I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 254 Chapter 255 F-15J Fighter Formation VS Susano

"I'm a little tired. Susanoo is really a mana-consuming big move. Although it's powerful, it can't be used easily."

Uchiha Naruto controls the first form of Susano, who has condensed the upper body of the skeleton giant, and put down Susano's bloody hands.

The Yamata no Orochi, which was as huge as a mountain, fell to the ground, and the scarlet blood gushed out like a flood, instantly piling up a sea of ​​blood on the ground that could cover the calf, but it couldn't touch Uchiha Naruto's clothes.

"It's no wonder that the two pillars later had Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and they got the full body of the sequel, and they didn't just open up when they met enemies, but opened the initial form of Susano. Although there is also a sense of temptation, But Susanoo's consumption of Chakra is really terrifying."

Now, he is also struggling a little, and his body still feels a little tingling.

The power of God, Susano, is a double-edged sword.

Not only is it a large amount of chakra consumption and a burden on the body, but what is even more frightening is that turning on the Susanoo will also accelerate the decline in the vision of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan until it falls into darkness.

After the Erzhuzi opened the kaleidoscope, he experienced several battles with Kirabi, Wukage, and Danzo. Using Amaterasu and Kagudomei for about ten times, it may take less than half an hour to liberate Susanohu , vision is reduced to the point of almost blindness.

Fortunately, Naruto Uchiha relied on the system to avoid the price of blindness, otherwise he would not dare to squander Susanoo's power like this.

Although it was just a small test, Ming Uchiha was very satisfied with Susanoo's power.

Whether it is attack power or defense power, they are almost impeccable!

There is also the majesty and momentum that is close to that of a god.

With a full blow, the earth was torn apart, causing the earth to scream.

It is simply that the gods descended to earth, recreating the absolute violence of the gods in the age of mythology in the world!

This is just the first form of Susano with only a half-body skeleton giant. It is impossible to imagine how the second, third, or even full-body Susano will have such terrifying powers that can move mountains and seas!

【Sharingan LV3 (800/1000)】

Naruto Uchiha glanced at the skill panel.

It's a pity that although Naruto Uchiha loaded two kaleidoscope pupil techniques in Feiyue and obtained the power of Susanoo, his pupil power is only at the level of Sangoudama Sharingan, and he can only push it with all his strength. Can liberate Susanoo to its first form.

But it doesn't matter anymore, the power of the real kaleidoscope Sharingan has been held in the palm of Uchiha Naruto.

Tsukimi Inaba's 200 ninjutsu points for beheading the evil spirits on the 13th floor of the shopping mall have already been harvested by Uchiha Naruto through the master-student assistance clause.

He can add points to Sharingan at any time and be promoted to LV4!

What's more, there is Yamata no Orochi who has been strengthened by Feiyue to the quasi-kage level under his feet, and the Hokkaido party can be said to be making a lot of money.

The fruit of victory is so plump and ripe that it rolls to the ground and can be picked up, only to reach out to pick it up.

Half of the body of Yamata no Orochi has been turned into meat paste, and the centipede is dead but not stiff. The remaining heads on the other half suddenly opened their huge mouths, revealing a mouth full of poisonous fangs that are several meters long like naginata. Susano almost bit it over.

But it was just a waste of effort, Yaqi snake's fangs could not tear Susanoo's protection at all.

"Are you still struggling to die?"

Susano held his right hand empty, and the orange-red flame condensed into a 20-meter-long lightsaber. With a backhand slash, the two heads of the giant snake were cut off.

Although Susano in the first form cannot be armed with a spiritual weapon such as the Yata mirror, he can already condense a sword to fight.

Yamata no Orochi's head was completely wiped off, but its body did not collapse. Instead, more and more terrifying vitality gushed out from the incomplete half of its body.

Like ever-proliferating cancer cells, or the creep of the Zerg in the StarCraft game, colorful pieces of meat grew out of the Yata no Orochi's body and neck.

In just a few breaths, Yamata no Orochi grew seven heads again!

"As expected of Orochimaru's Eight Qi Art, the vitality can be so tenacious!"

Naruto Uchiha's eyes also showed a bit of strangeness.

The seven heads of Yamata no Orochi's regrowth are not covered with huge snow-white snake scales as before, which is terrifying and at the same time somewhat sacred and majestic.

On the heads and necks of these newborn snakes, there are huge pustules and sarcoids growing on the rotten and blackened skin. The colorful snakes and pythons are dancing wildly like growing hair, and the stench of blood and pus is flowing wantonly. .

