I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 255 Chapter 256

【Sharingan LV4 (1/10000)】

Finally, my Sharingan has finally sublimated into a kaleidoscope!

The black triangular pinwheel kaleidoscope Sharingan in Naruto Uchiha's eyes returned to the form of the three-pointed ball, and then the three-pointed ball began to rotate and deform rapidly.

The pupil power in both eyes is undergoing earth-shaking changes, Naruto Uchiha couldn't help closing his eyes.

"Ahahahahahahaha! Power, power is constantly pouring out of the eyes!"

Naruto Uchiha opened his arms, as if embracing the coming power of God, raised his head and laughed wildly.

The new kaleidoscope pupil power is being generated, and Naruto Uchiha's Chakra is slightly disordered.

"It turns out that this is my kaleidoscope pupil technique."

Through Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope pupil technique, the half-body Susanoko in the first form of orange red was liberated, and the translucent flames on his body flickered a few times, and the ice and snow melted and lifted.


"The skeleton giant was finally killed by us!"

"Victorious, the self-defense force is number one in the world!"

"Wrong, the Air Self-Defense Force is number one in the world!"

In the eyes of the Air Self-Defense Force pilots and command towers at the scene, it is taken for granted that the skeleton giant finally could not withstand the indiscriminate bombing of air-to-air missiles and collapsed.

There was a sudden burst of cheers in the empty control tower, and the floor was almost toppled over.

Everyone is excited. Although these extraordinary monsters are amazing in combat power, they are not invincible. The light of human technology will continue to shine on this planet like a lighthouse.

The ancient transcendents of the Akatsuki organization just hid in the city like gutter mice, took civilians as hostages, or played magic tricks such as disappearing instantly, so that human beings were afraid of them and did not dare to use weapons of mass destruction.

If they really set up their battles and confront each other head-on, how could the superhumans be the opponents of the human army? !

As long as you don't care about the safety of civilians and let your hands and feet go, the Akatsuki organization seems to be nothing more than that.

As for those civilians who were accidentally bombed by missiles in Sapporo City, they must also take the overall situation into consideration and be considerate of them.

The Battle of Sapporo broke the myth that the Akatsuki organization was invincible, and it will undoubtedly become an important turning point since the extraordinary recovery.

This great victory inspired the Metropolitan Police Department, the Self-Defense Forces, and even the big figures in the Sakurada Gate, swept away the previous capitulationism and negative mentality, and re-inspired the fighting spirit for the Akatsuki organization, and even the ambition Booming growth!

Among the big shots in Tokyo, there are even some who are daydreaming.

If they can find a way to restrain the Akatsuki organization from teleporting back to the heavens, or even find a channel to connect to the heavens, they may be able to use steel torrents, aircraft cannons to pile up the Akatsuki organization, and even counterattack the heavens, blocking and killing gods and Buddhas!

At that time, not only can you continue to hold the power and enjoy the glory and wealth on the earth, but you can even seize the art of immortality and the law of reincarnation, so that you can rule for thousands of years, wouldn't it be beautiful?

"The skeleton giant's shell was shattered, and the itachi of the Akatsuki organization showed its real body. Do you want to continue attacking?"

"Of course we must pursue the victory!"

The command tower followed the command sent from Tokyo and ordered the F-15J fighter formation of the Air Self-Defense Force on the scene to continue to launch strikes.

"By the way, judging from the file, Itachi's eyes have the ability to hypnotize, don't get too close, continue to use missiles to destroy him!"


Twenty-four F-15J fighter jets drew circles in the sky with a radius of more than ten kilometers from the center of the battlefield.

There were a few more air-to-air missiles, with long flames trailing from their tails, piercing the dark sky and shooting towards the target.

All the members of the Metropolitan Police Department, fighter pilots, command towers, and even the dignitaries in faraway Tokyo were all watching the satellite images intently.

His face was full of fanaticism and hope.

That's right, that's it!

Just kill this monster like this!



But in the next second, the orange-red Susanoo stood up from the ground, and with a backhand, he slashed out with a sword, chopping down two air-to-air missiles.



The crowd who were still excited and cheering and jumping suddenly fell silent. They stared at the big screen with wide-eyed expressions of disbelief.

"Hasn't it been blown up by the missile? Why can it be revived?"

