I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 243 Chapter 244

A ray of red light slipped from the moon, pierced the dark night sky, fell from the sky, and landed on the parking lot of a nearby shopping mall with a deafening roar, immediately splashing a cloud of dust.


It was so exciting that the cars parked around issued a piercing alarm.


"Ha, what day is it today, first the spectacle of the crimson moon, and then the shooting star?"

"Good luck. Let me take a photo and tweet it."

The people who gathered on the street looking up at the moon rubbed shoulders. After Feiyue disappeared, they were still unsatisfied. The sudden "shooting star" replaced Feiyue, which immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Although the smog has not dissipated, several people have already walked over with great interest.

On the concrete floor of the parking lot, a big pit two meters square and half a meter deep was smashed out. Among the gravel and gravel, there was something faintly shining with a bright white halo.

"Something seems to be glowing?"

"If it's a meteorite, then it's posted, and it shouldn't be confiscated."

There was a young man in casual clothes, eager to try, rolled up his sleeves, apparently ready to go down into the pit to dig things out.

"Hey, be careful of space radiation!"

"I'm from Fukushima, so I'm afraid of this!"

The young man said nonchalantly, and actually jumped into the big pit, pawing at the dirt with his hands for a while.

"Look, what is this!"

The young man held up a fist-sized white tumor in his hand, showing off to his companions standing on the edge of the pit.

"Is this a meteorite? It doesn't feel like a stone."

"It still glows, it feels a little scary."

The daring young man climbed up with the white tumor, and the melon-eating crowd immediately gathered around, talking a lot, and the flash of the mobile phone didn't stop.

"Indeed, it doesn't look like a stone. Could it be Tai Sui, the underground Ganoderma lucidum?" Someone poked it with a finger and asked curiously.

"This fell from the sky, how could it be Tai Sui?" Someone immediately retorted: "Even if it is a living thing, it should be an alien from the sky like the color of the stars."

"What is the color of the star?"

"It's really ignorant. You must have heard of the parasitic beasts. They are all of the same kind."

"It's all stuff from movies and comics, you can really pull it off!"

The young man pinched the foreign object in his hand, and it felt as soft and elastic as a piece of meat, and there seemed to be lines like veins swimming under the skin, and there was even a faint pulse similar to a heartbeat.

It's almost like a living thing!

"Baga! Why can't I shake this thing off, it's sticking to my hand, it's getting more and more disgusting."

The young man immediately felt bad, and wanted to throw away the white foreign object, but no matter how hard he tried, this ghost thing was like a tarsus maggot clinging to his palm.

"Come and help me, put this thing..."

"Wait a minute! Look, has that thing gotten bigger?" A crowd of onlookers exclaimed.

The young man looked down immediately, and saw that the white foreign body, which was originally only the size of a fist, had swelled to the size of a football. It originally only existed in the palm of the hand, but now it has covered the elbow.

And it is still expanding rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In just a few seconds, the white foreign matter spread throughout the young man's body like spores, only his head was exposed.

"Oh, help! Help! It hurts..."

The young man's face was distorted and painful, and he yelled in panic.

"It won't be some tricky show."

"The situation is not good. Do you want to call the police?"

"It hurts, it, it's eating me!"

There was a creepy chewing sound from the white spore mass surrounding the young man's body!

With a "click", the young man's head with wide-eyed eyes rolled to the ground, and the blood spattered from his neck splashed ink on the ground to form a bright and tragic oil painting.



The noisy street seemed to press the pause button at this moment, and everyone was dumbfounded, unable to believe their eyes.

"Dead, dead man!"

"Fuck, I'm live broadcasting!"

"Call the police! Call the police!"

Although there were still some people who were stupidly stunned in place, more people saw that the situation was not good and started to retreat.

At the same time, the mass of white spores that devoured a human life was also wriggling and twisting, and several limb-like strips split from the middle, with claw-like sharpness at the tip, and it was still deforming constantly !

In the blink of an eye, the white spore mass had transformed into a humanoid monster on all fours.

