I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 258 Chapter 259

"Be full, be full, be full, be full, be full."

In the dim sewer, Uchiha Naruto stretched out a hand, and sang to the void with emotion:

"It goes round and round, followed by five. However, when it is full, it is the opportunity to discard it."

"I declare that your body obeys my orders, and my life is with your sword!"

On the wet ground of the sewer, there was no mysterious glowing magic circle emerging from Uchiha Naruto's chant, or the command spell emerging from the back of the hand, it was still the same as before.

"What's next, forget it, anyway, this is not a real summoner, anything is fine."

Naruto Uchiha forgot the words in the middle of saying the summoning words of Chuu Er, he scratched his cheek indifferently, waved his hand, opened his right eye wide, and the kaleidoscope Sharingan gave off a strange red light.

"Respond to my call, after the first generation of Hokage Senshou Hashirama, the fifth generation of Hokage, one of the Sannin, the legendary big fat sheep, come!"

Under the gaze of the kaleidoscope Sharingan, a full and exaggerated arc emerged from the void.

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful mature female ninja with snow-white skin and pink lips appeared in front of Naruto Uchiha.

Her eyes were closed tightly, and under the long light yellow hair combed into a large ponytail, there was a diamond-shaped blue-purple mark on her forehead.

That's right, Tsunade Hime, the number one beauty in the ninja world!

Naruto Uchiha circled around Tsunade, looked up and down carefully, then stretched out his hand, grabbed her cheek and pulled it.

Start smooth and elastic, full of collagen.

Tsunade Hime didn't realize it, and her face showed a peaceful expression like a sleeping baby in a dream.

"The characters created by Tianyu working hard to weave fantasy are exactly the same as living people. Well, let's call them 'Servants'." Naruto Uchiha withdrew his palm, rubbed his fingers, and said with satisfaction.

Uchiha Naruto's kaleidoscope pupil technique is of course impossible to summon Tsunade to reality. The Tsunade in front of him is a follower who Tianyu worked hard to weave according to Uchiha Naruto's impression, and perfectly reproduced the body in appearance.

Boarded in Uchiha Naruto's right eye, the first awakened kaleidoscope pupil art, Tian Yu Shou, is an illusion-like pupil art that can turn virtual characters into reality.

The servants that Tianyu worked so hard to weave were not as simple as shadow clones.

Unlike the previous vests transformed by shadow clone and transformation, those vests are essentially Uchiha Naruto himself.

The follower is a fake created by Naruto Uchiha's kaleidoscope pupil technique, not only has no flaws in appearance, but also an individual with its own independent consciousness and memory.

Although it is only the memory, will and even soul given by Naruto Uchiha based on the prototype.

It is impossible even for the followers to know that they are just Tianyu's hard-working creations. After all, their memories and souls are deceiving them to be real.

I don't know that Zhou's dream is a butterfly, and the butterfly's dream is Zhou Hu.

Transformation is nothing but to deceive outsiders, and Tianyu's servant is the ultimate illusion that can deceive even himself.

Tianyu was put to death, and in "Nihon Shuji" it was called Tiantian's female life, alias Gongbishen, and Omiya was able to sell her life.

According to the Amano Iwato myth recorded in "Kojiki", due to Susanoo's reckless actions, Amaterasu hid in Amano Iwato after being angry, and the world suddenly fell into a long night.

Eight million gods gathered by the Tian'an River to discuss great plans, and the wisdom and wisdom attracted long songbirds to sing at the entrance of the cave; Dancing on buckets.

The gods laughed wildly as if they were performing a ceremony, and Goddess Amaterasu was puzzled when he heard the noise of laughter and dancing outside.

Amaterasu was deceived by Tianyu, claiming that a goddess more noble than himself was coming, so he pushed Panto to peek.

Therefore, the dance of Tianyu's life is considered to be the origin of Japanese dance, and it developed into Kagura for sacrificial activities.

Worshiped as the god of dance and entertainment in later generations, it is the patron saint of entertainers and actors. From ancient times to the present, there are endless people who pray to Tianyu to pray for the smooth development of their stardom.

"Tianyu, the God of Performing Arts who deceived Amaterasu, was put to death, which is commensurate with my kaleidoscope pupil technique. After all, my kaleidoscope pupil technique can weave fake ones, no, I am a follower who doesn't even realize it's a fake!"

