I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 250 Chapter 251 The Quasi-King Level Yamata no Orochi

"Your obsession with Sharingan is crazy, but..."

In the different space composed of pale flesh and blood, strips of venomous snakes and tentacle-like flesh were gradually entangled on the body, leaving only Uchiha Itachi with his head exposed, showing a coldness on his face.

"A snake crawling on the ground dares to covet an eagle soaring in the sky beyond its limits. The snake's fate is to be smashed into pieces."

A scarlet and ominous halo burst out from his eyes, dyeing the pale flesh attached to his body like a growth into an almost pitch-black red.

In the next second, the piece of meat fell apart.

Not only that, the blood light began to spread from Uchiha Itachi's feet to the surroundings, like ink dripping into clear water.

The power of Sharingan is eroding this different space!

"Impossible! How could such a thing happen! This is mine..."

Orochi Higuchi lost his voice in disbelief, with a trembling sound of panic in his tone.

"I should have told you before, all your ambitions and means are meaningless before these eyes."

Uchiha Itachi raised his right hand, flicked the ring finger wearing the 'Zhu' character ring slightly, the different space was shaking, and a head of a giant beast composed of red flesh and blood rose from the ground.

"How is it possible, this is obviously my different space, how could it be dominated by you!?"

The dragon-like giant beast of flesh and blood opened its mouth wide, bit down, and swallowed the Higuchi Serpent.


In the office building room in the real world, because of the self-explosion, a layer of stinky red paint was pasted on the walls and floors.

Among the broken pieces of meat, a white poisonous snake opened its mouth, and a mucus-covered half-human, half-snake monster blurted out, lying on the ground in pain, and vomited out a large pool of colorful mucus in a violent reaction.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

In the mucus, there are several small snakes that are as thick as fingers, dying.

Pa, Uchiha Itachi's figure flashed behind the listless Higuchi Orochi, looking at it expressionlessly.

Higuchi Orochi was startled, turned hastily, and his right hand turned into a snake and snake wrapped around Itachi Uchiha.

With a flash of red light, a beating flame rose up, and the instant burst of high temperature directly burned the python to ashes.

"Hiding Shadow Snake Hand, I have seen this kind of trick before, so I don't need to use it to make a fool of myself."

Uchiha Itachi waved his hand, threw a kunai, nailed the tail of the fleeing Higuchi Orochi to the ground, and approached slowly.

Orochimaru's ninjutsu, representative of people spitting snakes, snakes spitting people, people spitting people, snakes spitting snakes, was a bit curious at first, but after seeing a lot, it started to nausea.

"You, the power you obtained from Crimson Moon should be more than that."

"You don't have any spells to hide this time, so use whatever spells you have."

"Okay! Hee hee hee hee hee!"

The corner of Higuchi Orochi's mouth was cracked almost to the back of his head, and he let out a creepy, strange laugh. His expression seemed crazy, and he scratched his neck with both palms, tearing off pieces of flesh and scales.

"Itchy, itchy! Itchy!"

On the bloody neck, sarcomas swelled and proliferated, and there were snake faces exactly like Higuchi snakes.

Big or small weird heads were hung on the neck of Higuchi Orochi, and he swallowed the snake letter to Uchiha Itachi, saying in unison:

"The Art of Eight Qi!"

The entire office building was exploded in an instant. Among the ruins of the collapsed building, giant snakes tens of meters long rose up into the sky like pillars of the sky.

Although the sky of Sapporo City was covered by dark clouds for a while, and it was almost breathless, but it was not to the point where you couldn't see your fingers.

With the bursts of thunder flashing between the clouds, the police at the intersection of the mall and the people wandering around all saw this multi-headed giant snake as big as a mountain.

The howling wind and the tumbling dark clouds were all frozen at this moment, and the world became silent all of a sudden, and everyone could hear their own heartbeat.

What's this? !

One huge head after another, connected to a snake neck more than 20 meters long, swayed in the air, like white flowers blooming in the dark, which looked a little sacred and strange.

They had never seen such a terrifying monster, nor had they seen such a holy behemoth.

Such a frightening aura, such a huge body, such a ferocious shape, it is almost like seeing a demon descending from a myth.

No, it's the gods!

