I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 252 Chapter 253 Myth Revival

The myth of Susanoo beheading Yamata no Orochi will be reproduced again!


As Uchiha Itachi formed seals with both hands, majestic Chakra gushed out.

In the translucent orange-yellow flame, Susanoku's spine joints are like a broken bamboo, each joint is raised, and the ribs and arms are constantly expanding and solidifying.

Two groups of orange-red dancing flames emerged from the hollow eye sockets of the skull.

"Although it is still far from reaching its peak state, it is enough to deal with Yamata no Orochi's counterfeit! This is the power of God that can only be possessed after our family's Sharingan is sublimated to the extreme, Susano."

Susanoo's first form!

Although it has only the upper body, it is already nearly 20 meters high, and it is not weak compared to Yamata no Orochi.

Originally, Uchiha Itachi's initial Susanoo was not so tall, but under Chajinla's unsparing infusion, the size has also increased.

"This is the power of Susanoo!"

The half-length Susano in the first form expands in size and doubles in strength. The snake neck wrapped around Susano's right arm by Yamata no Orochi was also torn off by it with brute force.

"Puff Chi Chi!"

The two broken necks of Yamata no Orochi swayed wildly in mid-air, and the blood gushed out all over the sky.

Before the heavy, inky clouds rained down, it rained blood.

But Susano's attack was not over yet, I saw Susano's two arms raised above his head, his fingers interlocked.

As if to retaliate to Yamata no Orochi's head hammer attack just now, he slammed down on Yamata no Orochi's hilly body, and lowered the hammer of the gods!


Amid the earth-shattering terror, not only the ground, but even the atmosphere trembled.

With Susano and Yamata no Orochi as the center, the area within a radius of 100 meters collapsed down several meters in an instant. This was a terrifying blow that made the earth scream, and the buildings that survived were also cringing and crouching. For this horrific violence!

Yata no Orochi, who was directly hit by this blow, was directly blasted with half of his body.

If this is really the hammer of the gods, then the one who swung it must be the god of strength! God of War! God of terror!

The violent and sacred majestic momentum swept away in all directions.

At this moment, the myth has come!

The 20-meter-high Susano is so eye-catching in the ruined commercial street of Sapporo City. Even in the neighborhoods that have not been affected by the battle, the huge Susano can be seen from a high place.

"This is too unrealistic. Have we lived in such a world all this time?"

Someone saw this god-like giant, and couldn't help trembling all over, knelt down on the street, and muttered to himself.

"Is it because of the gift of the gods that I can live to this age? Or is it just my luck..."

Watching the battle between Susanoo and Yamata no Orochi from a distance, Shimono only Jing Wang was also so dumbfounded that he couldn't recover for a long time.

"What the hell is this..."

At the same time, in a conference room far away in Tokyo, a group of bigwigs gathered watching the images transmitted by satellites on the screen in real time, couldn't help expressing the same doubts and emotions.

"What the hell is this skeleton giant?"

Almost all the people gathered in the conference room were giants who could be called big men in Tokyo, the chief of the police department who was superior to the police chief, members of the National Public Safety Commission, the defense minister of the cabinet, and the major general of the Mi Army at the Yokota base...

Even a prince of the royal family was present.

Although the prime minister, the emperor and other top3 were not present, this was also a very high-level closed-door meeting.

These big shots had originally held a meeting at the Sakurada Gate.

Of course, the supernatural incident in the shopping mall in Sapporo is not enough for such a level of big shots to hold a special meeting. They are discussing countermeasures for the extraordinary events that happened all over the country after the spectacle of the scarlet moon yesterday.

But halfway through the meeting, it was interrupted.

The satellite was immediately transferred to the sky above the scene, and the scars left by Yamata no Orochi after its rampage in Sapporo were deeply imprinted in their eyes.

"There is no need to discuss it anymore."

They were arguing and discussing how to deal with the frequent monster riots after the Scarlet Moon Spectacle, how to block public opinion, whitewash the peace, and continue to write about it.

But the appearance of Yamata no Orochi shattered their last chance of luck.

The Yamata no Orochi that descended on Sapporo City caused more disasters than yesterday combined.

All the politicians present here are old and cunning politicians, and they know the extent of the disaster and the number of people affected in Sapporo. This disaster is definitely several times the scope and intensity of the battle between the land monk and the red sand scorpion!

After that incident, the Japanese government also tried its best to prevaricate the domestic people.

People can be fooled, but other countries cannot be fooled.

The pressure exerted by big countries that already knew the truth is increasing, and some countries have also heard the wind and made side attacks through diplomatic channels.

