I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 257 Chapter 258 Kaleidoscope, Tianyu was killed


The indescribable monster as big as a mountain is combined with rotting flesh, dirty pustules, broken scales and other messy garbage, and it keeps making strange sounds like gastrointestinal motility when it crawls stupidly.

A few fleshy tentacles that were sticky and the thickness of a bucket pulled out from the meat mountain, and entangled towards Susano.

It's just that before it got close, there were a few "plopping" sounds, and a jet-black flame was ignited.


This is Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope pupil technique, which can release a pitch-black flame in a wide range of vision. It is a black fire that will never be extinguished until the object it is staring at is burned to ashes.

A few tentacles of flesh and blood were burned up by Amaterasu in an instant.

Uchiha Naruto's eyes were bleeding from the corners of his eyes, but his cold gaze was not affected, and he began to move to Roshan's main body.

Wherever the line of sight passes, the pitch-black flames of Amaterasu rise up and burn blazingly!

Shin Uchiha kills with his eyes!

"Ah... so hot... no, it hurts!"


"...I am immortal! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!"

Under the burning of Amaterasu, large pieces of Roshan's filthy flesh were reduced to ashes.

Although the meat mountain was bulging and wriggling, growing from the inside, but it couldn't catch up with the black flames that were attached to the surface like tarsal maggots and continued to spread.

After being polluted and crazy, the meat mountain transformed from the Yamata no Orochi, which is almost infinitely regenerated, is simply heavenly!

Under the ebb and flow, the ten-meter-high mountain of meat is collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Over the city of Sapporo, chaotic dark clouds rolled and surged. The large hole in the cloud layer that was blasted out by Yamata no Orochi's chakra cannon before was filled again, and countless silver threads fell from the sky amidst the sound of wind and thunder.


But even so, the torrential rain couldn't extinguish Amaterasu's anger.

"Why, despite such a heavy rain, it can't extinguish this dark flame? What is this flame!"

Everyone in the Tokyo conference room looked at the screen in horror, and the black flames that were smeared with thick ink were overwhelming.

Satellite images were also greatly affected by the rainstorm, but near the Sapporo war zone, there were also drones and police officers sent by the local Metropolitan Police Department as eyeliners to closely monitor the situation on the scene.

Unexpectedly, after the resurrected Yamata no Orochi was blown up by the giant, the flesh and blood tissue could still gather, and turned into such a shocking and disgusting monster!

Many people felt dizzy and vomited on the spot.

But what happened next was like a burning fire, covered with black flames with a radius of hundreds of meters in an instant, which was even more frightening.

Look at the black flames that can't be extinguished even by the rainstorm, not only the flesh and blood of monsters, but even steel bars and concrete are burning!

The broken walls and ruins on the ruins, after being covered by black flames, exploded like dry wood and turned into ashes.

No, rather than being burned to ashes, it is better to be gasified.

"How high is the temperature of this black flame?"

"It's terrible! The flames that are so dark that they can devour everything are simply the refining fire of hell."

"Are black flames so rare? Don't flames also come in blue, purple, or other colors."

"Idiot, this cannot be confused at all. Black flames simply cannot exist in this world!"

Although there is no shortage of people who are sitting in the meeting room, there are also guys who have a little understanding of physical chemistry.

Combustion is a chemical reaction that emits heat and light. Light and heat are physical phenomena in the combustion process. Different substances emit light of different wavelengths when burning. Within the range that the naked eye can perceive, the different light Different wavelengths produce different colors.

Even junior high school students have learned flame reaction in chemistry class.

Black is basically defined as no visible light entering the range of human vision, and the flame is burning, that is, emitting heat.

From a scientific point of view, black flames should not exist at all, nor can they exist!

"Up to now, you are still saying that it is impossible! Accept the facts."

But after thinking about it, extraordinary people can even call teleportation, a spell that shakes the cornerstone of physics, at their fingertips, and it's not surprising that they can summon black flames.

But this massive black flame that burns everything is too terrifying!

Sharingan like the eyes of gods, a giant of light with both offensive and defensive capabilities, and a black flame that burns everything in the world.

How many trump cards does Akatsuki's Itachi hide!

If extraordinary people, no, every member of the Akatsuki organization has the rank of Itachi, can humans really defeat these monsters?

"The Yamata no Orochi is about to be defeated."

"This time it's really over, even the flesh and blood have been burned, it's impossible to resurrect."

Seeing that Roshan was getting smaller and smaller under the continuous burning of the black flames, everyone in the meeting room had the same idea.

"Boom boom boom."

The lightning flashed and crackled among the clouds, and the dense raindrops were isolated by Susano, while Naruto Uchiha watched all this coldly.

The Amaterasu in the formula book has the same hot temperature as the sun, so it was named Amaterasu, which represents the sun god.

