I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 249 Chapter 250

Dark clouds overwhelmed the city, and the sky in Sapporo became more and more gloomy. Dark clouds gathered from all directions piled up over the city, and the faint sound of wind and thunder fell from the gaps in the clouds.

"Has the real identity of the girl who broke into the mall not been found out yet?"

In the temporary base set up near the shopping mall, Xia Ye, who looked a bit sloppy, only watched the police, scratched his stubble-covered chin, and looked at the last frozen picture on the monitor.

The scene of Tsukimi Inaba catching the mother and child who fell from the building was captured by the monitoring equipment on the street and the mobile phones of the onlookers.

Although Tsukimi Ri Inaba consciously covered his head and face with his hood, under the cameras from so many angles, he still took a few blurry photos of his face.

Xia Ye only police as a treasure, this is an excellent breakthrough.

There are two types of transcendents that the Metropolitan Police Department has come into contact with now. One is the ancient transcendents who descended from the heavens like Master Lu, Xiao Organization, and Immortal Toad. They may be ancient people hundreds of thousands of years ago, but they have been out of the ordinary world for so long, even if they look at their faces, they can't find any information, and the Metropolitan Police Department can only look for clues in myths and legends.

And the other category is the new generation of extraordinary people who have been reborn due to some coincidences like Doctor Satomi, Hero Tosu, and Mineko Yuki.

As long as they are citizens who were born and raised in modern society, and become the new generation of extraordinary people, as long as their faces are photographed and they are followed by pictures, they will soon be able to catch their feet.

The pretty girl who broke into the mall had a childish appearance, and was dressed in modern hoodies and sneakers. In all likelihood, she was also a new-generation transcendent.

"Shimono is only watching the police, and the information and pictures have been sent to the headquarters. The headquarters is doing the matching in the database, and the results will be available in a short time." A police officer who was sitting in front of a laptop and typing on the keyboard said.

"And the girl is wearing a blindfold on her right eye. With such obvious features, there must be no problem."

Shimono only watched carefully Tsukimi Inaba who was wearing a blindfold.

Blind in the right eye?

There is also this face that seems familiar, as if some memory is about to come out.

Shimono only police inspector is an old man who joined the Metropolitan Police Department at the initial stage of the fourth search section. He has a lot of experience. However, he has seen colleagues who died in the line of duty due to extraordinary incidents several times in Tokyo. He is middle-aged and a little discouraged.

All Hokkaido, who had only volunteered to be transferred to the barren land, was responsible for monitoring Type B-16 and withdrew from the front line.

This would have been a relatively easy and safe job before the Type B-16's sudden attack.

"It feels like it's a little bit close."

Just as Shimono Jishi was scratching his head and thinking hard, the head of the Hokkaido Police Headquarters walked in and said to Shimono Jishi, "Shimono Jishi, the Hokkaido Police Mobile Squad is ready."

"Excuse me, Minister Maeno, please leave the command to me temporarily."

Shimono only exhaled with a worried expression on his face.

It has to be said that although fifteen years have passed, the management of extraordinary events in this country is still a bit chaotic, so many schools have been sent out that even unified scheduling cannot be achieved.

The SAT under the direct command of the Metropolitan Police Department, the gun countermeasures unit of the prefectural and county road police, and the special mobile team all often act as temporary firefighters.

The old and new enmity between the Fourth Search Division and the Fifth Division of the Public Security Bureau is even more of a bad debt. Shimono only pays attention to the vague news that the current conflict has intensified to the point where it becomes apparent.

However, this is not something that a small role of his level should think about. The most urgent task is to complete the tasks assigned by the Metropolitan Police Department.

Shimono only patted his face with the policeman, he was refreshed, and walked out of the temporary base.

Dozens of police officers from the Hokkaido Mobile Department wearing riot helmets were already standing on the street, all fully armed and loaded with live ammunition.

Shimono only nodded in satisfaction, then suddenly frowned and looked towards the nearby buildings.

Although the Sapporo city police had forcibly dispersed the onlookers on the street in front of the shopping mall, there were still many people in the surrounding shops and office buildings. Many people stood on the roofs and in front of the windows, pointing and pointing.

It was as if the mall was holding some kind of big promotional anniversary event.

"Such a big formation! Are these people the Self-Defense Forces?"