The monster was about the size of an adult man, with a hairless body, a layer of off-white horniness covering its body, abnormally elongated limbs, and separated fingers like sharp bone knives.

There are no eyes, nostrils, or ears on the monster's head, only a bloody mouth that can be cracked to the jaw, and it is full of fangs.


Facing such a terrifying monster, even the dullest people came back to their senses, driven by the most primitive instinct deep in their bodies, they uttered terrified screams.

The street suddenly fell into chaos, except for a few people who had been terrified and collapsed on the ground, everyone was running away.

The monster let out a muffled roar from its throat. The desire and greed for flesh and blood emanated from the sound. It lowered its body, kicked its two hind legs, which were thicker and stronger than ordinary human thighs, and spanned more than ten meters in an instant. distance.


The monster's sharp claws penetrated directly, and landed on the chest of the last office worker.


The unlucky office worker let out a heart-piercing scream.

The office worker turned his face away, waving his hands and feet, trying to struggle to the death, but the gray-white monster opened its mouth and sprayed a cloud of white mist to cover the office worker's head.

"Ah, my face is rotten! It hurts..."

After the head of the office worker was sprayed with the mist, it was as if sulfuric acid had been splashed on it, the hair fell off, and the skin and flesh on the face were corroded into a ball of blood that flowed down, exposing the white bones, and swallowed it in just a few breaths. gas.

The monster couldn't wait to stick out its tongue, and licked up the pool of blood that had melted from the melted flesh.

"What happened?"

The streets were crowded with people, and everyone ran away with panicked expressions of the end of the world.

Standing at the front and watching the young people being swallowed by the white spore clusters, and the white spore clusters turned into monsters, they rushed to escape. The screams and screams of all kinds of people merged into a terrifying torrent, sweeping the sanity of others When it was empty, even those who didn't know what happened, under the chain reaction of panic, they couldn't help being coerced and ran backwards.

"Everyone, wait a minute. This will cause a stampede!"

The two police officers who were patrolling near the station in Nakano District heard a lot of noise and screams from the street in front of them. Everyone was running around, and they became alert all of a sudden.

A police patrol stopped a citizen who was running away, and asked:

"Sir, what happened?"


The citizen's face turned pale, and he said with a trembling body.

The expressions of the two patrolmen changed immediately, did they kill someone? And it's near Nakano Station, where the traffic is the largest and the city is bustling?

Could it be another case of indiscriminate assault and murder on the street?

You must know that this is Tokyo, and it is definitely a vicious attack that can cause a sensation all over the country.

"Dead man, no, no!" The caught citizen said incoherently: "It's a monster! The monster kills and eats people! It's too scary."

The two patrolmen looked at each other, wondering if they had heard wrong.

"Sir, please calm down..."

"Monster! Monster, it's coming!" The frightened citizen broke free from the patrolman's hand, screaming and ran towards the back.

Why does it feel like things are getting weirder and weirder!

"Please... Mr. Inspector..."

A woman dressed like a housewife saw the two patrolmen as if she saw a life-saving straw. She fell to the ground, her face was pale, her lips trembled, and she couldn't even speak clearly.

"My child...accidentally left behind..."

"Ma'am, may I ask what happened?"

"No... I don't know, the crowd in front suddenly screamed... rushed over, and I also... ran, but my child didn't know where it went..."

The woman's body was completely paralyzed on the ground, and with the support of two patrolmen, she managed to hold herself up, she said in tears.

"Please... help me... save him..."

The older middle-aged patrolman also realized the seriousness of the situation at this moment, and he said to another patrolman with a solemn expression:

"Fujita, notify Koban immediately that a very serious murder attack has occurred here."

The older patrolman looked at the shivering housewife, and ordered: "Also, send this lady to a safe place, and I'll bring her child back!"

"Inspector of West Sichuan, I will go with you too!"

The young patrolman supported the baton on his waist, and said with a hint of excitement in a flustered expression.

"Hmph, it's too heavy for a fledgling who just became a patrolman."

