I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 253 Chapter 254 Great Change Unseen in Two Thousand Years

"Desolate skeleton?"

Professor Chang Shan, a monster folklore scholar, spoke so amazingly that all the bosses couldn't help but cast their eyes on the past.

Being stared at by so many high-ranking and powerful figures, Professor Changshan's face flushed, and he felt that his body was light and he was about to groan.

That's what it feels like to be valued, Sparassi!

Thanks to you, the ancient transcendent and legendary monster who sang me to the stage, Professor Changshan, who has been sitting on the bench in the expert group of the Metropolitan Police Department for many years, has become the hottest figure in the expert group.

Even being allowed to attend such a high-level meeting, can other experts reach the pinnacle of life like myself? !

"Who is this guy?"

The Chief of the Metropolitan Police Department frowned and asked.

"Hey, this is Professor Changshan from the Metropolitan Police Department's expert group. He is an authority in the field of monster folklore in China. He has provided many valuable suggestions for the work of the Metropolitan Police Department."

Among the powerful bigwigs, it pales in comparison, and the police chief of Akalin introduced a sentence,

"Professor Changshan, you said that this skeleton giant is a desolate skeleton, and what kind of big monster is the desolate skeleton?"

"Desolate skeletons are the resentment of soldiers who were killed on the battlefield, because their corpses were exposed in the wilderness, and their bones were not buried." Professor Chang Shan calmed down his excitement and said seriously.

"The grievances of the fallen soldiers merged into one and turned into huge skeletons as tall as buildings, haunting in the middle of the night, hunting and killing humans."

In order to strengthen his persuasiveness, Professor Changshan took out his tablet, quickly swipe through the catalog, and found the Ukiyo-e page of the barren skeleton in the monster encyclopedia

"The skeletal giant summoned by the Akatsuki organization in Sapporo is very likely to be the Arakan Skeleton!"

A group of big figures leaned over to look around the tablet, and then compared it to the satellite image on the big screen.

The Ukiyo-e Ukiyo-e monster Arakan Skeleton is indeed somewhat similar to the Skeleton Giant.

But they were all skeptical, and even most of their faces were suspicious expressions.

Although they are all huge human-shaped skeletons, compared with the skeleton giants in Sapporo, the wild skeletons do not have the majesty and sanctity of the latter, which symbolizes power.

It's like a milk cat and a male lion. Although they are both cats, no one will believe that they are the same species.

not to mention……

"You are too whimsical. How could such an unpopular and unheard of country monster like Huangkuu be able to suppress a big monster like Yaqi Orochi, who can only be killed by the life of Susanoo."

Prince Qiu Xiaogong Wenren curled his lips disapprovingly, and said.

The other bigwigs looked at each other, deeply convinced, and obviously had similar views.

The three most famous monsters in Japanese legends are the Shuten Doji of Oeyama, the white-faced golden-haired nine-tailed fox Tamamomae, and the big tengu who is the incarnation of Emperor Sutoku. They are all monsters of the king of monsters.

And Yamata no Orochi is even more superior to the three monsters, a demon god that even the gods are afraid of.

Although the basilisk that appeared in Sapporo has only seven heads, it is not known whether it is the injured Yamata no Orochi, or the cub of Yamata no Orochi, or a descendant of impure blood, but it is unlikely to be killed by a miscellaneous creature like the wild skeleton. Let's defeat the aggregation of fish souls.

Professor Changshan was a little unconvinced and wanted to refute something, but seeing that the person speaking was the son of the current emperor, the younger brother of the emperor, and the first in line of succession, Prince Akishinomiya Fumihito, his kneecaps were a little bit brittle, and he almost fell to his knees on the ground.

Ah, Prince Qiu Xiaogong Wenren condescended to talk to common people like himself? !

"Hi! Your Highness, what you said is so true, you are really far-sighted! It's because I didn't think carefully." Professor Chang Shan bowed again and again flattered, and said in a flattering voice.

The bigwigs in the conference room temporarily put aside the topic of what the skeleton giant really is, and turned to more realistic issues, that is, how to deal with the mess in Sapporo City, and the subsequent chain reactions at home and abroad.

"The city of Sapporo was almost destroyed. With such a big disturbance, it is impossible to keep the lid on it. There must be an uproar in the country and an uproar in the international public opinion. It is time to consider being honest with the public, or what to say about the extraordinary incident. degree."

"Yeah, but I should be mentally prepared. Sooner or later, this day will come."

Everyone knows that an unprecedented new era is coming.

With the appearance of Yamata no Orochi in Sapporo as a symbolic event, Japan's extraordinary era will officially begin.

The bigwigs present at the meeting all looked dignified and frowned.

This can be said to be a great change unseen in two thousand years!

Some people are worried about the country and the people, and worry that after the extraordinary incident is made public, the political, economic and international situation in Japan will slide into an uncontrollable abyss; Some people are ambitious, and the times make heroes. They want to grab more benefits in the following chaotic extraordinary era, and even soar into the sky and become extraordinary!

"Let's put other things aside. The number of people affected by the disaster in Sapporo may exceed 100,000. The Prime Minister must be reminded to prepare for the relief of the victims."

Japan is a disaster-ridden island country with frequent geological disasters. The disaster encountered by Sapporo City is definitely the most severe one since Reiwa.

