I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 248 Chapter 249 The Prologue of the Extraordinary Era

Uchiha Naruto's Seal of Sealing Evil was finally broken through by the Higuchi Orochi hidden in the seal.

The black snake-shaped curse mark has spread from the back of the neck, wandering to Tsukimi Inaba's face, like corrupted tattoos on the snow-white skin, covering all parts of the body.

Curse seal one!

A strong chakra suddenly erupted from Tsukimi Ri Inaba's petite body, her arms struggled to open up a little gap between the umbilical cord binding, and gained a rare breathing space, she clapped her hands together.

Wind escape, strong wind palm!

The chakra shape change of the wind escape nature was compressed, and a violent gale was generated from the hand. The gale blew loose the umbilical cord wrapped around the body, and Tsukimi Ri Inaba took the opportunity to pull away and jumped out.

"It's the voice of the White Scaled Snake Demon. Sure enough, what I heard last night was not an illusion. That monster is still lingering."

Tsukimi Rinaba, who broke free from the bondage of the umbilical cord in the state of the curse seal, the blindfold had fallen off at some point, with one black and one white eyes staring at the umbilical cord that was slowly being withdrawn.

Every time Tsukimi Ri Inaba used the curse seal before, he was squeezing his vitality, but after taking the Xinxin Pill to bring him back to life from the coffin, he was able to enter the curse seal with ease.

It's just that after Naruto Uchiha used the Seal of Sealing Evil, she never entered this state again.

Although the state of the curse seal is extremely powerful, the consumption of physical strength and chakra is also terrible, and it must be resolved quickly.


After the umbilical cord was completely retracted between the evil spirit's legs, a scalp-numbing cry of a baby sounded from the incomplete abdominal cavity of the evil spirit.

I saw a short, black baby's arm tearing through the bulging belly of the evil spirit, sticking out a black head, staring at Tsukimiri Inaba with dark eyes.

Is this ghost baby the rightful owner?

Tsukimi Ri Inaba couldn't help but tightly grasped the handle of the katana, with a dignified expression, and the snake-shaped curse mark on his face twisted even more fiercely.

When the ghost baby crawled out of the evil spirit's belly with hands and feet, the big belly evil spirit disappeared in thin air.


The ghost baby's eyes stared at Tsukimi Ri Inaba without emotion for a moment, then crawled up on the ground at an extremely fast speed, then jumped up on the ground, and rushed towards Tsukimi Ri Inaba come over.


Yuejian Ri Inaba's face was cold, he immediately drew his sword out of its sheath, and slashed out with a sword.

The ghost baby's cheeks were cracked, and its mouth opened exaggeratedly, spitting out a tongue that was disproportionate to its body, the thickness of an arm, and the tongue was covered with closed mouths!

So it's not the umbilical cord, but the tongue?

Tsukimi Ri Inaba turned the edge of the knife, the edge of the knife shone with a bright blue light, and slashed with his backhand, cutting on the tongue.

A mouth full of fangs was split on the tongue, and he bit the blade with one bite, making a cracking sound!

so hard.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba's knife only cut in half, but it couldn't cut the ghost baby's tongue in two.


The ghost baby that fell on the ground took back the tongue that had been cut off in half. After a few strange screams, it spit out more than a dozen tongues with the same mouth at the same time, and opened its teeth and claws in the air. A drop of saliva.


Seeing this terrifying scene, Tsukimi Inaba's expression changed slightly.

She actually felt a strong appetite from the ghost baby's more than a dozen tongues that were wriggling like living creatures.

These disgusting tongues are very dangerous!

Tsukimi Inaba was fully on guard, but the ghost baby's dozen tongues did not launch a surprise attack on her. After shaking her head a few times, one of them seemed to have found the target, and it shot out towards a wall.

The wall was unscathed, and the pale tongue pierced through the wall like an illusory substance!

"Ah, don't! Help!"

A series of rapid screams suddenly came from behind the wall.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba subconsciously poured chakra into the white of the right eye socket, and looked through the wall, only to see a man hiding in a cupboard behind the wall, sucked dry by his tongue in just a few seconds.

At the same time, the cold and vicious aura in the ghost baby's body suddenly increased.

Several other tongues also began to elongate, penetrated the wall, and explored other places on the thirteenth floor of the shopping mall.

