I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 245 Chapter 246

"The cherry blossoms in Sapporo are about to wither..."

In the early morning, in a corner of Nokasayama Forest Park in the southwestern suburbs of Sapporo, Hokkaido, a petite girl with snow-white skin almost transparent got out of the camping tent and looked at the few remaining cherry blossoms on the branches beside her.

It is now approaching the middle of May, and the front line of cherry blossoms has advanced to Hokkaido, which has a cold climate, at the beginning of the month. After the bustling May Golden Week, the cherry blossoms in Hokkaido are gradually withering.

Tsukimi Inaba likes cherry blossoms.

Coming to Hokkaido from Tokyo, what made Tsukimi Inaba especially happy was that he could enjoy the cherry blossoms.

For this reason, even after the cherry blossom front arrived in Hokkaido, she simply set up camp in the Nosayama Forest Park.

Although it is extremely gorgeous when it blooms, the flowering period of cherry blossoms is extremely short, lasting no more than a week, and as short as two or three days. Cherry blossoms are also very fragile. Once exposed to wind and rain, they will turn into fallen flowers and die with the wind.

When the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, they are full of flowers and beautiful, but when they wither, they are not sloppy. The prosperity is gone overnight, the dust is spotless, elegant and pure, and it looks extraordinarily magnificent and poignant.

The cherry blossoms are beautiful and perishable, with a kind of sad beauty, just like her before.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba used to enjoy cherry blossoms with a tendency of self-pity and even self-destruction, but now it is different, after being reborn that night, she can finally calm down and appreciate the splendor of cherry blossoms.

Although the early morning of May in Sapporo, Hokkaido was still a bit chilly, it was not a big problem for Tsukimi Sato Inaba, who already had an extraordinary physique.

After a brief grooming and tidying up her hair, Tsukimi Ri Inaba took out the chakra samurai sword and supporting tools that Uchiha Naruto had given her, and maintained it skillfully and delicately.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba is the granddaughter of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's kendo master and the daughter of a samurai family. She also has some experience in maintaining knives.

The chakra samurai sword, which was originally spotless, has been wiped so that every detail can be seen.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba picked up the chakra samurai sword and swiped it in the air. The light of the sword flashed in the air like a shadow, obviously extremely sharp.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba had a calm face as usual, although she couldn't see any expression, but there was a bit of satisfaction in her deep pool-like black left eye.

For this chakra samurai sword, Tsukimi Inaba couldn't put it down, not only because it was originally a magic weapon that cuts iron like mud, but it could even withstand the state of her curse seal and keep breaking.

More importantly, this is the samurai sword given to her by Lord Uchiha Naruto.

Just like in samurai novels and Dahe dramas, the daimyo, as the lord, bestows the sword to the samurai, which is the highest honor for the samurai.

To this day, Tsukimi Ri Inaba still doesn't know what kind of feelings she has for Master Uchiha Naruto who saved the nightmare.

Is it admiration?

No, Tsukimi Ri Inaba is only fourteen years old, and she is ignorant of the relationship between a man and a woman, and she doesn't think it is love.

But thinking of Master Naruto Uchiha, what the contract said, after the second life, everything from soul to body belongs to Master Naruto Uchiha, Tsukimi Ri Inaba still felt a little hot on his cheeks.

However, this is not envy, but gratitude and loyalty.

This is repayment!

In order to repay Master Uchiha Naruto's life-saving grace, and to give himself the opportunity to kill the white-scaled snake demon of his parents, he dedicated his life to use it as Uchiha Naruto-sama's sword. Daughter, she has already made up her mind.

The first thing is to get the approval of Master Uchiha Naruto and complete the January agreement.

"The code name is the evil spirit of type B-16..."

Tsukimi Ri Inaba took out the confidential file that Uchiha Naruto had given her, her expression still calm.

Her parents used to be members of the No. 4 Search Division of the Metropolitan Police Department, so they naturally knew how confidential this file was.

To be honest, from the bottom of her heart, Tsukimi Ri Inaba is also curious about the identity of Lord Uchiha Naruto, but she knows better that the duty of a samurai is to be loyal.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba is full of hatred for the monster who forced his own family to be ruined, and gouged out his right eye for human experimentation.

Since Master Uchiha Naruto wants her to kill the evil spirit within a month, then she will definitely do it.

