I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 236 Chapter 237 Do you like Kamen Rider?

"Lost contact?"

Hero Tosu's body was ejected from the sofa immediately, and he was shocked.

"When did it start, did you call the police?"

"Sir, sir! Take it easy!"

Seeing that Hero Tosu reacted so fiercely, the waitress was also taken aback.

"Maybe my wording was a little imprecise. Makoto skipped yesterday's shift and couldn't be contacted afterwards. She just didn't come to work yesterday."

"It's not a trivial matter, what if something happens?"

Hero Tosu was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, running around. It was the first time that Tosu Hanazero stayed out all night the night he graduated from high school, and he almost rushed to the police station to call the police.

"Sir, our business is highly mobile. And we work day and night. It's common to work overtime at night until all night. It's normal to not be able to get in touch for a day or two." The waitress reassured.

"That's right, brother Shoubu, maybe Mako has something to do at home, maybe he'll be back to work in two days." Muto agreed casually.

No, it's impossible!

Moribe Mamiya ran away from home, and I just left from Moribe's house. The adulterer and whore have no idea where Moribe Mamiya is now.

"No, I want to see your club's mother-san."

Seeing that Hero Tosu was about to rush into the club, the waitress and Muto, who were also the first two, hurried forward to dissuade him.

"No, Mama-san will be angry."

"Brother Shoubu, calm down!"

At this moment, a young beauty in a wine-red evening dress walked in from outside the door of the club.

"Sir! Look, isn't Mako here?" the waitress said in surprise.

Hero Tosu couldn't help but stop, and looked over in a daze.

The long black hair was tied into a bun on the back of the girl's head, revealing a swan-like slender neck. She had a delicate and cool face, without speaking or smiling, with a mole dotted under the corner of her left eye.

Yes, exactly as in the photo!

This is Moribu-kun's daughter?

After several twists and turns, we finally met!

Hero Tosu opened his mouth, but was speechless.

Moribe Mamiya didn't notice that Hero Tosu and his party, who were sitting in the corner of the club hall, passed between the sofa bar and walked to the backstage.

"Sir, I'm right." The waitress smiled.

"I'm sorry, I was impulsive." Tosu Hero showed a bit of shame on his face, and sat down on the sofa again.

"Have a glass of wine first, brother Shoubu."

The female Guan Gong picked up the wine bottle with knowledge and interest, and poured half a glass of whiskey for Tosu Hero and Muto.

Hero Tosu looked at the drinks on the table in a bit of embarrassment, he didn't drink at all.

Muto picked up the wine glass and shook it, his nose twitched violently a few times, and he downed it in one breath:

"Brother Shoubu, look at you, did you know Mako before?"

"Uh, I don't know you."

"Then you..." Muto hiccupped and said strangely.

Tosu Hero smiled wryly and said, "I was entrusted by someone, and I need to find the truth about some things, Miss Mako."

"I see." Muto nodded, "Then you want to name Mako? Hua Zhi, please tell me."

"It's really convincing!" Hua Zhi pushed Mu Teng's shoulder coquettishly, and walked out.

After a few minutes, Hua Zhi came back and apologized:

"Mr. Moribe, I'm sorry, Mako has already been named. Would you like to introduce other girls to you?"

"No, no need. I'll just wait." Hero Tosu quickly refused.

Huazhi didn't take it seriously, she smiled and sat down next to Muto, took a sip from her wine glass, and began to chat.

Although it is called a wine hostess or a waitress, in fact, the official name of this job is wine sales, which means selling drinks as the name suggests. The main income of the girls is the commission of drinks in addition to guest tips.

It was the first time for Tosu Hero to see a liquor store working.

It has to be said that Huazhi is very talkative, elegant in conversation, and even knows a thing or two about business and politics. Accompanying Muto, a regular customer, chatted with Tosu Hero from time to time, and did not neglect him.

After drinking for three rounds, the topic unknowingly shifted to Mamiya Moribe.

Muto, whose nose was red and stupefied, held his snow-white palm and said:

"Mako, although she is a beautiful woman and young, she is actually not suitable for this job. She is too cold, and it is not easy to touch her hand."

The clubs in Feitian Xindi Old Street are different from the Monster Street Qingnian Street outside. They do not deal in flesh and blood, but like ancient geisha, their main business is to chat with customers and provide spiritual comfort.

