I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 244 Chapter 245 The Turning Windmill

The man-eating monster that used to wantonly kill humans like a top predator is now like a frightened bird, scurrying away in panic.

The monster's movements were astonishingly fast, and it crossed the alley in a few flashes, not only overturning the piled up sundries and trash cans, it even crashed into a wall.

The monster fled into an abandoned construction site with complex terrain and piled up building materials randomly. The street lamps were in disrepair for a long time, and the flickering light stretched the monster's shadow far back.

Suddenly, the monster's body froze in place, unable to move.

"Hmph, it really is a beast! The sense of smell is really keen."

Naruto Uchiha walked in from the gate of the abandoned construction site unhurriedly. The shadow under the monster was stretched to an abnormal level, and Naruto Uchiha stepped on the sole of his foot.

He sneered, and the shadow under his feet squirmed, wrapped around the monster's body, and tied it up.

Shadow Mimicry!

This ninjutsu, which was first erupted from the evil spirit, has never been practiced much, but with Uchiha Naruto's current majestic and astonishing chakra, it is still easy to imprison a mere monster.

"So that's the origin of the monsters... so they are all aliens who descended from the moon!"

Naruto Uchiha's eyes flickered, and he opened Sharingan with both eyes, and three black jade balls revolved around his pupils.

The blood of the moon that dripped from the crimson moon, carrying white spores, landed in Nakano District, Tokyo. He saw with his own eyes that the spores developed and transformed into the gray-white man-eating monster in front of him.

According to the confidential files copied by Naruto Uchiha from the Metropolitan Police Department, the Metropolitan Police Department has been tracing the origin of the monsters that appeared after the 19th year of Heisei. One of the hypotheses is that monsters were born from the void for some unknown reason. of.

Now it seems that it is a bit far from the truth.

"It's just that the growth rate of this monster is abnormally fast."

Uchiha Naruto's Sharingan was shining with scarlet blood.

"Although the amount of chakra in its body is not as good as big monsters like Higuchi Orochi and Kakuyuki, it has surpassed ten-year-old monsters!"

Newborn monsters are so weak that they may even be killed by animals such as cats and dogs, but monsters have growth potential and will become stronger and stronger as time goes by.

But even the monster members of the Orochi organization are terrified of human thermal weapons.

Naruto Uchiha looked at the horny shell on the gray-white monster with great interest, and stretched out his hand to pick out an inlaid brass bullet from it.

Although the Shinnan M60 revolver equipped by the Japanese police is famous for its poor power and short range, it cannot break the defense of the gray-white monster at such a short distance...

Sure enough, after the 19th year of Pingcheng, the Hokage system's tepid changes to the world, like a frog boiled in warm water, have begun to accelerate, and the degree of erosion has become stronger and deeper.

The appearance of Feiyue's connection is the proof.

Fifteen years ago, the 19th year of Heisei was the time when Naruto Uchiha was born in this world, and the two arrivals of Feiyue were just one month after Naruto Uchiha retrieved the memory and awakening system of his previous life. To say it was a coincidence would be a bit of self-deception.

Uchiha groaned like a stick in his throat, and felt a little bored. He looked at the imprisoned monster, and a cruel smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth.

"Let me see how your monster recovers."


The gray-white monster could sense the malice emanating from Uchiha Naruto, trembling its body, and purring from its throat with the intention of begging for mercy.

But Naruto Uchiha remained expressionless, and pulled out a handful of kunai with his backhand. The monster's horny leather armor, which could block bullets, was directly pierced as if it were made of paper.

"Aw, ow!"

The monster screamed again and again, but Naruto Uchiha had no sympathy for this ugly and deformed monster. The Kunai in his hand was like a surgical scalpel, cutting the monster's flesh and blood smoothly.

"Sure enough, it's a monster. It's hard to do even medical ninjutsu to regenerate a broken body."

After removing one of the monster's forelimbs, Naruto Uchiha looked at the granulation sprouts wriggling and growing from the fracture, and once again marveled at the cockroach-like vitality of the monsters.

After putting away the bloody Kunai, Naruto Uchiha raised his head, silently staring at the bright moon hanging in the night sky.

The moon had already returned to its original whiteness at this time, and the crimson moon, which was soaked in blood before, seemed like a dream.

Is the secret hidden on the moon?

It's a pity that with Uchiha Naruto's current ninjutsu attainments, wanting to go to the moon is simply a daydream.

