:

"The Longines in my hands are worth 700,000 yen. If I want to touch women, I can spend a few dollars and go to Feitian Xindi, and I can touch them as I want. Is it necessary to be an idiot?"

The half-bald middle-aged man didn't say it was fine. When he opened his mouth, several male passengers ridiculed him.

"Who knows if your watch is real or fake?"

"Even if it's true, so what, can't rich people be idiots?" Some people started to get angry: "Do you think you can deny your sophistry by holding a famous watch as a talisman? It seems that you have been prepared for a long time."

The half-bald middle-aged man is simply speechless.

In Japan, if a girl identifies a man as an idiot on the tram, the verdict is almost guaranteed. It is even exaggerated to the point that there is a term in the legal world called "the crime of an idiot", which refers to the crime of being wronged as an idiot.

In the JR Shinjuku station moron's injustice incident, the 25-year-old Harada Nobusuke passed by several female college students, accidentally scratched them, and was pushed down the stairs by them, who even accused him of being a moron. After the police came, they didn't consider the fact that the female college student pushed Harada Nobusuke at all. They couldn't help but think that he was an idiot.

The injustice of morons has developed to the present, and the male social animals on the tram are terrified of women. Even when a woman accidentally touches a man, the man will take out his mobile phone, try to avoid physical contact, and push the woman away.

"Catch this idiot and take him to the police station!"

Seeing several male passengers gearing up and eager to try, the half-bald middle-aged man also panicked a little.

He clenched his fists, and as soon as he felt ruthless, he raised his fists and prepared to fight to the death.

But instead of dealing with other male passengers, he was going to beat the long-haired woman who grabbed his hand.

The version has been updated several times. After the social animal is framed as a moron on the tram, the best way is not to run away, nor to honestly go to court to prove his innocence, but to beat the woman. Rather than being convicted as an idiot, it is better to change the nature to a fight, so that the punishment will be lighter, and the company will not be expelled from the company due to infamy.

"Everyone stop!"

Hero Tosu, who had been watching coldly, suddenly let out a scold.

Intimidated by Hero Tosu's seemingly strong and powerful body, both the half-bald middle-aged man and the other male passengers who were about to subdue him couldn't help but stop.

"I can see very clearly that this gentleman's hand didn't touch you at all."

Hero Tosu stared at the long-haired girl with serious eyes, and said.

The long-haired girl's eyes flickered a few times, and she tightly grasped the half-bald middle-aged man's hand, but she couldn't help but let go.

"Who knows, are you in the same group?" Someone muttered.

Hearing the words, Hero Tosu glanced over at once. After bearing the lives of more than a dozen people from the Matori Group, Hero Tosu also had some inexplicable evil spirits on his body, and he was quite awe-free and majestic.

The man shrank his neck involuntarily and stopped talking.

"Maybe, I made a mistake...I'm sorry..." the long-haired girl lowered her head and muttered.

Hero Tosu sighed, even if the girl really made a false accusation, it can only stop here.

Even if the stabbing was brought to the police station, as long as the long-haired girl insisted that it was a misunderstanding, the police station would not do anything to her, and besides, Hero Tosu didn't want to go to the police station to be a witness.

It can only end here.

"The station is in front of the zoo."

At this moment, the tram's arrival notification sounded.

"Brother, thank you very much! If it weren't for you, I would lose face this time."

Hero Tosu got off at the station, and the half-bald middle-aged man followed him out of the tram, thanking Hero Tosu behind him.

"No, it's a trivial matter."

Hero Tosu didn't want to attract attention, he waved his hand, walked a few steps quickly, and disappeared into the crowd.

The half-bald middle-aged man couldn't keep up with Hero Tosu, so he could only shake his head regretfully.

Get off at the Zoo Front Station, Tosu Hero searched through Google Maps on his mobile phone, and walked a kilometer to Feitian Xindi. However, it was still daytime and the shops were not open.

Hero Tosu ordered a set meal at a nearby McDonald's to kill time.