"Hahaha, the civil servants from the Self-Defense Force are dispatched, unless there are monsters landing in Japan!"

"You military blind! How could the Self-Defense Force ride in a police car! It's the mobile team of the Hokkaido Police, that's all."

The vast majority of people are completely unaware of the horrific supernatural events, and there are many discussions outside the distance they think they are safe.

It is impossible for the Sapporo City Police to clear the entire business district of people in such a short period of time, so they can only try to keep idlers away.

Shimono just looked at the police and simply pretended he didn't see it, out of sight and out of mind.

"Absolutely, absolutely no shooting without my order!"

Xiaye only warned repeatedly.

Because the evil spirits ignore the characteristics of physical attacks, and the thirteenth floor of the shopping mall is still a puddle of muddy water, the situation is unknown, and the mobile team is not qualified for the work of the rescue team.

In addition to dispatching the mobile team just in case, another purpose is to serve as a force support and weight for 'negotiation' with the latest extraordinary girl.

If it is a new generation of superhumans who were born and raised on the earth, their combat power must be far inferior to the ancient superhumans, and they will definitely not be able to teleport as they are representative of!

Persimmons should be picked softly.

The Metropolitan Police Department does not have the courage to intimidate the Transcendents who come across the border, but it has the courage to take advantage of the new generation of Transcendents, and it is very big!

This time the extraordinary girl who appeared in Sapporo City has been ordered by the Metropolitan Police Department to recruit as much as possible.

Shimono only stood on the street, ready to fight, but he still had a heart about the identity of that extraordinary girl.

"Shimono is only on the alert, the identity of the extraordinary girl has been traced out."

At this moment, a policeman ran over with a laptop computer full of excitement to announce the good news.

"Tsukimi Ri Inaba, that's the name!"

Shimono only changed his face, and snatched the laptop from the subordinate's hand, which contained the information sent by the Metropolitan Police Department.

He browsed through it immediately, and at the same time, he was overjoyed with a sudden realization on his face.

It turned out to be the orphan of Yue Jianli and his wife who died in the line of duty. I must have met several times at the funeral and memorial service. No wonder I have an impression.

Although I don't know how Tsukimi Ri Inaba became an extraordinary person, but her identity is well established, and it is not easy to recruit her!


A roar suddenly erupted on the thirteenth floor of the shopping mall. Amidst the splashes of glass shards and rubble, a shadow was slammed into the opposite office building like a baseball.

what happened? !

I saw a young man walking over from the thirteenth floor, standing in front of the open tempered glass window, looking at the office building with a cold face.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, the bright red cloud robe with a black background made Xia Ye only policeman's face change drastically!

"Why, Xiao organization will appear here!?"

An incredible scene appeared, the black-haired young man in the red cloud robe with a red background jumped up and turned into a large group of crows in mid-air!

The crows flapped their wings, black crow feathers fluttered all over the sky, and flew towards the office building.

From the hole that was smashed open, the crows swarmed in and gradually gathered together, turning into Itachi Uchiha.

In the scarlet pupils, three black hooked jades turned, Uchiha Itachi looked at it calmly, and the white-scaled snake monster lying in the mess said:

"This is just to say hello, it's impossible not to get up."


A thick white-scaled snake tail swept away the debris on the ground, and the Higuchi serpent with a half-human body and half-snake tail climbed upwards, with its back against the ceiling, and confronted Uchiha Itachi.

"It hurts, you cut off my arm again."

"If the life force of monsters is cockroaches, you are a planarian whose head can be revived after being cut off. To you, this injury is almost like a human losing their hair." Uchiha Itachi remained indifferent.


Orochi Higuchi let out a weird and disgusting laugh, and slippery poisonous snakes crawled out of the broken arm of his right hand, entangled together, and became an arm.

It shook a few times, and turned its head towards Itachi Uchiha, but its eyes were closed tightly, and the snake letter in its mouth kept swallowing.

"Hiss, your Sharingan requires eye contact to use illusion, right?"

"After dying once, you've grown a lot. You've learned a lot from a fall, that's what I'm talking about."

Uchiha Itachi smiled lightly and admitted it.

For Sangouyu Shulunyan, who is good at illusion and hypnosis, it is best to run away with his back if he is alone. If he is forced to fight, he should try to avoid looking at each other.

A physical master like Akai can predict the movement by observing the enemy's footsteps.