Although its performance in Hokage is slightly weaker, it is still a very terrifying kaleidoscope pupil technique. As long as it is condensed by the gaze, it will be burned until there is no bone residue left.

"Hiss ah ah ah!!"

There were a few horrific howling and roaring sounds from the mountain of meat, which squirmed a few times, and a large piece of burning Amaterasu's skin fell off, revealing the inner wall full of rotten meat underneath.

"噗嗤", another large piece of meat with black flames was thrown from the main body, and it was burned into nothingness before it fell to the ground.

Roshan seems to want to use this gecko's way of abandoning its tail to escape the trial of the fire.

"Yes, this way of resisting is correct."

Just like the samurai who was stripped of his armor in the Iron Country, and the four generations of Raikage who severed his wrist and cut off the left hand burned by Amaterasu, he quickly cut off the burning part. This is indeed to deal with the eternal Amaterasu Correct tactics.

However, this is just a waste of effort!

Naruto Uchiha opened his eyes, and the black flame once again ignited on the new meat exposed by the peeling of the skin of Roshan.

His kaleidoscope pupil technique is not so risky, and of course there is no scruple in using it.

"Hoo hoo!"

The black Amaterasu fire spread like a prairie fire, and it almost devoured Roshan in just a few minutes.

At this moment, Uchiha Naruto manipulated Susano with quick eyes and hands, and grabbed a mass of meat as tall as a person from the black flame.

The black triangular windmill in Uchiha Naruto's right eye switched to a hexagram in an instant, and after using Kagu Domei to extinguish the Amaterasu on the meat, it revealed the dying Higuchi Orochi with only half of its body left inside.


Orochi Higuchi weakly opened his eyes, and his vertical pupils trembled violently.

"Like I said, those eyes will make you spit everything out."

Naruto Uchiha's kaleidoscope Sharingan shone with a mysterious and strange blood light, and his sight seemed to condense into a sharp sword, piercing through the vertical pupils of Higuchi Orochi.

High-level Sharingan can also read memory.

Higuchi Orochi is one of the earliest youkai born in Heisei 19, and it has also established a secret organization in Tokyo to plot evil. Its information must be of considerable value.

Uchiha Naruto's Kaleidoscope Sharingan roughly opened the memory of Higuchi Orochi. Of course, he would not read everything in detail, but would only select the most profound fragments of Higuchi Orochi.

"Establish a cult to collect people's wealth for bribes, coercion and temptation, and purchase of weapons and ammunition."

A strange look flashed across Naruto Uchiha's face. Orochi Higuchi's idea was really ingenious. He understood the strength of human beings under modern technology, so he lurked in human society, waiting for the wind to blow.

"The co-operator is the Section Chief of the Fourth Search Section, Section Chief Akagi? The Metropolitan Police Department was actually infiltrated to this level by a monster. I think it's a pill."

Guns and ammunition stored by Orochi Higuchi at other locations in Tokyo, as well as passwords to e-mail and bank accounts, were also uncovered.

"Jiao Xing, Wang Jiang, and..."

Uchiha Naruto had such a look on his face.

"Like Higuchi Orochi, the big youkai who were born in the 19th year of Heisei, do they really know each other? In terms of number, there are seven in total."

Uchiha Naruto's Kaleidoscope Sharingan can even be traced back to the part that even Higuchi Orochi couldn't remember clearly when he was born.

"Higuchi Orochi's earliest memories are the same as the monsters that fell from the crimson moon. The monsters were hatched from the spores scattered on the moon. It's just that they didn't grow so fast."

"And in the crimson moon, what Orochi Higuchi saw was..."

"Hiss hiss!"

Higuchi Orochi, who was held in Susano's hand, suddenly had a ferocious face and struggled violently.

"Is it painful? It will be over soon." Naruto Uchiha said indifferently.

"It's not over yet, I'm immortal!"

A trace of madness flashed in Higuchi Orochi's vertical pupils, and his voice was full of unwillingness.

"Next time, I will definitely snatch your kaleidoscope Sharingan! Hiss!"

"There will be no next time, and Sapporo will be your burial place."

"Hee hiss hiss hiss, you can't kill me. Even if you can beat me, you can't kill me! No matter how many times you kill me, I will definitely climb up from hell and strangle you neck!"

A strange and sly smile appeared on Higuchi Orochi's snake face, and half of his body suddenly began to fester, turning into a mass of rotten flesh that slipped from Susanoko's fingers.

But Naruto Uchiha was holding Zhizhu, and turned his head to the east side calmly, his sight seemed to penetrate the ruins all over the ground and sink into the ground.

"I said it, there will be no next time."

The ground of Sapporo City, which was torn apart by Susano with absolute violence, collapsed, revealing a broken sewer.