For the Japanese government, the post-disaster reconstruction of Sapporo is also a huge test.

"One hundred thousand? Are there so many people in Hokkaido?"

Prince Qiu Xiaogong Wenren was a little surprised, but then he put on a nonchalant face, saying something that was not politically correct and might be popular if it was spread:

"However, the people living in Hokkaido are all Ainu people, and they are not the descendants of the gods of Takamahara, the Yamato people. If you die, you will die. It's no big deal."

When everyone heard this, their faces were a little strange, and some people twitched their mouths, not knowing what to say.

Japan is a country with a simple ethnic structure. Before 2008, the Japanese government even declared that Japan was a single-ethnic country and did not recognize the existence of ethnic minorities.

It was not until after 2008 that the Japanese government recognized the aboriginal status of the Ainu in Hokkaido, which is the only recognized ethnic group. According to official statistics, the Ainu population is 25,000, among whom there are more or less Yamato ancestry.

Among the 5 million population in Hokkaido, the proportion of Ainu people is less than 1%. It is conceivable that the vast majority of the disaster victims in Sapporo are Yamato people.

It’s the Reiwa Era, and there is still such a stereotype that ‘people in Ezo are all Ainu natives’!

His Royal Highness, Prince Wenren of Qiu Xiaogong, was originally famous for not eating fireworks in the world, but now it seems that this is simply why not eat minced meat.

However, the Japanese political arena is full of a large number of idiots who rely on their blood to hold high positions. People like Prince Akishino, they are no strangers to it.

"Since the Yamata no Orochi that ravaged the town has been suppressed, shouldn't the Air Self-Defense Force sent to Sapporo be called back?"


Major General Woodman, who never cared about what the Japanese were discussing from the beginning to the end, stared at Susanoo on the big screen with brown pupils, and said coldly:

"Isn't there another monster? The fighter formation cannot turn back!"

Major General Woodman showed the inherent tough attitude and strong aggressiveness of the American hawks.

"That person is a member of the anti-human terrorist organization Akatsuki, this is a rare opportunity, kill him too!"


The bigwigs in the meeting room looked at each other, hesitant.

"General Woodman, there is no need to fight the Transcendent for the time being."

The police chief stepped out bravely and said:

"According to the eyewitness information of the police officers from Section 4, the one who appeared in Sapporo was the 'Itachi' of the Akatsuki organization. He is not a vicious transcendent. Now that the battle is over, maybe he will leave by himself."

"You Japanese are too cowardly. The Transcendent has ravaged your city, so you just watch that freak leave like this?" General Woodman slapped the table and snapped.

The police chief's face was a little ugly.

If those who appeared in Sapporo were members of the Akatsuki organization like the Scarlet Sand Scorpion, they would of course support the fighter formation to attack it with a thunderous force.

But the Itachi who appeared on the stage is different. He appeared in Tokyo several times without killing indiscriminately. This time he came to Sapporo and played the role of a savior, suppressing the Yamata no Orochi that destroyed the city.

Even the members of the Akatsuki organization tend to take a benign and neutral position.

The Metropolitan Police Department also doesn't want to break with Itachi completely. The fighting power of the giant skeleton he summons is too terrifying. If the situation escalates, no one can predict how far it will develop.

"The times have changed! Let the freaks of the extraordinary understand that this is no longer a barbaric era of ignorance and superstition. The United States... the power of human beings is invincible!"

General Woodman took a different view.

The battle between the Skeleton Giant and Yamata no Orochi destroyed several streets. It is indeed terrifying in terms of individual combat power, but it is not a big deal to the army of a big country. As long as the equivalent of shells is enough, it is not a problem to turn a city into ruins Down.

The destructive power of the Self-Defense Forces (Mi Army) is much stronger than that of the Extraordinary!

Even after the great battle between Lu Lu and the Scarlet Sand Scorpion, this was the opinion of many people.

It's just that the state machine is wary of the mouse, and it is difficult to use large-scale heavy weapons in the city because of the consideration of civilians. This gives the extraordinary people room to move around.

If we fight face to face, the winner must be a human being, not a monster like a transcendent.

Now that the business district of Sapporo, where the superhumans are located, has been razed to the ground, modern military forces can finally flex their muscles and let the superhumans see the power of human beings, saving them from hiding in the corner all day long, not knowing what they are fighting Ghost idea.

Before experiencing a head-on confrontation and being beaten up by the extraordinary, General Woodman firmly believed that modern high-tech weapons could blow up all these heretic freaks!

Anyway, this is not their own country, and the Japanese are responsible for any problems.

It's just that the big shots in the conference room are not as big-hearted as the Americans, and they don't want to make troubles.

"I have reported the situation to Admiral William, and this is also the opinion of our Yokota base."

At this moment, a phone call came to the Minister of Defense. The Minister of Defense answered the phone, nodding and bowing again and again.

"Hi, hi! I see! Don't worry!"

After hanging up the phone, the Minister of Defense had a sad face and announced to the surroundings:

"It's the Prime Minister's call, and then follow what General Woodman said."

"GOOD! The 201st Flying Squadron of the Second Aviation Regiment, launch an attack immediately after arriving in Sapporo!"

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