In Japan, formal clubs prohibit guests and waitresses from having too intimate contact in the store.

But touching little hands and cuddling is still unavoidable.

"Sure enough, Hua Zhi, a beautiful woman with eloquent teeth, long sleeves and good dance skills, is more suitable for me."

"Mr. Muto, you are really good at talking." Huazhi said with a sweet smile.

"But it's not easy for Makoto. Although she skipped work yesterday, in fact, Makoto's schedule was full for the past two months."

Hero Tosu felt very uncomfortable when he heard it. He couldn't imagine what it would be like for his daughter, Hanara Tosu, to work in the accompanying club. I'm afraid he will be so angry that he can't help but overthrow the entire club.

"Miss Huazhi, does Mako have any difficulties? Is she short of money or..." Hero Tosu couldn't help asking.

"Mako seems to be a single mother."


Hero Tosu's eyes immediately turned black, just like when he overheard Hana Tosu having a gangster boyfriend before, he felt like the sky was about to fall.

But Huazhi didn't give up, and continued to make up the knife:

"Besides, the child seems to be three or four years old. It's almost the age of kindergarten, and he must be in a hurry to spend money."

"This this……"

The Tosu hero was restless, his face extremely ugly.

Only then did Hua Zhi seem to realize that she had made a slip of the tongue, and quickly made amends:

"These are just my hearsay in the locker room, maybe some girls who are jealous of Mako are talking nonsense."

"I, I'm going to the bathroom."

Hero Tosu stood up with difficulty, and walked unsteadily towards the toilet, Hua Zhi looked at his back, the corner of his mouth curled up.


In the toilet, Hero Tosu flushed his face with a handful of cold water to calm himself down a bit, then tremblingly picked up the plain glasses and put them on the bridge of his nose.

Hero Tosu couldn't believe that Mamiya Moribe was a single mother? And there is a child as old as three or four years old?

Moribe Mamiya is only twenty years old. If you count it this way, it is not the child who was born at the age of sixteen...

Damn it, if someone dares to do this kind of thing to his sixteen-year-old daughter, Hero Tosu must let him taste the various tortures on the eighteenth floor of hell!

Mamiya Moribe can no longer be allowed to degenerate in this kind of place. Instead of Lord Moribe who has passed away, Hero Tosu must guide Mamiya Moribe back to the right path.

Pulling himself together, Hero Tosu returned from the toilet, passing a box.

"Master Kagawa, please stop! Don't do this to Chun!"

"It's just a joke, what's the big deal. Wild ball punch, wild ball punch!"

A man's smug voice came from the box, and there was a woman's sobbing faintly.


Hero Tosu's eyes turned cold, and he stretched out his hand and pushed open the half-hidden door of the box.

In the box, a well-groomed man in formal attire was holding onto the bun behind Makoto Shoubu's head with one hand, and a thin piece of clothing in the other.

The man named Kagawa blushed, obviously drinking a lot.

"Oh, it smells so good! The next one is you!"

"Master Kagawa, what you did is against the shop rules."

Moribu Mamiya, whose hair was being grabbed, said with tears rolling in his eyes from the pain.

"Hmph, what can a store in the old district do to me. The entire Toda New Land is our Hongdaohui's site!" Xiangchuan was extremely arrogant.

"Master Kagawa, you drank too much."

"That's right, Master Kagawa. Let go of your hands first. Treating girls like this is not like your master Mancai."

On the sofa in the private room, besides a crying woman clutching her chest, there were two or three other guests. Seeing this, they could only bite the bullet and step forward to stop Master Xiangchuan from going drunk.

Master Xiangchuan's wine quality is too bad, he can't drink enough, but he insisted on drinking one cup after another. I don't know if he is taking the opportunity of drunken madness to play hooligans.

If I had known this, I would not have brought Master Kagawa to this club. Although I heard that Master Kagawa was blacklisted by many bars and clubs in Osaka, I didn't expect it to look so ugly.

First, he used his hand on the waitress, and then he went too far, sniffing it under his nose!

Even in a club, such behavior is undoubtedly crossing the line, and it can even be said to be obscene.

"Get out of here, all of you! That's what I'm going to do today, to see how she pretends to be that noble and glamorous face in the future."