"So many heads, could it be... Yamata no Orochi?"

The young people standing on the roof on the other side of the building were so dazed that they didn't even notice that the mobile phone had dropped from their hands.

Not only him, but all the Japanese citizens present had the same idea at the same time.

Needless to say, Yamata no Orochi is well-known in this country, even children with yellow mouths are familiar with it.

"Ancient Matters" records a demon god with eight heads and eight tails, and a body so huge that it can fill eight mountains and eight valleys.

Yamata no Orochi is a monster that even the gods fear, and was finally beheaded by Susano, one of the three noble sons. From the tail of Yamata no Orochi, one of the three artifacts, the Amano Cloud Sword, was found.

How is this possible?

The myth has come? !

The crowds watching in the buildings and shops near the mall were all attracted by the commotion in the mall.

The vast majority of people may not know the inside story until now, but witnessing the appearance of this giant white snake comparable to Yamata no Orochi, the worldview established for decades was shattered in a few seconds.




The heads of Yamata no Orochi pointed straight towards the sky, making a terrifying roar.

bang bang bang.

The deafening roar resounded through the commercial streets of Sapporo, and the windows of many buildings were shattered.

Ordinary people around the ruins of the office building felt that their souls were about to be shattered in an instant, and even those who were timid and cowardly simply rolled their eyes and passed out.

Suddenly, a snake head bigger than a bus pounced on it and swallowed three or five people on the roof of another building in one gulp.


"Mom, run!"

Amidst the terrifying roar of Yamata no Orochi, most of the onlookers woke up as if they had just woken up from a dream. Driven by the most primitive instinct of fear, their bodies ran away with their heads in their arms.

Not only the people on the roof of the building are fleeing, but also the people staying in the building have no sense of security, running out of the gate, running around on the street, just thinking about running as far away as possible, away from this monster. The farther the better.

Human beings as small as ants fled crazily, arousing the ferocity of Yamata no Orochi.

Those unlucky ones before, for the Yamata no Orochi, which is more than 50 meters in length, can barely get between their teeth.

Its multiple heads attacked at the same time, opening its terrifying huge mouth like an abyss, and began to feast on it. No matter who fled to the street or those who hid in the building, they could not escape death.

The reinforced concrete walls are no different from paper paste to Yamata no Orochi.

The huge snake head is rampaging, and as long as it hits down, the convenience store will be smashed like an empty can.

A viaduct-like snake neck entangled a nearby tall building. The scales of the snake neck contracted and twisted vigorously, cutting off the building at the waist!

The upper half of the building seemed to hit the ground slowly and quickly, collapsing and splashing dust all over the sky.

"Damn monster!"

"Shoot, shoot!"

On the street, more than a dozen Hokkaido Mobile Squads picked up their submachine guns and assault rifles, and fired at Yamata no Orochi.

"Da da da--!"


There was a lot of gunfire, and the fierce gunshots resounded like a violent storm, and the metal bullets tore off large pieces of broken scales and flesh and blood on the body surface of Yamata no Orochi.

The heavy weapons in the hands of the mobile team can also cause damage to Yamata no Orochi, but with Yamata no Orochi's body as big as a mountain, it is not even considered skin trauma.

It may be similar to ordinary people being pricked with needles.

Although the damage was almost non-existent, the pain was still felt. The pain-eating Yamata no Orochi raised its head furiously, and spit out a large cloud of purple poisonous mist downward in mid-air.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi."

In a few short screams, the mobile team seemed to be splashed with concentrated sulfuric acid, the skin and flesh melted, and the poisonous mist corroded the bones in just a few seconds.

"Roar, roar, roar!!"

More than half of the heads of Yamata no Orochi were wrecking havoc in the business district of Sapporo, and the remaining few raised their heads and let out a violent roar!

Under the ravages of Yamata no Orochi, there were cries and screams one after another.

In just a short while, Yamata no Orochi made such a big commotion that it almost demolished the commercial street.

This was originally the business district with the most traffic in Sapporo, and with the addition of people who were attracted by supernatural accidents to watch the excitement, the number of people gathered increased.

Hundreds of people were swallowed and poisoned to death by Yamata no Orochi, and countless victims were buried by collapsed buildings and injured and killed by flying broken glass.