This ghost baby wants to drain the vitality of the other survivors on the thirteenth floor, and it will become more and more difficult to deal with.

There is not much time for hesitation!

Tsukimi Inaba's expression was indifferent and calm, and he let out a breath, as if he had made up his mind, the snake-shaped curse marks on his face continued to spread and merge, dyeing Ruxue's skin gray-white.

"Hiss, that's right, that's it... Yue Jianli, you need strength..."

The hoarse tone of the White Scaled Snake Demon, which made her sick, lingered in her ears again.

"Now there is nothing in the way, let me fully release my power."

"shut up!"

Tsukimi Ri Inaba had a look of pain on his face.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Tsukimi Ri Inaba's black hair also turned white, and a pair of horns protruded. The petite loli figure also stretched and straightened, and turned into a protruding figure of Yujie. two arms.

Curse seal two!

Entering the second state of curse seal, the hair color and skin color have changed, and even horns and third and fourth arms have grown. The current form is not so much a human, but more like a demon.


Tsukimi Ri Inaba's footsteps stomped heavily on the ground, jumping up like a cannonball, the floor couldn't bear the heavy pressure, it burst open directly, and fragments flew across.

The ghost baby spit out more than a dozen pale tongues with a mouth, and immediately bit towards Tsukimi Inaba.

"Shut up!"

Tsukimi Ri Inaba entered the curse seal 2, and the two arms that grew out of the back frantically scratched in the air, the cyan streamers intertwined into a net, and directly tore off the entwined tongues one by one!



Yunyao, who is a famous master of the pill, is so fast that even ordinary people's naked eyes can't catch it. It is said that the master of the famous master in the school can even cut the water droplets under the eaves three times before they fall to the ground.

Just like Tsukimi Ri Inaba cut Type B-16 into four sections in an instant.

And the Yun Yao who cut this time, under the absolute bonus of the second spell, can be regarded as the pinnacle of the knife!

A blue sword light flashed past, and everything in front of Tsukimi Inaba, the walls of the 13th floor of the shopping mall, the load-bearing wall, and the tempered glass were shattered, and the sword light cut through everything, and directly sank into the sky .

The ink-like lead cloud hanging over Sapporo City seemed to be cut by this sword.

Wisps of light fell from the faint openings in the sky, but then the dark clouds rolled over and covered the sky again.


[The kill is complete, the reward is being settled]

【Ninja Jade*200】

[Illusion: the art of non-existence here]

[Illusion: Fox Heart Art]

[Magic Chaos LV1]


Because of the huge consumption of Bai Yan and Man Yin Er, Tsukimi Ri Inaba was finally overwhelmed after cutting out with a single sword, and his body fell to the ground.

"Whirring whirring--"

Tsukimi Ri Inaba's face was extremely pale, and there were fine beads of sweat on his forehead, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

In her perception, the ghost baby has been wiped out. Not only did she save more than half of the survivors in the thirteenth floor, but she also reached a one-month agreement with Lord Uchiha Naruto.

In this case, you can...

But at this moment, a large mass of white meat suddenly bulged out of the curse mark on the back of her neck. The surface of the mass of flesh squirmed a few times, and it transformed into a face covered with white snake scales. The snake's pupils are full of coldness like a cold-blooded animal.


Tsukimi Ri Inaba's expression changed drastically, he bit his lower lip, and whimpered a few times from his throat.

"Woo ha ha ha ha!"

Growing on the back of Inaba's neck in Tsukimi, the basilisk-like head spat out a long letter:

"In Yuejian, I have been waiting for this moment! Not only the annoying seal has been lifted, but also the spiritual power in your body to suppress me has been exhausted, so that I can be resurrected again."

This voice is clearly audible, not the ravings I heard in dreams or hallucinations before!

It was the white-scaled snake demon who killed his parents!


Even Tsukimi Ri Inaba, with such a tenacious temperament, couldn't bear the pain that almost pulled his soul out of his body.

However, the scaly white sarcoma on the back of her neck continued to swell at a speed visible to the naked eye. Ten seconds later, a snake-headed monster with greasy mucus dripping from its body and white snake scales on its face, It was peeled off from Tsukimi Inaba's neck.