"The Akatsuki organization has summoned a new skeleton giant again?"

"No, the shape and color of this skeleton giant are exactly the same as before!"

An officer in the command tower immediately punched the table heavily, as if to embolden everyone, and snapped:

"Don't mess around! Since we can eliminate the skeleton giant once, we can eliminate the second time!"

"The 201st Flying Squadron of the Second Aviation Regiment, continue to launch medium-range air-to-air missiles and destroy the target!"


Twenty-four F-15J fighter jets regrouped and launched a new wave of missile attacks on Susanoo.

More than a dozen red lights, from the end of the dark cloud-shrouded sky, flew more than ten kilometers in the blink of an eye, and shot at the orange-red Susanoo.

too slow!

Naruto Uchiha suddenly opened his eyes.

After the Sharingan skill was upgraded to LV4, his eyes were no longer just superficial because of the loading of two kaleidoscope pupil spells, but real kaleidoscope Sharingan!

The abilities of Insight Eye, Duplicate Eye, and Hypnosis Eye have once again leapt forward and been strengthened to the extreme, which is completely different from the Sangouyu Sharingan Eye.

It seemed that what flew over in front of me was not a supersonic missile flying at several times the speed of sound, but a light ball of paper thrown from the roof of the building.


Naruto Uchiha made a few seals quickly, and with his hands together, the pupil power and chakra of the kaleidoscope sharingan erupted like a volcanic eruption.

The half-length Susanoo shrouded in the body, no matter its height or size, swelled up to several times in an instant!


"Boom boom boom!"

I don't know how many air-to-air missiles bombarded Susanoo's body, and there was another earth-shattering explosion, and dust flew all over the sky.

But even so, it couldn't conceal the huge figure that stood upright.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of such a terrifying wave of missiles, Susano was like a breeze blowing on his face, standing on top of the ruins, motionless.

"How can this be!?"

"It was clear that the skeleton giant was eliminated before, but this time it was unscathed?!"

"Look, its size has expanded a lot compared to before! Also, what is that, it doesn't look like a skeleton anymore."

"You can still transform! Giant of Light?"

The orange-red Susanoo has swelled to a height of forty meters. Not only that, on top of the original bones, translucent orange-red meridians are constantly winding and growing, serving as flesh and blood until covering the skull and turning into a A dignified face.

This is no longer a skeleton giant, it seems to be Atlas, the giant god supporting the world in mythology!

This is Susano in the second form!

Not only has the body size become larger, the original bones are covered with flesh and chakra coats, Susanoo's arms have also grown into four.

"This is the pupil power of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan! Using the pupil power of the kaleidoscope, I can finally advance the power of Susanoo to the second form!"

The black triangular windmills in Naruto Uchiha's eyes turned.

This is not the pattern of his own kaleidoscope Sharingan, but it is Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope as before.

The shape, color, and armament of the Uchiha clan's Susano are also different from person to person. The second pillar is the purple Susano who uses bows and arrows, and Madara is the blue Susano holding a long sword. Uchiha Shisui is a green Susano with a lance.

After Uchiha Naruto opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, he also had his own exclusive Susano, but it was quite different from the orange-red Susano used before with Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope pupil technique.

Uchiha Itachi's vest, he will continue to use it, and there is no need to switch to another form of Susano.

You don't even need the pupil technique of the kaleidoscope, but using the Susanoo in the second form is enough to shoot down all these buzzing bugs!


A few more medium-range air-to-air missiles hit Susano in the air.

The missiles that were able to cause some damage to Susanoo in the first form before, are no longer a threat at all.

"It's just an ant, you can't hurt me at all."

Naruto Uchiha turned a blind eye to the continuous bombing of missiles, and he was still experiencing the power of the newly awakened kaleidoscope.

Is this the pupil power of the kaleidoscope? It is so wonderful!

Only when you really reach this field can you realize the essential difference between the Kaleidoscope Sharingan and the Sangouyu Sharingan. To put it bluntly, the current Uchiha Naruto can defeat the previous Sangouyu Sharingan with just one look. he.

When Uchiha Itachi and Erzhuzi fought, one can imagine how much water was released.

At the same time, the bigwigs hiding in the Tokyo meeting room were all mournful and crying.