Master Kagawa did not give face to other fellow travelers at all, and went his own way.

As he talked, he was going to make a move on Moriya Mamiya.

They looked at each other, a little helpless.

Master Kagawa is a celebrity in Osaka prefecture, and he heard that he has a background in a violent gang, so they dare not use violence at will.

"Go and call the club's security."

"No one is allowed to call the security guard, otherwise I will make him look good!"

"no, do not want!"

Moribe Mamiya's face turned pale, and she struggled vigorously, but she was a weak woman with her hair being grabbed, how could she resist a drunken man.

Seeing Master Kagawa's arrogance becoming more and more arrogant, Moribe Mamiya could only close his eyes in despair.

"Let go!"

"It hurts!"

"I told you to let go, didn't you hear me?"

Moribe Mamiya felt his scalp being pulled loose, and hurriedly broke free from the shackles, carefully opened his eyes and looked back, only to see an unfamiliar young man grasping Master Kagawa's wrist with his right hand.

"It hurts! I've already let go, you should let go!" Master Xiangchuan screamed again and again.

Hero Tosu let out a cold snort before releasing his right hand.

Master Xiangchuan looked at the clear and bruised five finger prints on his wrist, wondering if his arm bones were about to be crushed, and he cursed loudly:

"Bastard! Do you know who I am? Behind me is..."

Before he finished speaking, he was grabbed by the neckline. Hero Tosu pulled Master Kagawa over, looked at him, and said word by word:

"Apologize to both of them!"


At such a close distance, Master Kagawa saw the blue veins protruding under the face of Hero Tosu, wriggling like a small earthworm, his scalp felt numb and his feet went limp.


This time, Hero Tosu just uttered two words in a frosty voice, with killing intent surging deep in his eyes.

Those who know the current affairs are heroes, Master Xiangchuan sobered up a lot, and murmured:

"Yes... sorry, excuse me..."

"Such a low voice, what are you talking about!"

"I'm sorry! I was wrong!" Master Xiangchuan cried.

Hero Tosu suppressed his anger, like throwing garbage, and threw Master Kagawa to the ground heavily, leaving him confused.

"Take him out."

"sorry Sorry."

Several people in the same company apologized again and again, and helped Master Xiangchuan, who was in a panic, to go out.

"Thank you, sir."

Moribe Mamiya's carefully groomed bun was pulled into a mess by Master Kagawa, and her clothes were also a little messy. She simply combed her hair and bowed deeply to Hero Tosu.

Looking at Moribe-kun's daughter, Hero Tosu had thousands of words in his heart, but he couldn't speak.

He could only nod dryly.

Moribe Mamiya comforted another weeping young girl, and walked towards the backstage of the club, only to be stopped by Tosu Hero.

"Wait. Miss Mako, can I talk to you?"

"Sir, are you going to name me?" Moribe Mamiya asked doubtfully, "But, my current makeup and hairstyle... I'm afraid I won't be able to work today."

"No, it's okay. I just wanted to chat with you, not in the club."


Moribe Mamiya hesitated for a while, reflexively wanting to refuse, but remembering the helping hand just now, he nodded.

"I'm going to ask the store manager for leave now. I'll meet you at the bar on the second floor later, is that okay?"

After agreeing on the location, half an hour later, in a bar, Tosu Hero was staring at Moribe Mamiya who had changed into casual clothes.

"Sir, what's the matter with you asking me out? We should be meeting for the first time."

Hero Tosu lowered his head, looked at the tumbling bubbles in the lemon soda in front of him, and choked out a sentence after a long time:

"Have you got a meal yet?"


Moribe Mamiya couldn't help laughing, showing a smile as if the ice and snow had melted, but she realized that this was a bit impolite, so she covered her mouth, but there was still a smile in the corner of her eyes.

This man has a contradictory temperament. Although he looks like a young man in his early twenties, he is a little old-fashioned, with an elder-like kindness.

Hero Tosu's cheeks were also a little hot. He was not good at speech, but Mamiya Moribe was about the same age as his daughter.

He opened his mouth, and wanted to ask why Mamiya Moribe worked in a nightclub, whether he really had a three or four-year-old child, and what she thought of his father, Moribe-kun.

Touching the envelope on his chest, Hero Tosu asked mysteriously:

"Do you like Kamen Rider?"

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