I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 237 Chapter 238

"Kamen Rider?"

Moribe Mamiya showed surprise, and there was a trace of complicated emotions in his eyes.

Not only because the strange young man in front of her is also a Tokusho fan, but also the word Kamen Rider evoked her past memories.

"Yes." Hero Tosu nodded heavily.

Moribe-kun is a fan of Kamen Rider Tokusho. He mentioned in his death letter that under his familiarity, his daughter Shoubu Mamiya also likes Kamen Rider.

Kamen Rider can be said to be the bond between Moribe's father and daughter.

"Although I don't know why you are asking this question. Maybe I liked it before, but now I don't like Kamen Rider. Instead, I hate it!"

The complicated and strange expression on Mamiya Moribe's face was fleeting, and his eyes were cold, exuding an aura that no one could get close to.

"Why?" Hero Tosu blurted out with a thump in his heart.

"To put it bluntly, a special drama like Kamen Rider is just the fantasy of children and young men." Moribe Mamiya said coldly.

"In reality, it is absolutely impossible to have a Kamen Rider who comes out at a critical moment, punishes the evil and promotes the good, is indomitable, and becomes more and more courageous in the face of difficulties. And..."

Moribe Mamiya took a sip of the cocktail, and the fingers holding the wine glass were a little bit harder, and the knuckles were a little white.

"I know that there is a man who likes Kamen Rider very much, and finally surrendered to life, abandoned his wife and children, and his whereabouts are still unknown until now..."

Moribe Mamiya suddenly closed her mouth, she regretted saying such things to the man she met on the first day.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said this to you, maybe I was a little too drunk."

Tell the truth after drinking? It was the man's problems and temperament that reminded Moribe Mamiya of his father. It's really inexplicable, there is such a big gap in age and appearance between the two, but she can connect the two of them.


Hero Tosu was speechless.

It is true that Moribu-kun left his wife and daughter and committed suicide in the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara, but how can ordinary people endure such a betrayal. Moribe-kun may not be a righteous partner like Kamen Rider, but even if he is not his own, his love for Moribe Mamiya is not half-deceitful.

"Miss Mako, why are you working in a club at such a young age? Haven't you thought about going to college?"

Hero Tosu scratched his head and brought up another topic.

It was also one of his goals at night to guide Moribe Mamiya who had gone astray from Toda Shinchi back to the right path.

Mamoru Shoubu's face turned cold, and a trace of impatience flashed in his pupils.

Is this man named Tosu out of proportion, to ask such a question when meeting for the first time!

Well, when we were in the club, occasionally there would be such guests who would say such things in a self-righteous manner.

It's just that their tone of voice was high-spirited, with arrogance and pity on their faces, but this man was a little different. He actually cared and babbled endlessly, just like his previous father...

Thinking of this, Mamiya Moribe's cold eyes softened a little.

"Mr. Tosu, I am already twenty years old. I am an adult and can be responsible for my own choices. I have my reasons for working here." Moribe Mamiya said lightly.

"But, I heard that you have a child who is three or four years old..." Tosu Hero said.

"Where did you hear that?"

As if being touched by Ni Lin, Moribe Mamiya's expression changed, she immediately got up from her seat, her delicate body tensed up, and her whole body fell into a state of alert.

"Miss Moribe, please calm down!"

Hero Tosu panicked and even revealed the real name of Moribe Mamiya.

"How do you know so much, even my real last name? Are you that stalker?!"

Moribe Mamiya's vigilance suddenly rose to hostility. She took out her mobile phone from her handbag and warned sharply:

"I have filed a case at the police station today! And this is a bar, don't mess around!"

"No, I'm not..." Hero Tosu was at a loss for a moment, but he was clumsy at first, so he couldn't explain clearly for a while.

"I take my leave first."

Moribe Mamiya obviously didn't want to continue entanglement, so he made a gesture and walked towards the door of the bar.

"Wait a minute, Moribe-san! I'm your father's friend!"

The back of Moribe Mamiya froze in place, and it took a long time before he turned around slowly, his eyes flickered with surprise and uncertainty:

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could my dad have friends your age?"