However, one day, in order to gain insight into all the secrets of the system, Naruto Uchiha will definitely land on the moon!


Naruto Uchiha pondered for a long time before retracting his gaze, and then opened the system panel.

Compared with the previous system panel, the current system panel has a new look. Bathed in the bright red moonlight, Naruto Uchiha also heard the reminder of the system update.

To be honest, Naruto Uchiha was also quite puzzled, and even a little anxious.

But when soldiers come to block, water comes to cover up, no matter whether it is good or bad, we can only grit our teeth to face it.

All the function icons in the system have been updated.

Naruto Uchiha clicks on the first icon [Training Field 2.0], the training field can simulate various scenes in Naruto to train ninjutsu, and you can hang up the phone to increase ninjutsu proficiency in spare time.

It's just that you can increase your proficiency by 1 point after hanging up for 24 hours, and after updating to 2.0, you can get 5 points of proficiency after hanging up for 24 hours!

"This is simply a super double!"

Unexpectedly, the system update was so powerful that Naruto Uchiha was a little caught off guard, and his face showed a slight joy.

It takes 10 points to upgrade a LV1 ninjutsu to LV2, 100 points to LV3, and a terrifying 1,000 points to LV4. It takes more than three years to get up to LV4.

Hanging up every day only increases proficiency by 1 point, which is simply a drop in the bucket.

The function of hanging up in the practice field is somewhat tasteless, it is tasteless to eat, and it is a pity to discard it.

But after updating to version 2.0, the efficiency of hanging up has doubled, even faster than practicing ninjutsu to improve proficiency, so there is a lot to be gained.

Naruto Uchiha continued down, swiping the function icons.

[Item Store 2.0] There is an additional rental function, you can rent the items in the item store instead of spending money to buy them.

[Master-Apprentice Assistance 2.0] Added bond value, according to the close relationship with the apprentice, there are bonuses for both parties in various aspects.

After the system is updated to 2.0, there are some very useful functions.

"What is this? 'Secret Realm Dungeon Realization', which can open the dungeon in the Naruto game at a designated location in reality?!"

When Naruto Uchiha saw the new features of [Secret Adventure 2.0], he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

In the previous Mt. Miaomu dungeon, Naruto Uchiha could only pull the souls of a few passers-by into the dungeon. When they returned to reality, they were initially regarded as crazy babbling or even I took medicine.

Even after Mineko Yuki showed fire escape, the Metropolitan Police Department still had doubts about whether there was a passage connecting Yoyogi Park to Mt. Miaogi in the heaven.

At that time, if the copy of Mount Miaogi really existed in Yoyogi Park, under the eyes of everyone, the facts speak louder than words, and the Metropolitan Police Department would have no doubts.

"That is to say, can the Penglai I fabricated, and even the heavens, be realized through copies and appear in reality? This is really, very interesting." Naruto Uchiha's eyes lit up.

Among the dungeons of the secret realm, there are dungeons of islands such as Turtle Island, Forgotten Island, and Miriyue Island. The islands are unique to the ninja world, with flora and fauna and natural scenery. As long as you do a little planning in advance and pretend to be Penglai Island, it is not difficult to hide the truth. ah.

As a fun person, Uchiha Naruto's mind of doing things suddenly became active.

"Hey, let's not bother the Metropolitan Police Department for now. They have been busy recently."

The blood of the moon that dripped from the crimson moon was not limited to the one that Uchiha Naruto encountered, there were dozens of them.

Look at the commotion caused by this man-eating monster in the Nakano area. The Metropolitan Police Department must be in a state of distress right now.

Naruto Uchiha felt that he was really caring, and he could put himself in the Metropolitan Police Department's shoes.

After carefully looking at all the updated function icons, Naruto Uchiha opened the personal panel.

【Uchiha Naruto: Shangren】

[Skill: Sharingan LV3 (644/1000)]

[Fire Escape LV3 (105/1000), Three Body LV3 (50/1000), Earth Escape LV3 (25/1000), Immortal Talent LV3 (14/1000), Sealing LV3 (5/1000), Psychic Jutsu LV3 (1/1000), Body Jutsu LV3 (1/1000)]

[Water Escape LV2, Puppet Art LV2, Penetration LV2, Medical Ninjutsu LV2...]

[Wood escape LV1, shadow imitation technique LV1, thunder escape LV1...]