It was extremely disgusting to watch, and goosebumps fell all over the ground.

"Ahh! It hurts!"


"Hee hee hee, I am an immortal dragon! Even if the world is destroyed and this country sinks into the sea, I will not perish!!"

"I'm the real dragon! You fakes!"

The seven heads of Yamata no Orochi seem to have independent consciousness, roaring and barking in a mess, and they are still biting and gnawing at each other.

Yamata no Orochi's mental state was not normal at first, but now it seems that he is even more schizophrenic, and has fallen into an even more insane abyss.

The seven giant snake heads struggled for a while, no one could do anything to the other, and finally launched an attack on Susanoo standing on the ground!


Like a battering ram, several heads slammed on Susanohu's body, and the concrete under Naruto Uchiha's feet was shattered.

"That's all!"

Susano swung the orange lightsaber and slashed towards Yamata no Orochi's body.

The huge lightsaber chopped off several heads, and slashed into the body of Yamata no Orochi, but at the same time it cut into Yamata no Orochi's body, its flesh and blood began to grow again, and Susanoo's arm together with the giant sword stuck in the body.

The other heads also took advantage of this opportunity to start division of labor and cooperation, entanglement, bite, and spit poisonous gas, launching a wave of new attacks like a storm.

Naruto Uchiha, who was under the protection of Susano's armor, looked calm.

Yamata no Orochi's offensive and defensive power is not particularly strong, it is only a quasi-kage class, but with its huge size and extremely disgusting vitality, even a kage-level powerhouse would have to spend a lot of time trying to kill it .

Even if it is crushed with the violence of God like Susanoo, Yamata no Orochi gets up again and again like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

To be honest, Naruto Uchiha was also a little tired.

Since the flesh and blood destroyed by physical attacks can grow and proliferate without limit, can the calamity fire that can burn everything be resisted?

Naruto Uchiha showed a cold expression on his face, and the black triangular windmills in his pupils were turning, and he was about to use Itachi Uchiha's kaleidoscope pupil technique.

At this moment, a bunch of small black dots suddenly appeared in the distant sky, roaring under the dark clouds.

Among the thunder, there was also the rumble of the engine.

"Is it... a fighter jet?"

The 201st Flying Squadron of the Second Aviation Regiment of the Northern Air Self-Defense Force, with a total of twenty-four F-15J fighter jets, finally rushed from the Chitose base to Sapporo.

The citizens of Sapporo who were shivering outside the battlefield, or scrambling to escape from the business district of Sapporo, watched the formation of F-15J fighter jets roaring down from the sky, could not help but burst into tears and wept with joy.

The government has not abandoned us!

Although they usually like to ridicule the Self-Defense Forces as big-bodied civil servants and tax black holes, seeing the F-15J battle formation in this critical moment still gives people a sense of security.

If the Self-Defense Forces took action, they would definitely be able to kill those two monsters.

That's how it's done in movies and dramas.

Isn't the specialty of the Self-Defense Forces fighting against huge monsters?

"Call the control tower, Unit 1 has arrived in Sapporo."

"Crew 2 has arrived, requesting an attack."

"Unit 3 arrived at the target airspace, and the target found... In addition to the giant skeleton, Yamata no Orochi has been resurrected again, should it be included in the attack target? Please instruct the command tower!"

The situation was full of twists and turns, and the defeated Yamata no Orochi came back to life and became entangled with the skeleton giant.

Half of the business district in Sapporo was destroyed by two monsters, and there is even a growing trend. The Air Force Control Tower no longer has the mind of fighting for profit. The momentum launched an attack.

"Allow strikes against both!"

"Don't get close to these two monsters, keep an absolutely safe distance, and use medium-range air-to-air missiles first!"


The F-15J is a third-generation aircraft assembled and produced by Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. It is an important part of the Air Self-Defense Force. There are only two hundred of them in service, and more than one-tenth of them are now assembled in the sky above Sapporo.

In addition to carrying multiple short-range and medium-range missiles, the F-15J also has a large-caliber cannon with a range of more than 2 kilometers, and armored vehicles with slightly thinner armor can also detonate in one breath.

But looking at the devastated ruins after being ravaged by two monsters, this tragic scene, even if a war broke out or a major earthquake, some people believe that Yamata no Orochi and the skeleton giant are simply moving natural disasters.

The command tower didn't dare to take risks and let the fighter group get too close.

And for such a monster, the lethality of the aerial cannon may not be enough, it must be hit hard!