"Hisss, hahaha, praise Scarlet Moon! I, Higuchi Orochi, have been resurrected again!"

Higuchi Orochi spat out a bright red snake letter, its vertical pupils shone with a strange scarlet color, raised its hands high, and laughed wildly.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

The curse seal on the back of Tsukimi Inaba's neck also dissipated, and the resurrection of Higuchi Orochi drained the last trace of physical strength and chakra from Tsukimi Ri Inaba's body. Her eyelids were as heavy as if they had been filled with lead. It is only natural that he fainted in the next second.

But even so, Tsukimi Ri Inaba still held on, not letting herself pass out.

Orochi Higuchi laughed wildly for a while, then lowered his head, looked at Tsukimi Ri Inaba at his feet, smiled coldly, and stretched out his palm.

A thick white python swooped down, bound Tsukimi Ri Inaba, and lifted her into the air.

"Should I say long time no see? Yue Jianli?"

Higuchi Orochi showed a sinister smile on his face, and said:

"But it's not a reunion after a long absence. After all, my soul has been hiding in the curse seal in your body for more than half a month. I didn't expect that the curse seal can be used as a backhand for resurrection. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to Get rid of the pursuit of the extraordinary."

Tsukimi Ri Inaba did not say a word, her black left eye stared at it, full of deep-seated hatred.

"Hee hee hee, don't stare at me with such horrible eyes. Although I killed your parents and gouged out your right eye, you also hacked me several times and killed my lovely subordinates, It should be considered even." Higuchi Orochi smiled nervously.

"Why don't you reconcile?"

What a joke!

Tsukimi Ri Inaba's eyes were cold, and although his body couldn't even move his little finger because of the exhaustion, the murderous aura on his body became more and more fierce.

Higuchi Orochi turned a blind eye, as if he had been holding back in the curse for too long, and babbled endlessly:

"Yuejianli, are you still afraid that I covet your body? Don't worry, I have no interest in you now."

The python wrapped around Higuchi's arm shrank, and pulled Tsukimi Ri Inaba in front of him, and it strangled Tsukimi Ri Inaba's throat:

"I used to be really stupid, because human beings became obsessed with ghosts for a while, and wanted to take human bodies and mix into human society."

"Now I don't need a human body anymore. I have received the apocalypse from the crimson moon in my deep sleep. Hehehehehe, I gradually understand everything!"

Orochi Higuchi's expression became more and more crazy, and the palm holding Tsukimi Ri Inaba's neck unconsciously became more and more forceful, and the claws even pierced her skin, bleeding out.

"The day is about to pass, and the long night is coming. The age of human beings is over, and the next will be an era of extraordinaryness! Not only this country, but even this world will become a demonic realm of ghosts and ghosts!"

Orochi Higuchi exaggerated his expression and announced in an aria voice.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba's face flushed a little from being suppressed, but her eyes did not hide her contempt and sarcasm.

This monster is crazy!

"Ah, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have used such force. After all, you're just a weak human being, and I might break your neck if you're not careful."

Orochi Higuchi suddenly expressed apology, patted his head with one hand, let go of his palm slightly, and bowed and apologized as if he was a different person.

"Miss Yuejianli, hiding in the curse seal, my perception of the outside world is also blocked, so I have a few questions to ask you."

"That night, what was the origin of those two transcendents with sharing eyes?"

Tsukimi Ri Inaba sneered, closed his eyes suddenly, and remained silent.

Higuchi Orochi suddenly became furious, opened Tsukimi Ri Inaba's mouth roughly with his hand, and shouted:

"Why didn't you say it?! Why didn't you say it?!"

"Ah, sorry, I lost my temper again."

The current Higuchi Orochi is completely insane and insane.

"If you don't want to say it, then forget it. It's just that the things I put on you should be returned to their original owners."

Orochi Higuchi stretched out his tongue and licked his eyes, then stretched out his hand, and touched Tsukimi Ri Inaba's right eye, ready to forcefully gouge out that white eye.

At this moment, a cold light flashed, and Higuchi Orochi's palm was cut off again!


Uchiha Itachi, who was wearing a red cloud robe with a black background, held a kunai and looked at it calmly.

His scarlet eyes with magical power were not like that night, just three black goblins revolving around his pupils, but a black triangular windmill.


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