I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 247 Chapter 248

"I got lost in the stairwell, the thirteenth floor, where is it?"

Tsukimi Inaba, holding a sword bag in his hand, stopped in a stairwell, looked at the floor number of the '12th floor', with a look of bewilderment on one side of his head.

After such a big commotion in the shopping mall, all the elevators have been out of service, and they can only climb the stairs with their feet. For Tsukimi Ri Inaba, who has become a superhuman, under the full gallop, the thirteenth floor can be reached in less than a minute. I can finish climbing.

But Tsukimi Ri Inaba had been trapped in the stairwell for more than five minutes at this moment.

Although she is a swordsman, she does not have the attributes of a road idiot.

Frowning, Tsukimi Ri Inaba took out a samurai sword from the sword bag, and slashed under the wall under the floor sign of '12th Floor'.

Then Tsukimi Ri Inaba climbed up from the stairwell on the 12th floor with a calm expression step by step. It stands to reason that the 1st floor from the 12th floor should be the thirteenth floor, but for some reason, he came to the seventh floor. layer.


Tsukimi Ri Inaba stood under the '7th floor' floor sign, and after a moment of silence, he immediately set off and rushed down like a lightning bolt.

But the next floor is not the original '12th floor', but the '6th floor'!

Tsukimi Ri Inaba didn't care, and continued to run down the stairwell.

'5th floor', '4th floor', '3rd floor', '2nd floor'...

Tsukimi Inaba stood on the '2nd floor', looked down with his head, and what he saw was the winding and winding stairs one after another, as if there was no end to it.

In fact, it is true.

Tsukimi Inaba took a few steps down from the '2nd floor' and returned to the '12th floor'. Looking at the trace made by the sharp weapon on the wall under the floor sign, Tsukimi Inaba fell silent.

"Back to the original place."

After entering the stairwell of the mall, Tsukimi Ri Inaba seemed to have entered a never-ending maze of stairs, constantly circulating between the '2nd floor' and the '12th floor'. Reached the thirteenth floor.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba also knew that she had fallen into a strange and dangerous situation, as if she had been bewildered by a fox, wandering on a road forever until her physical strength was exhausted.

The silence in the stairwell was so silent that it made people feel chills behind, and there was no movement, as if they were exiled to a different space that was isolated from the world and did not exist in reality.

This must have been done by Evil Spirit B-16, but in the files of the Metropolitan Police Department, it has never been mentioned that it will use this trick of ghost hitting the wall.

At times like this, you may no longer be able to trust your naked eyes.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba took off the black blindfold on his right eye, revealing pure white pupils, with veins on his cheeks, his originally cute face now looked a bit hideous.

The white eye transplanted into the right eye by the White Scaled Snake Demon can not only strengthen eyesight, but also has the ability to see through, and after opening, Tsukimi Ri Inaba's perception ability is also greatly improved, and it can even be called "the autumn wind has not moved the cicada". foresight.

It's just that this will consume a lot of her 'spiritual power', so she will not use this kind of demon eye until the critical time.

"This evil and cold breath..."

At this moment, Tsukimi Ri Inaba could feel that the floor she was on seemed to be shrouded in a layer of gray haze, which made people feel a sense of suffocating oppression and creepy horror.

That's right, this must be the 13th floor!

Tsukimi Ri Inaba raised his head, the white of his right eye shone with aura, making it more transparent.

The '12th Floor' sign on the wall, after a blur, appeared the prototype, and it really was the '13th Floor'!

Standing in the stairwell on the thirteenth floor and heading towards the entrance of the corridor again, the originally closed stair door has also been opened. The dark entrance is like a magic cave that swallows everything. No one knows what happened inside, but from time to time There were several hysterical screams.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba's face turned cold, and she took a few steps forward with her samurai sword in hand, her figure was gradually engulfed by the darkness.

Shortly after Tsukimi Inaba entered the thirteenth floor, a door of light suddenly appeared in the stairwell at the entrance, and Naruto Uchiha, wearing a red cloud robe with a black background, walked out of it.

He turned his face and glanced at the floor sign on the thirteenth floor, and the Sharingan eyes were shining with a strange red light.

"Interesting, it turns out it's the art of wrongdoing here and the art of the fox's heart." Naruto Uchiha had a faint smile on his face.