As soon as they meet, launch a deadly strike from a long distance, and use air-to-air missiles to kill all these two monsters.

Use the iron fist of modern technology to wipe out these ghosts and snakes of the old age.

One after another, radar-guided medium-range air-to-air missiles dragged long tail flames from the mounting point under the F-15J's wing, and flew towards Susano, who was fighting Yamata no Orochi. .

In the blink of an eye, he hit the target.

Although the sky is dark because of the approaching rainstorm, and the Yaqi giant snake and the skeleton giant have no metal and high heat reaction, it is difficult to lock, but the bodies of the two behemoths with a height of 20 to 30 meters are excellent targets.

The first wave of more than twenty medium-range air-to-air missiles hit more than half of them.




A series of huge explosions and flames soared into the sky, and the flames were deeply imprinted into the eyes of everyone looking at the battlefield, and also illuminated their faces full of expectations.

"That's it, kill it!"

Climbing to the top of a building on the outskirts of Sapporo Commercial Street, Shimono, who had been closely watching the battle situation, couldn't help waving his arms excitedly and shouting with ecstasy.

The Mitsubishi Type 99 medium-range air-to-air missile carried by the F-15J fighter jet has a speed of over Mach 4 and weighs 0.2 tons. Once fired, the blue whale will also be blown through. How can flesh and blood be spared? !

Even Yamata no Orochi, the size of a mountain, and the violent incarnation of the skeleton giant, would have to drink hatred under so many missiles!

The pilots of the fighter jets hovering over Sapporo, the command tower of the Air Self-Defense Force, and even the dignitaries in Tokyo are all waiting intently for the dust from the explosion site to disperse.

He was so nervous that he held his breath without knowing it.

This can be said to be the first battle between the human army and the Akatsuki organization, and the outcome of the battle will definitely determine where the next era will go.

The fog cleared, and the scene in front of them made people's eyes widen. They saw the orange skeleton giant still standing tenaciously in place.

And the Yamata no Orochi, which was crawling at its feet, was blown to half its body, and the remaining two or three heads screamed in pain, but even so, they did not die, and the flesh and blood on the wound continued at a speed visible to the naked eye. Peristaltic growth.

"They're still alive, these two monsters!"

"Especially the skeleton giant, is it unscathed?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, and some even began to despair, thinking that the Akatsuki organization was invincible.

"No, the attack works!"

At this moment, someone in the command tower noticed that there was a crack on the skeleton giant's body!

An attack with so many missiles is effective!

Everyone was cheered up, and immediately swept away the previous depression and anxiety.

"The equivalent is not enough, it must be not enough! Isn't the F-15J loaded with 4 medium-range missiles? Shoot them all out!"

"Continue to attack! Focus on attacking the skeleton giant!"


Susano almost swung his sword, cutting an oncoming air-to-air missile in half.


But then there were missiles fired from all directions one after another. Some missiles were cut down by Naruto Uchiha, and some missiles flew into the residential areas outside the theater, causing violent explosions.

The Air Self-Defense Force seemed to be crazy. It didn't care about the casualties of civilians in Sapporo City, and fired missiles one after another.

Two more air-to-air missiles bombarded Susano from behind, Minaru Uchiha snorted, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Although it is a third-generation aircraft, it is quite capable. Modern high-tech weapons should not be underestimated."

If it's just three or five air-to-air missiles, it's not worth mentioning to Susano, but since the start of the war, Naruto Uchiha has eaten at least a dozen missiles, even Susano can't bear it, and the body surface has already appeared. crack.

Although there was a bit of a tentative intention, and I wanted to see the combat capabilities of the fighter jets, but the F-15J fighter jets were chasing after them fiercely, and Naruto Uchiha's anger was also aroused.

In particular, these F-15Js are very thieves, launching medium-range air-to-air missiles at him from more than ten kilometers or even twenty kilometers away, which exceeds the attack range of the first form of Susanoo, which is annoying.

Susanoo's size is really too big, and the missile's hit rate is greatly improved.

Of course, he can release Susano from the battlefield at any time.

But in this way, in the eyes of the Japanese government, it is a matter of course that the Akatsuki organization lost the enemy and fled, and they have won a major victory. In the future, their attitude towards supernatural beings may change 180 degrees and become more aggressive.

"It's time to end, I'll show my real skills!"

Naruto Uchiha added all the ninja jade to Sharingan.

【Sharingan LV3 (800/1000)】【Sharingan LV3 (999/1000)】

His kaleidoscope Sharingan is finally awakening!

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