Although Orochi Higuchi closed his eyes, the thermal sensor in the cheek socket can also capture the position of Itachi Uchiha.

Although Sharingan is the core of Uchiha's power system, he is not only good at pupil technique, fire escape, and shuriken.

Uchiha Itachi was not in a hurry to start, and asked:

"Orochi Higuchi, why do you know these eyes are called Sharingan?"

On the thirteenth floor of the shopping mall, Orochi Higuchi said the word "Sharingan" to Tsukimi Ri Inaba.

For this parallel world where Hokage does not exist, Uchiha announced to this world the name of these eyes through the mouth of A Fei during the ghost doctor incident.

Although I also know that Higuchi Orochi established an organization in Tokyo to shelter the big shots of the chaebol, and there are even people in the Metropolitan Police Department who tipped it off.

But at that time, Higuchi Orochi had already died once, and was sealed in the Seal of Sealing Evil.

There is no reason for Higuchi Orochi to know that the eyes of the Uchiha clan are called Sharingan.

"Sharingan? Your eyes are called Sharingan...how could I blurt it out...hehehe..."

Hearing Uchiha Itachi's words, as if he had been stimulated by something, Higuchi Orochi's snake face began to become distorted and crazy, and he stretched out two hands to scratch his face.

The claws tore off the scales on Higuchi Orochi's face, bleeding profusely from the scratch, looking extremely terrifying.

"Hehehehe... Feiyue, it was Feiyue who told me... In Feiyue, there is the truth of the world! Hehehehe!"

"Ah, ah, hee hee hee!"

Orochi Higuchi stretched out a few fingers, poked them from his temples into his brain and stirred them a bit. A quick and beautiful expression appeared on his crazy face. After pulling out his fingers, his expression finally calmed down.

"Hiss, I'm very sorry, I lost my composure. I don't know why it is called Sharingan. It may be these eyes that appeared in my dream."

Uchiha Itachi frowned.

The state of Higuchi Orochi after being revived from the curse seal is obviously not right!

For a while, he was articulate and sane, and for a while he was talking crazily and talking insanely.

In the first crimson moon, the horns that exploded with the technique of earth resentment also ran out of control as if they had been polluted by something.

Higuchi Orochi is now clearly showing signs of losing control!

"Is it really because of Feiyue? What did you hear from Feiyue?" Uchiha Itachi asked tentatively with a look on his face.

"What Feiyue? It's just inexplicable, I don't understand what you're talking about." Higuchi Orochi said in an innocent tone.

"I'll remind you."

Regardless of whether Higuchi Orochi is really crazy or pretending to be crazy, Uchiha Itachi has the means to force him to ask everything he knows.

"Hee hee hee hee, I am not what I used to be after my resurrection! If you can do it, just go ahead! Hee hee hee hee!"

Orochi Higuchi had a strange expression, and started to laugh crazily and nervously again. His stomach suddenly swelled up as if he had blown air, and it filled the room in just a few seconds.


It turned out to be self-destruct!

Uchiha Itachi's expression changed, and he used the instant body technique to retreat, without even letting the splashed flesh and blood splash on the corner of his clothes.

But the world in front of Uchiha Itachi's eyes began to shift, and boundless darkness fell in an instant.


Uchiha Itachi blinked his eyes, and the three black hooked jade in his eyes accelerated a few times.


Moreover, in this world, there is no illusion that can confuse Sharingan.

The touch of the soles of his feet was a bit wrong. He looked from his feet to the end of his field of vision, and the land was an endless plain paved with white flesh.

It was like being in the stomach wall of some monster.

Immediately afterwards, several strips of meat that looked like tentacles and snakes began to protrude from the meat mud under Uchiha Itachi's feet, and began to wrap around Uchiha Itachi's body.

"Although you said that you no longer covet human bodies, isn't this the different space where the undead reincarnation ceremony takes place?"

"Are you human too?"

"Hiss, why, you even know this technique? Forget it, when we become one, everything will be clear."

In front of Uchiha Itachi, a large piece of meat bulged, and in the wrapping of the meat, Higuchi Orochi exposed the lower half of his face, sticking out his long tongue.

"The body can only be regarded as an addition, what I want is your eyes!"

"Come on, become one with me!"

"These eyes are finally going to be my eyes!"

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