Because it is an island country surrounded by the sea, the ocean is full of water vapor, and typhoons often pass through the country. Japan's sewer repairs are still so-so.

Even Sapporo City is no exception. The sewer pipes for drainage and flood discharge are poured with concrete, and the main pipe is wide enough to run a horse.

A strange white snake more than half a meter long and thick as a water pipe was crawling with difficulty on the ground of the sewer pipe.

This strange snake even has a head with loose hair, which vaguely shows a human face.

Orochi Higuchi is still alive.

"Hiss, this is my escape route!"

Higuchi Orochi had pride and fear on his face.

There is a fear of Uchiha Itachi Susano, but more of a fear of Feiyue.

Although the Baqi technique obtained from Feiyue is powerful, it also has a strong spiritual pollution, which makes it start to lose its mind and mind, and it is like losing its soul.

Looking back now, I was really in a daze.

If it had been cautious before, it would not have confronted the Transcendent head-on, but would have found an opportunity to escape immediately.

It was Susano who knocked out Yamata no Orochi, separated most of the flesh and blood polluted by the crimson moon, and then Higuchi no Orochi regained his senses, and squeezed out the last bit of strength to expel the main body from the sewer. run away.

It's just that it is too weak now, almost the same as when it was just hatched in the 19th year of Peace Peace.

Maybe a wild dog could tear it to pieces.


Hatching, why is it called hatching?

Forget it, no matter so much, the appearance of Feiyue announced that the era has changed.

The next Japan will definitely become more and more chaotic.

As long as you hibernate again, wait for the opportunity, and ride the wind, the opportunity to transform from a snake to a dragon will surely come!

At that time, those kaleidoscope sharing eyes will definitely...


The top of the sewer pipe on the head of the Higuchi snake suddenly collapsed, and the gray light and rainwater floated down, and a petite girl with a samurai sword jumped down.

"finally found you."

Seeing Sato Inaba? !

How is it possible, how did she find out that I was hiding in the sewer?

Tsukimi Ri Inaba, who was dressed in rags and bruises all over her body, had bruised veins in the corner of her right eye, and the white eyes were shining brightly, and a murderous aura emanated from all parts of her body.

It was me who transplanted her see-through eyes!

Does this mean that many unrighteous deeds will lead to self-death, karma?

"Hey, can we reconcile?"

Although Higuchi Orochi really wanted to say this, he also knew that this was wishful thinking, so he turned his head around quickly and tried his best to escape backwards.


Tsukimi Inaba took a deep breath, the chakra shape change of the wind escape nature was wrapped around the samurai sword, and the blade trembled slightly and made a soft sound.

With a little footsteps, he moved like a rabbit, and his body caught up with Higuchi Orochi like a shadow.

Cut out with one sword!

Cut the white strange snake vertically along a line from tail to head.


The two-petal body of Higuchi Orochi fell to the ground, still jumping.

hiss! I haven't captured the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and I haven't understood all the truths of everything in the world, how can I die here!

"Clang clang clang!"

The red-eyed Tsukimi Ri Inaba held the katana high above his head, slashing downwards like a madman, the knife cut on the ground and sparks splashed, and he didn't even know that his hands were split and bleeding.

"Enough is enough, Tsukimiri-san. It's over"

A hand stretched out from the darkness, holding Tsukimiri Inaba's wrist.

"Master Uchiha Naruto...?"

Naruto Uchiha glanced at Higuchi Orochi-chan, who had been chopped into minced meat and could no longer distinguish the shape.

[The kill is complete, the reward is being calculated]

【Ninja Jade*1000】

[Obtained: Eight Qi Art]

Hearing the system's notification sound, Naruto Uchiha was also relieved.

This is why Orochimaru's ninjutsu is particularly disgusting. Its vitality is more tenacious than that of tardigrades, and it may escape from life if it is not careful.

Orochi Higuchi was not Orochimaru after all, and he didn't have as many backers as Orochimaru. This time he was really dead.

"Congratulations, classmate Yue Jianli."

Naruto Uchiha let go of Tsukimi Ri Inaba's arm, stroked his hands, patted a few times, and applauded.

"Master Uchiha, thank you..."

Tsukimi Ri Inaba forced a smile at Naruto Uchiha, then closed his eyes, tilted his head, and fell to the ground.

Naruto Uchiha stepped forward to check, and he diagnosed with his current medical ninjutsu that Tsukimi Ri Inaba was only unconscious because of great compassion, joy, emotional agitation, chakra, and physical exhaustion, and it was not a serious problem.

"The revenge drama in Tsukimi has come to an end. It's time for the festival in Sapporo to come to an end."

The three hooked jade in Uchiha Naruto's eyes hooked up a brand new pattern.

"Just use my kaleidoscope pupil technique, and Tianyu will be betrayed."

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