The Chief Inspector of Western Sichuan took out a police revolver from his waist, and laughed and cursed pretending to be disdainful.

"I don't need you to get in the way, there are guns here, don't worry!"

"Please take care." The young patrolman hesitated for a moment, then helped the woman back up.

The Chief Inspector of Sichuan West opened the safety of the Xinnan pistol, and trotted cautiously towards the street ahead.

Turning the corner, I saw a mess on the street, and the fleeing crowd left shoes, mobile phones, wallets and other sundries on the ground.

The sharp-eyed Inspector of Western Sichuan could still see a human body whose life and death were unknown lying down in the middle of the road.

What about the murderer?

Unexpectedly, he didn't see anything, but he didn't dare to be careless.

The Chief Inspector of Western Sichuan swallowed, holding a police gun in his hand, and the black muzzle kept patrolling.

At this moment, the Chief Inspector of Western Sichuan heard a burst of immature sobbing. He hurriedly followed the sound and found a child who was only six or seven years old behind a shop billboard.

"Don't be afraid, the police uncle is here, I will take you to find your mother right away."

The Chief Inspector of Western Sichuan squeezed out a kind smile from his face, and picked up the child from the ground.

"Uncle police... yes, there are monsters..."

The frightened child whispered in the ear of the West Sichuan Inspector.


What's going on, why are you talking about monsters instead of murderers?

Although the chief inspector of Western Sichuan was a little strange, he didn't pay much attention to it. It might be that they were talking nonsense in extreme panic.

Now that the murder suspect has left and the lost child has been found, for safety's sake, we should evacuate as soon as possible.


The Chief Inspector of Sichuan West moved his ears and heard an almost imperceptible sound, and immediately became alert.

"Who is it? Stand up for me!"

The Chief Inspector of Western Sichuan held the child in one hand and held a gun in the other, shouting.

Behind a van, a gray-white monster in a hideous and terrifying state slowly crawled out.

It's really... a monster!

The pupils of the West Sichuan Inspector trembled violently. He had never dealt with such a monster in the past ten years as a police officer.

"Stop! Stop! Don't come any closer, I'm going to shoot!"

Regardless of the warning issued by the Inspector General of Western Sichuan, the monster approached slowly, and let out a "hissing" roar of salivating human flesh and blood from its throat.

"Ah! Drink! Ah!"

Seeing that the monster could not communicate, the Inspector of West Sichuan resorted to the method of encountering a beast in the wild, making various strange calls from his mouth, hoping to scare it away.

But the monster was unmoved and kept approaching.

If this is the case, then the only thing to do is shoot.

The Chief Inspector of Western Sichuan had already put down the child and hid him behind him. Big cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he pointed the revolver at the monster with both hands.

In his nearly forty years of life, there has never been a life-and-death moment like this one hanging by a thread!

"Bang bang bang!"

Just when the monster was about to pounce, the inspector Changguo in western Sichuan cut off his gun!

He fired the bullet into the air in one go, and several bullets hit under this distance, knocking the monster to the ground.

"Hoo hoo!"

The inspector in western Sichuan was sweating profusely, and his face was full of joy for the rest of his life.

But in the next moment, the monster turned over, opened its terrifying mouth, and sprayed a large puff of white smoke at the inspector of western Sichuan.

"Chi Chi Chi—"

The Chief Inspector of Western Sichuan hurriedly rolled the child on the ground, but the smoke still rubbed a little on his shoulders, not only the clothes were melted, but also a large piece of flesh fell off.

"Woo, the gas emitted by this monster is like strong acid!" The chief inspector of Sichuan West snorted in pain.

Seeing the monster's mouth twitching, and opening its mouth to spit out something, the Chief Inspector of Western Sichuan couldn't help feeling desperate for the monster that couldn't even be killed by bullets.


The monster turned its head and looked aside, and uttered a few strange screams tremblingly. There was unconcealable panic in the voice. It dropped its prey and jumped on the roof of the car, then flashed into an alley.

"Escape, escape?"

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