"Although my acting skills have improved a lot, no matter how good the shadow avatar is, how can it be as good as the real performance. As long as the stage, script and lines are prepared, the servant created by Tianyu will be the best actor."

Kaleidoscope Sharingan is the ultimate pupil technique of the Uchiha clan. It is known as the strongest eye that sees through the three worlds, and the earth-shattering pupil technique.

Sharingan is also known as the eye of the soul, and the ability and pattern of the kaleidoscope Sharingan also vary from person to person.

I don't know if it's God's will in the dark, or a pure coincidence. To some extent, the Kaleidoscope Sharingan can be said to be inseparable from the owner's personality and field of expertise.

Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope shape is a dart, and his ability to use shuriken is even more superb, and he can be called the number one in the ninja world.

Uchiha Itachi was originally a ninja who was very good at fire escape and illusion. When he awakened the kaleidoscope, the conflict between the family and the village had become so acute that it could not be reconciled. He wants to get the power that can change everything, that is, the Amaterasu that can destroy everything in the world. At the same time, he also had a little fantasy in his heart, awakening Tsukuyomi who can manipulate the illusion world at will.

This is especially true for Uchiha Shisui. He desperately wanted the village and family to be reconciled, so he awakened the strongest illusion that can rewrite the will.

Witnessing Lin being pierced to death by Kakashi, Obito Uchiha's whole person and the world were distorted, and he fell into despair about the world.

Holding Lin's body in his arms, Obito Uchiha wanted to deny the facts and the world, and awakened the power of God that can escape everything and tear apart the real space. The Kaleidoscope pattern is also a symbol that is being distorted.

The six-pointed star kaleidoscope of the two pillars may indicate his identity as the reincarnation of the son of the Six Paths.

When he learned the truth and awakened the kaleidoscope, Erzhuzi was swallowed up by darkness, his hatred turned into vengeful anger, and his heart only had destruction, so he got Amaterasu, which can destroy the world, and Gagu Satomi, who can greatly strengthen Amaterasu's power.

Naruto Uchiha is no exception.

It may be because he has been acting as the mastermind behind the scenes, putting on all kinds of vests and performing big shows, so Tianyu, the awakened pupil of Kaleidoscope Sharingan, has been working hard to provide him with the best actors and chess pieces.

For a long time, Naruto Uchiha has tried to play various Hokage roles to deceive the world. Uchiha Itachi is still able to handle a cold character like this, but it is a bit difficult for a character like Jiraiya who escapes from the funny comparison.

Many outstanding actors are schizophrenic due to being too involved in the drama and unable to distinguish between reality and drama.

Not to mention asking Naruto Uchiha to use the transformation technique to turn into a woman.

There are only zero and countless times for women's clothing, but Naruto Uchiha insists on the bottom line, absolutely not women's clothing.

Now, female characters in the ninja world can be weaved through Tianyu's work.

Hinata Hinata, Azabui, Sakura and the like are also ready to play.

"There are also actresses, and now I can transform from an actor to a director. The director, the uncrowned king behind the screen, to some extent matches my style as the mastermind behind the scenes. No wonder my Sharingan has this pattern."

The three black hook jades in Naruto Uchiha's eyes were intertwined, deforming like a pattern of a film reel.

It is shaped like an icon that is commonly used to represent movies on the Internet.

As soon as Naruto Uchiha's kaleidoscope Sharingan turned, Tsunade opened his eyelids, revealing his empty eyes like puppets.

Tianyu is a servant who has just been woven, and his memory and personality are just a blank sheet of paper, which needs to be processed by Uchiha Naruto.

Of course, it is impossible for him to instill the memories and experiences of the original ninja world into Tsunade's brain, but the so-called heaven and extraordinary world settings after the Uchiha Naruto reform, as well as the past of Sannin.

"The footsteps of the extraordinary era are getting closer and closer!"

After half of Sapporo City was destroyed by the fierce battle between Yamata no Orochi and Susanoo, and even an aviation unit of the Self-Defense Force was wiped out, the fire could not be contained, and it was imminent to disclose the extraordinary incident to the public.

It is foreseeable that the next Japan will be turbulent and confused.

Especially after Uchiha Itachi's Susano showed the absolute violence that can ignore the general combat units of the legion, the upper class must be even more panicked all day long.