On the roof of the shopping mall opposite Yamata no Orochi, Uchiha Itachi's black-bottomed red cloud robe was fluttering.

"Sure enough, it's the technique of Hachi."

Uchiha Itachi has no sadness or joy, which is completely expected.

"Unfortunately, it is only a semi-finished product. It has only seven heads."

That's right, although those people who are in panic regard this huge monster with multiple snake heads as Yamata no Orochi, but in fact this monster has only seven heads.

That is to say, Higuchi Orochi's Eight Qi Art is not yet at the level of mastery.

Well, although it can also be called Nanaki no Orochi or something, but for the sake of this is the art of Yaqi, let's call it Yamata no Orochi.

"Fire escape, the skill of the mighty fire dragon!"

Uchiha Itachi clasped his palms together, stood on the roof of the shopping mall, and spit out a blazing fire dragon at Yamata no Orochi.


There was a huge explosion and raging flames engulfed half the street, engulfing Yamata no Orochi all at once.

Suddenly, a huge snake head rushed out of the dust and flames, and bit fiercely towards Itachi Uchiha.

Art fire escape ho fireball!

A huge fireball with a diameter of more than five meters shot out, directly blasting the snake's head to pieces.

The burning headless snake's neck shook wildly in the air, and the stench of burnt protein filled the air.

Itachi Uchiha's eyes turned the three-god jade, and his sight penetrated the flames and smog. The three heads of Yamata no Orochi were burned to ashes by the previous powerful fire dragon technique, and four of them were killed by the powerful fireball technique.


Uchiha Itachi turned his head and looked at the headless snake neck in the air. The meat mass on the section was growing rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, a huge wet snake head popped out again.

Sure enough, the vitality of the Baqi Art is really extraordinary, and it can almost be called immortal.

Now only the LV3 fire escape, still can't burn Yamata no Orochi to ashes in one go.

The newly grown giant snake head flung it suddenly, and opened its huge mouth towards Itachi Uchiha. The terrifying chakra condensed and entwined in the snake's mouth, gushing out a stream of purple lightning-like torrents.




The purple torrent directly split the upper half of the shopping mall. Not only that, the aftermath of the purple torrent also plowed a straight crack in the block behind, until the end of the line of sight, buildings along the way collapsed one after another.

A dozen crows surrounded Uchiha Itachi and floated in the sky. He glanced back, and his indifferent face showed some surprise.

"Hiss, this is the power of monsters!"

The snake's head, which spewed out a purple torrent, spit out a long letter.

In other words, the half-human, half-snake Higuchi Orochi acted as a snake letter, and it laughed like crazy.

"With this power, the age of humanity is over. Hee hee hee hee ha ha!!!"

Itachi Uchiha was also a little surprised. The real Yamata no Orochi in Higuchi Orochi's Yaki Art is only one head away. According to the system evaluation, it is only one step away from the Kage-level LV4.

A true Kage-level powerhouse doesn't only have one LV4 ninjutsu.

With a body as large as a tailed beast, almost immortal recovery ability, and shockingly abundant chakra, under all kinds of bonuses, the strength of this Yamata no Orochi has already touched the threshold of Zhuangying .

Looks like it's going to take a little more work.

The three-pointed jade in Itachi Uchiha's eyes began to deform and turned into a black triangular pinwheel.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan!

At the same time, Uchiha Itachi's chakra also began to sublimate, and an orange halo lingered all over his body.

"Although it is a snake, you have grown fangs."

"Hisss, you still call me a snake? I have been reborn, shed the snake skin and sublimated into a dragon!"

Higuchi Orochi is full of ambition.

Itachi Uchiha stretched out his right hand, the orange chakra began to condense into substance, and a translucent humerus several meters long grew out.

Kakaka, above the humerus, a piece of arm bone is still growing, ulna, metacarpal, phalange...

An orange-yellow skeleton arm more than ten meters long clawed forward, grabbing the Higuchi Serpent together with the huge snake head.

"Whether you are a snake or a dragon, it is the same."

With a sudden grip of the skeleton's palm, it directly crushed Yamata no Orochi's head!

"I'll let you experience it, as long as you see it with your own eyes once, you can't escape the 'power of God'!"

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