"I really don't know where to start."

Mamiya Moribe, who was skeptical, returned to the bar counter. Hero Tosu took off his flat glasses and put them on the table with a serious expression, pondering over his words.

"Actually, the guard doesn't know me."

"Then you were lying before!"

"But when I was in the most difficult time, I really got the favor of Moribe-kun. To me, Moribe-kun is really like a Kamen Rider."

"I don't understand what you're saying."

There was a hint of trill in Moribe Mamiya's voice, and his face was full of anxiety and hope: "Dad, he has been missing for four years. Where did you meet him? How is he doing now?" ?”

Hero Tosu was silent for a while, before uttering a few words with difficulty:

"Although it's hard to say, Shoubu-jun...has passed away!"

The sudden bad news made Shoubu Zhengong feel as if he had been struck by lightning.

"I don't believe what you said!"

"These are two suicide notes from your father, Moribe-kun. I delivered them according to Moribe-kun's request." Hero Tosu took out two envelopes from his pocket and put them on the bar counter.

"One of them is left alone for you, Ms. Moribe. Mr. Moribe hopes that you will not open it until you are of age."

Moribe Mamiya looked at the envelope with the 'Death Letter' written in disbelief, the handwriting on it was indeed very familiar.

For a long time, Moribe Mamiya believed that his father was missing, or was wandering on the streets, or found a place in the countryside to live in seclusion.

This situation is not news in Japan.

Most of the homeless people on the streets of Japan are in debt, bankrupt, unemployed, or people who have lost the ability to work due to disability or old age.

But there are also some people who, because of too much pressure in work and life, suddenly realize one day that the world is so big, I want to see it, self-exile to wander on the street, or it can be called a social animal who has chosen a new life.

Moribe Mamiya opened the first letter with trembling hands, and after a few glances, his face turned pale.

She gritted her teeth again and continued to look down, her expression becoming more and more shaken.

"Miss Moribe, are you okay?" Hero Tosu said worriedly.

"Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom."

Mamoru Shoubu went there for more than ten minutes, and when he came back, his eyes were red and swollen, his makeup was gone, and his face was still stained with tears.

She picked up the second unopened letter, which was the letter her father had left for her. The small letter weighed more than a thousand catties, and Mamoru Shoubu tried to open it several times, but failed.

In the end, Moribe Mamiya gave up.

"Mr. Tosu, thank you very much for your letter."

Moribe Mamiya showed a smile uglier than crying at Hero Tosu, barely supported his body and stood up.

"I'll go home and be alone for a while, sorry, I'm going back."

Although Moribe Mamiya hasn't read the second letter yet, Tosu Hero also knows that the bad news of his father's death, his mother's betrayal, and that he is not his father's biological daughter came one after another.

The current Shoubu Mamiya is under tremendous mental pressure, and may be on the verge of collapse. It is only natural to want someone to supervise him.

"It's so late, do you need me to call you a taxi?" Hero Tosu asked with concern.

"No need, this place is not far from my residence, just a few steps away." Moribe Mamiya refused.

"Miss Moribe, even an outsider like me can tell. Moribe-kun, he still loves you, no matter what the situation is, he regards you as his daughter."

"Thank you." Moribe Mamiya replied weakly, and walked outside with heavy steps after speaking.

As if thinking of something, Hero Tosu ran after him a few steps, took out a note with a phone number on it, and handed it over.

"Miss Moribe, if you have any difficulties or want to know more about Moribe-kun, you can call this number."

Hero Tosu hesitated for a moment before continuing:

"As long as you make this call, Kamen Rider will definitely rush to your side."


Moribe Mamiya took the note, forced a stiff smile, and walked out of the bar.

Hero Tosu followed quietly.

After all, it was already late at night, Mamiya Moribe was in a trance after drinking alcohol, like an old father who was worried about seeing his hangover daughter walking at night, Hero Tosu secretly escorted Mamiya Moribe back to her residence.

Unexpectedly, Hero Tosu noticed that the frequency of police patrols on this section of the road was even higher than in other places in Osaka.