When night fell, the big signboard of "Tosu Shinji Cuisine Combination" hanging at the intersection of Xintian Enclave was lit up. Hero Tosu hesitated for a long time before plucking up the courage to walk into the "Disneyland for Men".

Feitian Xindi is divided into three streets, namely Main Street, Youth Street and Monster Street.

As the name suggests, Youth Street is for young girls under the age of twenty-five, while Monster Street is older, but the price will be cheaper and the acceptable scale will be larger.

Tosu Hero entered Youth Street. On both sides of the street are Japanese-style two-story huts. Under the curtains similar to izakaya, young girls are dressed in gorgeous makeup and exquisite makeup. They sit in various uniforms such as kimono, bunny girl, and sailor uniform In the store, the neon lights around it reflect a gorgeous stage effect.

Young and beautiful girls are like dolls in a cupboard, free to choose.

"Come in and take a look, take a look!"

"Brother, look at the girls in the store, they will definitely satisfy you."

At the entrance of every small shop, there is a mama-san with heavy makeup, speaking in Osaka dialect, greeting customers warmly.

The streets are bustling with tourists from all over the world, rubbing shoulders, and you can even see a few faces of black people and foreigners.

There are also mounted police on bicycles.

Tosu hero who has been honest and responsible for half his life is dizzy with the bright lights and sensuality in Toda Xindi, and the pollution of sound, light and color makes him have an urge to vomit.

He just glanced briefly, then lowered his head and dared not look any further.

The girls in the store are of high quality, no less than idols, photo models, and actors. Hero Tosu really can't figure out how they work in such a place...

Even though she is a wine hostess, Mamiya Moribe is also in Nitta Enclave...

Touching the envelope in his arms, Hero Tosu inexplicably had a strong sense of mission, not only to hand over Moribe-kun's letter to Mamiya Moribe, but also to guide her back to the right path. Fall in the land of fireworks.

"No, no, no."


Shaking off the sales pitch from the ebullient Mama-san, Hero Tosu finally makes it to Main Street.

In a building on the main street, Hero Tosu found the accompanying wine club in the photo and wanted to enter, but was turned away by the doorman.

"Excuse me, sir. We are a membership-only club here, and new customers are not accepted."

Hero Tosu suddenly had a headache. He was here to find someone, so he couldn't force his way in. Could it be that he was going to sit here and wait for Mamiya Shoubu to come out?

"Hi, little brother! I didn't expect to meet you here. We are really destined."

Hero Tosu's expression moved, and he followed the reputation, and the person who opened his mouth to greet was the half-bald middle-aged man who was almost framed as an idiot on the tram today.

The half-bald man introduced himself. He is an executive of a large trading company in Osaka and a regular customer of this club.

Under his matchmaking, Hero Tosu entered the club smoothly

"Brother Moribe, is this the first time you have come to this kind of place?"

"Well, to be honest with Mr. Muto, I really don't have much experience."

The interior decoration of the club is even more gorgeous than the ones on Youth Street. The gleaming Italian marble floors, luxurious and gorgeous decorations, and the beautiful female public relations with bright eyes and bright teeth coming and going make Hero Tosu feel how out of place he is. I can't let go of my hands and feet.

"Brother Shoubu, young people can't be so cautious. While you are young, you have to have fun in time."

Muto called a dignified and elegant public relations woman in an evening gown, sat down next to him, and said:

"Brother Moribe, what type of girl do you like, just ask! I'll pay for the expenses tonight, thank you for your righteous words on the tram today!"

"Actually, I'm here to find someone." Hero Tosu hesitated for a moment before looking at the female publicist in the club and said.

Although Hero Tosu has no experience of seeking out flowers and willows, he also knows that working in a nightclub will not use his real name in all likelihood.

It's as if Hero Tosu borrowed Moribe-kun's surname.

So he could only gesticulate and dictate the appearance of Shoubu Zhengong.

"It's a girl in her twenties, very beautiful, and looks a bit cold. By the way, there is a tear mole under the corner of her left eye!"

"Mako? She has been out of contact since yesterday."

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