Naruto Uchiha also needs to use the official's hand to search for the whereabouts of monsters to obtain ninja jade, and at the same time try to investigate the truth about Feiyue.

It is not a bad thing for Naruto Uchiha to stabilize people's hearts now.

After the war in Sapporo, the government will definitely increase the threat level of the Akatsuki organization again and regard it as an unprecedented enemy.

Although it is said that the urban area was basically destroyed by Yamata no Orochi, Susano almost relentlessly attacked the Air Self-Defense Force, didn't he?

Now there are red sand scorpions, Uchiha Itachi, A Fei, and Orochimaru appearing in the Akatsuki organization, and it is only Master Ji Lu who clearly helps and stands on the human side, and the proportion is a bit out of balance.

Not to mention the newly promoted transcendents in the hands of the Metropolitan Police Department, the sum is not enough for Xiao to organize anyone to fight.

So Naruto Uchiha felt it was necessary to add a few heavy weights to the Metropolitan Police Department.

It happened to be able to try the kaleidoscope pupil technique he had just awakened, and Tianyu was put to death.

"Let's use Sannin to draw the curtain down on the festival in Sapporo."

Thunderstorms in summer come and go quickly. Although the cloudy rain in the sky has not dissipated, the storm has turned into a continuous drizzle.

The black flame in the center of the ruins of Sapporo City is still burning fiercely, showing no intention of going out.

The gigantic Susano standing in it stands out from the satellite images.

"What should I do?! Yamata no Orochi has already been defeated, and the person from the Akatsuki organization will definitely leave soon. When will we wait, should we just watch this monster leave?"

"Then what can you do! Come, come, give you a gun, you go and kill him!"

"Baga! How dare you talk to me like that?!"

The conference room in Tokyo is already noisy and chaotic, until now they are still arguing, unable to come up with useful decisions, and there are even a few people who are so red-faced and thick-necked that they almost rolled up their sleeves to start a fight.

The police chief sighed secretly, the threat from the Akatsuki organization was imminent, but the bigwigs in the conference room still had no intention of uniting, except for hysterical incompetence and rage, and shirking responsibility.

The chief of police even vaguely hoped that the superhumans of Xiao's organization would teleport away like the previous few times.

Then they can also usher in a temporary respite.

But contrary to expectations, Uchiha Itachi not only did not teleport away, but a slender figure wearing a black-bottomed red cloud robe flashed like a ghost at Susano's feet.

There was a sudden silence in the conference room.

Another person from the Akatsuki organization appeared!

"Is it Orochimaru?"

The police chief squeezed out a few words through his teeth with an ugly expression.

Although the satellite image could not really capture the faces of the two, the drone hovering in mid-air at the scene clearly captured the snake-like face.

With a cold demeanor and vertical pupils like snakes, the police chief immediately recognized that this was Orochimaru who appeared in the Mt. Miao incident.

"Why even Orochimaru has come, isn't he still looking for sacrifices and passages from the lower realm?"

"The people from the Akatsuki organization suddenly appeared together in Sapporo. What is it?"

Cold sweat began to ooze from the forehead of the police chief. Originally, one Uchiha Itachi had already made them feel like an enemy, but now there was another Orochimaru. It was really exhausting to fight such two monsters at the same time.

But from the footage captured by the drone at the scene, the two members of the Akatsuki organization were communicating about something.

"Quick! Get all the drones on the scene, I want to see what they are talking about!"

The police chief's eyes lit up, and he ordered impatiently.

For a long time, the Metropolitan Police Department has only superficial understanding of the Akatsuki organization. They don't even know the purpose of their invasion of the human world. They are even confused about the great war that destroyed half of Sapporo. Will fight with Yamata no Orochi.

If some important information can be obtained in the dialogue between the two, it may become a breakthrough.

"But it's still raining. In this kind of weather, the audio-visual acquisition equipment on the drone may not be able to capture any clear sound."

"It's okay! The drone moved over, I understand lip language, and I can tell what they are saying."

The police chief's order was quickly delivered to the scene, and more than a dozen drones quickly approached.

Orochimaru glanced at the drone swarm, and didn't seem to take them seriously, and said something to Itachi with a soft smile.

The chief of police did not take his eyes off, and said word by word:

"'You found it from Yamata no Orochi'..."

"What, 'Jade of the Dragon's Head'?"

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