The technique of nonsense here, and the fox heart technique are both large-scale illusions that can be used on multiple people. The former can make people hallucinate, mistakenly believe that a certain place is another place. During the Zhongnin exam, the examiner used it Here, the technique of nonsense transforms the room on the second floor into an examination room on the third floor.

And the fox heart technique is an illusion that can deceive the sense of direction of the player, and can only wander on one road forever.

These two illusions are not advanced, and those who have a little understanding of illusions can easily decipher them. Sharingan can see through illusions of this level without breaking a sweat.

But for ordinary people, they can only bump around like headless chickens, and it is impossible to escape until their physical strength is exhausted.

"In the files of the Metropolitan Police Department, Type B-16 can only spit out a weird tongue from its mouth to steal human energy and energy. Those unlucky ones are just a serious illness and are not in danger of life." Naruto Uchiha's face Show a little strange, thought.

"If the Metropolitan Police Department knew that Type B-16 would use such a dangerous illusion, it wouldn't be so big-hearted that it only closed the 13th floor of the mall. This evil spirit became so evil overnight. Is it about the month?"

After the master-student assistant battle is updated to version 2.0, Uchiha Naruto can open a channel near the apprentices and descend directly.

Naruto Uchiha could sense that after Feiyue, the evil-sealing seal he cast on Tsukimi Ri Inaba was loosening, and Higuchi Orochi was about to move, and might get out of trouble at any time.

One of the purposes of his trip was to completely eradicate the Higuchi snake hidden in Tsukimi Ri Inaba's curse seal.

Naruto Uchiha clearly remembered that Orochi Higuchi still owed him a debt.

When I killed it for the first time, this monster only burst out ninjutsu such as Orochimaru, but it hasn't burst out Ninjutsu yet!

The three black hook jades in the eyes began to elongate and deform, winding towards the pupils.

Naruto Uchiha sneered, his figure became transparent and illusory, and he also entered the darkness.


The commercial center occupies a vast area, and unused sundries are piled up randomly, and the light is dim. Being in it is like being in the labyrinth of Mirotaurus.

Because it has been closed for two years, the interior of the thirteenth floor is full of dust and the smell of decay. Tsukimi Inaba didn't care about these things. She rushed over following the screams, but when she arrived, there was only A corpse as dry and dehydrated as a mummy.

But even so, the despair and pain before dying can be vaguely seen from the face.

It was a step too late, Tsukimi Ri Inaba's face was as frosty, and she couldn't see any expression, but the knuckles of the fingers holding the samurai sword had already started to turn white due to the force.

This is already the fourth mummy that Tsukimi Ri Inaba found on the thirteenth floor of the mall.

As someone who has also been hurt by supernatural weirdness, Tsukimi Ri Inaba can empathize with the pain of the victims.

There are also the families of the victims, and Tsukimi Ri Inaba couldn't help but recall the moment when he heard that his parents, who were policemen, died in the line of duty, as if the sky had collapsed and the earth fell into despair.

Whether it is monsters or evil spirits, as long as they harm humans, they must be killed.

Because the thirteenth floor of the shopping mall has a large area and complex terrain, Tsukimi Ri Inaba does not have a topographic map of the thirteenth floor, so it is impossible to find out the people inside one by one.

Moreover, when she was looking for someone, the evil spirit might drive the survivors to extinction even faster.

Searching for survivors is just a temporary solution, and killing the evil spirits is once and for all.

But now it's not easy to find the trace of the evil spirit. You can't expect the evil spirit to come to you by yourself, right? Maybe everyone on the thirteenth floor had been killed by the time we saw it.

I can only continue to use the power of the demon eye!

Tsukimi Ri Inaba pursed her lips, making up her mind, the white of her right eye opened again, and the veins in the corners of her eyes twitched.

Although it is said that white eyes can see through, but the eyes need to search in a large area and long distance, which is also a great burden for Tsukimi Inaba, but now there is no other way to find the whereabouts of the evil spirit immediately.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba turned his head, scanning the past inch by inch, and found several survivors who were hiding and shivering, or who were trapped by illusions to vent and smashed the tempered glass to escape.

"found it!"

Tsukimi Ri Inaba closed his right eye, a tired look appeared on his face.

The violent wind roared, Tsukimi Ri Inaba's figure rushed out as if flying.

In a room on the thirteenth floor of the center of the shopping mall, a surveillance team who was forced into a dead corner curled up in a black suit, watching the type B-16 slowly approaching him with fear on his face.