The prime minister lost a lot of hair as a result.

Even big men like them are under heavy psychological pressure. Now that the last layer of fig leaf has been pierced by Yamata no Orochi, seeing that things can't be done, they feel a little relieved after breaking the pot.

Everyone is well aware that things have come to the point where they have to be honest with the public.

"Yachi no Orochi is simply a moving natural disaster, even stronger than the land monk!"

The battle between Master Jilu and Chisha Zhijie only destroyed half of the street, while Yamata no Orochi is obviously far more destructive than the two. High-rise buildings under it are as effortless as sandcastles. It can be knocked down with a blow.

Some people have mixed feelings of both gratitude and regret.

Fortunately, in Hokkaido, which is sparsely populated, if it happened in the metropolitan area of ​​Tokyo and Osaka Prefecture, the number of casualties would easily double, and Japan's economy would also stagnate...

Oh, it's stagnant, that's going back ten years.

But since it was going to happen in Hokkaido, why did it happen in Sapporo, a city with a population of more than one million?

If it was in Sunagawa City, Utashinai City, or even Tsukigata Town and Kuriyama Town in the countryside, maybe they could continue to whitewash the peace and pretend that nothing happened.

what a pity.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, um, gone? It's really gone. This monster has only seven heads. Is it really Yamata no Orochi?" The one who spoke was Prince Akishino, the emperor's second son, He is also the first in line to the throne.

He didn't look serious like the others at the meeting, but was as excited as if he was watching a Hollywood blockbuster.

Prince Akishinomiya Fumihito even thought about it, frivolously counting the heads of Yamata no Orochi, screaming as if he had discovered a new continent.

The others were taken aback, and they also counted, and there were really only seven heads!

After the Yamata no Orochi appeared, they only noticed that the giant basilisk had many heads and did not count them at all. Because of cultural influence, they subconsciously regarded it as the Yamata no Orochi.

"It's only one head away, not much difference."

"Could it be Satan?"

The major general of the United States, who has been silently watching the satellite image, made a sign of the cross on his chest and recited the twelfth chapter of "Bible Revelation":

"Another vision appeared in the sky. There was a great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns on its seven heads. . . He was thrown to the ground, and his angels were thrown with him."


Dragon snakes are very similar creatures, they are equivalent to a certain extent. The giant snakes that appeared in Sapporo City have exactly seven heads, and the number matches.

"General Woodman, although the monster has seven heads, it has no horns and is white."

Prince Qiu Xiaogong Wenren said with a smile: "Besides, how could Satan appear in a non-religious country in the far east?"

"Ha ha."

General Woodman was a little embarrassed.

The multi-headed dragon snake is a monster image that commonly exists in myths and legends all over the world, such as Hydra in Greece, Xiangliu in mainland China, red dragon in the Bible, Yamata no Orochi in Japan...

However, people will instinctively be influenced by their own cultural circle and think about it.

After the extraordinary revived, most of the extraordinary people who appeared one after another had an inseparable connection with East Asian culture, and the looming behind them were also East Asian gods and Buddhas. For American people who believe in monotheism, it will also shake their faith to some extent.

General Woodman guessed that the basilisk was Satan, and also had a bit of a complex psychology of wanting to search for evidence from the Bible to prove that their god existed.

"Even if it is Yamata no Orochi, it can't be allowed to raze Sapporo city to the ground!"

During the chat between General Woodman and Prince Fumihito Akishino, the ministers at the scene had a brief discussion and decisively sent the fighter formation of the Northern Air Self-Defense Force of the Chitose base closest to Sapporo to the scene.

And not long after the order was issued, Uchiha Itachi's Susanoo was almost liberated.

Seeing the fierce battle between the two behemoths, Susanoo and Yamata no Orochi, turned Sapporo upside down, like the end of the world, everyone was stunned.

This is simply two monsters fighting!

Until Susano released the first form, he tore Yamata no Orochi in two with absolute violence.

The battle between gods and demons seems to have come to an end.

They just woke up like a dream and looked at each other.

The legendary big demon Yamata no Orochi was suppressed by the skeleton giant like this? !

"Where is this skeleton giant? Which god and Buddha is it?"


As the only authority in the field of monsters and folklore who was allowed to listen in among the members of the expert group, Professor Changshan coughed lightly and immediately attracted the attention of most people.

Professor Changshan pushed his eye sockets, and said solemnly:

"I suspect that the real body of this skeleton giant may be a 'desolate skeleton' transformed from the bones of the battlefield!"

I originally wanted to finish writing around midnight, but the broken computer tossed me again, and there is another update today.

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