Naruto Uchiha browsed the skill bar. Among all LV3 ninjutsu, Sharingan is unique. The progress bar is more than halfway through, and it is closest to LV4.

Sharingan is the housekeeping foundation of the Uchiha clan. Naruto Uchiha spent a lot of hard work training, and even added all the 500 ninja jade points that burst from the Earth Grudge Yu monster to it.

"My Sharingan has been sublimated again, and I am getting closer and closer to opening my own kaleidoscope!"

Every time in the crimson moon, Uchiha Naruto got the pupil technique of kaleidoscope.

Last time it was Yan Dun Jia Gu Tu Ming, but this time...

Although it is a good thing, Naruto Uchiha is somewhat uneasy, wondering if it is suspected of backfiring.

There is one more thing that makes Uchiha Naruto a little bit concerned.

After Feiyue, will the power of the original monsters increase?

This possibility is probably not low.

When fighting the Earth Resentment Yu monster before, that monster went berserk and out of control under the crimson moon, and turned into a terrifying monster that was almost immortal. I'm afraid it will take a lot of trouble to eliminate it.

If other big monster-level existences are also making great strides under Feiyue's attention, then it may be a bit tricky to deal with.

"Huchihuchi", the sound of the helicopter propeller turning suddenly came from the sky.

Naruto Uchiha looked up, and saw a helicopter appeared in the distance in the field of vision, flying towards the distance where the flames were soaring into the sky.

"This direction is Toshima District."

Naruto Uchiha can also see a large number of police cars roaring past through the perspective of a crow hovering in the sky, heading in the same direction as the helicopter.

"Could it be that there was also a riot caused by the monster born by Scarlet Moon?"

I don't know if the Metropolitan Police Department can still cover up and block public opinion after the Scarlet Moon Incident.

If it was just a riot of two crimson moon monsters, the Metropolitan Police Department might be able to fool them. What if dozens of violent and powerful monsters were attacking all over Japan at the same time? The Metropolitan Police Department can't help it either.

Naruto Uchiha had a feeling in his heart that maybe the Scarlet Moon Incident was the moment to reveal the extraordinary secret to the society!

"Hmph! Being so embarrassed by a group of miscellaneous fish monsters, the Metropolitan Police Department will lose face." Naruto Uchiha glanced at it, and the ogre, who was bound by the shadow, snorted coldly.

Having said that, Naruto Uchiha also knows well that in big cities with complex terrain and the difficulty of street fighting with monsters, the Metropolitan Police Department will be cautious even if they hold heavy weapons, for fear of smashing bottles and jars and accidentally injuring the masses.

Not to mention the strength of the monster that descended from Feiyue this time is also extraordinary.

For example, this ogre that is invulnerable to swords and guns and can spit acid mist, the ordinary police do not know how many people would have to die to kill it.


so what! ?

Uchiha Naruto's Sangouyu Sharingan is only one step away from opening the kaleidoscope Sharingan. Under such a pair of strongest eyes that can see through the three worlds, no matter what kind of monsters and ghosts will crawl at his feet.

The end of the evolution of Sharingan is not only the kaleidoscope Sharingan, the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, but the reincarnation!

The Sage of the Six Paths created the great power of the moon, which made Minoru Uchiha fascinated, and it was not in vain for him to be reborn this time if he obtained this great power.

All monsters will surely become the stepping stones for him to open the eyes of reincarnation!

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

Naruto Uchiha laughed wildly.

"Quack quack."

The ogre under his feet was so frightened by the laughter that he let out a few hoarse screams from his throat, which aroused Uchiha Naruto's interest.

His face turned cold, and the black three-pointed jade in his left eye rotated and connected to the pupil, turning into a rotating black triangular windmill.

With a sweep of eyes, black flames enveloped the ogre, burning it to the ground in an instant!

Even the wailing sound before death was too late to utter.

[The kill is complete, the reward is being checked]

【Ninja Jade*150】

【Boiling Escape LV1】

"Ah, ha ha ha ha! The wind is blowing!"

Naruto Uchiha couldn't help covering his bleeding left eye with his hand, and laughed loudly:

"And I am the storm!"

Now is the time when the storm is raging, and the change of the crimson moon is the gust of wind that turns the windmill, which will expose the extraordinary truth that the Metropolitan Police Department has tried its best to cover up since the 19th year of Pingcheng.

And Naruto Uchiha himself is another storm that drives the windmill. No one can imagine where Japan will be blown next.

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