The numb face of the female evil spirit has a corpse-like blue-gray color, her eyes are sunken and black, her body is lifeless and lifeless, her belly is bulging like a pregnant woman about to give birth, it looks weird and full of evil .

The black suit couldn't believe the nightmare in front of him until now, but no matter how hard he pinched his thigh, he couldn't wake up.

Obviously, the surveillance work in the previous two years went smoothly, but today, for some unknown reason, a large group of people, together with the surveillance team, got trapped on the thirteenth floor of the mall for no apparent reason.

Moreover, I encountered a ghost hitting the wall, and I could only slam into it like a headless chicken. I couldn't find the exit anyway, and I could only watch my colleagues and customers in the mall being dragged away by the evil spirit one by one. Was sucked into a mummy.

How many people died on the thirteenth floor, even the black suit himself didn't know, but judging from the screams one after another, there were at least a dozen people.

I'm afraid that in less than half an hour, the evil spirit can kill all the survivors on the thirteenth floor.

Now, the next person is me!

"Don't come here!"

The back of the black suit was pressed tightly against the wall, his face was extremely pale, his legs were trembling, and he let out a hoarse wail as he watched the evil spirit getting closer and closer.

But the pregnant woman's evil spirit remained indifferent. It moved forward a few steps, opened its mouth, and spit out a disgusting, sticky tongue with several mouths. It ejected and tied up the black suit!

"No, don't! Help!"

The black suit suddenly let out a mournful cry, his whole body felt cold, and his body temperature and vitality were sucked away by the tongue with a long mouth.

The black suit clearly knew that he was finished. After falling into the thirteenth floor, he had seen several people like this, but within ten seconds they would be sucked into mummies by the evil spirits.

At this moment, a green wind blade flew over, cutting off the elongated terrifying tongue.

Wind escape, the art of wind cutting!

Tsukimi Ri Inaba walked into the room slowly and quickly, she turned her head to look at the man in black suit who fell on the ground, at this moment he was already unconscious, his face was scorched, and he seemed to have aged several years out of thin air.

Immediately, Tsukimi Ri Inaba completely focused on the evil spirit with a bulging stomach.

After the tongue was cut off, the evil spirit still had a scalp-numbing resentment and indifference expression. Its throat swelled exaggeratedly, and another tongue that was several meters long was spit out.

The mouths on the tongue are full of fangs and sharp teeth, and they are constantly opening and closing, drooling!

You must not be bitten by the evil spirit's tongue!

Tsukimi Ri Inaba's expression turned serious, and he held the sheathed samurai sword, tilted it on his waist, and made an Iai gesture.

The evil spirit's tongue twisted a few times in the air, and it shot down aggressively towards Tsukimi Inaba.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba tapped her toes and moved away.

As soon as the evil spirit's tongue missed a hit, it rolled and entwined, and Tsukimi Ri Inaba was so nimble and moved around that she didn't even scratch the corner of her clothes.

With a "click", there was an extremely crisp unsheathing sound.

Wind blows!

The pill shows the current Yun Yao!

The samurai sword is entwined with the shape change of the nature of wind escape, emitting a blue sword light, and Tsukimi Ri Inaba slashed out three times in an instant, cutting it into four sections from the bridge of the nose, neck, and chest of the evil spirit .

In this way, even evil spirits...

At this moment, a tentacle with the same mouth appeared from the crotch of the evil spirit, and tied Yue Jianli, who was caught off guard, firmly.

This is a tentacle?

No, more like an umbilical cord!

Tsukimi Ri Inaba's left eye pupil shrank, trying to struggle, but as if falling into an ice cave, her physical and spiritual power were tyrannically taken away by those mouths.

"Hiss... help you... let me help you..."

Consciousness gradually blurred, she heard a hoarse and obscure feminine voice:

"You need me... Yuejianli..."

"Hiss... release my power, so that you can survive and save everyone!"

Tsukimi Ri Inaba let out a muffled snort, blood began to bleed from his mouth and nose, and on the snow-white, almost transparent nape of his neck, a large lump of the curse mark bulged out, as if something alive was wriggling under the skin.

The seal of sealing evil that envelops the curse seal has been unable to stop the black snake-like seals from crawling up Tsukimi Ri Inaba's cheek.

After a few breaths of stalemate, the seal of sealing evil suddenly disintegrated.

The seal is lifted!

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