It may be because Toda Shindi is a business card of Osaka Prefecture, and tourists from all over the world come here admiringly. For this cash cow, both black and white have made great efforts to rectify the law and order.

Moribe Mamiya's rental house is in an apartment called Mutsuki on the edge of Dotonbori, which is only ten minutes' walk from Toda Shinchi.

Watching Moribe Mamiya walk into the apartment, Tosu Hero left in peace.

Hero Tosu turned back to Nishiinari District. This time he avoided the bustling and bustling Toda Shinji, but came to the love neighborhood slum outside Shin-Imamiya Station in Nishiinari District.

The Nishiinari District in Osaka Prefecture is known as "Little America", but this is not a good reputation, but to describe the law and order in Nishiinari District is chaotic, and there are many foreign residents in Southeast Asia and other regions.

The Ai Neighborhood Slum is also the most impoverished and dirty corner in Xicheng District.

In the Ai Neighborhood slum across the street from the glamorous Feitian Xindi, the air is filled with the vague smell of urine mixed with the smell of cigarettes and alcohol. The street is full of garbage and sundries, and you can still see A few sneaky homeless men, and an unidentified strong man who looks a bit like a member of a violent gang.

Someone was spying on the uninvited guest who broke in late at night, but seeing Hero Tosu's strong and powerful figure, he looked away again.

Hero Tosu casually walked around Ailin Street, the hustle and bustle of Toda Xindi and laughter still ringing in his ears, although under the same sky, Tosu Xindi and Ailin Slums seem to be two worlds.

"When I was 20 or 30, I wanted to be a man; when I was 40 or 50, I hated myself for not being a man; when I was 60 or 70, I just wanted to die like a man."

Hero Tosu looked at the sentence on the graffiti wall and remained silent.

Finally, Hero Tosu found a cheap hotel nearby for the night.

The next day, Hero Tosu walked out of the hotel, wondering whether to go to Mutsuki's apartment, when the phone rang suddenly. Only Mamiya Moribe knew the number of the phone card he bought in Osaka Prefecture.

"Mr. Tosu... can I make an appointment to chat with you? I want to know more, Dad... finally..."

Moribe Mamiya's voice was a little hoarse.

"Of course, no problem."

Hero Tosu quickly agreed, and comforted: "Miss Moribe, please don't be too sad."

"Well, thanks..."

After making an appointment at a family restaurant in Shinsaibashi, Tosu Hideo hung up the phone with a look of relief on his face.

His mission is finally completed, and it seems that Moribe Mamiya also understands the helplessness of Moribe-kun leaving without saying goodbye, and the pain of saying goodbye to his family.

This journey of self-salvation has finally come to an end.

Hero Tosu, who had unloaded his psychological burden, also took advantage of this spare time to visit the famous Tennoji Temple in Osaka Prefecture.

After obtaining the power of the evil god, Hero Tosu decided to find a place to hide his name in order to avoid implicating his family. Although he changed his appearance, he could not stay in a big city like Osaka for a long time.

In the future, I may never have the chance to wander the streets of Osaka.

When it was close to 12 noon, Hero Tosu arrived at the agreed family restaurant some time earlier.

Hero Tosu casually ordered a pork cutlet curry rice, and then started to worry like an old father.

Lord Shoubu's bones are still in the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara, so he can go to collect the body instead and hand it over to Mamiya Shoubu.

As for Moribe Mamiya working in a nightclub, there must be some unspeakable secrets. I was a little offended by asking questions before.

But Mamiya Moribe's difficulty is most likely due to lack of money. Is there any way I can help her? But my savings and bank card are left to the child's mother, and there is nothing I can do now... Is there any way to make money?

Hero Tosu waited and waited, Mamiya Moribe was late for more than two hours and no one was there yet.

No one answered the call back, and Hero Tosu was a little uneasy. At this moment, a piece of news was broadcast on the TV in the family restaurant:

"This morning, a young woman fell on the fourth floor of the Mutsuki Apartment in Dotonbori 3-chome."

"He is currently being rescued in the hospital."

"Whether it was a suicide or an accident, the police are investigating."

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