Putting the chakra katana back into its sheath, Tsukimi Inaba put it into the sword pouch, and then she took out the blindfold to cover the weird demon eyes, and Tsukimi Inaba set off from Nokasayama Forest Park.

Tsukimi Inaba took the JR to Sapporo JR Station. As soon as she got out of the station, she saw a sea of ​​people, which can be called a prosperous business district.

The first-level administrative units in Japan include capitals, provinces, prefectures, and counties. Among the 47 parallel administrative units, Hokkaido is the only one, and it is also a strong competitor for the poorest level of administrative units.

Hokkaido, formerly known as Ezo Land, has long been regarded as a barren land. The native Ainu people of Ezo Land were regarded as barbarians by the Yamato court. A temporary official position established by the Ainu people.

It was not until the 15th century that feudal lords came to Hokkaido to manage the land. After the Meiji Restoration, a large number of landless peasants flocked to open up wasteland, and Hokkaido ushered in the highway of development.

But even so, Hokkaido is vast and sparsely populated. There are only 5.5 million people on a land of 83,000 square kilometers, and more than one-third of them live in Sapporo.

It is precisely because of this that Sapporo has a prosperity that is not commensurate with Hokkaido.

Looking at the people coming and going near Sapporo JR Station, Tsukimi Ri Inaba frowned subtly, she didn't like such a crowded place.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba turned up her hood, covering half of her face, and went out.

The weather in Sapporo today is very bad. Although it didn't rain, a cloud of lead like ink shrouded the sky over Sapporo, making the atmosphere extraordinarily heavy and depressing.

Dark clouds are overwhelming the city, and the entire business district seems to have been isolated from the outside world and plunged into another world.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba passed by a home appliance store in the commercial street. On the LCD screen in the cabinet, NHK was broadcasting the conversations of several seemingly knowledgeable and respected experts:

"The so-called blood moon spectacle is just that the thick atmosphere absorbs all the purple, blue, green, and yellow light, leaving only red light to pass through. In the same way, the atmosphere refracts red light to the surface of the moon, so Last night, we in Japan were able to appreciate the spectacle of the blood moon in the sky."

The spectacle of the blood moon last night had already spread like wildfire. It spread rapidly on social media in Japan and abroad, and even caused some riots in this world.

And several major TV stations in Japan also invited experts and professors from some famous schools to popularize science and refute rumors.

"In response to some Internet rumors after the blood moon spectacle, the Metropolitan Police Department stated that the Internet is not a place outside the law, and will definitely strike hard at spreading and fabricating rumors!"

Tsukimi Riinaba listened to the news broadcast by the TV station with a calm expression.

She stretched out her hand subconsciously, and touched the back of the left neck, where the curse mark was planted in the bite of the white-scaled snake.

Tsukimi Inaba naturally saw the spectacle of the blood moon last night, but Tsukimi Inaba's intuition told her that it might not be as simple as the experts and professors made it lightly.

After being sealed by Naruto Uchiha through the Seal of Evil, Tsukimi Ri Inaba's body also got rid of the oppression of the Higuchi snake Chakra, and no longer needed sleeping pills and analgesics to fall asleep.

However, when the blood moon appeared last night, Tsukimi Ri Inaba's sealed curse began to flare up like a red-hot brand, tormenting her so much that she couldn't bear to live.

After falling asleep, between half asleep and half awake, Tsukimi Ri Inaba could even hear the white-scaled snake demon whispering.

According to what Master Uchiha Naruto said, the White Scaled Snake Demon has not been completely eradicated, it is still attached to my body, lingering, ready to move!

Tsukimi Ri Inaba looked up at the reflection on the glass of the cupboard, a clean and pretty face was clearly reflected in the glass.


But that face soon began to deform, with snake scales growing out, the pupils elongated and turned into vertical pupils, and within a few seconds, it became the face of Tsukimi Inaba's nightmare, Higuchi Orochi!

The fantasy reflected on the window glass disappeared in just a moment.

"Sooner or later, I will kill you with my own hands."

Tsukimi Ri Inaba had no expression on her face, and a sneer sneered at the corner of her mouth.

Covering his head and face with the hood again, Tsukimi Ri Inaba came to the center of the commercial street in Sapporo and walked up an overpass.

On the overpass, there is an iron stove for roasting sweet potatoes next to an grandmother, and the electric horn under her feet makes a piercing cry:

"Stone-baked sweet potatoes, delicious, sweet and waxy, 100 yen each!"