Obviously, the skeleton giant had been crushed before, but it did not expect to become stronger and more indestructible after reappearing. No matter how the F-15J formation bombed indiscriminately, there was nothing they could do.

The situation took a turn for the worse, and seeing the dawn of victory being extinguished, this huge gap made it impossible for everyone to accept such a result.

"It is reported that the medium-range air-to-air missiles carried by the 8 F-15Js of unit 1 have been exhausted."

"Units 2 and 3, too!"

"Isn't the F-15J still carrying three short-range air-to-air missiles? Let me approach them all. I never believe that this monster can hold it!"

General Woodman's face was extremely gloomy, and his brown eyes were filled with anger. He directly issued orders to the command tower.

The police chief who had been watching coldly frowned, feeling that this was a stupid move.

Although he doesn't know much about military affairs, the situation of the battle has become clear, and the 201st Flying Squadron of the Second Aviation Regiment is helpless. At this time, more elite fighter units should be mobilized instead of refueling tactics.

After hesitating for a moment, the police chief stepped forward a few steps, and was about to speak to persuade him. At this moment, there was an uproar in the meeting room, and he quickly turned his head to look at the big screen.

I saw the orange-red giant who had been standing still in the missile bombing before, raised his right hand, and there were several circles of light similar to hook jade rotating in the palm of his hand.

With a wave of the hand, the Gouyu turned and threw them into the distance, flying out of the satellite's capture range.


An urgent message was delivered urgently from the command tower.

"What? An F-15J 25 kilometers away was shot down?!"

Among the ruins of Sapporo City, Naruto Uchiha squinted his eyes slightly, and tried his best to look far away, catching a burst of flames erupting at the end of the sky, with a sneer drawn at the corner of his mouth.

His eyes wandered to the sky in the southeast of Sapporo City. From the perspective of ordinary people, he couldn't see anything, but the Kaleidoscope Sharingan could see nothing, and found a fighter jet hovering 20 kilometers away.


With one of Susano's left hands, the orange-yellow jade was condensed into shape, and it spun sharply.

Gokudama of Yasaka!

This is an ultra-long-range offensive ninjutsu that Susanoo can use universally, but it must be used in the second form.

Naruto Uchiha opened his eyes, and a round of Yasaka Gouyu was thrown out directly, cutting off the wings of the F-15J.

The F-15J disintegrated in the air, and various parts of the airframe floated down. It slid down at an angle and crashed into a park on the outskirts of Sapporo, leveling a dozen trees along the way, and finally a big explosion occurred.

The insight of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan is brought into full play, and even the trajectory of the F-15J flying at high speed 20 kilometers away can be predicted!

The other F-15J fighters of the 201st Flying Squadron of the Second Aviation Regiment, after circling around like headless chickens for a few times, saw that the situation was not good, they turned around and fled in unison.

If they are hiding at a safe distance of ten or twenty kilometers away, it’s fine to use cold guns. After the medium-range air-to-air missiles are used up, the command tower actually asks them to shorten the distance and use short-range missiles to attack. What kind of joke are you kidding?

Even the F-15J that is more than 20 kilometers away can be shot down, and it is not like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth when it is close.

This disorderly life is not acceptable!

This is no longer the era of kamikaze, they choose to be a pilot of the air force, but because it is a well-paid civil service job.

If they want to risk their lives to fight the giant of light, I'm sorry, even if you add money!

"A fighter jet? Under these eyes, it's just a paper airplane. Run away, the farther you can escape, the better! Only in this way can you survive!"

Uchiha Naruto's eyes showed a cold light, the palms of Susano's four arms were combined and divided respectively, and two strings of hook balls were pulled out, dozens of hundreds of hook balls were rotated.

He looked left and right to inspect back and forth, and the kaleidoscope Sharingan locked on all the F-15Js, and Susanoko threw out all four arms at the same time.


Dozens of hundreds of Yasaka Gouyu shot out in all directions like a violent storm.

Let the F-15J fighter plane also taste the taste of being bombed!

"Bang bang bang!"

F-15Js turned into fireballs in the air, and only the luckiest and most decisive people ejected out of the driving seat at the critical moment.

The 201st Flying Squadron of the Second Aviation Regiment of the Northern Air Self-Defense Force, three crews with a total of 24 F-15Js, all destroyed!

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