Stone-roasted sweet potatoes are common street vendors in Sapporo. Hokkaido is an important animal husbandry production base in Japan, and sweet potatoes are by-products of the agricultural and animal husbandry feed supply chain. The vines and leaves of sweet potatoes can be eaten by cows and horses, and sweet potatoes become A common snack in Hokkaido.

"Hey, pretty girl! You are here again today, are you still the same as before?"

As soon as grandma saw Tsukimi Ri Inaba, she warmly greeted her.

"Please, give me twenty."

Tsukimi Inaba nodded, and handed over two thousand-yen bills, and grandma burst into a smile. These days, this little girl went to the flyover every day and directly wrapped her stone-baked sweet potatoes into rounds.

Tsukimi Inaba, after peeling off the skin of the sweet potato, bit down on the hot golden flesh, her cheeks were bulging like a hamster.

Seeing that Yue Jianli Inaba was eating so deliciously, grandma wondered if her skill in roasting sweet potatoes was worthy of the title of Sweet Potato Immortal.

A 100-yen stone-baked sweet potato can fill half a stomach, and three stone-baked sweet potatoes can make a full belly, but Tsukimi Ri Inaba, who is petite, sweeps 20 baked sweet potatoes like autumn leaves in the blink of an eye Generally clean up.

"Little girl, you have such a good appetite."

Although it was not the first time I saw it, grandma still sighed sincerely.


Tsukimi Ri Inaba stretched out her finger, and picked a little residue from the corner of her mouth into her mouth, but her gaze remained motionless as she looked at a 20-meter-high commercial center a hundred meters away from the overpass.

This magnificent commercial building is a landmark building in the business district of Sapporo.

The target of Tsukimi Inaba's trip, Type B-16, is on the thirteenth floor of the commercial center.

The file obtained from Lord Uchiha Naruto, Type B-16 is a pregnant woman who was hanged in the bathroom on the 13th floor of the shopping mall in the second year of Reiwa.

Regarding the three iron rules of evil spirits, Tsukimi Ri Inaba also obtained relevant information in advance.

Compared with other evil spirits, Type B-16 is unbelievably docile. For several years, it has been wandering on the thirteenth floor of the shopping mall, and it will not go down to other floors. Life, just a serious illness will be enough.

The Metropolitan Police Department's assessment of its danger is not high, and this commercial building is the core of Sapporo's business district, which involves huge interests. Under the strong request of Sapporo City, the Metropolitan Police Department only closed the tenth The third floor, the other floors are open as usual.

Perhaps this is also the case, this type of B-16 was chosen by Uchiha Naruto as the sharpening stone of Tsukimi Inaba.

After Tsukimi Inaba came to Sapporo in Hokkaido, she has been stepping around the shopping mall to observe.

Although the Metropolitan Police Department only closed the thirteenth floor, they were not negligent, and they also installed a surveillance team in the mall.

For Tsukimi Ri Inaba, it was not difficult to force his way in.

But these police officers may be the former colleagues of Tsukimi Inaba's parents, and she is not easy to be cruel, so Tsukimi Inaba has been observing secretly for a long time, waiting for a good opportunity.

Now there is still more than a week left before the January agreement with Naruto Uchiha, and it is almost time to do it.

Suddenly, a huge piece of tempered glass on the thirteenth floor of the shopping mall fell off and smashed to pieces on the ground. The fragments flew and injured several passers-by.

The crowds of people on the street gave way one after another, screaming again and again.

After some people fled to a safe distance, they raised their heads curiously to look at the thirteenth floor, and some people cursed.

"Damn it, parabolic throwing is a crime!

"Who did it, jump off for me, and apologize!"

I saw a man in a black suit and several salespersons and customers standing at the window, waving his arms desperately towards the downstairs, shouting "help" and the like at the top of his voice.

"What happened? Could it be a fire?"

"But there's no smoke or fire? And this is the thirteenth floor, isn't it locked all the time? Why are there so many people all of a sudden?"

"Anyway, call the police first."

At this moment, a staff member at the window was cursing loudly, his face was full of fear and despair, as if he was trying to avoid something, his footsteps slipped, he fell directly from the 13th floor, and his brain burst.

The few people around looked at the bloody corpse below, then looked behind them, gritted their teeth and closed their eyes, and jumped down one by one like dumplings.

Plop, plop, fall to pieces!

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